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 Jul 2017 Aditi
Empty Smiles
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Empty smiles, broken dreams,
The pain takes her to new extremes.
Broken promises, people changed,
Why can't her life be rearranged?
Punches thrown, blood shed,
Going to school was to dread.
Hurting inside, downpour rain,
She shoots the drugs up her vein.
Burnt bridges, cut thighs,
In the agony she lies.
Dart secrets, dead heart,
On her body she puts her art.
Words hurt, she starves,
The pain in her skin she carves.
One truth, no hope,
She longs for a new way to cope.
Breaking hearts, she flies,
They learn to listen to the girl who cries.
Blinding lights, hospital bed,
They'll soon find out that she's dead.
Empty smiles, broken dreams,
They pain took her to the extremes.
*trigger warning*
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Love is Pain
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Loving him was beautiful.
I was overwhelmed with emotion,
Showing my heart to him,
Piece by emotional piece.
Every night, he was the last person I talked to.
He made me so full of worth, so amazing, so perfect.
Our love was so pure.
Then something shifted.
Another girl, more amazing and perfect, caught his eye.
It was the most painful goodbye I had been through.
I knew then that I would never again fall in love,
Never give someone the power to crush me.
******* CJ
 Jul 2017 Aditi
 Jul 2017 Aditi
i promised you i wouldn't be the same, that i wouldn't hurt you again,
that i wouldn't drag you by the same leash i'd done for weeks before.
if only i'd known
how to get in touch with my true feelings.
im so weak, so insecure, so jealous, but for what?
you promised me there was no one else. you promised me you wouldn't leave.
you said to me, your heart yearned for me.
yet i still dragged you by the same leash, over concrete and through dirt,
through hell and back.
i watched you suffer, bruised and ****** knees, only stopping when you tried to break free.
i should've known you'd break free.
i should've known my pathetic ways would cause you to leave me crying in my room for hours straight, repeating the same questions in my corrupt mind.
how could i have been so stupid ?
why am i so insecure?
why am i so selfish?
i've learned my lesson now.
i can only apologize now, i can only wish you the best.
i can only hope the next person you meet doesn't hold onto you by a leash.
if you ever think of me, know that im so sorry.
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Anon C
Never Felt
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Anon C
Though I've never held your hand, I miss feeling your fingers entwined in mine
I have never felt your embrace yet I miss the warmth of your heart against mine
I have yet to hear your laugh yet I miss its music in my ears
I've never had the chance bury my face into your neck but I miss the way you smell
I wish to run my hands through your hair because I miss how it feels coupled with the softness of your cheek when I hold your face in my hands
Though I have never been able to glimpse your eyes I miss the warmth emanating from your soul
I miss your voice, which echoes in my mind day by day
And I miss your smile as it lights up the night sky
I miss you though I've never seen you
In still morning light,
There is new beginning,
Early birds so joyous,
On wings into the sky,
How the sun is painting
A paradise for my eyes.

I will wake into dream,
On this day so spectral,
I will sing with the breeze
And interpret the songs
Of birds in trees a flame,
Sailing into heavens' dawn.
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Forgotten Memory
Memory that I have forgotten
Why do you seek to be remembered
When you're allowed an eternal rest
Because of the connection severed

Yet, continuing to rebuild a bridge
You aim to come back inside
Even though my head is painful
You refuse to say good-bye

When I try to push you out
You stand your ground  profound
When I refuse to remember you
You choose to stick around

I begin to wonder why you can't stop
And leave me where I lay
Even now you cradle me with feelings
No matter what I say

Maybe after all this time that's passed
I've been thinking completely wrong
All these times I swore I was empty
You were there for me all along

Memory that I now remember
I'm sorry for what I've done
I promise to cherish you all my life
My heart is what you've won
Treasure your  memories for they make you who you are, and even if they are painful, they are something that is special to you, something nobody else could ever have, something that makes you the special person you are~
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Mysidian Bard
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Mysidian Bard
I've met Sapphire -- she was like the sea. She could appear as a raging storm or the complete embodiment of tranquility. Graceful, calm, comforting and yet at the same time tempestuous, untamed and misunderstood. Those who wade in the shallow would never know the unfathomable depths of her being. For beneath her unstable surface lies untold understanding, wisdom, and a love that is both unimaginable and sincere.

