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Do you cut your birthday cake?
Do you know your birthday is fake?
Don't continue to make the mistake
It's time for you to now awake!

Ask your mother when you were born
You were kicking weeks before and this went on and on
You were alive long back, she knows
And even science has pictures as the embryo grows

Nine months before your so-called date of birth
That is when you actually came to earth
Then you didn't have blood, bone, and skin
You were just a Power, the spark within

But because you believed in the birthday lie
You believed that there were ghosts and fairies in the sky!
Every year you continue to cut your birthday cake
You don't realize the truth, just believe what is fake!

When will you, to the truth, awake?
When will you stop baking your birthday cake?
When you realize that nine months earlier you were born
Then to stop cutting the cake, will you undertake?

Although you know that it is not your date of birth
You came forty weeks before as the zygote on earth
But you just choose to follow the herd
You don't investigate, don't fly like a bird

You don't ask the question, 'Who am I?'
If the body came later, then, 'I am the body,' is a lie
I was that Energy Spark that first came to earth
Not on my so-called birthday is my real birth

In what way will this news make us awake?
Why this big fuss about the birthday cake?
When we realize we are not the body or the mind
Then, Self-Realization we will find

If you are not the body that developed on earth
You realize you are that spark, that's your real worth!
That spark is Energy, that spark is the Soul
To realize this is our life’s ultimate goal

After the spark, starts as a little zygote
Our body is created, be it man or goat
We are not the bodies that we seem to wear
The bodies will live and die and tear

One day, every ‘body’ must die
The one who was alive will depart into the sky
The body that is made of skin and bone
Returns to ashes, as people mourn

We are not that body that died, were we?
People say, 'He passed away', and we are free
They are so sure in the body we no more live
To the flames or to the coffin, our body they give!

If we are not the body that will one day surely die
If we were not born on our birthday, that is a lie!
If we are that spark conceived nine months before birth
Then who is it that on death leaves the earth?

The Soul, the Divine Spirit, the Atman is that spark
To give us life from birth to death is its task
It arrives at conception and departs at death
We are that Power that gives us breath

When you do a simple thing like stop cutting a cake
When you investigate and realize that your birthday is fake
You realize you are the Soul, you are no more vague
To the ultimate truth, you will awake

This Realization is the real beginning of the journey called life
It will liberate us from all misery and strife
When we realize we are not body, ego, and mind
Eternal Happiness and Peace, we will find

Just because we were taught many things that were lies
We believe that God lives in the skies
The birthday cake will make us realize
We will live as the Soul, we will be wise

So, from now don't cut your birthday cake
Don't continue to be ignorant for God's sake
Realize that your birthday is fake
You are the Divine Soul, to this truth awake
We are all seeking Happiness
When all we want is Peace
When we turn within, we will find it
And our stress and worry will cease

Peace is an inner thing
It is a state of Mind
If we can only be quiet
This treasure we will find

There is a Monkey within
That jumps from thought to thought
Our very own Mind is the thief
That must in our quest be caught

And so, we lose our Peace of Mind
As we fill our Mind with junk
If we want to restore Peace within
We must make the Monkey a Monk

Until we stop this 'Ever Yearning'
And we stop our constant crave
We will take stress and anxiety
With us into our grave

Peace is the foundation of Happiness
Without Peace there can be no bliss
If we want to be really Happy
In our Mind we must plant this

It starts with making the Mind still
Stopping it from a burst of thoughts
Tying the Mind with a virtual rope
Tightly with many knots

We live with worry, anxiety, and stress
Right through our life
The cause may be a failing business
Or a nagging husband or wife

But the pity is life will soon be gone
And we will lose the treasure of Peace
Only worries we will carry with us
When this gift of life will cease

In ignorance we search for worldly things
Rubies, diamonds and gold
Turmoil and worry will create wrinkles
And soon we will be old

We run through life like mad men
Seeking this and that
We get lost in a world of desires
We become as blind as a bat

As long as our Mind is not still
We can never enjoy Peace
The Monkey Mind jumps here and there
From New York to Rome, and Greece

But we don't need to go anywhere
Peace if we want to find
All we have got to do is this
Just still the Monkey Mind

The Mind fills us with negative thoughts
Of anger, revenge and hate
It creates so much worry and stress
That we exist in a joyless state

First we must flip from NEP to PEP
From negative to positive
We must give a shampoo to the Mind
Then with Bliss and Joy we will live

We must discover the Monk within
And live like a Peaceful Soul
The challenge is to discover this
It's our life's ultimate goal

We must be Conscious, Aware, Awake
To Realize the Truth of Life
Then we will be free from all stress
Worry, Anxiety and Strife

We are not the body or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul
But the Monkey Mind and Ego together
Makes the ME pay the toll

We lose this gift of Peace of Mind
The source of joy and bliss
Because of the Monkey Mind within
This treasure of life we miss

There is away to find this Peace
We must cut the Monkey's tail
The 'Ever Yearning’ of life must stop
Otherwise, we will fail

We come with nothing, we go with nothing
Life is just a show
The Mind makes us just run and run
And then it's time to go

Instead of being in the moment with Peace
Living with bliss in the 'now'
We swing to the past and jump to the future
Like a wandering cow

We never learnt to sit still
And go within to find
The treasure of Peace that is inside
Is stolen by our Mind

And so, the secret of Peace is this
We must make the Monkey a Monk
Our Mind flooded with rotten thoughts
Must be cleared of the junk

The Mind seems intoxicated
With all that it has drunk
How will we ever find Peace
Until we make it a Monk

So, let us start anew journey
To discover the treasure of Peace
Then worry, stress, and anxiety
In life will completely cease

We will reach that state of bliss
Of Peace and tranquillity
If we stop the Monkey Mind
Jumping from tree to tree

Our ultimate goal is Eternal Peace
Purification that leads to ilumination
And then, Realization of the Truth
That will lead to Divine Unification

The treasure of Peace belongs to us
But it is stolen by the Mind
Until we control the Monkey within
This treasure we will never find

Peace of Mind will bloom in us
When the Monkey becomes a Monk
When we escape from worry and stress
And anxiety in which we are sunk

And so, if you want to be happy, my friend
First, Peace you must find
You cannot enjoy joy and bliss
Until you still your Mind

You can experience Peace of Mind
But for this you must be a Monk
If you want pure tranquillity
Get rid of your Mind's junk

And when you cut the Monkey's tail
Stop it Yearning this and that
You will discover the Monk within
And Peace within your hat

Peace is a gift to all of us
If a Monk we learn to be
But we live with stress and anxiety
Because of the Mind Monkey

If we resolve to live like a Monk
Controlling the Monkey Mind
Peace and tranquillity, bliss and joy
Every moment we will find
5.0k · Jan 2023
3 Peaks Of Happiness
What is Happiness? Is it Success?
Is it Achievement that creates so much stress?
Success creates money that creates Pleasure and Bliss
But this is not what true Happiness is!

Happiness is not money, otherwise the rich would be glad!
There are people who are successful, why are they sad?
Happiness is not Pleasure that depends on many a thing
True Happiness is Peace, it is a state of being

Who doesn't want to be Happy?
Who wants to be Sad?
There may be a few, but they are then mad!
Everybody in this world wants to be Happy, wants to smile
But most have miseries that are longer than the Nile!

Money can buy pleasure, but it can't buy Happiness
Money can buy medicines, but health we can miss
Money can buy a diamond ring but love it cannot bring
Money cannot buy Bliss, though it can buy many a thing

Happiness is like a shadow which we cannot chase
Further it goes away, when you are in a race
Those who seek success may become an ace
But they are sure to end in the misery maze!

Happiness is something that everyone seeks
Happiness can be found on three little peaks
The first peak is Achievement, the second is Fulfillment
But the ultimate Happiness comes with Enlightenment

On the first peak of Happiness, what we get is Pleasure
We become Happy because of material treasure
The Happiness on this peak is not very strong
We are Happy for a moment, but it does not last long

The second peak of Happiness is called Fulfillment
It comes from being satisfied, living with Contentment
It is letting go of Pleasure that comes from Achievement
And living with Peace which gives Bliss that is consistent

But while we have Pleasure and while we have Peace
We will have Sorrow that will make our Bliss cease
If we want to be Happy, then Life's Purpose we must find
This is Enlightenment, it is transcending the mind

The Mind is a monkey, it steals our Peace
It makes us desire and it continues to tease
It swings like a monkey to a past that is gone
And robs our Bliss because of a future not yet born

If we want to be Happy, we must still the Mind
We must be still, Consciousness we must find
In this state, we are not caught in a thought
But this Bliss to enjoy, we sadly forgot!

Because we are chasing money, success and wealth
We lose our Life, we lose our health
We may have all the money that can give us pleasure
But we will not attain Peace which is the real treasure

Peace is the foundation of Happiness
Where there is no Peace, there cannot be Bliss
Therefore, we must make sure not to lose Peace of Mind
Then, true Bliss and ecstasy in life we will find

Far happier are those who have Peace in their tank
Than those who have a lot of money in their bank
Money is important, but it can't buy Happiness
With money, can you go shopping for Bliss?

But more important than pleasure and peace, is this
Finding Purpose leads to true Happiness
Who am I? Why did I come to earth?
True Bliss is realizing the purpose of this birth

When we overcome ignorance and we realize the Truth
We are free from sorrow when we get to the root
When we realize we are not the Body, Ego or Mind
All misery and suffering, we leave behind!

But to reach this state of Enlightenment is rare
To be Enlightened in Life, not many people care
We are ignorant that from misery we can be free
If we evolve on the Happiness peaks, from one to three

Everybody who is born must suffer pain
We become miserable again and again
But the one who realizes that who suffers is not me
He from the triple suffering is free

Because we think we are the Body, we suffer aches and pain
Because of the Ego, we are miserable again
Because of the Mind, we live with worry and fear
The Ego, the Body, the Mind, create many a tear!

But once we realize we are none of the three
Then from all miseries, we can be free
We can live with Bliss and Peace Enlightenment makes all miseries cease

Happiness is thus, not what we are taught
Alas! In the Success race we are caught To make money, is our primary thought And what true Happiness is, we forgot!

If you want to be Happy, pause for a while
You can be always Blissful, with a smile
Don't try to become Happy, then, Happy you can be
If you realize you are the Soul, not Mind and Ego, ME

True Happiness is being in that state of Consciousness
True Bliss lies in a state of Thoughtlessness
When we **** the Monkey Mind, we can have true Happiness
But ******* the Mind, we don't know this

The Mind is like a monkey, notice EY is its tail
It is Ever Yelling and Ever Yearning and it makes us fail
When we still the Mind, and its desires that create a thirst
Then we conquer Sorrow, that otherwise makes us burst!

There are many ways to be Happy and be glad
Count your blessings and you will never be sad
Discover True Love, the fountain of Bliss These are simple ways to Happiness

Success is not Happiness,
Happiness is Success
Those who don't realize this, end their life in a mess
They just zoom from the womb to the tomb
And all they have is misery and gloom

Instead, look at the Yogi who is always in Bliss
He is never in a state of unhappiness
Ever-united with the Divine, he knows it's all a show
Nothing is ours, the Yogi knows that we come and go

Do you want to be Happy? Then Happy you can be
Then realize that the peaks of Happiness are three
If you run after Success, Happy you will never be!
But if you are enlightened, from misery you will be free

To be Happy, you must live in the 'Now’
To be Happy, you must take a vow
Moment by moment, enjoy this treasure called life
Be enlightened, and you will be free from strife

Are all Successful people Happy? The answer is ‘no!'
But all Happy people are Successful, this truth we must know
We must realize the truth that life is a show
We will live with Peace, Love and Bliss, and go!

Not only will we be free from all suffering on earth
Realization will free us from Rebirth
It will free us from Fear, Worry, Anxiety and Stress
And give us Joy, Love, Peace and Bliss

So are you seeking Pleasure?
Are you seeking Happiness, Peace and Bliss?
Then Evolve from one Peak to another Peak
And you will attain the Eternal Happiness you seek.
3.1k · Aug 2019
Life Realized
If we don't realize who we are and why we are here
If we are not happy and just live with stress and fear
If we come to earth and don't realize why we are given this birth
Then, can we say we lived? No, at best, we did exist

Everybody wants happiness, who wants to be sad
Who wouldn't exchange a life of misery for one that is glad
But few are happy with unfullled desires and expectations
They never learn happiness is a journey, not a destination

Are we meant to zoom from our womb to our tomb
Or is life such that we must be locked in a room?
No, life is about living and realizing the Truth
Finding our life purpose, getting to the bottom of the root

The world is chasing success for everyone wants happiness
They cheat, they lie, they steal and cry, and end their life in a mess
They think achievement and money will give pleasure and smiles
Till they learn Success is not Happiness, Happiness is Success

It's crazy but it's true that we earn for others to burn
Silly, we are stingy, we don't spend on what we yearn
Till one day we realize, sadly, that we have money but no life to live
Money that we can't take with us, everything we must give

Achievement creates pleasure, it makes us laugh and smile
But with it come problems that are longer than a mile
With contentment and fulllment, our life is full of peace
There is no stress, there is no worry, just tranquility, and ease

Have you ever wondered why we are anxious and miserable?
We worry about our cough and cold, and how we will pay the bill
The biggest cause of unhappiness is our desires that are not met
We seek something and are disappointed and this makes our eyes wet

What is our life purpose? Why do we come to this earth?
How do these trillion cells together take a magical birth?
If we live and do not nd life's purpose and meaning...
Then we are no better than a tree that is tall but just leaning

Instead of just existing, there are questions that we must ask
Let's make our life interesting by doing this curious task
Where is God and who is He? Is it true that God made me?
Let us nd out what came rst - was it the seed or the tree?

Are we the body that is born starting as a zygote?
Or is the body something that keeps our life aoat?
Fools are those who believe that we are made of bone and skin
The Truth is that we are the Life Energy that lives within

We think and worry and fear, that is our mind
Strange, isn't it, where is the mind, we cannot nd!
It appears like a monkey jumping from trunk to trunk
Spilling thoughts left and right till we make it into a monk

If I am not the body, I am not the mind, then the question is, who am I?
The ego says, “Oh, it's me! This silly question - why?”
The ego tries to fool us with this mistaken identity
The Truth when we know, only then we will be free

We live in ignorance covered by a blanket that is dark
We achieve many things but what is life, we miss the mark
We foolishly live and do not achieve our own life goal
To nd we are not the body or the mind, but the Soul

The body will die, and the mind will y
The soul which is me will leave for the sky
The body will return to dust, that's no lie
That's the simple Truth, I will never die

There is a power that controls this earth and universe
A power that's kind, that's wise, and does not curse
How is it possible otherwise that the earth goes round and round?
Who is the one that causes all the magic on the ground?

