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May 2015 · 951
Message in a bottle
Akaash Patel May 2015
Right now we are a world apart
But there's something I feel,
It resides in my heart.
I can sense you in the summer breeze.
This connection is unstoppable,
I feel you from overseas.
Wish I could be on the next flight.
Give it time, I promise we'll be alright.
I'm here for you, trying to elevate us
to new heights.
I know actions are louder than words,
but right now words are all we have.
I'm just trying to word us right.
May 2015 · 569
Main project
Akaash Patel May 2015
I told her to wait,
I said I'm getting my notepad.
She asked what for
I said because
I want to write down
Everything u have to say
I want to research you.
I know that sounds weird.
But learning about you
Makes me feel more intelligent.
I went to school for years
But no information has been
this relevant.
May 2015 · 626
Akaash Patel May 2015
We give each other a certain balance.
Not anybody can figure her out,
she tests me and I love the challenge.
Mysterious, keeping her desires subtle,
She's complex and I've always loved a puzzle.
She has a gift,
her mind
is like an abyss.
Get lost in her depth.
Her thoughts are so deep.
That you could even drown
In the shallow end.
May 2015 · 2.3k
Intelligent beauty
Akaash Patel May 2015
She keeps my soul alive,
I'm content with just the conversations.
Intelligent beauty,
everyday I travel to her imagination.
She gave me her Skeleton key.
I can explore any place in her mind.
Trusting each other with the secrets and fascinations of our lives.

May 2015 · 692
Her last letter
Akaash Patel May 2015
In her letter this is what she told me:
You,re the only one I trust.
I know I disappeared but it was best for us.
I didn't want you to see me when I was sick.
Sorry I kept you away but your love is the only thing that I miss.
I'm trying my best to recover so that I can see you again.
And we can be best friends, this time to the end.
We can take it slow, remove the scars, have a fresh start.
I hope by the time you read this, I'm back in your arms.
And you're telling me you love me.
You're the only reason I haven't slipped away.
But forgive me if I do, just know I'll never stop thinking of you.
Never until my last day.
May 2015 · 759
Akaash Patel May 2015
Take a risk with me.
        I'm going to show you
          That there is much
              More to life
         then what you can see.
      Life's all about taking gambles.
I cant promise you I won't break your heart
Who knows maybe you'll hurt me
But I promise you I'll do anything
to make us last.
       This new journey awaits us
Are you ready?
May 2015 · 526
Akaash Patel May 2015
Society can bring women down so they don't know what their worth.
Heaven ain't hard to find, you can find a true angel on earth.
See it's our job to give them what they really deserve.
They carry on, give you strength the kind that's irreplaceable,
The stress and insecurities hurt them inside, but on the outside their not fazed at all.
If you're blessed that kind of woman will carry your child.
If you're lucky that child will carry her smile.
May 2015 · 11.3k
Akaash Patel May 2015
Be brave enough
to catch
your dreams.
Even when everybody is
Bringing you down.
Giving up is the easy way out.
But you are tougher.
Jealously is
powerful, it's wrong.
But some people
just want to
see you suffer.
Just keep on smiling and carry on :)

May 2015 · 424
million eyes
Akaash Patel May 2015
I've seen a million eyes,
but only hers can look at me
and save the day.
They can clone her a million times,
and I can point the real her out
straight away.
May 2015 · 404
Heaven and Hell
Akaash Patel May 2015
Hell is not a place you go if you don't abide by religion.
Heaven is not above.
Heaven is sharing your life with somebody special.
Hell is a place you go when you lose the women you love.
May 2015 · 611
Akaash Patel May 2015
Keeping the world
a distance.
Walking alone,
afraid to trust.
Some of us turned cold.
Because we forgot
what it's like to be loved.
May 2015 · 488
Rose from Hell
Akaash Patel May 2015
I really miss her, those simple moments.
When I could just reach out and
kiss her.
She told me her secrets, that I'll never glorify.
Somewhere dark in my heart is where the story lies.
Remember everything she told me, it made me cry.
Tried to absorb the pain but inside I died.
She said "why earth on would you want me, my own mum ran away and never loved me"
I can't sleep, haunted by her cry.
"Help me, try to find a way out of this atmosphere,
Please take me, away from here because everyday is a nightmare"
Apr 2015 · 571
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
How can she
Face Everything And React,
when everyday she's being told to
Forget Everything And Run,
Ever since they sold her the idea of perfection, she carries on her shoulders, the weight of the sun.
She needs to escape the magazines and the television,
She wants answers but the truth is hidden, I wish she could see what I see when I look at her.
Such an incredible vision.
Apr 2015 · 464
Changing me
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
It's all strange to me.
Sometimes it's pain to see,
You're so far away from me.
The worlds falling apart and so is my heart,
it's plain to see.
Locked out, I keep wishing one day I would regain the key.
If this world dies, your eyes are the last thing I want to see.
Your'e close but so far away me
and it's changing me.
Apr 2015 · 1.7k
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
I wish I got amnesia,
because every time that I see her,
I remember that I love her.

I'm a born leader,
But I'd follow her into the fire.
There's nobody above her.

