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17h · 121
Traveler 17h
Blue as the sky on a mid-winters day
Sharp as a knife that cuts through the haze
I seek a warm place in the arms of my love
I run after her as to catch a young dove
She catches the wind that blows from the sea
Now I'm growing old and she's growing free...

Wash away now these illusions of youth
Independent of madness, inconsistent with truth
So easy to remember yet harder to find
The ways of my youth when I was yet blind...
Traveler Tim

I wrote this in 1995 I think..
Traveler 20h
Fear not to embrace
all these losses,
the disconnection is but an illusion.
Love is the Highway we travel,
we all move on in the end.
Love is eternal my friends!!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
3d · 164
How can I be a fat hog
Whiles you suffer
I must insist
Let me make you supper
Pork and beans
By no means!!
Surf and turf
And perhaps some stew
A salad full of green leafy veggies
That should help get ya through

We’ll eat and drink
Burp and belch
Then will take a walk
For our health
I promise to share
‘Til my pantry’s runs bear
Or you eat me out
Of house and home
But at least
I’ll know
In the end
I didn’t eat alone
Suffering I won’t condone
Traveler Tim
The universe repeat my lesson so that I never forget.
My limitations are about the depth of my deepest breath.
Two lungs worth of air is all I can inhale, a minute or two of holding you in and I’m forced to expel.
I can’t make you love me, I can’t make you whole, I can’t keep you happy with silver and gold.
There’s really not much in this universe I can truly control.
Traveler 🧳 Tim

The feeling when your children fight with each other can rip you in half if you think you’re in control.
7d · 136
In the events of
Choose sanity
And hold on
Beware the quickness
Of the loaded gun

Turn down
Substitute a better fate

Leave such alone
Obsession spinning
Out of control

Survive to live
Another day
When these evens of Hell
Finally fade
Traveler Tim
7d · 161
Oh blind me now
To the ways of sin
So that I may hide
Myself within
Rip it out
This heart of lust
Take away
My conditional trust
Deafen my senses
To unaware
Cage my guilt
In the dungeons
Of despair

Take away all I've sown
Place a limit on my cares
But you better close the door
Because there's a draft in here
A wind of change
That longs to blow
Into your life
To fill your soul
With the words of peace
Of tolerance that's fair
Allow us to breathe
  A little more fresh air..
Traveler 🧳 Tim

A new word: drafty
Mar 15 · 168
Traveler Mar 15
In the moment
Of regrets
In the perils
Of my plea
Time stuttered
And stalled  
And she was rid of me...
Traveler Tim
Mar 14 · 582
Traveler Mar 14
There’s a storm blowing cold tonight
There’s a tormenting whisper in the wind
My sword is useless in this fight
There’s a battle waged within

**** the demons, **** this flight
**** this soul within
**** what’s wrong, **** what’s right
**** the righteous sin

This storm has blown through me before
Red my eyes do see
Exiled to the killing floor
Wasted upon my knees
Traveler Tim
I wrote this in 1995.
That was a hell of a storm!
Traveler Mar 11
Love and passion compel me through the nights that last to long..
No invisible entity can touch me, my muses are far too strong!
I don’t need to strain my eyes to see what can’t be see from afar
We know that evils out there,
cause love is who we are!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Mar 10 · 125
Traveler Mar 10
to express my pain
I must abstain
it’s a toxic masculinity thing!

to express an ounce of doubt
I can surely do without
The universe feeds
our hope and dreams

to clarify this read
I will express my only needs
food, water, and shelter
from the storm..

But for now I must contain
‘cause I’m sounding pretty lame
It’s time to share a beer
and leave you here
expressing all the secrets
of your heart.
What were you expecting from a poem called unexpressed?

Traveler 🧳 Timm
Mar 9 · 149
Fountain Of Wisdom
Traveler Mar 9
Have you figure it out yet?
The blueprint of our souls
Are you happy
Are you healthy
Are you truly in control
Surely there’s a reason
Surely there’s a way
To embrace the sacred fountain
In this existential maze.
Traveler Tim
Mar 7 · 468
Traveler Mar 7
Is it evil or is it right
The death we face at the end of life?
Is there peace and all knowing
Do we reap the seeds we're sowing

Hear now the reaper's reasoning
Dust and bones, vultures feasting
Driven by an unknown calling
Life to death is but a stalling

I can not tell, nor can I dream
I can not feel your suffering
I can not ease your loved one's grief
Nor can I confirm your disbelief...