We know God exists but who is, where is, what is God?
Why can't you tell us the secret from the skies, Oh Lord!
We know you exist that's for sure, we have no doubt
You are a power that we know, but we pray: please come out

Life on earth is a Cosmic Drama, we come and we go
Nothing is real, it's like a dream, it's just a Cosmic show
Because we think that life is real, we worry and we cry
We ght, we shout, we scream, we suffer right until we die

Karma is a universal Law, what you give is what you get
As you sow, so shall you reap - on this I can bet
Law of Action and Reaction, those who **** will be made to hang
And it all returns back to us, just like a boomerang

Man thinks he can achieve anything but little does he know
There is a mysterious 4th Factor that actually controls the show
Man believes results depend on him, his equipment and his act
Sad it is but the results lie with the 4th Factor, in fact

There is a way to suffer no more, not to worry, not to cry
If only we nd out the Truth of 'who am I?'
Then though the body and mind suffers, that is not me
From regret, fear, worry, pain and misery, I am free

Of course, we all need a good Life Coach who will teach
Otherwise, it is not possible that success we will reach
If we want to nd the Truth and our life to realize
We need a spiritual master, who will open our real eyes

Do you know anybody who has been to heaven or hell?
Are there devils in hell and does heaven have a bell?
The Truth is this, these are not places that anyone can go
Sins or good deeds are redeemed here on earth we must know

If we are not the body and the mind, then who are we?
We are the Soul, the Atman, we are the Life Energy
When the body is born, we enter and we are the cause of birth
We continue to give life to the body till it dies here on earth

We all say that time is ying, but this is not true
We are moving. Time is still. It's stuck like glue
No doubt the clock has a needle. Its ticking doesn't stop
Stop and see time is still. It's we who run and hop

We must realize this Truth that knowledge is not realization
It's the root, it's not the fruit, there must be evolution
From knowledge shall shoot wisdom that will nally make us know
Who we are and why we are here, in our Soul this will glow

What is our goal? All religions say it is liberation
We must realize we are the Soul, whatever be our occupation
Most of humanity thinks that happiness is the goal
No, this is not true. It is to nd that we are the Soul

Where is the mind? We cannot nd but who will make us know?
It is our intellect who is the master to make the mind slow
The intellect discriminates between what is right and what is wrong
We then choose what we must do and sing a happy song

There is a way to stop all our worries and anxiety
If we live with detachment then from misery we are free
It is passion and desire that makes us expect and crave
If we don't live with dispassion, we will take worries to our grave

What is the key to realization? The secret, do you know?
With discipline of mind and body, towards liberation you can go
If you have no control on your body and your mind
In a prison of Body and Mind, yourself you will nd

People think yoga is a physical exercise.
This is believed by fools, not the ones who are wise
Yoga is union. It's a connection with the Divine
That is all that matters, and it is truly sublime

Who is it that kills and destroys our joy and peace?
It is we ourselves who do it. Let's not blame others, please!
When we start, there is happiness and peace all around
But we desire and we crave and anxiety is found

The one who can be happy in this moment, in the NOW
It is he who can be peaceful, grazing like a Happy cow
He doesn't live with regrets of the past that is gone
Nor does he live with the fear of the future not yet born

Why do we nd that people easily believe in the myth?
Why don't they ask questions and Realize the Truth?
Because we believe in rituals and trust superstition
Our life is in turmoil and we live in stress and tension

Maya is a cosmic illusion. It has two amazing powers
With one it conceals the Truth, with the other, it projects the stars
Nothing is real in this cosmic world, everything is a dream
Because we believe in Maya, we fear, worry, and scream

The Law of Causation states that every effect has a cause
Don't just believe it's a gold ring. Ask questions and pause
If you remove gold from the gold ring, you will nd nothing left
The Divine is the cause, the world and we are just effects

To achieve the goal of life, important steps there are three
It starts with the purication of body and mind, then we are free
In the second step, the darkness goes because of illumination
In the nal step we become one with the Lord, that is unication

Every human being on earth has to act and is not free
When we wake up from bed, we wash our faces and be who we must be
While we cannot be free from action and this Truth we do know
We can be free in action and we can let the spirit grow

At death one of two things happen…this is the Divine Truth
If we believe we are body and mind, we will have to take rebirth
But those who realize we are the Soul, from rebirth they are free
At death, their Soul is liberated and one with the Lord, they'll be

Columbus discovered America, the land he could touch and feel
Self-realization can't be discovered. You’ll know it when you peel…
Layer by layer, when you strip apart the body and the mind
You will realize you are neither, you are the Soul that's inside

Even those who realize the ultimate Truth, they are still not free
They still have to ght the war within, then liberation they will see
The Truth you know, you are still prisoner of the mind
When you transcend ego, and mind, then you are free, you will nd
Of course, there is a way to everlasting peace and joy
If we are free from body and mind, this bliss we can enjoy
But rst, we must realize the Truth and know that we are the Soul
Then we can achieve everlasting joy and peace as our goal

Many things are beautiful, with these beautiful eyes we see
And then we can appreciate how beautiful the Creator can be
But when we realize that everything is a manifestation of the Lord
Then we will not just see beauty, but in beauty we will see God

All religions are good for they take us closer to God
But there is one problem, they say their God is the only Lord
Thus, religion is the kindergarten to spirituality we must know
We must go beyond our religion, in spirituality to grow

Realization of the Truth is nothing less than magic
It eliminates regrets, fears and takes away everything tragic
When we realize we are not the body that cries and the rascal mind
This is the realization of the truth, and peace and joy we will nd

When something happens don't wonder, accept the Divine Will
We must trust in the Divine Master, His design and His skill
Rather than hope for something and break our little heart
It is better to surrender to the Divine, just doing our little part

We all have enemies, who doesn't? But the greatest enemy is 'ME'
ME is Mind and Ego, a bigger enemy there cannot be
It bombards us with thoughts and causes anxiety
It makes us suffer in regret and fear and doesn't let us be free

What is life all about, have you ever thought?
Who are we and why we are here, this we have forgot
The purpose of life is to nd the Truth - we are not body and mind
Our goal is to unite with the Divine, and this Truth we must nd

In a transformation, we make a change, though it is better, not worse
We changed our life from what it was, but this change we can reverse
But a metamorphosis is different, it's when a caterpillar starts to y
It can never again crawl on earth as it becomes a buttery

We are all Souls embodied in a body and a mind
Without this body-mind complex, the Soul we cannot nd
Just like mud needs a *** to manifest itself
The Soul too needs a body and mind and can't be seen by itself

Why do we fear, why do we worry, why do we regret?
Because we live in ignorance, we fume and we fret
But once we realize the Truth that we are not body or mind
We dance with joy and peace, and misery we leave behind

It starts with self-realization, knowing who we truly are
Neither are we the body, nor the mind, but the Soul that shines like a
This leads to God-realization, we nd God is a power
He is everywhere, on earth and in the sky. He is in every ower

The human mind can't understand all, it has a limit we must know
The nose can smell, but cannot see and show what eyes can show
And so is the human being created, he cannot think beyond
He can realize the self and realize God, but can't go beyond

I live as the happiest man on earth, what is my secret of life?
I live with peace and joy and bliss. I have no strife
I know I am not body or mind. I am a Divine Soul
To unite with my Lord, My God, is my Life's only Goal.
Spiritual Poem By AiR
What is Life, have you ever thought?
It is not just to exist, have you forgot?
Is there a greater purpose for us here on earth?
Is there more to achieve in this human birth?

We humans want to be happy, but why are we sad?
We live in ignorance and feel that Life is bad
When will we stop and go on a quest?
When will we be enlightened and in peace will we rest?

We are all prisoners, we are not free
We all live in cages, suffering is our fee
Because we don’t find out what is the Truth
We live in ignorance and we face the brute!

I too lived in ignorance for 40 long years
I lived with anxiety and I lived with my fears
Until one day I found out what was true
And then my Life changed with happy colours and hues

My Spiritual Master asked me to go on a quest
To put every belief of mine to test
“Wake up,” he said, “and realize the truth
Ask and investigate till you get to the root!”

I found that happiness has 3 little peaks
But man is so petty, just pleasure he seeks
Few of us are lucky, we are content with our need
And don't become prisoners of our lust and our greed

The ego and the mind, they both make us sad
We think these are us, but they are the ones who are bad
They are our biggest enemies, they stop the realization
From ignorance and suffering, our Life’s liberation

When we realize who we are and why we are here
We become free from ignorance and every possible tear
We can then live blissfully with happiness and cheer
Today and tomorrow, and right through the year

Happiness is all about being in the now
Not shuttling in thoughts and losing a Life that’s wow
The past is gone, the future not yet born
But we waste our Life as this shuttling goes on

What is Life, have you ever thought?
“Are you just existing?” this question you forgot
If we are liberated from myth and ignorance
Then our Life will have a new fragrance

There are many beliefs that create unhappiness
We live with superstitions, the truth we miss
But because these are things that we all have been taught
We accept these things which in fact must be forgot

Don't we see that nothing is ours at death?
Life is a journey and lasts till our breath
The fact is that we have just a few years to live
Why hate and regret, why not just forgive?

We all want to be happy and we chase success
We think that success is happiness
But when we look around, we find the rich are sad
If money could create happiness, then the rich should be glad

Fools we are, in ignorance we live
We can be happy if we just learn to give
Instead, we earn and earn and earn
Only for others to burn what we earn

We don’t realize that death is not the end
The body dies but for the mind, it’s just a bend
There is a Universal Law on earth
As per our actions, will be our rebirth

I learned about things that make people cry
We wail in misery without asking questions, “Why?”
Life is a treasure, and this gift we lose
Because we don’t discriminate, because we don’t choose

Our goal is Liberation, to be free from the myth
The purpose of Life is to realize the truth
I learned that if we go on a quest, we will find
Joy, peace, and bliss of a very different kind

But instead, we are building fortunes that will not be ours
Sure, we may be rich and have monetary showers
But what is the use if our heart is full of tears
What is the use of Life if it is filled with fears!

Because we don’t understand the true meaning of Life
We live with misfortune, with misery and strife
Rather we must go on a quest, the Truth to find
And be Enlightened about Ego, Body and Mind

Our goal is just one - to merge with the Divine
Instead, we live chasing wealth, women, and wine
We go on and on like rats in this race
Don’t reach our destination, we get caught in the maze

There are in this world just a lucky fortunate few
Who wake up every morning before the sky turns blue
They meditate, they contemplate the true meaning of Life
They cut through the ignorance with a sharp little knife

They are the ones who live a Life full of bliss
They love all, knowing love is not just a kiss
They overcome the ignorance that envelops most of us
They find true enlightenment in Divinity that surrounds us

What is Life in the final analysis?
It’s about being peaceful and finding happiness
But far more than just living with bliss and Joy
Is to discover Life’s purpose before Life goes by

What is Life, the Truth we must know
It’s Liberation from Ignorance knowing this is just a show
It’s about Realization that gives us Liberation
Finding true Enlightenment and Divine Unification
2.5k · Oct 2023
The A to Z of Happiness
Do you want to be Happy? Do you want to Smile? Do you want to remain in Bliss, all the while?
Do you want to Discover, how to always be Glad?
Do you want Freedom from being miserable and sad?
Then, just follow the A to Z of Happiness
And you will reach the state of Eternal Bliss

What is happiness? Do you even know?
It's about that Smile that gives your face a glow
It is being Joyous, it is being Blissful
It is being Peaceful, it is being Cheerful
True Happiness is being free from misery and stress
It is Eternal Happiness that comes from Truth Consciousness

We have been taught that Happiness is Pleasure
Believing in this myth, we have lost the Treasure!
We believe that Success is Happiness and seek Achievement
We don’t realize that true Happiness is Fulfilment!
We are so lost in a life of excitement
We don’t discover the ultimate peak of Enlightenment

Happiness is not Pleasure that comes from winning a race
When will we get out of the anxiety of the chase?
True Happiness is living in Tranquillity and Peace
It is a state where all miseries cease
The Truly Happy one discovers the Purpose of his Birth
Blissful is he, who knows why he came to earth!

We all seek Pleasure, we don’t want Pain
But why do we become unhappy, again and again?
We want to experience Peace, Love and Bliss
But we live in Fear, Anxiety and Unhappiness!
Little do we realize that the culprit is the Mind
It steals our Joy and Peace, making us Blind!

If we want to be Happy, we must flip from NEP to PEP
From Negative to Positive, first, we must take this step
We must **** the Mind that says, it’s King
Still the monkey that causes suffering!
We must pull the Triggers that will make us Glad
And eliminate those Joy Stealers that make us Sad!

There is a way to be Happy, at all times
It is not just about Money, Nickels and Dimes!
Of course, Money can give us Pleasure, it can make us Smile
But Money can’t buy Happiness, all the while!
If we want that state of Ultimate Happiness
We must flip from Mind to Consciousness

Let us learn the Secrets that can create Bliss
Make others Happy and you can have Happiness
We can be Happy if we Give before we are gone
And not be miserable and again be Reborn!
If we discover Karma, the Law of Action
We can learn to be Happy without a toxic Reaction

The Secret of Happiness is to Accept, not to Wonder
To eliminate all Hope and live in Surrender
Happiness is neither in a ‘Yesterday’ that is gone
Nor is Happiness in ‘Tomorrow’, not yet born!
Truly Happy is the one who makes this vow
He will be Happy, ‘Today’, living in the ‘Now’

If you want Eternal Happiness, start a Quest
Unlearn what you have learned, put your beliefs to test
Happiness is something else, get to the root
Overcome Ignorance and realize the Truth
To be Happy, first tame your Monkey Mind
Then, Bliss, Love and Peace, you will Find!

Eternal Happiness is when we discover the Purpose of Life
Then, we are free from all misery and strife
When we realize, we are not the Body, Ego or the Mind
We are the Divine Soul, when this Truth we find
Then, we are Liberated from the Triple Suffering on earth
We can sing, dance and live with Mirth

To be Truly Happy, we must achieve this Goal
Not live as the Body or Mind but as the Soul
We must realize this world is a Leela, a Cosmic Show
We are mere actors, we come and we go
When we realize that everything is Maya, a Cosmic Illusion
Then, we escape from all sadness and delusion!

