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Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
i thought that destroying myself
was the way to save you from who i am inside
but it turns out, harming me
destroyed you more than i ever managed to hurt myself

maybe if i had hid it from you better
you never would have seen the scars and cried
youd have never heard me puking
i destroyed myself, but you are a part of me
Beebz The Queen Nov 2014
I do not write because my poems are good
Nor do  write to truly feel
I merely write because I have worth
In these words that are so real

I don’t consider myself a great writer
And I don’t write as a simple pass time
I write because I define myself
In every syllable and every rhyme

I write because I live in words
And breathe in each sentence
And honestly it brings me peace
To write of my repentance

I think that pain is easier to speak of
When I don’t have to use actual words
And people listen a lot better
And my statements don’t go unheard.

Writing my only escape
From the sadness I always dwell
And writing my happiness
The only way to reverse this spell.

I write because its right
I do it because I know I was meant to
I write so my brokenness isn't forgotten
I truthfully write for you.
Beebz The Queen Jan 2015
is it bad that i read my own poetry and cry?
and feel sorry for the person going through the pain?
is it silly that i feel more when i read these then when i breathe?
that my emotion is only in these poems you read?

for so long i thought i needed someone to feel
that cutting was a way to actually have a reason to cry
but these poems, the more i read the more i weep
for this lost girl with so much heart break.

who is she? who am i? why am i so sad?
this is all answered in my poems,
bad break ups, parents, life... they take a toll on you
but why am i, the way i am?
Beebz The Queen May 2016
when everything was going well
and I didn't feel like ****
you somehow turned my life to hell
and walked right out of it

you made me want to trust you
you just had to make me care
you told me lies, I told a few
but you left, that's not fair
Beebz The Queen Sep 2014
I wished at 11:11 last night
but I don't think it's fair
I wished for your hand in mine
but it was never there

I saw a shooting star last night
but I doubt my wish came true
I wished for the impossible
I wished to be loved by you.
Beebz The Queen Oct 2014
If i could end it all today i would
If I knew no one would notice
I'd keep cutting if he hadn't found me out
If you knew no one would care,

                              would you keep breathing?

If you heard the whispers
And could feel the stares
And the insults... seem to choke all hope
If you were told no one would care,

                               would you keep breathing?

If it were a choice
Between your life and his happiness
What would choose
If your death was his peace,

                               would you keep breathing?

If death were your own escape
From the demons who follow
If life was torture
And death was freedom,

                             would you keep breathing?

If not breathing was an option
A simple road to choose
I'd take it..... but......
If i was gone,

                            would *you
keep breathing?
I didn't think i could keep breathing.. but here i am writing about it..
Beebz The Queen Oct 2015
We made an agreement
One we couldn't break
A promise to last a lifetime
Our relationship at stake.

You didn't read the terms and conditions
Backed out before the contract was through
****** me over again and again
But I guess the blame wasn't on you?
Beebz The Queen Mar 2015
i never knew that things could go so un-accordingly
i never guessed you would fall for a different girl
i never considered that i wasn't the one you wanted
i never realized i was never your world

you never asked me how i felt about us
you never acted like you didn't care
you never touched me in public though
you never wanted me, and that's not fair

im hoping that things could change between us
im wishing that i hadn't yelled at you
im begging you to still care, even if its only a tad
im  praying that what we had isn't through

*youre leaving me now that i know the truth
youre not even going to say goodbye
youre through with all i thought we had
youre not sorry it was all a lie
Beebz The Queen Apr 2015
i cannot seem to write anything with meaning
my words all seem to say the same things in the same way
i try and try but nothing new ever crosses my mind
i have nothing, absolutely nothing new to say.

— The End —