I wish I got amnesia,
because every time that I see her,
I remember that I need her.
Apr 2015 · 423
In the beauty of words
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
I guess I can write what is on your mind.
Because you can so easily relate.
As if we spent a lifetime together and you shared with me, your laughter and your pain.
I'm a stranger, a stranger who knows you very well.
You know me, sometimes you read my words and it pulls you out of hell.
And these thoughts I conjure, tend to disturb my slumber.
It's like I sense the pain of a million souls who wander.
Its in the beauty of words, and when your eyes touch the page, it's everything you've ever needed to escape.
Apr 2015 · 793
I'll wait
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
I guess I'll wait. I'm Sick of taking a risks with women that don't compare to you.
Maybe its too late, and trust me it makes me happy to know somebody is taking care of you.
I know I've made mistakes and at times I wasn't being fair to you.
I'm only human, I'll be your friend, you know I'm always here for you.
It's seems impossible , that one day you'll come back and we'll be something.
But I'll wait for you, even if that means I'm waiting for nothing.
Apr 2015 · 735
Never known anybody
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
There are no boundaries, so why do I feel like I'm boxed in?
You chose your path right? Hmm but who supplied your options?
Lets get this right. If someone presents you options in your life,
then already your path is manipulated.
So who simulated your decisions for where you are now situated?
Your friends and family speak but who's thoughts are
coming out of their mouth .
Is that something you've even thought about?
I dare you to describe me,
I'm sorry but the colour of my face and a place can't define me.
Nothing can surprise me, how much do we respect ourselves,
If how much money you make gives you a place in this society.
I guess we've never known anybody our whole life, because ever since you came out of your mother.
We've been getting moulded, corrupted and watched on by big brother.
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
Holding her close whilst her warm breath caressed my neck.
I was transcending.
Never noticed the winter, unlike the leaves on trees I never left.
I was transcending.
The way her body moves so freely to the beat.
I was transcending.
Witness true beauty whilst she sleeps, lost in her dreams.
I was transcending.
The sound of her voice, the feel of her touch is a fantasy,
I was transcending,
Even now I still stare at her like she's a painting in a gallery.
The experience was transcendent.
Apr 2015 · 948
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
Why do we struggle and never escape the bubble,
It's a puzzle, too many lies underneath the rubble.
Step into my life I nearly had a wife,
She's not here anymore, suicide.
I couldn't save her life too many regrets,
I'll never let go in my soul is where she's kept.
Welcome to the Imaginarium of a broken heart,
I'm only human I know that I need to leave the past.
I'm barely coping, but yet still I'm hoping.
Take me to the ocean, where my mind is open.
Apr 2015 · 452
Imaginarium of a dreamer
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
Let me take you away,
because in this place your'e still mine.
I can see her 24/7, heaven ain't hard to find.
All you have to do is look into her eyes,
Having the time of your life.
The doctor says I'm crazy, because in the real world,
She spends her nights with somebody else.
I'm not the one who makes her smile.
I'm not the one who's on her mind.
I want to know if she's remembers.
If not let me fall back into that coma,
Because in that place she's still mine.
Apr 2015 · 7.0k
Queen of Affection
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
To close enough to whisper is something I shouldn't consider.
She's prays on lonely hearts, I can feel her, she's a masterful kisser.
Any part of her body can touch your skin and make you shiver.
To resist her, it's like taking off your jacket in a Siberian winter.
She'll get into your blood like an infection.
She's the most powerful temptation.
I call her the queen of affection.
Apr 2015 · 640
Just like in the movies
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
Call it inception.
All this time, I've been getting brainwashed,
by ideas that are not mine.
What is perfection?
Honey they shrunk my mind.
How much longer can I take this.
I'm just glitch in the matrix.
This ain't a city of God, there's too much greed for glory.
Little kids are playing with guns,
How bout that for a toy story.
Need to make a great escape into space like Interstellar.
Surrounded by the Devil's doubles, trying to be a goodfella.
I know these material things are not relevant.
All we need is love to survive like the fifth element.
People wasting their lives, because they love to gossip,
And they have the nerve to underestimate me like a hobbit.
Feel like an alien but who's intruding,
Trapped in a show like my name is Truman.
And now they want to put a chip inside a human.
It's like 1984 getting watched by tele-screens.
It's judgment day, witness the war against machines.
But I'm fighting back, I'm a man on fire, you can't move me.
This world is fake like one big set,
I swear life is like a movie.
Apr 2015 · 811
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
You could have seen her complexion,
in the reflection of my eyes from a mile away.
Just like the sunrise, I sensed her light, as if she smiled with rays.
What a way to start the day, blinking years but it was timeless,
It was priceless, I was infirm, she produced a cure like a scientist.
Any part of her body can touch my skin and make me shiver.
To resist her, its like taking off your jacket in a Siberian winter.
Immortalised in pictures and scriptures we had written,
We ruled our land but with powerful questions are great answers that are hidden.
Apr 2015 · 3.7k
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
I don't want to hear a promise, unless it involves your happiness.
I just want you to promise me you'll be fine.
When you stand still, the world keeps moving.
So promise me you'll make the best out of your time.
I don't need to hear a promise, unless it involves your laugh.
Just promise me you'll build dreams, be free and make them last.
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
Akaash Patel Apr 2015
If time didn't exist, how long would we live,
If money didn't exist would we all feel rich,
Would we all free, would we all feel equal,
Would we look after the world better,
would there still be evil.
If tv and media didn't exist would beauty have more meaning.
would our minds be free or would we still follow for no reason.
We'll never know so its tough to call,
but if love didn't exist, then why live at all.

— The End —