Enlightenment is the Ultimate Peak of Bliss, of Happiness
It is a state of living in Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi, in Eternal Bliss
United with the Divine, free from unhappiness
Just learn the Happy Mantra and live in Bliss Just follow The A to Z of Happiness

Happiness is a Paradox, don’t try to be Glad
‘I want to be Happy!’ this will make you Sad
Happiness is within, for Bliss, do not search
Don’t think you will be Happy in a temple or a church
Rejoice in ‘Today’! Don’t think you will be Happy ‘Tomorrow’!
Just choose to be Happy and wipe away all Sorrow

If you really want to be Happy, just listen to me!
For I have learned how, from Misery, to be Free!
I have myself evolved from Achievement to Fulfilment
I have experienced the Bliss that comes from Enlightenment
Just follow me and you are sure to live with a Smile
My A to Z will give you Bliss, all the while!
True Love is bliss, it's not just a kiss
It's sad this truth in life we miss
We sing and we dance
And we enjoy the romance
But the bliss and the peace of True Love we miss

What is Love, seems a strange question to ask
Falling in Love is a very easy task
When somebody makes your heart dance
And you feel the romance
Life becomes beautiful and you live in that trance

Haven't you seen kids loving their mom and dad?
Friendship too is Love, it's not just a fad
When there is Love, there is bliss
Love is not just a passionate kiss
There are many different types of Love in fact

It's sad that people think *** is Love
Even without *** you can be hand in glove
With True Love, two become one
Yes, True Love is a lot of fun
It's happiness that takes you far above

When we speak of True Love, what exactly is meant?
In ignorance of True Love, our life is spent
True Love is really magic
That we miss it, is tragic
True Love is a gift that is God sent

Love is Love, but True Love is bliss
It is not just ***, it is not just a kiss
True Love is something great
But it is not everybody's fate
It is sad though we live, this treasure we miss

True Love is not just of body and mind
True Love is not something which the heart can find
What is our Goal?
Find True Love in the Soul
Then in True Love you will find two Souls will bind

With True Love you find that two become one
There are no disagreements and life becomes fun
When 'you' and 'me' become 'us'
Then there is no more fuss
And the treasure of True Love in life is won

The Greeks called Eros, the Love of passion
But Agape was True Love that was their mission
True Love was not just physical
And neither intellectual or emotional
True Love was to make Godly Love the obsession

If Love is so beautiful then why do we cry?
Why do lovers fight and then question why?
Because there is Love
But there is no True Love
The beauty of Love very soon does die

What makes you think that Love is a kiss?
What makes you believe that romance is bliss?
When you give away your heart
And you see it's torn apart
Then you realize that you made a miss

When you realize True Love in the Soul
There is peace in the Heart, and joy is whole
And you see beyond the skin
And you Love the one within
Then you have found True Love, your very life goal

In True Love, you are compassionate and kind, you give
True Love is such that you always forgive
True Love makes one free
And you live joyously
It is with True Love that one can truly live

True Love is a Divine Rainbow with Colours Seven
Colours that burst from White and make you feel you are in Heaven It is the Love of Body and Mind
The Love of Heart and Soul
True Love is Divine, it takes you to Cloud Eleven

It's time to stop and True Love to find
To go beyond body and to go beyond mind
True Love is in the Soul
What is the ultimate goal?
To discover True Love and put everything else behind

True Love is Spiritual, True Love is Divine
True Love is more ******* than *** and wine
True Love transcends the heart
And goes deep within the Soul
True Love is loving God and making life whole

When you discover True Love, you smile all the while
For you see the Divine, everywhere, all the time
You see beyond body, you see beyond mind
When True Love in every Soul you find
True Love makes life blissful, True Love we must find
People mistake Love for True Love, live deluded lives and suffer. ‘True Love is Bliss and not a Kiss’ examines the inherently Divine nature of True Love and encourages readers to aspire for the highest order of True Love.
2.0k · Feb 2021
The Law of Attraction
Does the Law of Attraction really work?
Can visualization do the trick?
Let’s look within to find the real secret
Look deeper for the truth to pick

‘Mangoes, mangoes, mangoes,’ if you dream
Will the fruit grow on the tree?
It is the seed, Oh dear, that you plant
That will grow to be, what you see

But the whole world is talking of Attraction
‘Just desire and make your dream come true’
Desire is good to start what you want
But it’s Action that is the final cue

Attraction without Action doesn’t work
Look deeper and realize the Truth
Within the word ‘AttraCTION’,
There is ‘ACTION’ in the root

For there is a Law, a Universal Law
‘As you sow, so shall you reap’
If there is Attraction and no Action
Then in the end, you will weep

Attraction and thoughts lead to feelings
But it is only when we get to work
The cycle of Achievement says
‘You need to walk, don’t just talk’

For the Law of Action never fails
What you give is what you get
What goes around comes around
It’s like a boomerang, you can bet

It’s popularly called the Law of Karma
What you do, comes back to you
Every Action, good or bad
Won’t escape, this is true

Whatever is unfolding in your life today
Is what you have done in the past
And whatever you are doing today, remember
Will return to you until your last

And when death, which for the body is certain
Happens and Karma carries on
The body dies, but the Mind and Ego
With its pending Karma is reborn

Death is not the end, but a bend
Our Karma account is not closed
Whatever is the balance in our Karmic trade
Causes the next birth to be proposed

Our birth is decided not by luck
Past Actions or Karma is the cause
Where, when, and how we are born
Is controlled by Karma without flaws

Therefore, our destiny is in our hand
It is Action that will decide what will be
We will get to that destination
Karma decides our destiny

Life is like a car on the road
The road can’t be changed, it is paved
But we have a ‘Free will’ to choose how we drive
Through this ‘Free will’, our Karma can be changed

We can go fast, we can go slow
We are free to choose what we do
Remember, as you drive your Life ahead
Is the destination you will get to

Therefore, we must do good each day
Our destiny depends on our deeds
Just like the fruits in our garden, without doubt
Don’t depend on luck, but on the seeds

Whatever we do, doesn’t get washed away
It remains in our account, even after death
Life after Life, the score goes on
And is counted in every breath

But whoever is born in this world must cry
The Enlightened Buddha declared after his quest
‘Dukkha or suffering is experienced by all
No one can escape this test’

We all experience the triple suffering
The suffering of body, ego, and mind
As long as we have Karma, we will be born
What we have done, we can’t rewind

Is there a way to escape from pain,
And from Karma, can we be free?
Yes, this is the ultimate secret
If the Divine Soul, we can be

To escape from all suffering
Is our Life’s Ultimate Goal
This is possible if only we realize
We are the Divine Soul

The Soul is a Power, it has no Karma
It is the Energy of the Lord
We must realize we are not what we appear to be
But rather a manifestation of God

When we realize we are not this, we are That
From Action and Rebirth, we are free
We will be Liberated from all suffering
And United with the Divine we will be

This is the secret of Eternal Joy
And the way to Everlasting Peace
If only we can Transcend Karma
All our sufferings will cease

So, don’t believe just the Law of Attraction
It is the Law of Action that will work
What you attract, may never come to you
If from Action, you will shirk

But tasks will bind you to be born again
And the Happiness that you seek
You will remain thirsty and yearning for more
As you try to climb the peak

The only way to Peace and Bliss
Is from Karma to be free
Then, eternal Joy and everlasting Peace
Will be your final destiny

Life is a journey and we must choose
We can live with Attraction or with Action
But being Liberated and being United with God
Is our Life’s Ultimate Destination
1.9k · Feb 2021
Who doesn't want to be Happy?
We all seek Happiness
We search for it from birth to death
But the true treasure of Bliss we miss
Success is Happiness, we were taught
And in this myth, we were caught
We won and we lost, we succeeded,
and we failed But Happiness we forgot
Happiness is like a Shadow, you see
The more you chase it, the further is goes away
But if you stay still to enjoy it
You will see that with you, it will stay
Happiness is not a product or a place
Nor a person that can give you Bliss
Happiness is a state of being, my friend
When will you realize this?
From the time we are born, we seek Happiness
Just as we run away from pain
We start seeking pleasure and then we seek Peace
We seek Happiness again and again
Ananda is that state of Joy
It is true Bliss without a tear
We transcend the suffering of ego, body, and mind
And we live without worry and fear
But this state of Ananda, this state of Joy
Doesn't come to us for free
Until we become conscious of the Truth
In this state we cannot be
It starts with the Realization of the Truth
Overcoming the myth in life
Renouncing all superstitions and rituals
That create misery and strife

When we go in quest, 'What is the Truth?'
It is then that we get to find
All that we were taught when we were a child
Was a lie, but we were just blind
When we are Enlightened with the Truth
It is then we get to know
We are not this body, we are not this mind
This world is just a show
We realize that we are the Divine Soul
That causes us to live until death
The day we leave this physical body
There is death, there is no breath
But we are that, the Divine Soul
To realize this is our goal
Then, we will experience true Ananda,
In Peace and Joy, we will roll
Why is it we don't realize the Truth?
Why the Truth we don't find?
Because we live as prisoners
Of the ego, body and mind
Our quest leads us to the Law of Karma
Our actions make our desires prevail
Then we realize there is no heaven and hell
It is all but a fairy tale
Today science agrees we are not the body that appears
Before this there was no synergy
It had warred with spirituality on almost all counts
But today both agree we are energy
When we become conscious of this Truth
Then the myth we leave behind
It is then that we open our spiritual eyes
We can see, we are no more blind
But soon the mind that's a monkey
Will jump from thought to thought
The Truth that we had realized
Will soon be forgot

The challenge is to stay conscious
And to observe as a witness
Only then the Truth that we have realized
Will give us Happiness
The Truth is the Truth, no one can deny
But we must be conscious of it
Otherwise though we have the knowledge
We will lose sight of it
Consciousness is not an easy thing
It's unknown to the world
Only a few are blessed to experience
What the wise sages had told
SatChitAnanda, they used to say
Consciousness, Truth, Bliss
But what this state actually was
Nobody could understand this
Consciousness of the Truth is Bliss
But how this Joy, can one find?
Unless one realizes the Truth
They remain prisoners of the mind
Ananda is that state of Bliss
It is a state of Joy that's rare
It is eternal Peace and everlasting
Bliss But you must pay the fare
You must be conscious of the Truth
If you want everlasting Peace
Then the triple suffering that makes you cry
Will, once and for all, cease
Nothing will affect you in this world
As you surrender and you accept
The Divine Leela of the Lord
You will realize you passed the test
Nothing is real, it is just like a dream
In the end, we all must go
But if we live conscious of the Truth
We will truly enjoy the show
Those who don't know, they fret and fume
They look at the sky and they cry
They try to make sense from what happens
They pray and ask God, ‘Why?’
But those who live conscious of the Truth
They live a life of Bliss
They have learnt to live in the moment
Forever in Happiness
SatChitAnanda is a seamless Joy
Being conscious living in Peace
Nothing that happens in the world
Can make our Bliss cease
For deep within we enjoy Peace
And conscious of the Truth we live
We know it’s a dream, it’s not real
We love, we laugh and we give
But is it easy to achieve this state...
This state of eternal Bliss?
Oh, no! As long as we have the mind
It’s difficult to achieve this
As long as the monkey mind in us
Creates all the junk
There can be no Ananda
Till the Monkey becomes a Monk
Then, we can live with Consciousness
With Peace, with Joy, with Bliss
Nothing that happens in this mortal world
Will steal our Happiness
SatChitAnanda is eternal Bliss
It is our ultimate goal
It comes when we transcend ego, body, mind
And we live as the Divine Soul
1.8k · Oct 2022
Realizations of a Yogi
‘Realizations of a Yogi' is not just some theory
It is the life experience of a Yogi
In a Quest for the truth, an account, a testament
Realizations and experiences that led to Enlightenment

Are you seeking to find the true purpose of life?
Are you in a quest of a way to be free from strife?
Then, you have a treasure right in your hand
That will liberate you from returning to this land

You can get knowledge in any college
But the eternal truth is hard to find
It is a very personal experience that happens
When one transcends the body, ego and mind

It all starts when you go in a quest
You put all your beliefs to test
The first thing you must do is unlearn Only then, wisdom of life will you earn

To get to the matter's root
You have to Ask, Investigate and Realize the truth
And to do this, it's not enough to be an ace
You have to have the Divine grace

A seeker of the truth, who has this passion
To realize God, if this is his mission
Then in his journey, a Master he will meet
Who will make his life complete

It's all about finding a Spiritual coach
And for this, you don't search, you don't need to approach
The Yogi, the Guru will be there waiting
If you are on the path, if you are truly seeking

And then you will start to question every myth
You will overcome your ignorance, and realize the truth
Whatever you were taught, mostly they were lies
Even that God was someone who lived in the skies

At first, for sure, it will give you a shock
For you to change beliefs, as tough as a rock
But as you use your intellect to discriminate
It is on earth you will find heaven's gate

First you will realize, you are not the body, not the mind
You are not the ego, this truth you will find
And from the triple suffering you will be free on earth
And learn the way to escape rebirth

For this, you will realize the truth of life and death
Where you will go when you lose your breath
You are not the one who is made of bone and skin
You are that spark of life that is within

You will start living as the Divine Soul
As you attain your ultimate goal
'Realizations of a Yogi' will take you onward
To Self-Realization that will take you Godward

By questions getting answered, this is how it will begin
You will overcome ignorance as you go within
Then that Spiritual flash, you will experience one day
And to your epiphany, you will find the way

I brought nothing here, nothing is mine
There are many Realizations, we must find
We come alone and we go alone
Then, why in life, should we whine and groan?

The quest will lead us to true happiness A life of true love, peace and bliss
We will be free from worry and stress
As we overcome all unhappiness

The journey starts with Purification
And then, there will be Illumination Realization will lead to Liberation Ultimately, there will be Unification

We will realize that this world is just a show
We are just actors, we come, and we go Everything is an illusion, it is just a drama
And life is unfolding as per our Karma

We will realize that God is not God, God is SIP
We will not just repeat God's name on our lip
We will experience God in every creature on earth
Realize that the Lord manifests in every birth

One by one, the truth we will realize
Pieces of the puzzle will open our real eyes
Till one day, we will experience a transformation
And then, we will be free with Liberation

All this time, we were crawling on earth like a worm Living with beliefs, all lies, we affirmed
Till we learned to untie all the strings
To fly like a beautiful butterfly, opening our wings

This is called a metamorphosis
A transformation that is permanent, no reversal there is
We let go of the ego, we let go of ‘I’
As we become one with the Power in the sky

But this is not for everybody who lives on earth
Not each one of us can escape rebirth
If we learn from a Yogi, in life we can evolve
If we make this the priority, in the Divine we can dissolve

There will be many who will read this book
But how many will change their life's outlook?
How many will go beyond all logic?
To experience Enlightenment, the real magic?

