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 Oct 2020 Word farer
I am a poet,darling
My ammunition are pen and papers.
I know ******* you
with metaphors
 Oct 2020 Word farer
I see a world so hungry
Like god created the starving
And, not our greedy marring
One day this world will eat us
Innocent or guilty you must plead
This world is a monster you cannot feed
No words describing it are easy to read
In a world where only evil is feeding the ones in need
In a world that is taking everything you breed
We created a world we can never fit in
A place that gathers every single sin
The ones you commit and the ones you keep within
Some say you can keep everything away from this monster
Marry the devil commit to him and sing
Make him laugh a lifetime in a day
And, he'll give you the sacred ring
This human world is tragic! Look around you!
This human world is evil. (Capitalism)
 Oct 2020 Word farer
Nicole Dawn
Always remember
That the books
Who are the most worn
The most torn and ripped
The most broken

Those books are that way
Because everyone loved them
For what was inside
 Oct 2020 Word farer
you forget
you are a poet
and accidentally
make sense
10w truths
 Oct 2020 Word farer
From the perfect distance
Even a fractured bottle
Can appear whole and beautiful
Poetry has become my self harm,
I only write at my lows...
Instead of blood I see words,
Instead of a blade I have a keyboard...

I want to write about...
The wind dancing with the sea...
The way you smile and it lights up your innocent face...

I don't want poetry to be my self harm,
Because poetry is beautiful...
An art...
Judge away... I'm trying to not care... No matter how much I do ...
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