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Jun 2017 · 266
Scarecrow Jun 2017
Come in, come in
I hate how you're always late
It makes me remember all the forgetting I had to do
To get not quite over you
Dec 2014 · 2.4k
Scarecrow Dec 2014
I remember breezy rusted rain,
Threshing pain,
****** hand resting upon white-hot candle flame

Midnight breeze
All the tears of divorce

I remember the misty eyed blinking
Of tropical winter during spring
And how firefly lights slam-ran roller coaster routes
Simmering on summer ozone

Missing the blunderbuss beat
Of pregnant lighting down low
And how gold, red, and orange drift  
On cold down to the snow
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Scarecrow Jun 2014
I will leave you far behind
I will leave you in the dirt
I will toss you to the wolves
How much does that hurt?
May 2014 · 1.4k
I must admit
Scarecrow May 2014
I must admit that
Sometimes I fall in love with the things I see day to day

A stream bubbling under a flash of mountain heather
A bird on the wing through the forest canopy
A girl in a pretty dress who smiles just to me

And I also admit that
I'm a little sappy when it comes to things like that

Because the world at times can be so complex,
So chaotic and deceitful and sad
And so, I think, it gives a little to show your soul
And witness a soul in everything

Because I believe it's the most beautiful thing
A girl in a dress,
A bird on the wing.
May 2014 · 1.4k
Let's make a scene
Scarecrow May 2014
'Of course I like it'
She giggles so coy
Pastel pink frayed at the ends
I can see the outline of treasure

As she glides over to me
Takes my hand and
Walks me into the back room

She's not like others, I swear.
She's fresh and new like a June breeze and
Soft, sweet as a fresh peach,
Like Dead Sea Salt on a dead sea beach.

She swings and bobs and hums sunny sweet
While she walks
And while she talks, with rhythm. Heartbeat.

Am I happy? Now.
Sure, now that I know
That she's a frozen concept, stagnant snow.
Perfection? Deception.
So it's the truth at the end
Apr 2014 · 1.0k
Scarecrow Apr 2014
I am frightened like a child lost upon a day trip
And angry, vengeant upon who I do not know

O, but I am no calm saint of a man!
For there is a surge and a storm in my gut
It spins and roils, this queasy gyre
Circling my hate and my love and all the anguish and fury of the seas!

And my fingers they tremble with the potent rage of apocalypse wind!
My arms pulse with sickening static by
The lightning pounding through my veins

And I wail and sway and groan
As if I were casting a hex upon the entire world
Scarecrow Apr 2014
This lyric is for no one
No one who stood courageous
Upon the inferno of our world

For no one who laughed when they beat Rodney King
No one stood silent and said 'well that's just a shame'

For no one who watched the boy become a man
No one who didn't doubt him when he said 'I think I can'
No one to give him bliss blanket of advice
Who wasn't there to tell him how to not waste his life

And for no one who suffered in the alleyways of Skid Row
No one weeps for the ****** face down in the snow
No one who says 'I don't want to know, I didn't know'

This lyric is for no one in particular
No one who sobs to herself in the night
No one who cuts her wrists after mom and dad fight
No one gives her a hug saying 'it's okay, it's alright'

This is for no one who sees outside their world
For no one cares about whats inside the girl
This is for no one who cares for the disturbed boy
Screaming his angry young years away

No one to tell in memory of my love
Who conquered my Earth and sky above

Instead this is for no one who stood by
Watching the happy and the sad float by
For no one wants to lie and stare at the ceiling and cry
Or die

This is in memory of no one in particular
For no one who did nothing doesn't deserve anything.
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
Between you and me
Scarecrow Apr 2014
I sing no more
As a bird sings more

And Learning?
I remember learning
I remember learning every curve of your body
In between the hours of your awake

I don't remember lying
Not once
Not even twice

I can wait for the dying
Or can't wait,
Depending on the day

But honestly, between you and me
Between rhapsody and harmony,
Between the outstretched arms of eternity
I still think there's something left for me
Apr 2014 · 834
On the Subject of...
Scarecrow Apr 2014
Sometimes I see birds flitting through the trees
And want to write.
But then I set down and start
After a paragraph or two, it all comes apart

And sometimes when a pretty girl walks by
I smell her perfume
And that makes me want to write

Sometimes I watch myself struggle
And that, well that makes me want to cry

And sometimes I think of the world
And all the hate and ugly in it
It makes me want to write
And cry

And then yesterday I woke up
And remembered that its important
To make beauty of the ugly
And the love from the hate

Today I woke up
Looked at myself in the mirror
And remembered the hate and the ugly
It made me want to write
Apr 2014 · 3.1k
Through the Willows
Scarecrow Apr 2014
The thunder echoes against the cracked jaw of the sky
I smell the heat and the humidity
And the envy

The earth is drowning under the cannonade of rainfall
I can feel the sorrow and the hope
And the hubris

The unbridled fury of an outcast

Whispered through the arms of a lover
On the wind whipping down the road
Up through the willows

— The End —