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 May 2015
K Balachandran
the wind booms,
the holy chant
kept awakened
my inner power grid.

The invisible fingers of wind
play sensually
on the salacious forms
sand readily assumes.

Inside the pyramid
I built brick by brick
with my love for you,
hope and anticipation,
silence stood frozen;
ages rained over it.

I was oblivious of
anything other than love,
kept waiting for you there
in my anthill beyond time.

time immesurable passed
like waves after waves
beating on the sandy shores,
numbers are just the creation
of mind's illusions like time and space,
but love I believed would fight back
the vagaries of human transience.

and at last I see
a turtle swim above white form
of an imagined ocean, my love
I see you swimming along
a mysterious apparition.
the moment has come
to redeem me from this bind.

It's like coming up from
the depth of blue waters
escaping a death by drowning.
Seeing your smile  was like
an assurance for a place in the sun, all over again
but I stood stunned as you walked past in silence.

And when I chased, you dissolved like a mirage,
the shadow alone was left on the sands, a coiled serpent skin!

after a trek that felt like a lifetime, I found you again,
there , at my favorite oasis; but it wasn't you
I knew from the first sight.  
                                               On my lips you kissed
one last time, for the sake of love that kept us wait in vein
in words dripping pain you whispered in to my ears:
"This  isn't real my love, you are day dreaming,
forget me the flower bloomed in mirage, go back to depth,
stop vainly flitting in transience, only one way we can unite
eternity waits for us , it's not this shadow of love, but real"
The Sun's

Thy black
white feathers

And heal
The human race

Moon Souls
Oceans dream of
Your return

Music Muses
Play for Us
Lost souls to find
The path of innocence
And love

Breaths, hands, rhythms
Rhymes of Thou magic Wings

Oh, to be
Each step
Lifted upon the invisible
Eagle Spirit
To follow
The fellow

Us - imperfect beggars
For life to the dawn of enlighted
souls sharing


Dance of Infinity
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Spirit
Don't read if tyring. Don't think this is absurd. Don't don't love me.
My grandmas hands were gentle as the skin was raw from water. I loved her.
Now you know me. She loved me. always. wanting me to wear a cap not to freeze deep. I always beat up my brother at chess if we play slow.
Clocks bounce me out of my natural rhythm. My thought processes are sheer speed as light and love is. Now you don't know me. The best ice cream I ever had was in Köppenhagen. The best strawberries are from the nearest forest. Not there. Aaaapchoooo.
                      We posses only the internal first right to grow

To become longer and thirst. . . for each other to be subjected to
                                       heart throat belly sweet feet wrenched longings and the Psyche subtexted and restored on our Path
                   saved from the diaries of diabolic old id

Awww the crazy romantics overlaps my reason frequently thinking of you
overflooding my boiling red rivers, being genuine blooe blood blooms

                          The Enchanter Neptune is here within this perfect I am entwined making love to my Venus and the Arrow of Eros flies impeccably from the bow's tangental string long before it hit me in the core of my radiant formidability
                            formatting the infinite flowers open from the rose bleeding             tears of honeysuckle nectar alluring even the still air around us
                      breeze deep lovers
                         our written diaphanous dreams untangle this fluent love of fluctuations - "madam i'm madly intoxicated with thou love" - spinning
                    mind to body
                             pinnin' up our glowing souls to the edge of the nearest galactic centre approaching as a dark unforgettable symphony
                        attractive spirits permutating
visages, forms and visions
                          zebras, donkeys and magnificent horses stampeding
to the shores of passionate burning collision    

I have had this most magical dreams of different creatures emerging out of the ocean waves forming in the foam of their peeks, or as large as mighty waves when they grab you and swing you on their amplitudes. We are all velocity swimmers, for others we dive, for me you floaat above the mundane... I love your thoughtful elegance This style of a heart budding into ions of ineffable revelations
I was walking under ancient palm trees and healthy pines . . . on the Riva dressed in linnen summers dress . A humble content joyful human being Castaneda's legacy dreamer ... A spectator of energy waves on the real coloured gem deep dark azul and deep blue see . . . emerging flamingoes and pelicans transforming into dolphins, fish, little birds, turtles, lions, whales  
                          each other merging
as a cluster of maidens in Roman bathtubs waiting for Turkish honey to be massaged and soaked deeply into their bronze white skins as they were a perfect medium for younger mystics : As they are tempted to be untamed from untainment again
What I do  know
         is that        magic is floating all around me and I don't convey this simple fact with exact assurance in no time : are we sinking or gliding as a spectre of wave lenght

