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  Jul 2018 Abby Jo
Kayley Godek
My body somehow knows
The grief tomorrow holds.
I ache and throb
But I cannot sob;
The urge to cry
Stings my eyes.
My feet drag heavily
In the depths of this valley.
Every year without fail
I remind myself I am too frail.
"You're strong without the numbers,"
Yet I was too weak to pull you from your slumber.
Each March 22nd
Feels just like the 1st end,
When your heart stopped beating
And mine started bleeding.
I'd skip this whole day
But I'd miss the chance to say:
I miss you, lovely little hurricane.
It's all I can do to keep sane.
The smell of mint
Hurts just a hint.
The skinny jeans and hair bows
I could never disown.
I wear your effect  
On my forearm *****.
The pain of loss is akin
To etching you into my skin.
My hands shake with cold,
Though not as cold as a headstone.
Oh, how my body knows
The grief tomorrow holds.
In Loving Memory of Kelcy Golling.
07/02/1999 - 03/22/2014
Abby Jo Apr 2018
One bottle of wine all to myself
Didnt even need a glass
Just drank straight out of the bottle
Not one person aware
Just as I prefer it
Im sure it will come to a head
As soon as my tongue touches that one drop
that will push my limit
Everyone will hear it time and time again
Cant keep it bottled up
But for now, I'll keep the bottle up
Don't want to talk just yet, but it will allll come out eventually
Abby Jo Apr 2018
Saying hello with a bright smile and welcoming eyes
How did I get so good at pretending
My insides are on fire
I could burn this whole place down
For the sake of everyone on their highs,
I won't
put holes in these walls with my angry fists
yell at the undeserving
I will
keep pretending
until it becomes my reality
I have mastered being fake happy
Abby Jo Mar 2018
A green aura of envy
Apparent yet hidden simultaneously

Melodies flow and the music plays a delightful tune
Every stitch sewn by her maker was made with better wool than mine

Beyond the desired looks, their love is secure
Just one more thing to add to the list

In my arsenal you ask?
Broken poetry and unused words

Majority says nay
Minority says yay

Love around here has been suffocated
Plenty to share, none to myself

Loves taken a hiatus status
I’ve folded my hand.
Consistently dealt a 7/2

My cue to return to real life
Is when the water turns cold
Abby Jo Mar 2018
Heres a little diddy
'bout my hopes and dreams
Take a little pity
on me please oh please
Tell me that I'll be fine
and you're the one
And that this is the last time
and I'll be done
Tired of searching for the love of my life.
Abby Jo Mar 2018
She took another sip of her fine feathered drink
I don't think this is a learned behavior
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Blank stares following her body sways
Making mountains out of molehills
I take an attempt to persuade her to address the issue
Only leaves a temporary result to get us off her back
The weight on her back transfers to mine
All eyes on me to intervene again
Though my shell is hard, my inside is not
Abby Jo Feb 2018
Do you think of me when you can’t sleep
All alone, or so I think

Do you hear a peep
Are you listening
Are your eyes closed tight  
Losing winks of sleep

Can you see the lights peeking in
Outside of your window it’s time again
I feel depression setting in
Oh no here we go again

The same routine
Im losing me
Lost inside these ruins
There’s not much that I’m doin
Now you know why I pushed you away
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