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 Aug 2015 Alexandria Hope
i slept inside of your ribcage
until you purposefully broke all of your ribs

you threw yourself down the stairs
and didnt cry until i disappeared

i tried to repair your broken bones
but all i had to my name was some dental floss

now my teeth are rotting out of my skull
because i stitched you back together
I stopped eating because I was tired of gaining weight
I stopped weighing myself because I was tired of disappointment
 Jun 2015 Alexandria Hope
she smelled wonderfully sad,
the salt from her tears and the floral scent of her hair
somehow combined into a heavenly aroma i couldn't get out of my nose,
that reminded me of spring depression,
*as if i were collapsing in a field of wildflowers next to the ocean.
for alex westerfield, who smells exactly like this. you're perfect and i love you
Her beauty was natural with the volume turned up
She was music only I could hear
My headphones for lonely nights
A bass line that echoes my heart

Her only genre was making me smile
A one person concert every time we spoke
She needs no instruments just her lips
The only amp she needs is her soul

Cover art was the pretty dresses
Song names days we spent
The duration of an album was each season
And I wanted the summer single to never end.
I loved you because you were broken
my soul could look at yours and see home

every minute we spend together was like drowing in the ocean
I would sink deeper and deeper and eventually I would choke
but the darkness of the water never botherd me, I liked it
maybe because you were always there with me

in the morning I would look up and see the sunlight
coming through my window, the lights would touch my face
and every single morning when I would open my eyes
the first thing I always think of is you and how much I love you

I wish I could have you near me, like everyday
but we both know that never was a great idea
after a while we would remember how much we are a like
and I would hate you for being that way, you would hate me
maybe that is why you are my soulmate, why I love you

Im looking for parts of myself in the people I love
it gives me comfort knowing there are kids out there who are like me
a little bit mad, a little bit broken, but with golden hearts and voices

I always loved the idea of us being in love forever.
a lovestory about two broken teenagers that would never work out.
 Apr 2015 Alexandria Hope
 Apr 2015 Alexandria Hope
you should be
from the

wasted on
who have
to care
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