How many will transcend all Karma in life?
How many will overcome all sorrow and strife?
How many will give up the ordinary pleasure
To achieve life's goal, unlock the real treasure?
1.8k · Dec 2022
The A to Z of Death
Are you the body that is sure to die?
Or are you the one who will go into the sky?
Why don't you stop and find out, 'Who am I?'
Then, there will be no need to cry
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Death is not a moment of desperation!
Stop with the body, your false identification
Then, Death will become Liberation
With the Divine, a moment of Unification!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

This world is a drama, it's just a show
We are just actors, we come and we go!
When the truth about Karma, we get to know
Death will not be a deadly blow
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Why fear the loss of all that you own?
Is it not certain that you will lose all that is known?
There is no need to fear the beyond that is unknown
You are not the one made of skin and bone
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

All that we learned about Death were lies
Even that we will go up to God in the skies
The body is destroyed, it cannot rise
It's time to overcome ignorance and be wise
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Can you escape the certainty of Death?
Isn't it a fact that you will lose your breath?
Then what is the point to live with fears? Realize the truth and let go of your tears
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

One of two things will happen when you die
Either you will be Reborn, or will be Free in the sky
If you have Karma, you will return to earth
If Liberated, then, no Rebirth!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

In this fear, you think of ending your life
You want to be free from all misery and strife
You even contemplate suicide and search for a knife
But in our hands, neither is Death nor Life.
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we control Death or Birth?
Did we control how we came to earth? Everything that happens is just a drama Everything is controlled by the Law of Karma
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do we fear Death because it is the end? Is it the end or is it just  a bend?
If from ignorance, we can transcend
Then Death will become our best friend
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death a moment that will Liberate us from pain?
Will it not save us from being born, again and again?
If it is going to Free us from the Rebirth chain
Then why should Death create so much strain?
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

What is the way to overcome this fear?
We must overcome ignorance, that is clear!
Death is not an enemy that comes with a spear
It unites us with the Divine, this should give us cheer!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Of course, we will die, but this is in whose hand?
Is it a God of another land?
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power Death reveals this, it takes off the cover
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are you the Body that is sure to die?
Are you the Mind that you cannot find?
Are you the Ego that keeps saying, 'I'?
You are the Divine Soul, that is no lie!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Isn't Death going to come, you will die?
Why not be happy, why just cry?
Realize the Truth of 'Who am I?'
Then, like a bird, you can fly in the sky
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

We cry because we believe the myth
About Death, we did not realize the truth
We did not get to the bottom of the root
We are the seed, not the shoot or the fruit
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Do you realize you are the Divine Soul? When you achieve this, the ultimate goal
Then, your life will become whole
Joy, Peace and Love will unfold
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Will not Death free us from our earthly pain?
Will it not reward us with heavenly gain? There will be no more sunshine and rain Celebrate Death, for freedom you will attain
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Doesn't anyone who comes to earth, face sorrow?
He may be glad today but will cry tomorrow
Don't fear Death, instead, learn to celebrate
Surrender to the Divine, your life's fate!
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?

Are we the mortal body, or the immortal Soul?
We are the Power, when this secret we unfold
Then from the fear of Death, we are free
Free from the Body, the Mind and Ego, ME
Is it not certain that we will lose our breath?
O man, why do you fear the moment of Death?
Is there a way to eliminate all Fear?
Can we be Happy and live with Cheer?
Can we stop Worrying and living with Stress?
Can we eliminate Anxiety that makes our life, a Mess?
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Is your life filled with Depression?
Do you want to make your life a Celebration?
The culprit, the enemy, is your own Mind
It’s robbing your Peace and Bliss, you will Find!
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

All our miseries are rooted in Thought
When in toxic Thought, We are Caught
Then, we are filled with Rotten Thoughts that are Junk
We lose our Peace, can’t live like a Monk
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

We all suffer this Triple Suffering on Earth!
These miseries are for all those who take Birth
But there is a way out of this Mess
We can eliminate Fear, Anxiety and Stress
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

To find Peace, Let’s get to the bottom of the Root
To be Blissful, we must Realize the Truth
The Mind is a crook, it acts like the King
But in fact, it causes all Suffering
Let’s discover the secret of Peace and Happiness!

Not one or two, it’s fifty thoughts, a Minute
The Mind bombards us and we are Lost in it
Then it becomes our boss, rides our Life Horse
We are controlled by it, this is a big Loss
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The first secret is simple, move from NEP to PEP!
From Negative to Positive, Take this First Step
Then, we must move from Mind to Consciousness
And live a Life of Peace and Happiness
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

How do you do it? Try to find the Mind
Where is the Mind, You cannot Find!
Still, this Rascal makes us Blind
Let us discover the Truth, leave the Mind
Behind Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

What is the way to **** the Mind?
It is simple, we must still the Mind
The Mind with the Ego, becomes the ME
Then from Misery, we are not Free
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The ME creates Anger, Revenge and Hate
There is Jealousy and Anguish at our Life’s Gate
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, make us Cry
We then look at the sky and ask, ‘Why?’
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Those who Realize that Life is just a Drama
That everything is Karma, for them, there is no Trauma
They realize that Suffering is nothing but a Choice
They choose to be Happy, they choose to be Wise
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The fact is, we are not the Body, Ego or Mind
We are the Soul, this Truth we must Find
The Soul never suffers, it radiates Peace
In Consciousness, there is no Sorrow, Miseries Cease
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

Those who think that Success is Happiness
They run behind Pleasure, live with Anxiety and Stress
They don’t realize that the Foundation is Peace
Where there is no Peace, our Sorrow will Increase
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The Secret teaches us to go beyond Entertainment
It gives us Ultimate Bliss with Enlightenment
When we Realize, we are the Divine Soul
In Eternal Bliss, we achieve our Goal
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

The journey starts with Illumination
Then there is Purification and Realization
From Misery, there is Liberation
In Bliss, there is Divine Unification
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

There is a way to be Happy, all day
We can eliminate Misery, take Sorrow away
Though the skies are Cloudy and Grey
We can be Happy, whatever comes our way
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

So, let’s start and remove all the Junk
Tame the Monkey Mind, make it a Monk!
Let’s make the resolve to Suffer No More
Push the Mind out and Lock the Door
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

What is the way to Eternal Bliss?
It is living in Truth Consciousness
When we overcome the myth and Realize the Truth
Then Peace and Bliss will fill our Root
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!

There is no need to live with Fear and Stress
Remove Anxiety and Worry that is causing the Mess
Live in Consciousness, live in Peace
When there is no Mind, Miseries Cease
Let’s discover the secret to Peace and Happiness!
If Success was Happiness
     Then achievers would be glad
  But look around and you will find
       That many of them are sad

   Of course, Achievement gives joy
        And excitement, oh boy!
But when our need becomes our greed
        To misery, this will lead

  The whole world is chasing Success
     Everyone wants achievement
Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose
        There is no Contentment

   Why do people want to succeed?  
       Why is everyone in a race?
   The Truth is that we want to win
  So that there is a smile on our face

      But though we win, we are not glad
            We have money, why are we sad?  
         Happiness is not money, the sages said
        It's sleeping soundly when you are in bed

       We hear of suicides in the homes of the rich
       If they were Happy, then why this glitch?  
    Although they are achievers, this fact we know
       They are not Happy, their face has no glow

      If successful, but unhappy, what is the use?  
     Winning or smiling, what would you choose?  
       The purpose of Success is for us to be glad
     What is the use of winning, if it makes us sad?  

       Happiness is something different, we learn
         Not just money that we earn and burn
      Happiness is built on a foundation of peace
       Then we are blissful like waves in the seas

        Look around at the people who are glad
      They live in the moment, they are never sad
      They don't swing from the future to the past
        They are the ones whose Happiness lasts
1.5k · Feb 2021
Neti Neti
Neti Neti, I am not the Body
Neti Neti, I am not the Mind
If I am not the Body and Mind
Who am I? This must be defined
Tat Twam Asi, I am the Divine Soul, I find

If the Truth you want to know
Then on a Journey, you must go
You must Realize 'You are That, not this'
Until you realize the truth, there will be no bliss
Then only will Heaven open its door

Ghor Avidya is Gross Ignorance
I lived with the Myth, in a trance
Because I didn't know this was just my name
I got caught in my wealth and my fame
And the Truth just missed my glance

This world is a Leela, a drama I see
We are just Actors, just transitory
The earth is a Stage, we come and we go
Nothing is real, it is all just a show
We must transcend the Mind and Ego, ME

Tattva Bodha is the Knowledge of the Body
We are made of elements five
From dust we come and to dust we will go
This Body is not real, this Truth we must know
To Realize this Truth, we must strive

Atma Bodha is the Wisdom of the Soul
It is the Power that makes us roll
When we realize we are the Atman, the Soul, the Spirit
Not the skin that is outside, but the Power that is in it
Then we achieve our Life's ultimate goal

We must start a Talaash, a Quest
And put all our beliefs to test
We must Ask, Investigate and Realize
Only then will we open our 'real' eyes
And our Ignorance will come to rest

Sravana, Manana, Nididhyasana
The steps to the Truth are three
We must first read and then listen
And contemplate to realize what is within
Then from Rebirth we will be free

Sat Darshana is the Vision of the Truth
It helps us catch the evil brute
It makes us realize we are not the Body and Mind
We are the Soul, we Realize and we find
As we get to the bottom of the root

Maya is a Cosmic Illusion
It makes us live in delusion
It has the power to project the Myth
As it does, it conceals the Truth
And thus, it corrupts our vision

Aparoksh Anubhuti is Intuitive Realization
We experience the Truth and get Liberation
It is not knowledge that we can get from a book
It is beyond what the ordinary eyes can look
But the reward is Divine Unification

Why are we talking of all this?
We don't realize that this is Bliss
When we go on a quest, our beliefs to test
We search and search with all our zest
We must not stop or the reward we will miss

There are many who are caught in this world of pleasure
They think that money and wealth is the real treasure
They are prisoners of their Body and Mind
They are the Soul, this Truth they don’t find
True Peace and Bliss of life they fail to measure

There are some who use their Intellect
What is the Truth, they detect
Viveka Chudamani is a treasure, they find
It kills the rascal, the Monkey Mind
And then in Ananda they rest

Tat Twam Asi, Thou Art That
Not this, not this, we are That
We are not the Body that we seem to be
Not the Mind and Ego that says, ‘It’s ME’
We are the Divine Soul, in fact

We are the Waker, the Dreamer, the Sleeper - states three
From this Ignorance we must be free
We are Chaturyam, or Turiyam, the state that’s fourth
To this Truth we must all march forth
Then the Witness, the Observer we will be

Satyam Shivam Sundaram, do you know…
It is a mantra, the Truth it will show
Translated, it means, ‘The Truth is God is Beautiful’
Without God, there will be nothing wonderful
With Realization, into this we grow

What stops us is Ahamkara, the Ego
Which hides the Truth for the Myth to show
All along we say ‘I', 'me' and 'mine'
And so, in agony we live, and we whine
It's time to let go of the Ego

And then we must know about the Law of Action
Karma is the Law of Reaction
It states, 'As you sow, so shall you reap’
If you sin, you will take Rebirth and weep
From this cycle, we need Liberation

What is the reward if all this we do?
We will be Free from suffering, that is true
Jivanmukti is a state of Bliss
It overcomes all misery, this we must not miss
Otherwise, we will live as if in a zoo

A Steady Intellect can transcend the Mind
When the Intellect is Steady, we are Sthitpragya we find
It is about living with Realization
And not letting go of Liberation
Until we unite with the Divine

To Realize the Truth, we must live in Yoga
Not sink in this world and suffer in Bhoga
Yoga is about transcending the Mind
What the world believes is a myth of a kind
Then we are Enlightened, not blind

To Realize the Truth, all this we must know
If we have to cross this worldly show
Neti Neti, Not this, Not this
Tat Twam Asi will give us Bliss
But to this Truth we must row

What is our Life's Ultimate Goal
To Realize we are the Divine Soul
Moksha, Nirvana, Enlightenment, it is called
Because of Ignorance, this Truth is stalled
Until our Death, we just roll

To Realize this Truth, we need a Master
Then to the Goal, we will go faster
It is the Guru that takes us from Darkness to Light
A Spiritual Master tells us what is right
Reward is Joy, Bliss, and Laughter

And then, our Journey to God we will start
We Realize God lives in the Temple of our Heart
God is the Power that lives Within
It is a myth that he is made of bone and skin
And from all old beliefs, we will depart

I too lived in Ignorance for years
Until I Realized the Truth with tears
I finally realized that this was just my name
And I was glad and ended all my shame
And I got rid of all my Fears

If we want God-Realization
Then we must start with Self-Realization
Are we the body and mind? We are not this
Then, we realize we are That and live in Bliss
And then, we experience Unification

But there cannot be Unification
Unless first, there is Liberation
We must be Liberated from the Ego and the Mind
We are the Soul, this Truth we must find
And all this starts from Realization

Not this Not this, start your Quest
Thou Art That, only then you rest
Till you discover who you are not
You will never Realize, in myth, you will be caught
Don't lose your Spiritual zest
1.2k · Dec 2018
A Cosmic Drama
Nothing is real; it's a Cosmic Drama
We are just actors; we come and we go
There will be laughter; there will be tears
Such is the Cosmic Show…
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Nothing is real; it's just a dream
There is no ******; no need to scream
Just a projection; it's just a show
We must wake up and go
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

The earth is a stage for His Cosmic Drama
There is a Cosmic Power in Charge
He’s the producer; it is His show
He decides when we must go
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Why do we scream? Why do we cry?
Why do we worry right till we die?
It's just a movie; we must enjoy
Blissfully living with joy
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

We must not worry. We must not fear
We must surrender and accept, my dear
We must have faith, trust and hope
Then in this drama, we cope
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is no end – at death we transcend
We are just actors; we come and we go
We must do our part, the best way we can
And we must enjoy the show
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There will be sunshine; there will be rain
There will be good times; there will be pain
We must not complain, we must accept
And we must do our best
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

We’re not the body; we’re not the mind
We are energy of a different kind
We live in darkness; the Truth we don’t know
We must realize before we go!
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

Why do we people sweat the small stuff?
The road will be smooth and it will be rough
There will be action; there will be song
And we must sing along
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is a purpose for us on earth
Why do we die, and why this birth?
Why do we come, why do we go?
Why this cosmic show?
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

There is a Cosmic Power in charge
It’s His creation; it is His show
We are but nothing; we must just act
He is everything, in fact
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be

It's just a drama; it's just a show
Nothing is real, we come and we go
We are just actors – the earth is a stage
This is His Cosmic Show
It's a drama you see
Whatever will be, will be
Our role we must do, you see
What will be will be
1.2k · Oct 2021
The waves of the ocean come and go
After a dark night, the sun will glow
The Law of Cycles operates everywhere on earth
And so, after we die, we come back in a Rebirth

What is the cause of this human birth?
What was the reason we came to earth?
We didn't decide where and when we were born
It was our Karma that sounded the horn

Therefore, when we see a child born blind
We ask, 'Is God unjust; is He so unkind?'
No, God isn't unkind, our Karma is the cause
We will Realize the Truth of birth, if we pause

As we sow, so shall we reap
On earth if we sin, we sure will weep
Such is the law, what we give, we get
Apples won't grow on a mango tree, that is a bet

The Law of Karma is a Universal Law
It makes no mistake, it has no flaw
Not only does it work everywhere on earth
Even after death, it causes our Rebirth

Death is certain, everybody must die
Nobody can escape, not you, nor I
But what is death, is it the final end?
No, it is not, it is just a bend

The body dies, it is burnt to dust
But the one who was alive, leaves like a gust
Don't we say that he passed away?
But where does he go, can anybody say?