I could have laid there in the sand for Eternity, enclosed in the gentle hush of her misty words, letting her waves crash upon me in hopes that I’d eventually be pulled under.

I've met Ruby -- she was like a wildfire and I the dry tinder, all too eager to satisfy her audacious passion and unquenchable desire. I was the moth; the unshakable temptation of her aura's alluring danger was too tantalizing, too enticing to resist. Bewitched by her crimson lips, sultry figure, blazing eyes and seductive gestures, I was foolishly fanatical to be her dancing marionette, my strings effortlessly compelled to be wrapped around her finger.

Yet I could never find contentment in feeling her warmth from a safe distance. I yearned for the uncertainty of smothering the flames for a chance to be engulfed in the immortal inferno of reckless devotion.

I've met Topaz -- she was like the sunlight and the stars. Joyous and blindingly shining with youthful exuberance, her childlike innocence was a boon that beamed upon every soul she touched. Spirited and seemingly teeming with a never ending supply of infectious laughter and a smile that could melt even the most frostbitten heart. Hopelessly trying to keep up with her fervent spontaneity proved as futile as trying to catch a shooting star with a butterfly net.

I am forever blessed that she shone upon my life. A single day basking in her radiance was worth more than the perpetuity of a solitudinous existence.

I've met Emerald -- she was like a lush forest. I sat beneath her trees in the shade of her leaves, embraced by the gentle caress of her touch. Her serene ambrosial breeze carried soothing whispers of kindness and compassion that were unrivaled by any earthly delights. We planted seeds that took root in our hearts and entangled our souls with the everlasting abundance of euphoric elation, harmony, and deliverance.

Yet every flower that flourishes in the spring will willingly wilt in the fall, and the seeds that lie dormant beneath the snow bear no commitment to bloom. What we hoped would blossom through the passing of time would only amount to us growing apart.

But I've never met anyone like you -- You are a Diamond. Given just the smallest glint of light, you shine with the complete spectrum of incomparable quintessence. You encompass the entirety of all the different colors and hues of every jewel I have ever known. Unparalleled and peerless in your very nature, unprecedented and unsurpassed in your beauty.

You are ineffable. All my attempts to describe you will only prove to be ultimately inadequate, but you are the most precious gem to me and I will be, forever and always,
Will you be my Valentine? <3
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Mysidian Bard
Longing through lonesome days,
supplicating the sun to set.
I anxiously await your arrival,
should consciousness concede to what I covet.

Only in fanciful fantasies,
in the delight of darkness,
and in our notoriously nocturnal nature,
have I ever happened upon happiness.

Give me the gift of your grace,
the spell of your sweet surrender,
and the temporarity of tonight
will flourish into forever.

In the day I may wistfully wander
halfheartedly and uncommitted,
but in dreams I know not the words
lonely or unrequited.
Are you looking for critique on a poem you have written? Follow our group "Critique My Poem" and submit your work for honest feedback from other poets!
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Mysidian Bard
All I have is a photograph
and a blank page with your name,
our lives have clearly changed,
but my heart still feels the same.

So I write down a few scattered lines,
and add a chord or two,
just trying to make new memories of you.

I'll play this song beneath the stars,
watch it dance into the sky.
If on the wind my words do fly,
then you'll hear my lullaby.

Will you look above and think of me
as a shooting star breaks through,
maybe words will make wishes come true.

Now I have a brand new page
with a picture, poem, and song.
I know it's been so long,
but my love's still standing strong.

If a picture paints a thousand words
then this poem will never do,
but I want to make new memories with you.
 Jul 2017 Aditi
Mysidian Bard
I've seen sunlight in her eyes,
a reflection of her soul.
So warm, radiant and gentle,
but a glance is all I stole.

I've seen starlight in her eyes,
a reflection of her dreams.
Dancing beneath the sea of pearls;
mirrored in a serene stream.

I've seen firelight in her eyes,
a reflection of her lust.
The crimson embers flickering;
hearts threatening to combust.

I've seen moonlight in her eyes,
a reflection of her wonder.
Thoughtful silent glimpses shared
in the silver beams asunder.

Yet every moment my memory holds,
reflected in earth and skies --
I'd trade them all without hesitation
just to be beautiful in her eyes.
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