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 Oct 2015 Alexandria Hope
i sat
in the
at the
blood vessels
in my legs
and wondered
if they were
before you left,
 Oct 2015 Alexandria Hope
youll learn to
the demons
you share
this earth with
when you realize
that some of them
reside within you
I wonder if there are so little stars in the night sky,
Because they decided to live inside your shining eyes.
Yellow by Coldplay
I'm cold and feeling emotions.
 Oct 2015 Alexandria Hope
i cannot help but feel
that i am clinging to
a corpse
after the dog has died

the flesh is
and my bed
but i cannot help
but come back
to this
every night
 Oct 2015 Alexandria Hope
all of these drugs in my system
all of these holes and blisters
you said that i was made of the sun -
but what do you know of light,
you creature of darkness?
 Sep 2015 Alexandria Hope
its easier
to fall back into
old habits
than to fall out off them

because who falls
out of a hole -
when you arent even sure
where it begins
and where it ends?
 Sep 2015 Alexandria Hope
now that i have
discovered my fangs,
i hope my bite
is poisonous
i grovel until i strike
 Sep 2015 Alexandria Hope
 Sep 2015 Alexandria Hope
He told me my scars weren't beautiful
And I told him that no one could ever really admire a masterpiece
Without taking a few steps back
Your scars make you who you are and no matter what you are beautiful
I found myself comfortably slipping back into the skin I used to wear. When I loved a man fiercely and from afar. It was so easily, and fitting. But something was different? Perhaps it's as if I knew now, as I never did before, that this was just a gown. And that there were plenty of other gowns I could be wearing. Some of satin and lace. Some of cotton or wool. Suddenly, I realized how scratchy this skin felt. Had it always been so rough? I slipped out of the skin-and hung it up in my wall like a velvet black dress. 'Does that even fit you?' The words rang in my head. They were jarring and accusatory. I crawled into something warmer. Something new. It smelt of magic soap, the kind that came in a bottle covered in scriptures. 'This is better' I thought, with an unfamiliar grin on my face. I thought it to be odd. Even more odd that it felt genuine. 'This is much better'
"I practically threw my remote at the television screen after seeing Insider's depiction of the prep school **** case. Why did it matter that he was top of his class? One station said she called him an angel. And left her earrings behind. Another, a gem. All that mattered to me was that she was faceless, and afraid. That her word, her crackling deep voice, wasn't enough. Even behind a shadow, she was under a spotlight."
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