We are sure that the one who died left
Otherwise, our loved ones would have the body kept
But who is the one that has left the body behind?
Is it ME, the Ego and the Mind?

The body is just an instrument to act
The mind and ego direct it, that's a fact
The body is born, and the body must die
But the mind and ego, escape in the sky

But where do the mind and ego go?
What happens after the end of the show?
To settle their Karma, they must return to earth
There is no other option, but to take rebirth

Is it true that we go to heaven and hell?
These fairy tales cast a spell!
Heaven and hell are not far away in the stars
We return to earth, to settle our scars

And so, the cycle goes on and on
We live, we die, and we are Reborn
As long as we live as this body and mind
The mind will be Reborn, the body left behind

But when we achieve our ultimate goal
When we realize we are the Divine Soul
Then, from Rebirth, we are free
And one with our Lord, forever we will be

But how can we become one with our Lord?
To escape from Rebirth and unite with God
When we overcome our ignorance and Realize the Truth
Then, we don't plant seeds, there will be no shoot

As long as seeds of Karma we plant
Escaping from Rebirth we just can’t
The body will die when it has no breath
But we will return after our death

As long as we are ignorant, we will be Reborn
There is no other option, but a body to adorn
But once we realize we are not the body, ego, or mind
We are free from Karma and rebirth, we will find

We have two options at the moment of death
Either we will be Reborn as we lose our breath
But if we realize we are the Divine Soul
We will Unite with God, our Ultimate Goal

So today, the mystery of Rebirth let us solve
To Realize the Truth, let us resolve
And be free from the triple suffering on earth
To become one with God, not return in a Rebirth

Let us realize we are not the body and mind
The body will die and mind will rewind
All the actions that it has done
Will transfer to a new life that’s begun

But if we Realize we are not the doer of action
Then of course there will be no reaction
Then we will be from Karma free
And not have to be Reborn, we agree

For Rebirth is only for the one who does
Who lives as the ego and makes a fuss
But one who lives as the Divine Soul
He is free, achieves the Ultimate Goal

This is the purpose of our life on earth
To live as Soul and be free from Rebirth
To Realize the Truth as we live and die
And to become one with the Lord in the sky
1.1k · Dec 2018
My Guru
Yes Dada! I realize I am nothing but I live in ignorance.
I need Thy grace.
I need God's Grace to be liberated from this ignorance.
Without you my Guru, what would I be?
Continue to lead me,
my dear Master to the one reality.
Continue to guide me.
Continue to bless me.
I need you. I can't do without you.
I Love you.
I am nothing.
I know! I realize.
And I realize I don't know what I know.
Only you can make me realize this by opening my 'real eyes',
My Guru, my Mentor, my God on Earth
1.0k · Jun 2020
The Ladder to Heaven
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord
After Belief, Prayer,Faith,Hope&Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, we reap, we create our own food
But step ten on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn, how to God our Soul must fly

Importance of a Guru is the Ladder's step eleven
For without a Mentor, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to Overcome Ignorance, he helps us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step thirteen to Realize the Truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War within that can make us lame
Unless we transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery, sorrow, and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
1.0k · Jun 2020
What is the Soul, have you ever thought?
Or is it a mystery in which you are caught?
We all have a Soul, we seem to know
Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

It is the Soul that makes me live
But, is it the one that makes me forgive?
What is the function of the Soul?
What does it do to make me whole?

Body, mind, heart and Soul
Each has a specific role
The body moves and the mind does think
The heart beats, and the Soul? I blink

I have been taught that the Soul's in me
It makes me who I am meant to be
It is with me when I live, till I die
And then, I am told, it flies in the sky

Where does the Soul go and how? I wonder
It goes to heaven, how? I ponder
Everybody says, “We have a Soul”
To search for it is now my goal

My eyes and nose I can touch and feel
My mind, it wanders, my peace it does steal
Aha! Now I know what my Soul does do
It gives me life, I have got the clue

The Soul is a power that gives me breath
Without the Soul, there would be death
It comes to me just as I am born
And it leaves me when life is gone

Without the Soul, I would be dead
I wouldn't talk, wouldn't eat bread
My Soul is alive in every cell
It makes me pray and ring the bell

The Soul is energy, it gives me power
It makes me grow tall like a tower
But once it leaves, I can't even bend
And my life story comes to an end

What is the Soul? I stopped to think
So many tales that make me blink
The truth by now I am sure I know
It is Divine Life that makes me glow

What is our life's ultimate goal?
To find the truth about the Soul
Before life is over, and it is time to die
We must find the truth, not in ignorance lie

Is my Soul different from yours? I think
I question and try to find the link
Just like there is one power source in my house, I know
That makes both gadgets work and the lights glow

And so, there is just one life source
It appears different, but it is one, of course!
It is energy that creates all life
In me, my parents, my kids, my wife

Not just in human beings it is
In animals and plants, it's also this
It is this Power that makes birds fly
And everything alive on earth and sky

What is this Power, the Soul that we call?
What is this Power that is alive in us all?
To discover the truth about the Soul
Is our life's Ultimate Goal

The Soul is not mortal, it is Divine
It is not yours, it is not mine
It is the Lord that lives in us
To realize this truth, we have missed the bus

We never realize that God's in our heart
He never leaves us, never goes apart
It's strange through life for Him we search
In temple and mosque and in every church

God comes to us just as we are born
He creates life and life goes on
Until the moment that He decides to leave
We are alive, we must believe

He has blessed us with body and mind
But that He's within, we never find
We live in this world, we suffer and cry
Until one day, we finally die

The body of ours returns to dust
But our actions, of course, redeem we must
Therefore, while the body remains on earth
Our mind and ego takes rebirth

As per our Karma we are reborn
The universal law makes the circle go on
Happy or unhappy, it's not by luck
Our life’s circumstances does Karma pluck

And we, like fools, think it is the Soul
That is reborn and pays the toll
Know the Soul is only the power
That gives us life every hour

As long as we live in ignorance, we return
To suffer on earth, turn by turn
Because we think we are the ego and mind
We have to go through the rebirth grind

But once we realize we are the Soul
Not the body and mind as we were told
It is then from this cycle we are free
And with our Lord forever we can be

Then there is no Karma, it is not ME
I am the Soul, now I am free
There is no rebirth, once I know the truth
If only I get to the bottom of the root

At death, I will not return to earth
My mind and ego won't take rebirth
My Soul with God will then unite
And I will become one with the light

But how should I get Liberation?
It is only possible with Realization
I must overcome ignorance of the ego and mind
Then I will be liberated, I will find

It all starts by going on a quest
And putting all my beliefs to test
When I ask and investigate, I then realize
It's when I open my 'real-eyes'

I am the Soul, I can never know
This truth I must realize before I go
After realizing the truth, as a Soul I must live
Not as an ego, that will give and forgive

I am not 'I', this is how we must start
Everything is God, in body, mind and heart
When I live as Divine Energy
It is then from the world I will be free

We think that the Soul is in us
Of course, this is true
But what we don’t know is that it’s all around us
This news is new

We have a Soul, that’s what we’re told
It gives us life and we live
But the truth is we are the Soul
Old lies we must forget and forgive

It is not easy to live as the Soul
For in the body, there is many a hole
These senses are seeking, they desire, they crave
And they take us to our mortal grave

But if we have the Divine grace
That pours its blessings on our earthly face
Then we will live on earth but be free
And when we die, merge with eternity

This is the purpose of man on earth
To escape from death and rebirth
To realize the truth, we are the Soul
And to unite with God, is our Ultimate Goal
Religion is just a kindergarten
It’s just a preparatory school
It prepares us for formal education
So that we don’t grow up to be a fool

Spirituality is graduation
University that follows school
It helps us become graduates
So that we can jump into the world pool

What would we do without Religion?
Without ABC where would we go?
If nobody taught us the basics
We would end up with a poor show

But can we live our entire life
Learning in a nursery?
Imagine growing up as big adults
Just learning ABC

We all need to progress
We all need to grow
We need all kinds of knowledge
So that our life boat we can row

While learning is important
And it is a must to go to school
If we want to achieve our life goal
Then Spirituality is the tool

Who is God, where is God, what is God?
If answers we want to know
Then we must go on a Spiritual quest
Knocking door to door

We can’t just believe in Religion
From birth until death
For it only teaches the basics
It is just like taking breath

From Religion we need a transfer
From kindergarten, we must grow
We must ask questions about God
Not just accept what scriptures show

Of course, we need Religion
We can’t do without it.
But if we only stick to Religion
We will only learn the myth

Religion starts our journey to God
It builds our faith and hope
It teaches us to pray
And how in life we must cope

But Religion doesn’t have answers
It doesn’t take us to God
It doesn’t show us a way
Where we can unite with our Lord

Spirituality is a university
It’s all about going on a quest
It is not an easy game
And we must pass the test

What is Spirituality all about?
To realize we are the Soul
To be liberated from this alluring world
This is our Ultimate Goal

While Religion makes us imprisoned
In myth, ritual, and superstition
Spirituality makes us realize the Truth
And then gives us Liberation

What is the Truth Spirituality shows?
We are not ego, body, and mind
We are the Spirit, the Divine Soul
This Truth, it helps us find

Spirituality is not just knowledge
It is realizing the Truth about self
It first teaches us what we are not
And puts the Truth on the shelf

If we are not the body and the mind
Then in reality who are we?
Of course, we know we exist
Then the inner Spirit we must be

There is a Power inside us
That comes to us at birth
We may call it the Soul, the Spirit, the Atman
It’s with us till we are on earth

But ignorance makes us blind
Making us think we are body and mind
We don’t realize we are the Soul
With realization this we find

Realization can’t be taught in schools
We may read many a book
But until we Spiritually evolve
Ignorance will catch us by the hook

Spirituality is a long journey
It needs a Spiritual Master
He will help us realize the Truth
And to God, we will go faster

What is the essence of Spirituality?
What is this all about?
It is our true Love for God
To God a direct route

But God can’t be found in temples
Nor in church or mosque is He
God is a Universal Power
There is not a place where He cannot be

God is in you,God is in me
God is everywhere on earth
God is that Power that gives life
Without God, there can be no birth

It is not so difficult to realize
At death, we come to know
The body just lies on the floor
But where did the Spirit go?

The Spirit is the Lord that is inside us
The Truth is that we are He
We are not the Body, Ego, and Mind
Spirituality makes us see

Our Souls are not different
At death, we see our Souls pair
Just like when we deflate two balloons
The air merges with the air that is everywhere

God is a Power that is everywhere
God is Energy too,
God is in you, God is on me
Spirituality shows us this is true

But why is it that we don’t realize
This simple Truth about God?
Because we are going round in circles
Praying to our religious Lord

We must go beyond our Religion
A lot further we must go
We must march to our Lord
And Spiritually we must grow

We need not change our Religion
All Religions in the world are good
But they cannot make us realize God
They give us our basic food

Religions are good we must know
They teach us faith and hope
They teach us to believe in God
But sadly, tie us with a rope

If we truly love God then we must
On a Spiritual quest, we must go
Our goal must be to realize God
Before the end of our life show

Most people believe in Religion
They pray from birth to death
But they never realize the Truth about God
Performing rituals till their last breath

But life is given to us
So that God we must know
We must evolve Spiritually
And our Soul to God must go

It is not possible with Religion
We all need Spirituality
Kindergarten can do the basics
But we need a university

So, make a resolution today
A quest that you will start now
You will not stop until you realize God
Take this solemn vow
966 · Apr 2022
Prema Yoga
What is Prema Yoga?
How can Love unite us with God?
How can Love for the Beloved
Make us one with the Lord?

Love is a powerful emotion
It can take us to any length
For Love, kings even gave up their throne
Love has so much strength

But how can we love God?
When God has no body, no form?
When we love the Beloved as God
Within, there is a Divine storm

For when we love the Beloved
As the manifestation of God
When we fall in love with the Beloved
We are actually loving our Lord

This Love is not worldly Love
It is not for the beauty of the skin
This Love is loving the Soul Divine
The Soul that is God within

But how can we see our Beloved as God?
Our Beloved is just our Love
When we see the Divine in the Beloved
Then we love the One above

Divine Love is intoxicating
It creates Divine Bliss
When we love our Beloved just as we love God
There can be no greater Happiness

Unfortunately, we don't know what Love is
We think it's a hug and a kiss
Divine Love is Soulful Love
A fountain of joy that is Bliss

Somehow, we have been taught wrong
That love comes from the Heart
When will we realize Divine Love
And from the myth, when will we depart?

