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Apr 2018 · 419
Young love
MfP Apr 2018
Look into my eyes
Tell me
was it hard for you?
Expel you’re wicked lies
Make me look like a fool
Say to me that it isn’t you
It’s me
Tell me you’ll always love me
But it just seemed way to easy for you
To let me go
Way to easy to see my world crumble through my eyes
To see me my dreams vanish by surprise
My insides tremble at your demise
Way to easy to hear my cries
While you
Do nothing
I remember
Not too long ago
You were telling me I was your world
I was your love
I was your happiness
I was your future
But I know now that those words
Were nothing but true
Something that fell from your mouth
Into my heart
It drew me close to you
While you just withdrew
This was just apart of your plan
I knew deep down from the start
I’m just a young girl in love
And that’s the scary part
Apr 2018 · 580
Stripped down
MfP Apr 2018
As I lay here
With nothing left
For the whole world to see
My walls stripped down
My innocence crumbling to my feet
To what this will bring
Uncomfortable with the thought
Of never being the same
Inspired by the idea
That this shame
Of being transparent
Of being completely naked
For all the world to see
People might begin to see me
They might begin to see
That the reason this river runs down my face
Is from the many times my trust has been misplaced
That the reason my hands shake
Is from the thought of every mistake
That the reason my walls were built so high
Was because I was too afraid of hearing these lies
The lies of many who have barged into my life
Telling me there here to stay
Telling me it’s bright as day
When all I was in was darkness
But as I stand here naked
I am proud of my uniqueness
I am proud of how I got here
I am proud of who I am
Apr 2018 · 429
The rythem inside
MfP Apr 2018
To the rhythm that plays inside my mind
When the things around me begin to unwind
Listening To the beat
Trying to make each step, every word, and my thoughts match it
I don’t mess up and trip
To be able to slow down and catch my breath
Why is it going faster and faster
I’m feeling my feet stumble across this stage
I won’t be able to pick myself up again
Jan 2018 · 616
The End of Nothing
MfP Jan 2018
The silence that lies between us
Echos louder
As I try to adjust
To this deafening noise
I get ready to leave for now this Love has turned sour
No more zest
No more desire
No more passion
But I beat at your chest begging you to want me
Hoping I can bust
You out of this darkness
That is now infatuated your every being
As your blank eyes stair into mine
You speak words over me
The words that used to mean much now are empty
Why must I plea
To have this Love that once seeped through the knitting of our skins
Now gone dry
For now I know it’s too late
Farewell my love
This was all but fate
Dec 2017 · 490
Loud and quiet
MfP Dec 2017
As lies fall from his lips
Making its way to the ears of the naïve
My heart rips
At every false word spoken
My emotions are written on my sleeve
As he sees
He makes more punches
Making me weak
Bringing me to my knees
Begging for mercy
For I can’t take no more
What is it he is trying to achieve
Why me
What happened that night was not a blur
I remember you trying to do things
For I am sure
I said no many times
You’re nothing but impure
Trying to force something on me
As I push your hands away
Asking why as you try more times
as though I would give you that key
Can’t you see
That my life is intertwined in your words
Determining how my day will be
Whether I am depressed or filled with glee
Your words are but a sword
Plunging deep into my soul
With anger as my voice as no worth
I start to just go along
For now I am cursed

Nov 2017 · 514
MfP Nov 2017
fall is the death of life
Beautiful yet chaotic
The snow
Cleanses the earth of its sins
Freezing time to renew the land
Spring bringing life into fruition
Summer letting every plant reach for the sun
As the sun smiles down at the earth reaching back
Warming the soul
Our life is but a cycle
Let our old selves die
Let our souls be renewed  
Let new promises spring into fruition
Let our hearts reach towards the light
And may our souls forever be joyful

Nov 2017 · 609
MfP Nov 2017
Blessed beyond measure
Filled with gladness beyond compare
For everything in my life is a treasure
More than answers to a prayer
Thankful for this life
For this time that I was given
As of most days were filled with joy
For a sinner had been forgiven
With God by my side my transgressions
Thankful for His power
For His essence full of light
For His beauty full of grace
For His love giving my eyes sight
To look up to his face
Finding peace in his presence
Finding hope in his mercy
For I was just a peasant
Of the grace
That will be forever present
In this place  

Nov 2017 · 969
MfP Nov 2017
He’s the friend you never want to have
Yet leaches onto you
and never leaves
You try to hide him away
Pushing him deep into your mind
Locking him in a safe
Yet he always finds the key
He’s on the prowl
Making everything become colorless
Whispering things into your ear
“You are worthless”
He chained me to the ground
A way of no escape
Put scales on my eyes
So I could not see the light
Then I met this man
He brought the light back
He banished this maniac
He set me free
My chains our gone
I have found my freedom in his light
I find my comfort under his wings
He’s good to me
He loves me
He says I have a purpose
All these things
All these trials
Where used so I could find him
Seek him
Know him
And through this
I could find out
That he is good
#depression #sadness #findinghope #faith #jesus #god #restoration #redefinedhope #purpose #savingrace
Oct 2017 · 530
Solar love
MfP Oct 2017
I stayed with the moon
While you danced away with the sun

MfP Oct 2017
When we give our hearts to the ones we trust most
When we give our love yet hold it close
Then now our love is but a ghost
Why oh why have you left me my heart
Shattered and scarred oh it’s all an art
Putting my broken pieces it’s time to impart
Impart my foolish ways
Oh the days and days
Of wanting the ways
Of how they once were
And how your sweet voice and soft touch was just a lure
Nothing pure
I don’t regret this lust we had
I will not be sad
For now I’m just a beautiful Mosaic

While hard times may break us it will shape us into beautiful mosaics

— The End —