My friend din't love Aurora Borealis. He's too much of a loner and I felt that the triangular topography of my electro charged notebook
was a magnetic love tale from the enchanted forest. I was mistaken. I could . .  in my utter..  the immediate intricate love crush occured

Unintentionall y
for The Northern Exposures went surfin' south. From here we switch easily from one Galaxy to another. Easily! Come! Choose wise, my inspiration, my
    before the cosmic wind rattles my green bones and crush them into nonexistence, brawling and wavering the micro humus for the next generations.
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Shore
The curtain descended on the show
at last the cast took a bow

There you were reaching for the stars
my heart you took in you hands that night

You reached for my hand so new
took my life into yours I knew

You told me life was a song
you kissed my breeze all day long

You were my life and love in a sweet melody
we danced into the night

One last time has come as we gather round
all those unforgotten days so lost

Fond memories brought moments of sob'
hurting my heart never to be.... I knew it the moment
again after years of disappointment

Don't go I cry, my eyes gone dry
a hint of goodbye just one more time

This crying for my love my life
I didnt mind the whirl
one last time my love we gather here..

You are and have been my perfect love....

United in love.... .............
 May 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
Once you uttered
And do not be reversed
It remains either in the air or in the disc

Just as

Once the heart when I gave you
The freedom went to exile
Birds are caught in the cage

And the words within the words are lost
As like as your mystic form,
Vanished slowly on the horizon

Some songs roll over your mind
Some words are as deep marker
Still exist, after the departure of

Just as

Even after the train going away
You're standing at the station
But the mind does not want to return

What is the fault
Lost in the wind of memory
Seeking the truth beyond the existence

Was written in order to leave
Ah! What a difficult moment!

Life is the game of light and shadow
Stay away from the dark for some time
@ Musfiq us shaleheen
 May 2015
She traced
the patterns pressed
by the grass
into my knees

with gentle lips
and fingertips
as light as
falling leaves...
(Can't sleep remix)

We traced
the patterns pressed
by the grass
into our knees

and lay
with slowing hearts
undressed and
sleepy in the breeze...

(nearly next morning now remix)

She moves her hand
more lightly than
the touch of falling leaves

and traces like a map
the pattern pressed
into my knees

and where the lines
are deepest finds
my sweetest memories...

monet's passion written in
whispering tears.
the still lake smoulders
in ripples, all shadows and smoke.

a dragonfly presses the air
into whir, memories in my
pocket saddled to fire.


the air murmurs with death-shouts.

is this to sink, deep in a dungeon
of opulent blue

or to shimmer, iridescent
like a moon-lamp, empress
of ocean green and river blue
beyond the stilling light.


this is a bed of decadence
drowned moment of golden fire
in the sipped leaves that trumpet
to the clouds, that this is their day to


water lily, white light of the pond
following the drowning dark,
flower of drifting quiet,
flower of dream.


root treading past
the stillness of dusk,
utter existence,
daughter of the moon,
daughter of the silence.
 May 2015
Raw and wild
A  rollercoaster mile
Tails of flames
Shining stars untamed

Across dark sky
Shooting stars descend
Even the brightest stars
Burn out in the end

But burnt out stars
They burn so bright
In the peaceful calming  
Starlit nights...
"Burnt out stars
they burn so bright"
Borrowed from
Front Row
 May 2015
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

The lines in you'd represent,
The outskirts of our memories,
Looking into them,
For a decade or a century,
For that I am flattered to have known your life and what your background was,
What's the cost of peers without the funding of trust,
Get it!
You do???,
But they wouldn't know this,
We were tight before this.
SESSIONS Chapter 1 Ep
 May 2015
Sonya Ki Tomlinson
Immersed in God ecstasy
and orange robes
the true bhakta’s thoughts
are always on God, for God
and of God
armed with pure love
the slings and arrows
of maya, good, bad and outrageous fortune
are averted
God and His beloved
whirl across the bhakti path
dancing with Rumi, Kabir,  St. Francis  Meera Bai
and all the beautiful bhaktas
for eternity
 May 2015
Nothing truly never ends or begins. It just keeps on going forever..
You are the continuation of someone somewhere..
And you will be the continuation for someone somewhere..
No matter how you look at it..
You are a ripple that will wave across the eternal flow of time..
And so the flow never ends..
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