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13.3k · Feb 2015
Adventures of the Unknown
db cooper Feb 2015
Let's set out together
Explore the breeze
We'll walk hand in hand
Beneath the trees
In no particular direction
No direction we need
These adventures of the unknown
Leave us freed
5.7k · Jan 2015
Lumberjack Dale
db cooper Jan 2015
I stopped by for a cigarette and to hear a story
He always told the tale of one eyed molly
She lost her eye
In a fight with a dog
The moral of the story was
Never trust something
Just because it may look harmless,
Even act harmless
But this day he told me another tale
The one of old Lumberjack Dale*

He was large like an ogre
Chopped too many trees to know of

Was stupid according to my uncle
This gave me quite a chuckle

He left off, on a normal morning
Hiked up the mountain
To where the clear dirt’s mourning

Held his axe and began to swing
The trees didn't have a prayer
He thought he was king

One fell down
He yelled "TIMBER"
Another smacked the ground
He Yelled "TIMBER"
Then another

Birds were scattering
Squirrels were flying
The sounds were of a madman grunting through fire

The fifth hit the ground
The lumberjack ogre
Had to sit down

He swung one too many times, on this here day
The mountain swung back with a black bear, ok?

Protecting her cubs she wrestled the big man
Teeth in his arm and his axe in his hand

He squinted his eyes and flung the weapon
Missing the giant bear standing about 6' 11"

The mountain whispered to the lumberjack
"Leave and never come back"
He had ****** his pants and ran for the shack


The old black bear followed
Protecting her land
And the ones she adored
db cooper Sep 2015
Tainted by the blood moon, I lay awake
Night air swept through my window and I escaped
What’s over the hill and behind the shadow?
Dreadfully that answer I already know
Nothing worth seeing, the adventures over
Some cattle fields and a lonesome hollow
But if only for a moment or so
I could remember the wonder of my childlike soul

I tossed my cold feet to the floor
Placed upon my shoulders that afghan, never worn
Set out to the hills off in the distance
That feeling of adrenaline, an adventures mistress

The old 2 lane route 302
Had became an untraveled pave way at quarter to 2
She spoke my name and the trees listened
Walnuts fell on the old tin roof of Mr.  Simmons

“Look beyond Alone,
There’s more to this road than what you think you know
Keep walking now you’re almost there
No longer will you be afraid whence you’re spared.”

What was the night saying to me?
I wasn’t sure because it was then that I couldn’t see
So travelling the road I did proceed
Looked to the finish it wasn’t far to be
My pace was in scurry like atop was gold
But I found soon out this wasn’t so
Nothing was there waiting I need
Another lonely place as silent as she

The rolling meadows done nothing for me
Like a blind man being amongst the sea
But in the distance it came crashing on me
And my eyes were opened immediately

My house was burning that I could see
And everyone else’s on the street
Dying alone snuggled in bed
Smoke inhalation now they're dead
I watched the night turn to red

Like the blood moon had tainted my soul
Fire roamed the street that once was home

All the neighbors that wouldn’t speak to me
Charred to death and forever they sleep
I guess it was intuition to leave
It seems like maybe the night had saved me

And here I sit alone again
Thinking of that autumn dark, I remembered my sin
Crystal **** on a wild weekend

I killed them all and no one knows
The blood moons curse on my soul
This was written solely by my imagination and has no truth.
1.9k · Dec 2014
Mad Hatter
db cooper Dec 2014
It was new years day
I remember it like it was yesterday
We had a birthday party for my nephew
Everyone was there and I loved you
I told them all what I would do
I'd ask to marry you
You said yes
I was pleased
But I remember from then on
It was diseased
I loved you
More than you ever me
I couldn't help the jealousy
But that night I caught you
At the Wally Mcgees
That made me absolutely crazy
All I could think about;
Was that **** Beatles song
Where they sat on a cornflake
And pigs ran from a gun
I couldn't help what I done
I had to do it,
You were causing me too much pain

