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Aug 2014 · 2.9k
The Three Lions
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
In the jungle lived three lions
Their father had just died
they were sitting trying to decied who should take the crown

The three lions were wise
But only one will have the royal life

The eldest said :
My brothers with great grief i bid our father's fairwell
But its time for me to be king
Im the older and the most powerfull between you two
This kingdom cant survive if i dont rule

The younger lion replied :
my brother its true that your strong and old
But i am the smartest between you both
Leave the crown for me and i shall take care of your needs

The third lion said :
All you too have said is true
But i am the most beautifull lion between you too
All the animals in this jungle respect me
And i was the favorite for daddy's
No other lion is more courageous than me
So i think i should be king

The three lions couldnt agree
They started to fight violentley
The older lion ended up winning the fight

He looked down onto his brothers dead on the ground
He couldnt believe what he had done
What would his father think of him now?
He surely didnt deserve to be a king
Feeling miserable he walked away cursing his greed

He would leave forever and never come back leaving his father's land

A kingdom without a king...

Words Of Harfouchism
Aug 2014 · 521
Summer's Almost Gone
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
"Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
where will we be when the summer's gone"
Not mine its a song by the doors
Aug 2014 · 5.7k
The 7 Deadly Sins
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
No justice nor equality
How to live without envy?

No money nor security
How to live without greed?

No motives nor prize
How to live without sloth?

No accessibility nor satisfaction
How to live without lust?

No pleasure nor satisfaction
How to live without gluttony?

No logic nor sense
How to live without wrath?

No compassion nor humbleness
How to live without pride?

Words of Harfouchism
Aug 2014 · 10.7k
Ancient Lake
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Come with me
To the ancient lake
I ll hold your hand
Dont be afraid

Come walk with me under the stars
We ll sing, dance and make love
Come with me
To the ancient lake
Where the knwoldge shall be gained

Come with me and spend the night
We will never be apart

Come my love swim with me
our love will last an eternity

Walk with me to the ancient lake..

Words of Harfouchism
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
some things wont change
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Its been a while since i didnt got to do what i love
Time is passing and my habits got lost
I wonder how long do i still have to wait

Its true that i want a new life
It doesnt mean that ll drop the things i like

A new start is what i seek
But now that my routines has disappeared i realised how much i should had appreciated what i did

They all say after the storm comes the sunnydays
But i just cant no longer wait
I feel so helpless theres nothing i can do
What if after all this time no good news will come through

What will i then do?

Happy or angry nothing will change
im stuck in a ****** up place
Where theres no one i could relate to

Im sitting on my bed and the world outside is drifting away
I wonder if they can feel my pain
Imagination is all i got left my first and only friend.

If what im waiting for shall come true and a new start will be gained
The world can be sure that some things will never change

Words of Harfouchism
Aug 2014 · 1.4k
Quantum Leap
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
they say dreams are a message from above.

they say dreams are reflections of our thoughts

what to do with dreams that dont make sense
how to properly analyse them to understand

To me dreams are a quantum leap
what we feel in a dream feels so real

maybe when we are asleep we live our other reality in a parallel universe
and when we are awake the other us will be dreaming about us in this earth
how i wish sometimes to escape and exchange worlds with my other me
all i have to do is find a port to quantum leap.
Aug 2014 · 71.4k
Because i'm Happy
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
because im happy i dropped my insecurities
because im happy i love everybody
because im happy im full of energy
because im happy i lost my fear
because im happy im free
because im happy i dont care
because im happy im aware
Aug 2014 · 1.1k
What I'd Like To Be
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
There's alot of things in this life that i'd like to do or be.
But its seems that in this life i dont have the ability to be free.
I'd like to be alot of people that i ll never be.
I'd like to be alot of things that i ll never be
i'd like i dont know maybe to write poetry
just to make people feel and believe.
i sometimes like to be a famous producer
just to make people dance to my music
i'd like to touch people with my melodies
make them hear it till they fall asleep.

i'd like maybe to be a priest
i could help people find their peace.

i'd like to be a gangster with alot of guns
i'd shoot everyone around without giving a ****.

sometimes i'd really like to be an old tree
just to dream and  stay free
i'll be only sending energy to those who visit me

i'd like to be a woman sometimes
just to tell guys they gave me pleasure and im satisfied
the poor things thats what they only worry about.