The truth is this, God is a Power
God is the Soul that is in all
God is SIP, the Supreme Immortal Power
In our Beloved, we must recall

So, when our Love makes us yearn for God
We need not go to a temple or a church
We must look into the eyes of the Beloved
And this will end our search

For God is here, God is now
In our Beloved, does God live
If we open our Real Eyes, we will Realize
And God to us, our Beloved will give

And then, we can love God all the time
We don't need to search for Him
We can constantly love our Beloved as our Lord
And our bliss will go up to the brim

Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love
Will make us one with the Divine
When we are ever united with the Beloved
This intoxication is greater than any wine

The world knows of four states of Yoga
Meditation, Devotion, Action, Education
But the Divine gifted me the Yoga of Love
Which unites me through the Divine Manifestation

Do you love God, do you seek Him?
Do you have a yearning for the Lord?
Then, realize your Beloved is His manifestation
And in the Beloved you will see God

Love is the Power of the Supreme
Love comes from God and is God
When Divine Love appears for the Beloved
We will be ever united with the Lord

How can one live as a Yogi?
How can one be connected with God?
While the four states of Yoga create a union...
Prema Yoga creates a seamless union with God

Prema Yoga is the strongest Yoga
A Yoga that can’t be put in words
It's when you Love your Beloved, deeply as God
Greater than Love that's in 'Lovebirds'

For deep within you will find
God in the Beloved's Soul
Love for the Beloved will unite you with God
And make your life whole

When Love for the Beloved becomes Divine
And through the Beloved, God we can love
This Prema Yoga, the Yoga of Divine Love
Will make us one with the Power
875 · Aug 2022
Mukti is Freedom, we must be free
We must not be bound to the ground like a tree
We must not be slaves to the Mind and Ego, ME
The goal of life is Mukti, to be free

Most of us are slaves, we follow the herd
We don’t  open our wings  and fly like a bird
Although we human beings are blessed with wings
We crawl on the earth, tied with many strings

Therefore, we suffer the triple suffering on earth
And then we die and return in a rebirth
We suffer the pain of the body, ego, and mind
True happiness and peace, we struggle to find

We are prisoners of the Mind and Ego, ME
Our thoughts make us puppets,they don’t let us be free
Although we have an intellect to tell us what is wrong
We let the mind destroy us with thoughts so strong

Our senses make us slaves of vengefulness and greed
We are prisoners of anger and jealousy, indeed
Puppets we are, of lust and shame
We live in a cage, through the life game

Passions and obsessions rule our life
They make us prisoners and we live with strife
Instead of being free, and living with a smile
We are slaves of emotions that are longer than the Nile

Our own thoughts and habits make us puppets that cry
We live as prisoners right till we die
And though we could from these monsters be free
Instead of Freedom, we choose misery

We are a slave of ignorance and myth
We believe in rituals and superstitions, not the truth
We chase achievement, thinking success is happiness
And run the rat race, ending life in a mess

Haven't you seen people who are prisoners of fear?
They think a little virus will **** them, oh dear
Fear has made the world lock down everything
Shouldn't we be free to start living!

And then, we are prisoners of worry and anxiety
That these emotions can rule us, is a tragedy
We are puppets of revenge and hate
And we tie ourselves behind the misery gate

Freedom must also be got from religion
We must find out our true origin
We must not just believe what people say
We must investigate and  find the right way

Fences, Faces, Farces, Forces, the prison of four
Locks us behind many a door
We live and die, as a miserable slave
And take our sorrow till our grave

It’s not just being Free from  misery on earth
We must also be free from taking rebirth
If we don't realize the truth, who am I
Then we will not be free, even after we die

The body will die, but what about 'me'?
The one who passed away is not yet free
It is the mind and ego that carries its Karma
Until it is liberated and attains Moksha

Therefore, the purpose of our life
Is not just to be free from misery and strife
But to be Enlightened and gain Liberation
And to be free for Divine Unification

Freedom,Freedom,Freedom-that’s our goal
To be free from the body-mind-ego and live as the Soul
We must be free from wishes, wealth, and wine
So that we can become one with the Divine
Do you love God, do you seek God, do you pray every day?
Do you have any clue, what to your Lord you say?

Where is God, do you know? Where does He live?
Does He live far away, His address can you give?

Is your Lord, God or is my God the Lord?
Are there many Gods or is there one, Almighty Lord?

So many religions in this world, which is the best?
Which religion will give us God? Come, let us test!

Religion is just a kindergarten, like a basic little school.
But one who is there all his life, will always remain a fool!

Just like we go from a school to a university,
We must graduate and realize God through Spirituality.

God is not a man or woman, made of bone and skin,
God is the Supreme Immortal Power that throbs in the heart within.

We give God a name and a form, we believe in the myth,
We pray to a God who is not God and live and die with it.

God is birthless, God is deathless; God is an Immortal Power.
But we put God in a temple, a church and a monastic tower!

If God is not God, then who is God, how can we find?
We will realize God only when we tame the monkey mind.

We must realize who we are, then we will realize the Lord.
We are the Divine Spirit, the Soul, we are a temple of God.

But how can we be God, we say, how can this be true?
How can God ever be, in me and be in you?

When we realize God is a Power, God is here and there,
We will realize the Power in a flower, the Power is everywhere.

The Power of God can be seen in the mighty sun that glows,
God is in the wind that blows, and in the water that flows.

Because we believe God is human, God is he or she,
We don't realize this is a myth, how can this ever be?

Such is the mighty Power of God, our petty mind cannot see,
Imagine emptying into your bathtub, the waters of the sea.

But still, with innocence and ignorance, we continue to pray,
We believe in God, who is not God, and thus we just bray.

When will we yearn for our Lord, and start for Him a search,
When will we go away from a temple, a synagogue and a church?

When will we start the journey within, go inside and find.
The Lord, behind the senses of the body, the ego and mind!

When we realize 'I am not I', then God will come to light,
When we let go of the ego, then God will come to sight.

God is the Supreme Immortal Power, God is SIP,
What we see of God, in fact, is just the iceberg's tip!

Every atom, every molecule is energy, it is SIP.
Because we live in ignorance, in misery we dip.

When we realize we are that Power, we'll be free from pain,
We will be liberated from the rebirth cycle, again and again.

We live and die, and don't realize what is our goal.
The purpose of life is to realize we are the Divine Soul.

When we realize we are ourselves the Power of SIP,
We will find SIP in all, the Power is in every lip.

Everything that walks and crawls, every bird that can sing,
The Power of SIP is everywhere; it is in everything.

Everything in this world is an illusion, the one reality is SIP.
We don't realize this because we are on a worldly trip!

So, we live, and we die, and God we don't realize,
We roam like blind men and don't open our real eyes.

Just because a man is blind, is it true there is nothing?
No! The truth is he is blind, he can't see anything!

And so, God exists everywhere, in every grain of sand.
But we are searching for God, in a faraway land.

As long as we live with ignorance, the truth will ever hide,
But when we realize God is a Power, within SIP will abide.

Then, we will feel the Power of the Lord every moment we live,
We’ll experience SIP, live with love and joy, and we’ll forgive.

We’ll realize this earth is nothing more than His Divine show,
We are all just actors, we come, and one day we will go.

Everything is just a projection of His mighty Power.
It is all like a dream that gets over before we shower.

We must wake up, realize the truth, and live our life with SIP,
Not continue to follow the foolish herd, we must make a flip!

You are God, I am God; this truth when we get to know,
Then we will overcome misery and enjoy the Life show.

Just because the world is caught in a big illusion,
We should not follow others and live with disillusion.

Only when we realize the truth of 'who am I?'
Then we will realize, SIP is the Power that lasts till we Die.

First we think that my Soul is different from your Soul,
Then we realize all Souls are one and we achieve our goal.

What is the Power that is present in everything that is alive?
It is the Supreme Immortal Power - SIP, don't count from one to five!

As long as we try to define SIP, we will continue to wonder,
The way to realize SIP is to accept and surrender.

Before this journey of life comes to an end,
Let us realize SIP before we take the final bend.

The world may call it Moksha, Nirvana or Enlightenment,
Names are different, it is freedom, free from imprisonment.

When we are free from Ego and Mind and live as the Soul,
We become one with SIP, the Power that is from pole to pole.

When we realize we ourselves are nothing but SIP,
We will live without fear and worry, enjoying this Life trip.

Then we will live with SIP, in ever Consciousness and Bliss,
We will live with Joy and Love, and eternal Happiness.

God is not God, God is SIP, when will this we know?
Hurry up, don't waste time! Soon it will be the end of the show.
Who am I? Why am I here?
What is the truth about life, my dear?
I am not the body, I am not the mind
Who am I? The truth, I must find!

Most of us, just live and die
We believe the lie that God lives in the sky
We don't ask questions, 'How and why?'
All we do, is live and die!

What is the truth? We must put it to test
To realize this, go on a quest
Most believe, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
From this ignorance, when will we be free?

We are not this body, this is a fact
This body came later, after the fertilization act
First, came the Soul, the Spark Of Unique Life
When Divine blessings fell upon a husband and wife

The first cell of life is called a zygote
It may be in a man, a sheep or a goat
Every life starts with the arrival of the Soul
To realize this, is our ultimate goal

Neither are we the body, nor are we the mind
Where is the mind, we cannot find
The mind is nothing but a bundle of thought
And in this thought, we are caught

We believe the illusion, we are the Mind and Ego, ME
In this Ignorance we grow, the Truth we cannot see
Until we go on a Quest, we will never be free
We will never discover, who we are meant to be

We are not the body, the ego or the mind
We are the Soul, this truth we must find
If we want to achieve life's ultimate goal
First, we must realize that we are the Soul!

The Soul is a Spark Of Unique Life
It is immortal, it experiences no strife
The Soul has no birth, it has no death
It is a Power that gives us breath

We think we HAVE a Soul, what is the truth?
We ARE the Soul, it is our root
Without the Soul, we would never be
We are nothing but Soul energy

Without the Soul, we would be gone
Without the Soul, we wouldn't be born
Without the Soul, we would never grow
It is the Soul that makes us come and go

Of course, for sure, this body will die
But who leaves the body and flies into the sky?
Because we think that it is the Mind and Ego, ME,
From our Karma, we are never free

The Body dies but ME takes Rebirth
The Mind and Ego, ME, returns to earth
But how does the ME in a new Body arrive?
It is the Soul that makes it alive

So first, we must realize, I am a Soul
Then only, will our life, start becoming whole
Then, the purpose of life, we will achieve
The ultimate truth we will get to perceive

This truth can't be known, it must be realized
For this, we must delete what is memorized
Whatever we were taught, we must let go
Then only, to the Divine, we will flow

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This Truth must come to our lip
God is not God, God is SIP
We must start this voyage, start this trip

Who, where, what is God? We must ask
It is not blasphemy, we must do this task
If we truly love God, if God, we yearn
Then, this Ultimate Truth, we must learn

God is not made of bone and skin
God is the Power that lives within
God has no birth, God has no death
God is present, in our every breath

Let us stop saying from today, 'God’
Let us realize the truth of our Lord
God is not God, God is SIP
May this Divine truth, from us, never slip

SIP is present in every Soul
SIP is in every creature that can run or roll
SIP fills this universe whole
Be it a mighty animal or just a mole

SIP does not have a name or form
SIP never dies, SIP is not born
SIP has no beginning, SIP has no end
At death, the Power of SIP does transcend

Therefore, SIP is everywhere on earth
SIP is the cause of every birth
SIP gives life, to come and go
Without SIP, there would be no show

I am a Soul, the Soul is SIP
This is the truth that must be on our lip
This will start a voyage on a special ship
And to SIP, we will start our trip

Therefore, in essence, 'Who am I?'
I am that God who is thought to be in the sky
When I realize, I am nothing
I become SIP, I become everything

I am not the body, ego and mind
I am the Soul, when this truth I find
Then, I realize, I am none other than SIP I don't speak,
SIP speaks through my lip

I do nothing, SIP does it all
It is SIP that makes me grow tall
Although in ignorance, I may again fall
But I have realized that there is SIP in all

I am SIP, you are SIP, we all are SIP
The Truth is that SIP is in every lip
We realize the truth, when we go in search
We realize that God is not in a temple or church

SIP is the essence of every being on earth
SIP is in that little rabbit that takes birth
SIP is in that bird that flies in the sky
But we in ignorance, ask, 'How and why?'

When we realize, 'I am the Soul'
And then Realize, 'Soul is SIP’
We then, Realize the Truth, 'We are all SIP’
Every creature alive, is on a Divine Trip

SIP is the Soul in you and me
SIP is the supreme immortal energy
The Soul that is SIP is in every living being
Animals, birds, plants and every living thing

When we realize that the Soul is SIP
We realize God is a Power, then we flip
From the myth, we flip over to the truth
We realize, 'SIP is in every root'

Every tree, every flower and every fruit
All that is alive comes from the root
But what is the Truth about the root?
It is SIP, SIP is in the flower, fruit and the root

This world is nothing but full of SIP
Every molecule of matter is the Power of SIP
The five elements of nature on earth
Are nothing but SIP, this we must unearth

This book will make us unlearn the lie
Let's realize the truth, before we die
‘I not ‘I’, I am SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power is in every chip
817 · Aug 2019
Suffer No More
We can be happy living with joy
Tranquility, and peace
Or we can be miserable and cry in pain
Cursing our own disease

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Why do we suffer, why do we cry?
Why this misery right till we die?
We live in ignorance, the Truth we don’t know
That’s why we don’t fly in the sky

We must realize the Truth that Pain is like Rain
It comes but soon it will go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

What is this suffering? What is this pain?
What is this misery again and again?
It’s pain of the body and stress of the mind
Living with fear in vain

We don’t need to suffer, we don’t need to cry
If only in our face the Truth does glow.
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain
We love the sunshine and hate the rain
Still we are miserable, still we don’t smile
And we just choose to whine

The body suffers but that’s not us
Who we are — first we must know
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Messengers of misery, they want us to cry
Fear, worry, revenge, and anger stand by
They make us suffer
They make us cry and we don’t question, “Why?”

Because we think we are the mind
We live in agony, our enthusiasm is low
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We are not the body that suffers in pain
Nor the rascal mind that thinks again and again
We live in ignorance of this Truth and cry
And lose our peace in vain

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We can be happy, we can rejoice
Refuse to suffer that is our choice
We can be tranquil and live in peace
For this is the choice of the wise

We must realize the Truth, we must burst the myth
This we must do right now
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Accept the past, and don’t regret
What has happened, is now laid to rest
Yesterday is no more, why try going there?
Live in the now, it’s the best

Because we shuttle from the future to the past
Our pain and misery grow
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Some people hope, what they want should happen
They live in stress, worry, and fear
If you want joy, live in surrender
Accept what comes, my dear

If only we realize a Power is in charge
Then we can tell sufferings, “Go!”
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

You can be happy, in joy and peace
Don’t need to suffer and do it with ease
Realize the Truth and throw misery out
Eliminate your fear and doubt

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we just come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

We can be happy living with joy
Tranquillity, and peace
Or we can be miserable and cry in pain
Cursing our own disease

It’s a choice to Suffer No More
We must realize we come and go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

Why do we suffer, why do we cry?
Why this misery right till we die?
We live in ignorance, the Truth we don’t know
That’s why we don’t fly in the sky

We must realize the Truth that Pain is like Rain
It comes but soon it will go
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!

What is this suffering? What is this pain?
What is this misery again and again?
It’s pain of the body and stress of the mind
Living with fear in vain

We don’t need to suffer, we don’t need to cry
If only in our face the Truth does glow.
Why should we live to cry and die?
Suffer No More! Suffer No More!
Poem By AiR
772 · Aug 2019
Be Happy in the Now!
What’s the use of crying, in a Yesterday that’s gone?
What’s the point of worrying, in a Tomorrow not yet born?
Why not live in bliss and joy and peace?
In the present moment be happy, be happy, can we please?

