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Oct 2018 · 343
No, No, No, Like I Love you
Every second
with her,
is the fullest second
that is possibly and impossibly obtainable.
May 2018 · 446
Yellowstone and You
The mountain
in its strength
Reminds me of your faith
solid, immovable,
And rising high towards the heavens

The field
In its beauty
reminds me of your eyes
green with hints of yellow
And full of life unhindered.

The sun
In its majesty
Reminds me of your smile
Bright and warm
And how it lights up a thousand rooms

You are the woman I adore
And my best friend.
You are proverbs thirty one
and my shotgun rider.
When asked to describe you
in one word I'd say
Yellowstone doesn't even
come close
To you.
May 2018 · 398
This Morning
This morning
I ate eggs and drank coffee
without you by my side

The back porch was quiet
and the birds chirping
could neither fill
the chair beside me
nor the void in my heart.

I will see you again soon
but I have to say
I did not think it would be
so hard
this morning.
Apr 2018 · 318
Mornings in Ireland.
As the light shown through the blinds,
I realized that thats exactly what I was.
I was blinded by your facade
and it took the mistake of a lifetime
to see
that you're not the one for me.
Apr 2018 · 1.2k
Its fading.

Like the words on the
love letters
that you wrote to me.

It's fading.

Like the end of
our song
which we would leave on repeat.

It's fading.

Like the color of
our hair
as we've grown old together.

It's fading.

The powerful, passionate beats of
your heart
as you cling to life.

It's fading.

The reason for my life
and I just don't know
if I can do it without you.

It's fading.

My hope that you'll
pull through
and that I will be able to carry on.
Apr 2018 · 290
Dear Mother
Your vagabond child
has run off into the wild
because it has been so so long,
since his face has felt a smile.

The mundane of this life
is causing him so much strife
and he simply cannot contain
the pain he feels in the night.

He longs for adventure
full of life uncensored
so this is why he must go
to find life untempered.
Apr 2018 · 273
Held Captive.
For a man to know of love
not be able to drink from its cup
is like
an eagle who ruled the high skies
is placed in a cage with his wings clipped.
Apr 2018 · 249
Almond milk
She's the type of girl

That would make me go from
cold pizza for breakfast
raisin bran and almond milk.
Apr 2018 · 233
Stay or Leave
City lights
country nights

Coffee on the balcony
coffee in Tennessee

The city in solitude
wide open plains with you

Its pretty easy to choose...
Apr 2018 · 644
This Life. This Love.
I walk to my favorite coffee shop.
The soothing smell of beans
awake my soul and jump start my mind.

Through the motions
I would order my coffee
and go about my day.

That was until
a firey red head
said hey.
Apr 2018 · 195
I've been seeing angels
and I'm not afraid.

I've been seeing angels
and they don't lead me astray.

Their beauty invites me
and excites me.
Apr 2018 · 189
One Shade of Grey
the words haven't been coming.
It's like I've closed off my mind,
to look into the world deeper.

Its torture,
to the poet.
When they long to be inspired,
but the world looks grey.
Mar 2018 · 212
What now?
I saw your aunt today
and it made me feel some time of way.
Like the way I felt
when I knew I'd found a family.

Why'd you take that from me?
Why'd you ruin the love we had?
You couldn't be open with me
and I couldn't open you up.

Now I'm stuck in meloncholy
I didn't just lose you,
I lost us,
I lost them,
I lost me.
Mar 2018 · 185
You are my best friend,
our conversations still make me laugh,
even though they don't continue anymore.

I wish I spoke to you more,
before that fatal  night,
where you went to the light.

I know you are alive in Christ,
but this life without you is tough,
I miss you,
and I can't wait to see you again.
Mar 2018 · 176
I'm a hopeless romantic,
with no one to romance.

I hangup my charm
like a boxer hanging up gloves.

Because you hurt me,
I gave you my all and you took it,
never giving in return.