i'd like to be alot of things that i ll never be
so i ll just keep enjoying being me.
inspired from kamini
Aug 2014 · 3.1k
The mystical road
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
Travelling on the mystics road
I felt the energy decsending from the sky
Dont know where i must go
I just kept following the light
The stars were bright
The moon was clear
I knew this trip had to do with my destiny
Then i came to this river and i felt it whisper.
It said : walk away from all the lies if you'd like to continue your life
You've been fooled for so long  it attracted you away from home
Theres so much stuff you've got to understand
Just make and follow the plan
They called you weird
They  called you dumb
But in all the hands runs the same blood
Trust what you feel and leave the fake friends behind.
Walk into a straighter line.
Im the river of wisdom
Trust what i say
Come take a sip of me and from the sins stay away.
I approched slowly and drank from it
Fast i took the hint
What to do was clear to me
So i decided to come back home
Travelling the mystical road

Words of Harfouchism.
Aug 2014 · 891
The eyes of the summoner
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
It was a cold night with no light
Sitting alone in my home
I heard three little knocks on my door
Shivers ran through my spine
Who could that be at this time?
I checked the window to see who it was. But there was nobody out.
Returning to sleep feeling drained i heard the three little knocks again.
I rushed and opened the door.
A faceless man was standing alone.
And he said hello my friend im happy to visit you again.
Your time ended in this life
Im here to take u to the after-life.
Suddenly his eyes appeared to me and i felt so light and free.
Those eyes were death why was i so attracted to them?
I was flowting in the air and watching my body lying on the ground downthere.
I realised i had just died but yet i felt so alive
I was a spirit ready to break on through the other side.
But somehow i couldnt forget those eyes.

Words of harfouchism.
Aug 2014 · 10.9k
Stay Positive
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
they listend to me when i said look.
they knew a meaningfull lesson i was about to shoot.
close your eyes and visualize your dreams for before you know it they ll become real.
expand your mind and free your soul and all your problems shall be solved.
never forget to stay positive. all the bad things are relative.
focus on your health and stay fit and watch your life take a lift.
sing this song and feel the beat for freedom is what we seek
trust your intuitions and praise the lord and all the answers will come to your door.
seek love in everything and you ll see the love in all the living
never forget what really matters health family friends and animals.
be yourself and seek your pleasures but if you abuse it  you 'll lose this treasure.
trust me when i say be patient life isnt and diamonds.
In the right time you will recieve just the information that you need.
thats if ofcourse you chose the right path,if you didnt your actions wont last.
find laughter in everything. fun is the only medicine.
life is hard so be carefull dont rush things and stay in focus. for what you miss wont be retrieved.
love the children and never lie to them for the truths lies in their heart to the end.
take your emotions seriously. behind them hides life's mistery.
seek romance but in balance stay independent and love again.
dont fight people for energy, others sources give it to you for free.
send energy to those who need for giving is the greatest act indeed.

words of Harfouchism
Aug 2014 · 2.5k
The Enchanted Forest
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
in a strange land i stood alone
facing the sun it felt like home.
the mountains were watching me.
i was new i was the guest. how did i come here wasnt clear but its for the best.
somehow i knew the trees had a msg for me.
a msg so familiar that was always burried inside me.
And they said : young man standing in the plain you still have alot to gain. dont be afraid of the unknown for it is essential for ur growth.
trust your intuitions and believe
And all your talents shall be revieled
Be courageous and dont be shy for what life have planed for you aint a lie..
lose your fears and lose your greed and the secrets of life shall be whisperd in your ears.embrace silence and embrace peace and wisdom is what you
shall see.
we know what you think.
we know what you feel and thats one of the reasons we called you here.
in front of you we stand here an untouched forest existing for your relief.
Love me and love me again for im your mother and i ll never end.
im nature.
through me u breath. through me u eat
Never abandon me and i ll provide for you your needs.
i take so many forms im in so many places
love me and into your heart i shall be expanded.
Im done now u can go back and continue your life.
but dont forget rare are the ones who saw this place. always remember wht i said and search for signs traveling in time and happiness is what you shall find.
as the sound stopped i closed my eyes trying to embrace what i witnessed.
i felt im one with evrything. time has passed i opend my eyes.
I was in bed.
I knew this story shall be shared.

words of Harfouchism.

— The End —