I am only a Reaper, heartless and cold
I put the end to growing old!
Traveler Tim
Mar 6 · 144
A Living Lie
Traveler Mar 6
The war is actually within
We should leave it be
We could meditate
The entire universe
Into world peace

Don’t take my word for it
Give it a **** good try
Peace on earth is worth living
War is a but a lie…
Traveler Tim
Mar 5 · 409
Traveler Mar 5
The poetry was flowing
But not through his poem
It flowed through his eyes
On into her soul
His words they whispered
Tears down her tired cheeks
She bathed in his passion
   And his darkness she reaped...
Traveler Tim

A creative observation.
Mar 3 · 183
Traveler Mar 3
Life is a rough ride,
I’ve never been broken but I’ve lived through hell several times.

If I could have a reset…
Where would I pop in?
What would I leave behind
but the wisdom of my sins..

No, I think I’ll keep them intact
in the here and now!
After all
there is nothing I lack
that hasn’t gone afoul.
Traveler Tim
Tool 7empest is playing in the background this morning.
Feb 28 · 314
Dear Believer
Traveler Feb 28
As he threw the silver at their feet
He could taste his bitter wicked deed
It festered in his immortal soul
His beliefs became his greatest foe

Be careful what you believe
Your soul is always free!
A story I once read when I was down.
Make yourself and turn your life around!
Feb 25 · 133
Local News American
Traveler Feb 25
I observe reality
Then I realize
My attention gets
From the implicit
Yet more then obvious

World News
Clever Fox
Hides a lot
They back the burglars
Celebrate the thief’s
Manufacture consent
Without relief
Without regret
Same as MSNBC
Not a single moral left!
Feb 23 · 1.3k
Theater of Souls
Traveler Feb 23
In the theater of souls,
I am a man!
But I think the thoughts
of a human.
I walk the eternal path
of spirituality,
Reflected in the light
of my reality.

I reached for the higher truth
as the old wives fables disintegrate
into the light of rational thinking.

Our light shines brighter
when we open our minds
and see through the darkness
we’ve been making.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Feb 21 · 173
Traveler Feb 21
I seen God
and then that’s all I could see!
Such fun he’s having indeed
Pretending that he’s suffering
Pretending that he’s poor
Pretending that he needs a state of peace and war
And so we rest upon our thrown
and dream until we turn to stone
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Feb 16 · 458
Shadow Talk
Traveler Feb 16
I love pleasure
I can deal with pain
Freezing freaking snow
Sunshine after rain  

I’m not afraid to live
I’m not scared of death
I shall consume existence
Til’ there’s absolutely nothing left!

I’m not afraid of my shadow
As discussing as I’ve been
I can still embrace
My foolishness within!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Carl Jung approved
Feb 15 · 442
Traveler Feb 15
They ascended
Left me
Earth bound
The world
I'm still

I sleep
Still I own
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Strange mood of creativity
Traveler Feb 14
I don’t love being wronged but my love still beats strong!
I don’t love to exercise
but I love being fit and alive!
I don’t love sour grapes,
but if they’re good for me
I’ll take a plate.
I don’t love death and Gore, and I surely don’t love war, But I do love a strangers smile, won’t you come and sit a while?
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Feb 10 · 251
The Art Of Reading Poets
Traveler Feb 10
For some of us
can flow too far apart
to gather together
Still we navigate
through poems caught
in stormy weather
Then there those
whose desires gets tossed
into a word salad
of creative thought
Pour on some dressing
romantically obscure
express your victim hood
your poetical fears!
Page after page
line after line
the history of
the Poet kind!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Feb 7 · 558
Motivational Dialect
Traveler Feb 7
is but a path to meaning..
Who am I?
Why am I here?
Why am I suffering?
is the path to understanding…
So embrace the pleasure
and the pain..
Stay strong my friends.
Traveler Tim
Traveler Feb 4
The mind fines rest
at the end of each poem..
So go ahead
let your imagination roam.
Guide your storms
through creative seas…
Write your anxieties
set your fears free!
Now rest in awareness
as deep silence sets in.
Stay free of distortions
til’ it’s time to pen again…
Traveler Tim

Writing poems is indeed a form of meditation.
Feb 3 · 876
Peace Proposal
Traveler Feb 3
At this very moment
The past no longer exist
What ever happens in the future
My will will not resist

