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Mar 2021 · 819
Time Traveler
Orah Mar 2021
When I close my eyes
I become a time traveler

I can’t always control the destination
Nevertheless, I certainly know when I have arrived at the desired location

The mixture of emotions always taste like acid
And the memory of our meet paralyzes me

A lovely summer day
Full of laughter
And new friends
Marked a new beginning
That ended in a great tragedy

Agony switched places with happiness

Tears of laughter became tears full of sorrow

Music could no longer drown out my screams

And every friend transformed into an enemy
Jul 2020 · 514
Never Letting Go
Orah Jul 2020
Your loving hands dried up my tears,
          And water droplets no longer blur my vision.

Your caring hands removed my blindfold,
                     And I can see you now as clear as day.

Your powerful grace transformed my frozen heart,
                               And it now beats to the rhythm of your love.

Ever since I stopped running,
          Ever since I stopped and accepted my mistakes,

I have been able to forgive myself,
                                  Love myself,
                                  And just be
       ­                                                Authentically.
       I was so lost,
                 But I’ve been found.

I’m holding onto you
                                      With both hands
                                                           ­        And a tight grip
I will never
                               ­ Go

Because if I lose you, then I will lose myself.

I love you King Jesus. Forever and Always.
Orah Jul 2020
Just Be

For the past 12 yrs, I struggled with these four simple acts of kindness.

I was giving to much of myself to others,
I had outrages expectations of others,
And I was mentally stuck in believing that it was my way or the highway.

And so, I hit rock bottom

Depression smacked me
across the face every morning
Having bags
under my eyes
was my norm

Anxiety would visit everyday
And compress
my lungs
Making me
Like a fish out of water

When I couldn’t
When I couldn’t  
Numb the pain

I turned to the Holy one,
Who sees it all,
The king of king’s
Who waits for you to seek him
The creator of heaven and earth
Who waits for you to repent
And ask for help

On the day I took my first steps in Faith,
A helping hand reached into the rabbit hole that I had fell down
And helped me get out
With Grace

My demons
Who could no longer keep me down
Turned around
Tails in between their legs
And ran away

Because the realization had struck
Of who my father is
The Lord Our God.
Orah Jul 2020
It’s TIME for judgement day to come
Is what most people are saying
It’s TIME for Christ to return
Is what most people are saying
It’s TIME for the end of the world
Is what most people are saying
But what if in reality it’s actually TIME for us to change
Real change occurs in the Heart
It’s TIME for us to be compassionate
It’s TIME for us to love our neighbors
It’s TIME for us to allow Jesus Christ to enter our hearts
In this time of darkness, I pray that each and every single one of you that got this far in my message takes the TIME to look within and allow God to fix what’s broken.
Because it’s that TIME
Jun 2020 · 265
The conqueror
Orah Jun 2020
Hope nowadays resembles the wind.

One second people have it,

And the next it’s gone like the wind.

When an obstacle greater than you presents itself and stares you down.

Don’t coward away and forget about hope.

Being obedient to retaining hope pays;

People who are obedient,
Who remain faithful,
Who hold onto hope without hesitation,

Will see obstacles,
No matter how great or small,
be conquered by the divine.

You see when an obstacle seems too big for you, or too complicated and the how just won’t present itself .. it’s because you’re not supposed to be fighting that battle.

It’s God’s battle.

Give him his FIGHT BACK!

He called and asked to have his fight back.

He wants you to return it.

Give it BACK,
Let go and Let God.

Everything happens in divine timing.

Don’t let your hope dissolve,

Don’t let hope escape from your grasp like the wind, instead hold onto it with both hands and stand witness to how OUR God will conquer the fight.

Because he is the king of kings,
There is no obstacle greater than him
And he will succeed.
Jun 2020 · 211
Standing Tall
Orah Jun 2020
To love and be loved
Is what we all crave

To give and receive
Is what we believe in

People wish for an abundant life,

Yet they fail to provide the level of effort that’s needed to match the financial wealth, emotional happiness and love that is craved by people.

Just like money,
A fruitful life doesn’t grow on trees.

On the contrary,
it’s a small seed that needs to be watered.

Take the time to look within and I promise that’s where you’ll find your seed.

Once found,
Water your seed,
Nurture your seed,
And provide love in abundance to your seed.

From here, you will watch as your birth right sprouts and grows.

And when spring comes,
You will have a strong tree that will meet all of your mundane needs.
Feb 2020 · 214
Guardians 🕊
Orah Feb 2020
Spirit guides are divine warriors,
they provide you with positive energy,
And guidance.

They are always watching,
They are always near.

Their presence is too powerful for the eyes to see, and only your soul can feel.
Mar 2015 · 4.9k
Orah Mar 2015
This can’t be normal ..

I crave your touch, lips and love

You're the drug
And I'm the addict

A simply touch will take my breath away

And a kiss will freeze my thoughts

Same as my soul, are you my soulmate ?
Dec 2014 · 10.9k
Orah Dec 2014
I feel so lonely
No one to trust
Turn to.
Supposed to be friends are more worried about themselves and can't notice what I'm doing.
I'm hiding
Hurting emotionally
to the point where I've gone
numb inside.
The only times I remember I have feelings is
when the flood of emotions comes rushing out
leaves me
and panting for air.

— The End —