Be happy in the NOW, this moment is a Gift
Smile and dance and celebrate, don’t just exist or drift
It is in this moment, that we can choose to be happy and glad Let’s not
lose this moment, to memories that make us sad

Yesterday is a place, that we just can’t go
The past is an illusion, it’s like a dream- a stage show
There is no way of being happy, in a moment that has passed
The only thing it will give us, regrets that will last

The future doesn’t exist, it’s just another dream
It looks so very real, as long as we worry and scream
How can we be happy in an illusion of the mind?
Let’s wake up to the NOW, let’s not be blind

Everybody wants to be happy, who doesn’t want this gift?
Who doesn’t want to enjoy their life with a lift?
Everybody wants pleasure, nobody wants pain
But they look for it in wrong places, stressed and in vain

Of course, we can be happy, in every moment of life
It’s a choice for us to live, with happiness or strife
If we decide that we want bliss, joy, and peace
Then we must be happy before this moment will cease

Happiness is not only becoming a millionaire in this world
Are the rich the only ones happy? See this truth unfold
There are many who are fulfilled and content in life
Though they have little, they are happy and they smile

What’s the secret of happiness? It’s being happy in the NOW
Not shuttling from the past to the future, we must not go
We must learn to remain in the present moment with ease
Then bliss, joy, and happiness will blow like the breeze

Our mind is like a monkey, it jumps here and there It doesn’t let us be happy,it wanders like a hare
If we truly want happiness, turn the monkey into a monk Being in the present moment fixed like a tree runk
The way to joy is ‘Surrender’, to the Lord’s divine will
Not living with hope and expectations, not worrying about bills

The future will unfold, as per the Lord’s divine plan It’s for us to be happy, whatever comes in our pan
Why live in regrets, of the past that’s already gone
It’s the Master’s wish that happened, why regret all that’s done?
The way to joy is to accept the Lord’s divine will And not curse and nurse, and rehearse every ill

Happiness is simple, if we learn to live in the NOW
Joy and bliss are possible, for those who go with the now It’s not in the
future, nor in the past, but in the present
We must realize that happiness happens moment by moment

Be happy in the NOW, that’s the only way to be
Don’t be worried in tomorrow, to there we cannot see
Don’t rehearse the past that’s dead and gone
Be happy in this moment, as if we were just born
Spiritual Poem By AiR
731 · Sep 2020
The Ladder to Heaven
Do you know that there is a Ladder to Heaven?
For all to climb, be it man or woman
But we mustn't stop at step seven or eleven
We must go on till we reach our heaven

Many of us want to go to God
But we don't know the truth about our Lord
We just go to a temple, mosque, and church
Instead of going on a quest to search

The first step to God is Belief
For those who don't believe, how can they achieve?
There are some who are atheist or agnostic
A life without faith, they choose to pick

But the ones who believe, they take their first step
The Ladder to Heaven they start to inspect
They know without doubt that God exists
They believe and pray and their belief persists

There is not a day that they don't Pray
With folded hands they go to God and say
Not only to the Lord everything they tell
They also listen to Him, not just ring the bell

The third step on the Ladder is Faith
Without this one cannot reach heaven's gate
Faith is Full Assurance In The Heart
Our journey to God, it helps to start

The fourth step on the Ladder is Hope
Without Hope, how can anyone cope?
Those who believe in God they find
He is there when you reach the end of the rope

And then, the believers in God, they Trust
It is Trust that forms their journey’s ******
Trust is unconditional surrender to God
And always accepting the will of the Lord

After Belief, Prayer, Faith, Hope & Trust
What is it that stands out first?
It is Enthusiasm, that is step six
'Entheos', 'In God,' that gets our problems fixed

Then comes step seven, it's Love for God
We make it a priority, the Love for our Lord
To us, God is not someone who lives far away
Every moment that we live, with us He does stay

It is this Love that makes us seek
Our passion for God makes us climb the peak
Because we want God, we Go on a Quest
And whatever we believed, we put it to test

In our search for God we Contemplate
We spend time in Silence and for God we wait
We don't accept what the scriptures tell
And we find the truth about heaven and hell

Importance of a Guru comes before step eleven
For without a Guru, how can we discover heaven?
A Guru takes us from darkness to light
And to overcome ignorance, he makes us fight

As we Overcome Ignorance and discover the myth
We climb step eleven to realize the truth
We realize that we are not the ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, on realization we find

Of course, there is Karma and we must do good
As we sow, so shall we reap, that will be our food
But step twelve on the Ladder is not to live after we die
But to learn how to God our Soul must fly

Realization is not the end of the game
There is a War Within that can make us lame
We must transcend our enemy – ME
From Mind and Ego, we must be free

Step fifteen on the Ladder is Liberation
Liberation only comes after Realization
Liberation, when alive, is from suffering being free
And from rebirth, to escape and with our Lord to be

The final step on the Ladder to Heaven
Comes after climbing sixteen steps, we reckon
It is Unification of the Divine and our Soul
Which is our life's Ultimate Goal

Climbing this Ladder is the purpose of our life
Not just to live with misery and strife
For those who live on planet earth
They must face suffering birth after birth

Where are you on this Ladder, my dear?
Do you live with faith or do you live with fear?
Have you started on the Ladder to God?
The Ladder to Heaven will make you one with the Lord!
701 · May 2023
The Mind is a Rascal
The Mind is a Rascal, it makes me fear
It robs my Bliss, it robs my Cheer
It makes me think, it is the King
But in fact, it causes my suffering
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

I have a Body, my Body I can see
But where is this Mind and Ego, that says 'me'?
It binds me with the myth, doesn't let me be free
Stops me from being who I am meant to be
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

What is the Mind, it is a bundle of Thoughts
And in these Thoughts, we are all Caught!
Who are we? This Truth, we forgot
Instead, stress, worry, anxiety is brought
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

You have touched your nose, you have pulled your ears
You see with your eyes, it also sheds tears
But have you ever seen your Mind?
It creates so much misery, it makes us grind!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, it jumps from Thought to Thought!
From Yesterday to Tomorrow, so Today, we forgot!
The MonkEY is Ever-Yelling, Ever-Yearning because of its tail
The EY of the MonkEY continues to make us fail
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind creates Negative Thoughts, locks us in NEP
From Negative to Positive, we must flip over to PEP
If we don't **** our Mind, it will bombard us with toxic Thoughts
And in misery and sorrow, we will be Caught
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Thoughts create Feelings, Feelings create Actions
It is the Mind that controls all our Reactions
If we don't control Thought, we will have a sad Destiny
From habits and addictions, we shall not be Free!
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Our Mind not only spoils our day, when we are Awake
It creates Dreams and Nightmares, that are fake!
Although Dreams are not real, the Mind makes us Fear
We wake up with anxiety and lose all our Cheer
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

**** the Mind, before the Mind kills you!
Beware! This advice is absolutely True
If you don't Still the Mind and **** the Mind
It will **** your Peace, and Bliss you will not Find
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

Although this world is nothing but a drama
It is the Mind that causes all the trauma
We must flip from Thought to Thoughtlessness
From a state of Mind to Consciousness
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is like the Phoenix that rises from its ashes
Although we **** our Mind, it returns and our Peace it snatches
We must replace our Mind with Intellect
Then we will Discriminate and be Free from what is incorrect
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Monkey, we must beware of its tail
EY that is Ever-Yelling and Yearning, and we fail
The Monkey starts to ride our Life-Horse
It rules over us, it becomes our Boss
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is not alone, with the Ego it is ME
It creates anger, hate and even jealousy
Together, the Mind and Ego, ME, creates Karma
And we return in a Rebirth in this drama
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The funny thing is that there is no Mind
We seem to be the Body and the Mind we can't find
We must go on a Quest and Achieve the Goal
And Realize that we are the Immortal Soul
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!

The Mind is a Rascal, it steals our Peace
It makes us sick and mental medicine, increase
This enemy doesn't leave us from Birth to Death
And then, it returns in Rebirth, as we lose our Breath
The only problem with my Mind
Where is my Mind? I cannot find!
We human beings are seeking Enlightenment

But we live and die in the dark

The myth makes us scared of a lizard

Instead of fearing the shark

It's sad that we are taught lies

And our mind is full of junk

It's time for the Intellect to make the monkey mind

Into a silent, tamed monk

But how do we doubt our parents and teachers...

Who taught us all that we know?

How can we believe that this world is not real...

It's just a cosmic show

For years we have followed our religion

And believed in what scriptures tell

Suddenly to change our belief is tough

That there is no heaven and hell

What is the Truth, what is the myth...

How will we get to know?

Until we ask questions and investigate

Through Life, we will just flow

We are taught to chase money and success

And that the Goal of Life is Achievement

We live and die without realizing

That the Goal of Life is Enlightenment

Throughout Life we chase pleasures

And to become happy, we try to be

We never realize the Truth that happiness

Is within and then from misery we are free

Money can buy medicines and a bed

And it can buy a diamond ring

But money cannot give us health and sleep

True Love it cannot bring

So, throughout Life we believe in the myth

We never learn the Truth

We live and die with ignorance

Not getting to the bottom of the root

We try to be Happy in a tomorrow

A tomorrow that is not yet born

And we live with the miseries of yesterday

A past that is forever gone

We believe in astrologers and palmists

And like fools show them the lines on our hand

We don't realize that everything is controlled

By a Supreme Power beyond our land

We live and die with ignorance

Thinking we are the body, ego and mind

But the Truth is that we are the Divine Soul

This Realization, when will we find?

We come with nothing, we will go with nothing..

This Truth, don't you know?

Enlightenment will open your 'real' eyes

To realize everything is just a show

Then, the myth makes us celebrate our birthday

With balloons, candles and a cake

The Truth, we were conceived nine months prior

To this Truth, when will we awake?

We think God lives in a distant heaven

He is made of blood, bone and skin

That is a myth, the Truth is this

God is the Power within

Doesn't each human being on earth say with pride...

'I am Roger, Steve or John'?

These are just names, when will we realize

One day, this body will be gone!

Some of us believe in the Law of Action

Everything is controlled by our deed

Do we believe in the myth...

That we can get mangoes with an apple seed?

Then, why do we believe the Law of Attraction...

That we can manifest all we Dream?

When will we realize, not attraction, but action...

A Team and Scheme will fulfil our Dream

We believe the myth that our mind is king

And we trust it can do anything

When will we realize it is the biggest enemy...

That throughout life does misery bring!

Isn't it true that we will die?

Death is certain for all who are born

Some of us believe we are this body

But at death, we depart, we are gone?

Then, we believe that after death

To a distant heaven we will go

We ourselves destroy the body of our loved one

Then to God, who will go?

We haven't understood death, have we?

The myth of death makes us live with fear

The loss of all that we own and the beyond, unknown

Makes us shiver, year after year

Why do bad things happen to good people?

This question our ignorance does ask

Bad things can't happen to good people

Everything is happening as per our task

Then, we blame God as being cruel

And say that He is unjust, unkind

This is sheer ignorance my friend

It is a trick of our monkey mind

It believes that good deeds will take us to heaven

But think, who will go there?

The body at death has become dust

And the one who died, is where?

Of course, we have to pay for our actions

For every good deed and sin

When we realize the Truth of Rebirth

Then, this battle of Life we win!

But we just live with ignorance

Thinking bad thoughts will control our

Life It is not bad thoughts, but actions

That we do to our friends or our wife

And so, we pray to our Heavenly Father To

forgive us for our bad deeds

When will we realize the law he made?

Everything grows as the planted seeds

The Truth is simple, it can be learnt

If we transcend the ego and mind

But first we must discard the fairy tales we learnt

Then Enlightenment we will find

For years we are taught this story

That God lives in a temple or church

We live and die with the ignorance

But for God we never search

We think God is a statue or picture

Who has a name and a form

We don't realize that God is the Supreme Power

He is immortal, He never dies, nor is ever born

But because we are taught with prayer

To God we can go

We continue to fold our hands at pilgrimages

Through life we flow, we don't grow

Is there a way to find God?

This Truth we never find

We just live as slaves of our ego

And our rascal monkey mind

Because we just believe everything

We are taught and we are told

To the myth and the superstitions of this world

And to the rituals we are sold

Religion is good, it teaches us basics

But it's just a kindergarten, it's where we start

If we want to realize God

We need Spirituality that will take us to the last

Spirituality is the way to realize God

To realize the Power in our heart

To realize we are ourselves that Supreme Power

And with the Power we will unite, when we depart

But as long as we believe that our ancestors are alive

In some heaven far away from earth

We will not realize the mind and ego

Will return to earth in a rebirth

Why do we believe in the fairy tales?

Stories that preach suffering of the Soul

To realize that the Soul is the Supreme Power

Is our life's ultimate Goal

But we are taught about good Souls and bad Souls

We don't realize we are all one

Our bodies and mind are different

But our Soul is the Power of the sun

There is one Power that controls everything

The Supreme Immortal Power

But until we overcome our ignorance

The Truth we will not discover

Have you ever stopped to realize...

What is the purpose of life?

When you do, you will be free from all misery

And the triple suffering that causes you strife

The past is gone, you can't change it

But you can change Life from now

Go in quest and realize the Truth

Today, take this solemn vow

Let go of the fairy tales, the myth and the lies

And realize the Truth of this show

We are just actors, this earth is a stage

We just come and we must go

Before we go, let us overcome the myth

Let us transcend the ego and mind

Then, we will attain our ultimate Goal

Within, our GOD we will find

And if we don't realize the Truth, then what?

One day we will die on earth

Then we will return again and again

As we suffer in a Rebirth

Those who realize the Truth of Life

That they are not the ego, body and mind

They are free from all misery

Everlasting Bliss and Peace they find
The whole world is in panic
The whole world is in fear!
They don’t know what the truth is
But they are zapped with what they hear

A virus has attacked us!
It is going to wipe out the world!
It is going to **** us all…
Through the media, we are told

Is it a danger, is it real?
Or is this just a myth?
As long as we live in fear
We will never realize the truth

Of course, it has killed thousands
And it’s mainly the old
The young will mostly get away,
With a fever, cough and cold

The Coronavirus is a champion
It seems to have a tactic
Though many it appears to infect
But for some, it is asymptomatic

Therefore, we don’t know the numbers
Who are actually killed by the virus
There are many with heart and lung disease
Are they dying because of this?

The whole world is in panic
They think of COVID they will die
They have locked themselves in their houses
Unable to enjoy the sky

Of course, we must take precautions
And stay away from one with a cough
But to shut down the entire world
That is way off!

Fear is the cause of this panic
It is making a mountain of a molehill
Far more than the Coronavirus
It is Fear that will ****

F E A R is False Expectations Appearing Real
The mind creates this thought
But once paralyzed by this panic
In anxiety we are caught

Why are we scared, why do we fear?
Why are humans given this gift?
God gave us this instinct for a reason
From real dangers, so we can drift

There are many types of fears
Some even fear a loud sound
Some fear to go up in the sky
Some fear a lizard on the ground!