It’s not that I can’t remember
It’s just easier to forget
And leave the ghost behind me
And the shadows of regret
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 31 · 147
Deadly Ingredients
Traveler Jan 31
Three deadly ingredients
Plague the shelves of our stores
They leaves you wanting more and more

Three deadly broadcast companies
Edited in corporative deceit
Endless state propaganda in repeat

Congress demonizing good doers
Fighting to keep the status quo
This government has definitely
got to go!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Sugars. Starch and Seed Oils in most every product on the shelf’s.
No nutritional value in any of it.
Jan 30 · 259
Public Notice
Traveler Jan 30
Footsteps grow stronger
when you leave your path and wander.
Sedentary is a lump of dying flesh..
Take that walk, get some fresh air.
You can clear the mind out there!
Or you can set there on your device,
until there’s nothing left..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 28 · 390
Uncommon Sense
Traveler Jan 28
Numbness of reality
A meditative process
I rather not feel
All the sudden losses
The older I get
The clearer I see
The game is stacked

By the darkest night’s
Of our soul
We build these defenses
We are in accord
With a game of certain

Good or bad
It’s a hell of a ride!
But if I can help it
I won’t let anybody die..
Traveler 🧳 Tim

My oldest dog had to be put down that day.. Ya we had four on our farm.
Jan 27 · 340
Forever Green
Traveler Jan 27
The detachment is necessary
In refusal of pain I rest
I cleverly disassociate
From everybody’s death’s

Don’t look for me at funerals
I’ve no need for grim reaper’s grief
I’ll stay out here in the forest
And I’ll remain forever green!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 25 · 189
Artificial Opinion’s
Traveler Jan 25
Let’s slow it down now
Let’s think about it first
We all possess the power
To maintain at our worst
Our bestest is only average
According to the algorithms
Crashing upon the shores
Of an artificial opinions..
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Ironic how we allow algorithms to judge our artwork
Jan 24 · 112
Traveler Jan 24
If I were to attempt to communicate
in a language I seldom engage.
Beyond the thesaurus that my puny mind retains.
Who would interpret the hesitation of my contagious intellect.
Surely you would perceive
my thought patterns are not
conducive to the stimulus.
The Muse of college grammar
scarcely entertains.
The words of a true poet are developmentally ingrained!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Simplicity is the poets pen..
Jan 23 · 307
Sleepless Cycles
Traveler Jan 23
Marijuana, caffeine,
a couple of beers…
It all adds up year after year!
The science is out for all to know,
sleep is important
the older you grow.
Deep sleep will clean
the **** from our brains..
Dream sleep will
keeps our heads in the game.
Snoring and coughing
helps sleep apnoea thrive.
Learn how to sleep and stay alive.
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Insomniac? I never had that problem, sleep apnoea’s trying to get me
but I’m winning!!f
Jan 20 · 180
Oh Invisible
Traveler Jan 20
Oh invisible entity
My heart glows dear
Muse of my deepest darkness
Music in my excitable ear…

You took my weary
and weave it truth
You woke me from
a programmed youth

It’s never over
until it’s begun
I am the singer
You are my drum!

This peaceful existence
Outside of wars
Shall we live a thousand
Perhaps a million more!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

It’s been an interesting trip so far..
Traveler Jan 19
Please respect the process
says the calm, entitled speaker…
We’re still investigating
our regime that’s growing weaker.
Don’t miss represent them.
They didn’t **** and **** them all,
that’s just the way they do it
in the Israeli prison stalls.
Traveler Tim

Anthony Blinken
has much blood on his hands.
Jan 17 · 296
Chaos Dead Ahead
Traveler Jan 17
I steer clear of chaos,
I see ‘em everywhere,
it’s quite naturally normal
these drivers unaware…

The anticipation warns
the arrival of a pending storm.
The karmic wheel repeats..
Chaos is life’s biggest thief…

must have gone astray..
their bitter made them gray..

Their vibration is very low
the dark side of the matrix
has snagged their souls..

Do yourself a favor
don’t let them pull you in.
Steer clear of the chaos
and all the special drama
chaos lends..
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 16 · 436
Traveler Jan 16
This is my strength
It don't belong to anyone else
No one carried me through Hell
They simply placed me on a shelve

These are my veins
Sending life force to my fist
Those are my claw marks
Ripped from Heaven's List

This is my heart
My love weighs a ton
And it's stronger on it's own
When it's all said and done
Traveler Tim
Jan 14 · 1.5k
Traveler Jan 14
I am but a wisp of smoke
Swirling boundless
To and fro

Out of the fire
A non-corporeal host

Stinging eyes
Burning nose
Cough me out
Or start to choke

I am but a wisp of smoke

Another cloud
Another soul
Into thin air
Watch me flow

Out the window
And down the road!