But I ended it
My pain I mean
With a knife in her vein
I guess you could say
That I was **Mad Hatter
This is fiction writing.. I have not killed anyone nor do I wear a hat, although I may be a tad mad.
1.6k · Dec 2014
Golden Harpoon
db cooper Dec 2014
Under the moon
In a unused lagoon
I swim alone
Searching for
A silver spoon
Ive heard rumors
The burial of
Old Doc. Boone
He had a fortune
Stolen from Mr. Blume
They left in his body
A Golden Harpoon
1.3k · Mar 2017
Tickle the Quiver
db cooper Mar 2017
His open mouth smile
Gave me a shiver
Twinkle in his eye
Tickle the quiver
Ugh what is it now?
Same old Uncle Joe
Wrinkly brow
Puffing smoke
Come on boy, get in the truck
Hell no, Uncle Joe
I'm a sitting duck
Get in, now
You better do as you're told
Jesus, God
He's out of control
Down by the creek
We took a trip
And there it was
Lying in a ditch
See it, boy
Look at what I made
My God Joe
What is that thing?
I looked at his face
There it was again
Cigarette in his mouth
An open ended grin
He said you know what it is
Take that stick and poke it
Mother of God
It couldn't be
But I know it
A man was there
Dead in the ditch
Twinkle in his eye
Lickity split
Christ almighty
I knew not to flinch
He started to chuckle
Turned to me and said
Look at his face, boy
That's your brother Red
Never again
Have I lost all self control
But on that Summer Sunday
I lost it
Body and soul
I drew back a branch
That I found on the ground
Saw nothing but blackness
And now he's down
**** crazed Uncle Joe
He's out for the count
Smile on his face
While he's bleeding out
I feel better now
Saying it aloud
I don't get many visitors
This time around
1.0k · Jan 2015
Like A Mirrors Reflection
db cooper Jan 2015
I flip flopped and tossed
Awake and sleeping
Premonitions of a day of weeping
Lucid dreams on the glass I'm peeping
The moons surrounded my past
Revolving heartaches and the car crash
I saw two flowers grow tall before my eyes
They were hauntingly deceptive
Bluming toward the darkened sky
Like a mirrors reflection
I saw myself
Standing out of bed
The stars began to fall
The stars in my head
Through the open window
My nose again bled
I called for my mother
I forgot she was dead
Standing there, I'm screaming;
Like the clouds covered the sky
On this particular evening
Lucid Dreams
1.0k · Jan 2015
Starburst Covered Hardwood
db cooper Jan 2015
The footsteps lead to somewhere unknown
But its a place Ive gone before
I never know when I'm on my way
But it's all too familiar needless to say
The room spins as I drown myself quickly
A splash of water and a double shot of whiskey  
My fingers run at half speed
My heart plays background music while the mind leads
The sight of starburst covered hardwood
It makes me think of that orange hand cream that smells so good

At the twinkle of the sun the world stops turning
Life strolls the perimeter of my brain while swirling
My eyes fall out of place and nuzzle up to my desk lamp
That feeling of an overload explosion down at the power plant
Ah, bowakawa pousse, pousse
The song is on "replay" as they say
Dream #9- John Lennon
986 · Jan 2015
Turn to Stone
db cooper Jan 2015
Walking barefoot in the snow
Frostbite black on his toes
The night had been 10 below
He was deaths only beau  
Blood stained white,
fade to red
In the night,
scared dead
Lovers lost,
canyon cave
Alone in sorrow,
snowy grave
He left out,
years ago
Twas the night
Massacre, oh
He loved his family,
now we know
He was crazy,
this is so
Shot his wife
Mrs. Jo
Smashed his sons,
face slow
It was spontaneous
killings, no
He had said,
turn to stone
Jeffy Jo grew up in the hills of Appalachia. He worked in the coal mines all his life and made just enough to keep food on the table. He managed to get by, for a while. Taking care of his wife and son was the only thing he really cared about. When The old mine shut down Jeffy had to turn another direction and seeing how he could barely write his name let alone read the opportunity for employment was limited. This is when it all started really. Jeffy felt stranded and alone. He must have done the only thing he felt was right for him and his. After it all happened, I guess he up and left. Supposedly he walked to montana. I always thought Jeffy was a little strange, but I never knew he was demented.
904 · May 2017
Glacier Water
db cooper May 2017
He had stepped into the leaky washroom
Ceramic tile: floor, walls, and ceiling
Water ran, flowing like a clear mountaintop spring in morning
Her body was **** and lying there
Lifeless and beautiful
He was gazing down at her
Finger twirling his dark ponytail hair
He said aloud "the water is cold, it's as cold as glacier water"
It was forever running over his scuffed up, black wingtip shoes
And down her freckled face, as he was standing straddle her head
Through her elegant red hair
Over her small pale *******
And then down each side of her figure
Hugging the outsides of her legs
Then hugging the outside of her ankles and feet
The glacier water freely flowed on  
It gave her body a complimentary glow
Reflecting the florescent light from the outside hall
He was standing there again pondering her death
Like many nights before this
He's standing there in the glacier water
Looking down at his beautiful wife
Remembering how cold the water was that December night
And how cold it has been ever since
This is a story painted by my imagination and influenced by music. Written while listening to the Album "Ambient Rain Music - For Wellness & Meditation" You can see, it's done wonders for my wellness and my meditation. Thanks for reading :)
880 · Oct 2015
A Sacred Cry
db cooper Oct 2015
Cardinal Feathers and Tears are worn
The Yellow Sun had again been born
Life had fallen some months before
Now they kneel in a circle mourn

Drained and seared,
The soil below looked in fear
To the energies, they raised their peer
Hoping for another light to near