I'm left
and I don't know when
I'll be able to love freely again.
Mar 2018 · 198
Your Love
Your love,
was like a rose in the concrete cracks
breaking through the monotony,
and bringing hope to my hollow heart.
Mar 2018 · 229
I search the crowds
looking for your face.

A glimpse here
a quick look there.

In a room filled with beautiful people
how do I find the one my soul longs to mate with?
Mar 2018 · 202
First World Problems
I'm crying
I'm going to have to take more classes to graduate.

She's crying
her daughter just died of starvation.

How conceited am I?
Mar 2018 · 207
Morning Song
Coffee with creamer
awakes this dreamer.

Mornings are just so calm
listening to the birds sing their songs
and the winds declare a Psalm.

It is in the morning
that I don't see any mourning.

There is your creation,
new, everyday
and it is here I will say:
My life is yours, have your way.
Mar 2018 · 206
I'm not Religous
Religion is dead works... God's ALIVE
Feb 2018 · 257
The Problem
If I look within,
I'll see
that maybe it's not everyone else that's the problem,
I just haven't dealt with my wicked heart
and that's the problem.
Ezekiel 8
Feb 2018 · 232
Your Imaginary Friend
That smoke fills your lungs
because that love stung.
Coffee and tobacco on your tongue,
because the next morning is still too young.

You can’t stop thinking about that boy,
who treated you like a toy.
Sweetheart, don’t you see
that this isn’t how it was meant to be.

You are royalty, and God made you that from creation.
That’s been the case from your faith's foundation.
Don’t follow this culture’s deviation,
For it is in Me, that you'll find your restoration.

I’m tellin’ you, as your "imaginary friend."
Don’t let your hope come to an end.
This heart ache won’t be a trend,
because your heart, I will mend.

Yeah this pain may sting for a time,
but out of this hole you will climb.
Not by your own strength, oh no.
But by mine.

See I’m more than what you think,
I’m here with you as you smoke and drink.
I’m not going away, its okay to blink,
I’m your God, and I AM not going to shrink.

So drink your coffee and put out that cigarette,
I’m not done with you, you will see it yet.
I love you so much, the best is what you’ll get,
Let’s walk together, unlike that boy, I’m no threat.
a woman who has been hurt time and time again realizes that God is not out to get her but to love her. that the voice that is trying to help her is not an imaginary friend but is Jesus.
Feb 2018 · 192
Soul Shower
I need a soul shower.
I feel laden,

A physical nap won't help,
I need to rest at the feet
of my
Good Shepherd.
Feb 2018 · 224
Mountains and Folgers
The steam from my coffee cup
the steam from the hill and valleys
scream of a stillness
that can only be had in the early mornings.

Me and my Father
having some quality time
as the Melodies From Heaven
fall down and bless the earth.
Feb 2018 · 214
Friday Feels
Sweatpants on,
A Tribe Called Quest
make my ears

Coffee in my hand,
smile on my face
no worries in my mind
means I'm in first place

It's Friday
and I'm not tryin' to boast
but I feel the best
from coast to coast.
Feb 2018 · 513
By Weeks End
You've made it.
It's Friday

You've been stressed,
you've been burdened,
but it's Friday

So relax,
and take this day
because its Friday
Feb 2018 · 199
The Good Judge
Some mornings
its sharp
its dull
this pain in my soul.

I’ve disgraced You
and fallen short,
I’m just thankful
that I’m justified in Your court.
I'm thankful this morning that I serve a God who wants my faith and not my works. I fall short daily, but His perfect love covers a multitude of sins.
No matter how many sins I've committed. I'm covered by Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-9, you are saved by grace through faith, not by works so that no one can boast.
Feb 2018 · 647
Single Awareness Day
Do not despise being single.
Revel in it.
You must know who you are
you can ever truly know someone else.
If we date with intent to figure out who we are, we steal the strength of others and leave them confused and forgetting who they are. If your identity is in someone else, what happens when they leave? YOU MUST find out who YOU ARE made to be. You were made with a purpose. Revel in it. Psalm 119
Feb 2018 · 340
I write until I tune my head
with my heart.
are the knobs
that twist my heart strings to the right
This is how I feel when I feel inspiration but don't know what to say about it
Feb 2018 · 194
I Tried With You
You robbed,
you tortured,
you manipulated,
and ate away at my joy.