Surely I was
A wisp of smoke...
Traveler 🧳 Tim
My avatar wrote this..

PS all those things this writing made you think were intentionally design by a wisp of smoke..
Jan 13 · 175
Traveler Jan 13
When you’re all knowing
You need not a thought
No eyes to stare
No feet to walk

While we’re still in this form
Limitations distort our paths
Seems we’re burdened by beliefs
Or victims of some god’s wrath

But I can assure you,
My heart will always shine
Keeping my goals in focus
With each and every rhyme..
Traveler Tim
Jan 12 · 331
Known Not To Believe
Traveler Jan 12
We have always been and we will always be….
So if I can’t leave my mark upon the world this time..…
Next time around
will be good enough for me.
Traveler Tim
Jan 12 · 1.2k
A Collection Of Art
Traveler Jan 12
To master my reality
I give it my all
To be one with nature
I obey natural laws
To experience this life
Of such pleasures and pain
To run in this race
Where winning is vain
To live like a fool
So eternally wise
To be loved unconditionally
Beyond my demise
All of these things
I hold in my heart
Creatively shaping
My collection of art
Traveler 🧳Tim
Jan 11 · 113
Brilliantly Inadequate
Traveler Jan 11
After a large sample
of living
has been examined,
the conclusions
is a pattern of kind.
We are brilliantly aware
yet inadequately inclined.

I have met
several geniuses
in my travels..
it doesn’t take long for the psychological profile to unravel.

All the colleges and their
wonderful degrees.
And so easily life can knock us to our knees.
Traveler Tim

There is 12 intelligence that have been identified in the human psyche, the IQ test is just a measure of two of them. Don’t be fooled by so called high IQs.
(I should know.)
Jan 9 · 578
Traveler Jan 9
The poet’s shadow
is exposed
page after page
a ranting rave
of confronted truths
trending lies
our poetic shadow is our guide..

The opus of our secret love
desires dance beyond our dreams
where the shadow shines it’s lust
hear the victims victorious scream..

Fear not the shadow
embrace the bad we have done
and the bad we will do
to integrate our shadow
is to grow leap and bounds
when we finally break through
Traveler 🧳 Tim

#Carl Jung
Jan 9 · 424
Traveler Jan 9
These are the passages
of eternity
A translation beyond
right versus wrong
The questions of life
bear no relief
nor answer
While the raging heart
beats on...

Inherit the burden
of forgiveness
Your belonging
has tied your hands
Join your heart
to the universe
Heed the true call
of human.
Traveler Tim

No thank you proseletyzers
I once was blind
Now I can think for myself
Jan 8 · 391
Turn Me Not Away
Traveler Jan 8
I saw you in the distance
I know you saw me too
I turned my head and walked away
I think I'm turning blue
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 8 · 154
Hell Of A Thought
Traveler Jan 8
I’m glad my hell is my hell
and I don’t have to live through your hell also…
On a positive note
may we all be blessed!
Jan 6 · 1.1k
Traveler Jan 6
Love unspoken
Tends to waver
A few warm moments
A few special favors
Even as the good friend
Or the teacher's pet
Acceptance may be
All you get
So when and if
I decide to show it
Unspoken or not
   Now you know it...
Traveler Tim

It just kind of falls out the bottom..
Jan 5 · 124
Bear Necessities
Traveler Jan 5
The attacking bear is not evil,
he is merely hungry.
There is no such thing as evil!
Nope, just a lot of hungry demons out there, looking for a meal.
Don’t take it personally
and for god’s sake don’t assume
evil is after you.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Jan 3 · 687
The Best Parts
Traveler Jan 3
I wrote my play in portions
and posted them in draft..
I’m only 62
a little over half…

The best part of life is living
Each moment fades into now
I will write forever after
I will return upon the clouds

I went searching for a meaning
Then my Poet took the stage
Now I’m staring in my encore
The best part of my play!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Dec 2024 · 151
Poetic Therapist
Traveler Dec 2024
Please someone help.
If not there is little hope left..
Time is running out…

Is the fear of losing control
getting you down?
I can help,
a little poetic therapy and you’ll be good to go!
Visit my page anytime.
Remember to push the most popular poems icon.

Now back to your poetic issues
Traveler Tim
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