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 Mar 2016 Faded
 Mar 2016 Faded
We are the hopeless
We are the lost
We are the ones who fight the hardest
Then fall and drown in our own blood
We are the ones with hearts made of steel
Icy cold and burning hot,
Either way, you can’t melt the part of us
That is dark

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

When we walk, it is with heavy footsteps
When we talk, it is with
Voices barely there
We are the poor souls
Caught in the landslide
And no one can us scream
“Help me!”
And we give up our last breath and fade
Into the dark

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

Don’t try to prove to us that there is love
Don’t show us a world that is absent of pain
Don’t try to tell us that we are okay
Don’t you understand,
We can’t take your hand
The darkness is contagious
The darkness is contagious

You cannot find us,
Because we are dark
You cannot save us,
Because we are dark
(Darkness is the air we breathe,
Darkess is a smothering sea)
We are all dark hearts,
And we feel nothing but this pain

We feel nothing but this pain
Weighing us down
Tarnishing our souls
Don’t ever try to tell us that we
Are anything but
I wrote another song! It’s weird, because normally I **** at songwriting. I can never come up with a tune. But, like with “Like-Minded Soul”, I already have a basic melody for this, and I’m hoping to build on it.
In case anyone is wondering: my current inspiration is the band Bring Me the Horizon. FANTASTIC band, absolutely incredible. I’ve been listening to a bunch of their songs lately, which is churning my own songwriting gears. :)
 Mar 2016 Faded
Sarah Marshall
My life is a dream,
so when I dream
it's a dream within a dream.

I see my angel
soft feathered wings
and a bright white smile.

I like to imagine
that its the face of God
visiting me in my only solace.

But each night, when I smile back
the dream shatters
and I waken to my living nightmare.
 Mar 2016 Faded
Arielle Dawn
 Mar 2016 Faded
Arielle Dawn
I can feel it
I can taste the taste of poison
Lingering in my mouth
My lungs filled up to the brim
And with every breath I let out

Black thorns entwine my heart
Leaving barely any space for it to beat
I dream of being taken by my sorrows
Dark winds swaying me off my feet
And numbing the pain eternally
I fantasize of being saved by death
Sweet nothingness taking me over
I wish to no longer be
This world is no place for me
 Mar 2016 Faded
Jessie Taylor H
This pain is so unbearable,
I'm writing on my skin.
My whole arm feels numb,
I didn't think it'd get this bad again.
I'm painting with my wrist,
In only the color red.
Because each deep little thought,
Can only come out unsaid.

My mind is so twisted,
I'm mixing lies with facts.
I'm not sure who to trust.
My heart or my head.
They're spinning me around,
As if it's life or death.
Each direction will cause pain,
But somehow,
One will still bring something to gain.
 Mar 2016 Faded
i hope  she thinks of you
when the sun shines
in her morning window
and when the moon is full at night
i hope is your face what comes to her mind

when beautiful songs play on the radio
i hope she wants to share them with you
cause i know music is like therapy to you

i hope she thinks of you
before closing her eyes at night
and in her dreams she kisses you
a billion times
i hope she smiles at your picture in b&w;
that she sees all the beauty you carry

i hope she talks with you
and she wonders if you're feeling all right
if you had lunch
if you sleep enough
if you rest at night
i hope she asks you about your fears
and dreams
i hope she's there for you
when pain hits you the worst.

i hope she doesn't hurt you.

i hope she gives you the happiness
i could never bring to you
i hope she cares about you
at least as much
as i do.

i hope she loves you
 Mar 2016 Faded
to my dad
 Mar 2016 Faded
in my dreams i see you sometimes
i am next to you and your eyes
are not sad
they just smile the way i saw them smiling
only a few times

when i look in the mirror
i hear your voice saying there was beauty in my
smile and in my big blue eyes
i was a little girl then
and many years have gone
and you have gone with them
i still remember your hugs
though it feels like decades since i was last in your arms
and your voice still echoes in my brain
i remember the last time we spoke you told me
to not cry,
to be strong
and i am trying to be.
i am.

i pretend that i am.

i see you in my dreams sometimes
and i am again a 6 years old little girl
running to you
when you open the front door
and waking up realising
i will see your face no more
it's the most painful story
and i cry sometimes
but you are not here
to open any door
and i am not 6 years old any more
and there's no beauty
in  my big blue crying eyes.

you left and took away your voice,
your dancing,
your bright face
your warm arms
and your kind eyes,
i am left only with a picture
i keep inside a box
behind the front door of my heart
and i want to go back,
to be your little girl again
and i know i'll never get to tell you
that I don't want to pretend any more
and I want you to tell me
that it's okay if i am not always strong
that it's okay to cry.

in many lines i have tried to write you
but i always do it the wrong way
and it seems impossible to describe
how much i miss you
and i need you
how much
i love you.
 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
Do I regret
That I let you in?
I don't regret
That it was you
Who I let in.
But I regret everything
Which we have now become...

I don't regret the act done
While being afected by feelings.
Feelings which I never knew,
Before I meet you.
But I do regret actions,
Which I have done
Because you hurt me...

Because just as much
As I care about you
Just as much does it hurt me now
To see you.
I would prefer
Not to be near you
Because it hurts
When I am...

I regret the words I said in anger,
While I was being
In a hurt state of mind
Where I only knew one way
To let it all out...

I deeply regret
So many things
To write about them all
Would take forever.
But the only thing,
Which I don't regret
That I let you in...
English version of the poem "fortryder jeg"
 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
They pretend
That they don't see
What's going on...

They pretend
That there's no bully
And that the girl

She did just fall...

They pretend
That there's no cuts
On her wrists...

They pretend
That she isn't crying
Or feeling alone...

They  pretend
That there was nothing
Which they could have done

To change what happened...

They pretend
That it wasn't their ignorance
Which killed her

In the end...

These pretenders
Keeps lying
To themselves

*It's time to wake up
Stop to pretend...
Anti-bully poem
The watcher is worse than the bully since he holds the power to stop it...
 Mar 2016 Faded
Echoes Of A Mind
Love doesn't like me
It never have
And it never will...

Love doesn't like me
'Cause it likes
To see me suffer...

Love doesn't like me
It doesn't matter what I do
I always mess it up...

Love doesn't like me
It hurts
And I've had enough...

Love doesn't like me
It has always been like this
You'll find me walking alone...

Love doesn't like me
Neither do I like
I wish that I had never found out what it means to love...
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