I gave,
I surrendered,
I played your games,
so why did you ruin this?

At least I tried.
Feb 2018 · 582
oh why?!

Do I constantly
seek the shade of darkness
when Your Son brings me so much warmth.

"I give you mountains,
to raise you up."

But Jesus,
I'm so tired.

"I'll carry you.
For I did not come
to be served,
but to serve."

So I rest in your arms
as your grace
carries me
to my resting place.

the God of Heaven, Earth, and Space
I choose,
to see your views.
Psalm 23
Romans 5:1-5
Isaiah 55
Feb 2018 · 212
I fall into them

If I am not aware
I walk through life blindly
not focusing on how I am
nor on who He is.

Do do do do do
Do do do do do

I rest
I will
but I digress
I want spontaneity
Feb 2018 · 421
The Sailor
I left her
alone in the safety of home.
And I,
venture onto the deep dark dance floor of waves.

Mornings I see the sun rise
and I think of:
the warmth of you smile,
the fire in your eyes,
and the light within your soul.

Nights I see the sun set
and I think of:
my brisk smile,
the smoke behind my eyes,
and the broken lantern in my soul.

I miss you my darling
and I swear
"that this is my last dance with devil,"
but I've said that before...
A sailor's heart yearns for adventure and the great beyond...even at the cost of his bride.
Feb 2018 · 736
Oh Love
Oh Johnny,
tell of how you fell into that
Ring of Fire.

Oh Elvis,
tell of how you
Can't Help Falling in Love

Oh Etta,
tell of that love you found
At Last

Oh Marvin,
tell of the time you said
Let's Get It On

Oh Prince,
tell of when you saw
Purple Rain

Oh love,
tell of how you inspired
the hopeless romantic.
love songs are kinda cool
Feb 2018 · 213
The morning is still night
as I awake.
Steps to the bathroom
I take.

Cold water
awakens my soul
Seeing you sleeping,
reminds me i’m whole.

I kneel by you
and pray.
Thanking Him,
for you and today.

Then I kiss your forehead
as you lay their sleeping.
Realizing their was purpose,
in all those nights of weeping.

I waited,
for you.
We are one,
no longer two.
Feb 2018 · 331
Morning Dew
Sleep clings to my eye lids
like dew that covers the field.
I rise.

To sleep would be to neglect
the day which was given to me,
a gift.

Some haven't made it today.
So in their honor,
"Carpe Diem!"
I proclaim from the depths of my heart
leaping from my bed to the cold floor.

Today is a new day,
REJOICE and be GLAD in it.
Because some haven't made it to today
they're there under the morning dew.
Psalm 118:24-26
Feb 2018 · 466
Spring Fever
Biology gets me in trouble.
spring rolls around and I’m…

Fighting singleness
like a blanket too small
that doesn’t cover my feet.

Pull the blanket away from your face, stupid.
You’re fine.
You’re not content because you are seeing the 
problem and not the purpose.
Feb 2018 · 484
London Dremas
I long for long nights
wearing wool cardigans
in London streets
snow crunching under my leather boots

In my right arm
and a fire burning in my chest.
Every glance into your piercing blue eyes
is the gasoline that keeps my heart ablaze.

The snow begins to fall
and you cry
because this hasn’t happened
we haven’t met
this is a dream
a longing
to one day be with you,
whoever you are.
To my wife, whoever she may be
Feb 2018 · 308
Victorious Chariot
I am tied to God’s victorious chariot.
He rides into the World as our champion,
and I,
am a bondservant and son.

Some days I am carried along by His horses
and some days I run alongside.
Some days, I just want to stop.
“Oh God, how much longer must we live in this fallen world?”
“Until, ALL have heard of my name.”

So I stand up, brush off the dirt
wipe away the tears
and look ahead to see those who don’t know Him,
and the tears fall again.

— The End —