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Jun 2015 · 3.7k
Ode to Mrs JC
It's been a while since I have written
I get so wrapped up in everyone elses words
But it takes one to realize
The truth in all that is said and heard
Some people need to learn to be respectful
To the members of our group
Because what ever it is stuck in some ******* ***
Can cause a load of ****
May 2015 · 851
Reasonably Dare
It's a cotton blouse and a frilly dress
A pair of cats eye specs
That are darer in price than they are as a whole
But for these gorgeous things I'd sell my soul
Slinky malinky leg wax
Hair extensions and wearing Max
That gives money a whole new meaning
My pocket is empty but my wants are teaming
May 2015 · 526
Aint that the truth
I like candle light and roses and girly ****
Stuff of romance
But not from you
May 2015 · 2.2k
Eat Me or Just Don't
You know I love you so much but you continue to use it
Like a sandwich you got used to eating
So you can't stand the taste
even though the bread is still holding it together
my insides are bad for you, unhealthy even
But I wont ever stop loving you
I'll fight and be the toughest **** sandwich ever
and maybe someone else will eat me
better than you ever could
I like sandwiches OHKAY
May 2015 · 5.7k
Water 11w
Water is an element that can never make up its mind
May 2015 · 701
Immortality Is Cruel
No one should live forever
I wouldn't wish it upon anyone
Humans are too fragile, always killing themselves
They abuse their bodies
Like I do to my own.
No one should have to feel for eternity
No one should have to exist on this plane infinitely
No one should have to know death isn't an option
There is no way out
No one should live forever
No one
May 2015 · 1.3k
Peter Pan Got Wise
FOR WE ARE ******
May 2015 · 3.7k
If I Were A Soldier
If I were a soldier
All ****** and bribed
I would go down by the trenches
On a tank time joy ride
If I were a soldier
Death would be my game
For all the wrong reasons
They will remember my name
If I were a soldier
I'd say my farewells
Down the barrel of a ******
And straight down to hell
If I were a soldier
Wounded by pride
For a country not worth this
Lest we forget,
I have died
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Imagination Wonderlust
Seas swallow me as I rock
Walking on the walls I can't feel a thing
As the ceiling flies away from me
Your body is too big to hold
The trees swarm around me menacingly
Like wooden legs on ****'s
As the aliens spiral down from the stars
I look for you, I'm crying now
Your eyeballs float away from my sobbing hands
I can't wake up
Wake me up
I'm not really here can you tell?
The hickeys don't make me wince this is a dream
After all
Mar 2015 · 488
Love of another Kind
I followed you home the other night
You left your bedroom light on
He was hitting you
You were screaming
I can't help you and it bothers me
I want to go in there and push him like he does you
I want to bite his leg and make him cry
Like you do
Every night you go home
I know this
Because I follow you home every night
You deserve better
You deserve me
I wont hit you
I wont grab you like he does
I wont raise my voice or shout
I may bark from time to time but I know you'll love me more
I will sleep with you every night
And keep you warm
I will keep you safe from people like him
I think I love you

I am a dog
Mar 2015 · 693
I look at him, so pathetic
Rotten corpse.
He has no idea what demons fester
In his own heart.
He doesn't see it.
Calls me a devil woman,
"No good" he calls me.
He's in denial of the tarred feathers
He has rolled himself into.
I tried my life on him
But he couldn't see that.
Tells me I'm wrong and should
"Be thankful for what I get"
***** pig.
I bet he wished she looked as good as me
Bent over.
I bet he liked her mouth tight
Like my fists,
The chicken wire around his neck,
The tourniquet
Of fate.
Bleach gets the blood out, he told me.
Best advice he ever gave.

— The End —