Hand in hand they began to dance
Shouting a melody so complex
Like a majestic wave of ancient ***
A sacred cry for another chance

Stomping and chanting all around
The sky came splashing down
They open their spirit to make a sound
Was an echoing thunder from the ground
The Cherokee associate cardinals with the sun, and one Cherokee myth describes the first Redbird as the daughter of the sun. Some Cherokees also believed that redbirds could predict the weather. "A Sacred Rain Dance painted in my imagination while listening to Old Flavours- Empire Of The Sun"
856 · Jan 2015
Forever Stolen
db cooper Jan 2015
It's almost like a scene from a movie
Whereas it's infinitely more desirable
The softest melody serenades the moment
Time seems to be as absent as the trees
I can see the deepest elegance in your everything  
Eating a snatched apple
Situated so gracefully upon the stump of a tree
The dew covered mountain side had never been as tranquil
That time it was just you and me*

I walk it every now and again
Wishing I could go back to then
This desolation leaves me broken
My love, you've been forever stolen
788 · Jan 2015
Afraid Of The Ground
db cooper Jan 2015
The fog had fallen
Visibility was low
My grandmother swore
This was misery and woe

An old wives tale
But is it really so
Do these things happen
Does mother nature know

We were on the porch
I knew it was creepy
We sat there talking
Her chair was creaking

Middle of the night  
My ears were bleeding
From a sad sound
A night owl screeching  

The wind said hello
The trees casually waved
She took her pills
That didn't cure the craze

I told her to be friendly
She finally calmed down
A senile old woman
Afraid of the ground
This isn't about my grandmother... I would never say she was senile, even if she was. :)
db cooper Oct 2016
Under the glow of an imitation violet night
I sketched the nightmare of a violent smite
Her cigarette was burning in a pepsi can ash tray
What could've been night was actually day
We sat together on that old dust covered floor
Below a leaky windowsill and a broken door
What is it? she said to me
An ancient lagoon and willow trees
I was searching the paper for something to please
But I remembered the feeling of being empty
I pulled up the blanket and it became day
She wasn't there and I had made a mistake
Willow trees and an ancient lagoon
The place where I married her and buried her too
748 · Jan 2015
The Tree Beneath The Sea
db cooper Jan 2015
Beneath the deepest ocean
I found a memory
One of a child
Doodling in his sketchpad
Blue birds
And willows

But those days at home
Are long forgotten  
A dream of when all was right
A story about birds in a tree
The tree beneath the sea
648 · Aug 2017
Jenny's Grave
db cooper Aug 2017
The shallow opening
Ran below the bank
Musky air and water
It's wasting stone away
Now I am kneeling here
Searching for my place
With a little inspiration
I thought of Jenny's grave

The falls of Jenny Wiley
They're running in my veins
My ancestors killed her babies
And took her as a slave
They ***** and murdered
And butchered all the same
The Indians of this area
And their tomahawk blades

But Jenny made a run for it
And she got away
After a year in captivity
She just couldn't stay
I like to think she knelt here
In this little cave
Just as I am now
Planning her escape
Taken captive October 1, 1789, by Indians of the area, Cherokees, Shawnees, Wyandots, and Delawares, who murdered her brother and four children by tomahawk. She escaped after 11 months of captivity. The Indians had intended to attack the Harmon family who lived nearby, for killing two Cherokees, and had mistakenly attacked the Wiley family who lived in one of the hollows that is now within the Jenny Wiley state park. Jenny Wiley became pregnant and gave birth during the captivity, and learned the Cherokee lifestyle. Her dramatic escape in the spring of 1790 is now a legendary tale of early American frontier life in the Levisa Fork River area and the Big Sandy Valley .
598 · Dec 2014
Beyond the Tree Line
db cooper Dec 2014
In vision; a small girl
She scurries
Scratches on her face
From the thickets
In a yellow dress with white front
Drips of blood fall from her cheek
They stain her beauty
Her blonde hair is free
Her eyes; as pure as the sun
She runs from the world
She runs from the hate
She runs from the war
She runs from the bullies
She runs  through the stabbing briers
Despite the pain
She saves her innocents
Even if it's just for a moment
She knows
Evil dwells beyond the tree line
592 · Dec 2014
Hope for Tomorrow
db cooper Dec 2014
I sit quietly and rock in my chair
In the corner of the room
While she sleeps on the bottom stair

It's dark and cold outside..
We don't even have electric..
We don't have pride...

The mill shut down last thursday night
We were already behind
Now I can't see, a future in sight

We're starving in this one room home
We don't know anyone
We don't have another place to go

Maybe it'll turn around, but maybe it wont
I'll drink my last whiskey
...And to the hope for tomorrow, I'll toast
543 · Jan 2015
Canvas of Ages
db cooper Jan 2015
The beauty of our love
Paints a canvas of ages
With the softest brush
Haiku for my wife.

— The End —