Time isn’t anybody’s friend,
How I wish I knew this, before then.
Seasons rush past my fingertips,
I swear to caress each minute;
Can kiss those leaves goodbye,
Tho It never quite feels like it’s the end.
A never ending carousel spinning,
Turning each and every page;
Faces mold into a montage of past adventures;
Swear chapters flown by,
Yet I haven’t seen a glimpse of winters fall.
Oh, Radiant sunshine
Guide me threw your
Different shades of passages,
Keyless, and directionless I dare;
Shivers hide behind my spine,
Cautionary light footprints whisper feathers
To an age old harden curiosity.
Time is simply a storyteller of great many tales.
How I wish I knew this, before then.
Came back from a small Hiatus, Thank you all for reading.