Fear often grows into a phobia
An irrational fear of something
Dentophobia is a fear of the dentist
And claustrophobia, a crowd of anything

Some have zoophobia – fear of animals,
Some arachnophobia – fear of spiders
With aerophobia, there is fear of flying
And cyberphobia - fear of computers

Finally, the question that matters most
Is fear actually real?
Fear is not a danger, fear doesn’t ****
It’s just an Expectation that Appears Real

But when fear attacks us
And fills our body and mind
The rascal makes us suffer
And makes our life a grind

Fear is not a danger
There is a difference in these two
A danger can attack us
But fear just makes us feel blue

The consequence of fear is tremendous
It can bring our life to a halt
It can stop our intellect from thinking
By just finding fault

What is the cause of fear?
This killer is caused by our mind
It makes us see what is not
In anxiety, makes us blind

But there is a way to overcome it
With courage and with hope
We must wipe out every thought of worry
Then with stress and panic we will cope

But the first step is to wipe out
Ignorance from the mind
To differentiate the mind from the intellect
Both are of a different kind

The intellect can discriminate
It can realize the truth
We must ask questions and investigate
Till we get to the bottom of the root

It is important to flip our life over
From NEP flip to PEP
From negative emotions to positive emotions
From poison to power, step by step

After all, life is a drama
On the earth stage, it’s just a show
We are all actors in this theatre
We come, but we must go

Nobody can escape death
Life is in somebody else’s hand
There is a power we can’t comprehend
That created the sky and land

Because we fear we will die
We live with such panic
We get scared of a virus
That’s truly tragic!

Fear can lock us in prison
Fear can shut life’s door
Fear can frighten us to no end
Drilling into our core

The biggest Fear is that of death
Loss of all that is known
And then a greater fear still
What is beyond death, unknown

But Fear will make us suffer
Fear will make us sad
We must learn to overcome it
If again we want to be glad

There is a way to overcome
The ignorance caused by fear
It happens with Realization of the Truth
Not going by what we hear

We must ask and investigate
How real is our fear
Is it actually a danger
That’s coming very near?

Fear is an illusion
But is powerful and can ****
It can paralyze our entire life
And stop us from doing our will

Today, fear more than ever before
Has made the world come to a stop
In panic, stress, and anxiety
Forced people to shut their shop

Of course, the virus will **** a few
But all of us eventually must die
If not because of this virus
Something else will send us to the sky

So why be in panic of the virus?
We must realize the cause is fear
False Expectations Appearing Real
Is truly causing us dear

The economic crisis that is being caused
Is far greater than the virus
But fear is making us blind to the truth
And going in the wrong direction, in stress

Fear is making us blind
We can’t see the truth that is plain,
It’s projecting illusions that are fake
And will cause the world to be slain.

It’s time to realize what fear is doing
And **** it before it kills us
The virus will come, and the virus will go
But fear must not destroy us

If we remain ignorant of our ignorance
And live with fear and stress
Every such virus that comes in life
Will make our life a mess
672 · Sep 2024
From Yoga to Moksha
Are you in search of Happiness?
Do you want that state of Eternal Bliss? Then, begin the Journey from Yoga to Moksha
And you are sure to achieve this!

Who am I and why am I here?
Have you pondered this, are you clear?
We just live and cry and die
We don't discover the Truth, we don't live with cheer!

We listen to many, the right path we don't choose
And the valuable Journey of Life, we lose!
We wander through Life and soon we are gone
And then, we blink and we are reborn!

Is it not certain that there will be death?
Every living creature will lose their breath
But we don't discover what brought us to earth
Why did we take this human birth?

We just live through Life and face trauma
We don't realize that it is just a big drama
We don't know what is Yoga and Moksha
And don't discover that everything is Karma

It all begins when we start a Quest
When we put all our beliefs to test
When we become free from this material world or Bhoga
And learn to live as a Yogi, in Yoga

Then, we are not perturbed by this earthly show
We live as an observer, watching people come and go
This world is nothing but Maya, an Illusion
We discover the Truth, attain Realization

After we are born, we all learn and earn But then, ultimately, we burn and return Those who live a life in Yoga
Attain Moksha as they turn and yearn

We live in this world with desires and greed
We don't learn to be Happy as we fulfil our need
Our passion makes us seek everything as 'mine'
And ultimately, we lose the treasure Divine!

The fact is that we are nothing but Divine energy
We are not this body, or Mind and Ego, ME
But because we don't embark on this journey
We live like slaves, we are not free!

The biggest enemy is our mind!
It is the one that makes us blind!
And although when we search, the mind we can't find
It causes ignorance and makes us leave the truth behind
We must learn to decipher what is wrong and right
Activate the Intellect and see, black and white

We must flip over from Mind to Consciousness!
Then, we will be free from all misery and stress!
Our ultimate destination is Ananda, Eternal Bliss
It is living in truth Consciousness
It is living like a Yogi and seeking Nirvana or Moksha
It is moving from one state to another, of Yoga

Can everybody attain this Divine Realization?
Can everybody attain Moksha or Liberation? Only those who start a Journey of Purification
Will be Enlightened with Divine Illumination

Because we are lost in this material world or Bhoga
We don't live in Divine Union, in Yoga!
We experience pleasure and pain on earth
And then to suffer, take another rebirth!

The truth is there is no heaven and hell  These are fairy tales that scriptures tell Heaven and hell are right here on earth We experience them, as we take birth!

The only way to attain God is Realization
Going from Self to God-Realization
Then, we will attain Moksha or Salvation
So, let's start with Yoga and reach our destination!
637 · Feb 2023
I am not I… Who am I?
I am not who I am !
I have a Body but am I the Body?
I have a Mind but am I the Mind?
I have an Ego but am I the Ego?
Who is the ME that I am?

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me, who does the talk
These are mine but not me
Who is the ME that I am?

I am not this Body
One day, this Body will die.
I am not this Mind
Where is the Mind,
I cannot find!
I am not the Ego
Then, Who Am I?

Am I a butterfly?
No, that's not Me
Am I a bee? No, that's not Me
Am I a tree? No, that's not Me
I am ME!

Who is the ME that I am?
I am not Who I think I am
Am I an Indian? No, that's my nationality
Am I a Hindu? No, that's my religion
Am I a male? No, that's my gender
I am not Who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know What I am not!
I am not my house
I know what I am not!
What I Am Not, I know!
But I know not, Who I Am!

If I am not the Body, Who am I?
If I am not the Mind, Who am I?
If I am not the Ego, Who am I?
I am None of these but I am
Who is the 'I' that I Am?

I am the Power that gives Life
I am that Power that brought me to Earth
That Power is the SOUL, A Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is what gave me Birth

Now I Know, Who I Am!
I am not the Body that will die
I am Not the Mind and Ego, ME, that says, 'I'
Because I don't Know, 'Who I am',
I cry When I Realize, 'Who Am I?'
I Become one with the Power in the Sky

What is the Purpose of our Life on Earth?
What is the Purpose of Human Birth? To go on a Quest, to find, 'Who I am not' Then, I will Realize, 'Who I am'
This is the Purpose of 'I'

As long as I think, I am Everything!
I will live and die as Nothing!
But the moment I Realize, I Am Nothing In that moment, I become Everything!
It happens when I Realize, 'Who Am I?'

I am the SOUL, the Spark Of Unique Life
The Soul is the Supreme Immortal Power, SIP
When I Realize, 'Who I am not,' I board a ship
I become SIP, then I start a Very Special Trip
A Voyage that Unites my SOUL with SIP

I am not the Ego, that's my identity!
I am not the Body and Mind, that's not me!
I am the Holistic Energy, I am 'HE'
I am not 'I' that I thought I was
'Who am I?’ I Know, 'Who I Am!'

‘I Am Not 'I',' This is the Truth
‘Who am I?' Get to the root
First, I must find out, 'Who I am not'
For this, I must be free from all Thought Then, I will Realize, 'Who am I?'
Who am I? Why am I here?
What is the Purpose of my life, my dear?
When somebody asks me, 'What is the Truth?'
I tell them to get to the bottom of the root

My life is all about conversations Conversations that become Inspirations For one needs motivation to seek Realization
And Realization will give Liberation

Must I suffer right till I die?
Am I just meant to live and cry?
What is the cause of this bad luck and fate?
Why is my life full of anger and hate?

People have questions but whom to ask?
Who will give answers to this arduous task?
Most of the times, we are filled with lies
We are told that God lives in the skies

Whom should I talk to, whom should I seek?
To which Spiritual Master, I must speak? Who will take me to the ultimate Peak?
I don’t know, I am so meek!

When I meet people who don’t know what to do
I try to tell them, just what is true
Everything in this world is nothing but a show
We are just actors who come and go

When somebody asks me, ‘Peace, how can I find?’
I tell them that they must still their mind
Peace is within, we don’t have to find
Open your real eyes, don’t be blind!

Then there are people who want Happiness
They want to live in Peace and Bliss
I just tell them, ‘Happiness is in the Now’
To be Happy in the Now, make a vow

So, my life is full of Conversations
I am glad for these are Inspirations
They lead people from misery to Liberation
And with the Divine to ultimate Unification

This is the purpose of my life
To help people be happy and free from strife
To help people achieve their ultimate goal
To realize that they are the Divine Soul

So, even if I walk, I continue to talk
And answer people, who come with a knock
I help them with a direction, those who just flock
I reveal the truth so the secret of life they unlock!

Book Link -
513 · Jul 2020
But we Pray
O God! Will you answer my prayers?
O Lord! Will you take away my tears?
O Divine! I am so worried about my fears
We pray, but don't know the meaning of our prayers

Of course, most of the world does pray
Not many of us know the meaning of what we say
We just fold our hands and close our eyes
And call out to the one who we think is above the skies

If we pray, but don't understand what we say
Then we don't pray, at best we bray!
It's time to stop and find out the truth
What is prayer? Get to the bottom of the root

Who is God and where is He?
Aren't our prayers for God meant to be?
If we don't know God, but still we pray
Then who is listening to what we say?

We pray because we have some desire
Or because of problems that consume us like fire
Isn't there a reason we go to God?
Or just for fun do we pray to our Lord?

Some people pray because they truly love God
There are others who pray out of fear of the Lord
A very few pray to express their thanks
They evolve in life's journey and cross to God's banks

Prayer has a purpose, to God we do talk
Some stop to listen, they don't just walk
Prayer that works is a two-way communication
A tool that leads to ultimate liberation

There are rituals and superstitions in every religion
They make us get confused and cloud our vision
We are so controlled by what our scriptures say
That we just blindly follow, day after day

Is prayer all about mumbling something to God?
Is it about praying, not knowing who is our Lord?
Unless we first know who God truly is
We may say many prayers, but the main point we miss

Therefore, in quest of God, we must go
We must ask questions until we ultimately know
God is not someone made of bone and skin
He is a Power that lives within

How do we know that God is a Power?
When will we stop praying at some religious tower?
If we must realize the truth about God
First know, who is the one that's praying to the Lord

Self-realization marks the beginning of our quest
It asks questions putting every belief to test
Then we realize that we are not ego, body, and mind
We are the Divine Soul, this truth we find

What is the Soul? Is it different in you and me?
The Soul is a Power, different it cannot be
It is one Power that gives life to everything on earth
It goes when we die and it comes at birth

What is the Soul and where does it go?
Fill two balloons with air for this truth to know
When you deflate the balloons, where goes the air?
It merges with the air that is everywhere

So is the Soul, it's not just in us
It's in everything that moves on this earth, and thus,
Man, beast, plant, bird or fish, whatever it be
The Soul creates the life, the Soul is the key

Then we realize that everything is God,
We are all nothing, without the power of the Lord.
God is the cause, only effects are we
We would be nothing in the absence of He

When we know this truth, it changes our life
We live in bliss, without misery and strife
When God is within, then there is no fear
The Divinity in us wipes out every tear 

Realization changes the way that we pray
For now, we know who is the one to whom we say
The Divine is not someone sitting up in the sky
He lives within each one of us, right till we die

When we know that God lives in every human being
He lives in every animal and every living thing
Then we realize serving humanity is prayer
Our love and compassion, God will surely hear

Prayer becomes simple seeing everything beautiful as God
True prayer is not seeing the beauty, but the Divinity of our Lord
Then we not only pray when a temple bell we ring
But rather, at every song that the little birds sing

True prayer is all about being connected with God
Being disconnected with the world, being one with the Lord
Transcending cravings of the senses and desires of the mind
True bliss and peace being with God we find

Some people pray hard, but they don't pray smart
For many years they pray, but they never learn the art
True prayer is first knowing to whom we pray
And then understanding exactly what we do say

If we rumble and mumble a few words in prayer,
Is this communicating with God? Will this prayer He hear?
When we discover the true meaning of folding our hands
Then we are liberated, and go to God's land

What is our life's ultimate goal?
It's to realize we are the Divine Soul
Overcoming ignorance, that leads to God-realization
Liberation and ultimately, Divine unification

There is a purpose for us human beings on earth
There is a reason why we pray after we take birth
Prayers create faith, trust, and love for God
And ultimately make us unite, make us one with our Lord
My mind is king; I thought it is everything!

It makes me blink; it makes me think
It gives me joy until I die
The only problem with my mind… Where it is, I cannot find!

It is my memory; it is my mind

It is my intellect - one of a kind
My greatest treasure is my mind
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

The body I can see; the body I can find

Likewise I am sure; I have a mind
It is not yours; I know it is mine
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

Suddenly, I realize these are not my mind…

My intellect and my memory are of a different kind My mind is a monkey; a rascal my mind

The only problem with my mind… Where it is I, cannot find!

I then resolved to **** my mind

The rascal I vowed, I must grind
It made me worry; it made me fear
Enough my dear, no more tear
The only problem with my mind…
Where it is, I cannot find!

I made my intellect rule my mind

I shot down thoughts of a monkey kind
I wanted joy and peace of mind
No more my king, my rascal mind
I realized then there was no mind…
It was a rascal! No need to find!
Who are you and Why are you Here?
Why did you come to Earth, my Dear?
Begin your Quest, do not Fear!

After 40 years, I started my Quest
I had the Guts to put all Beliefs to Test
The Reward was Worth it, it was the Best!

I am not ‘I’, I Realized the Truth
I Searched and went to the Bottom of the Root
It was my Quest that gave me the Fruit!

I am not this Body, this Body will Die
The Mind, I cannot find! How can it be ‘I’?
The Ego says ‘I’, but it’s a big Lie!

We think life is just to have Fun
We live and soon, life is Done
Like mad people, in this Race we Run!

What is the Truth, Why this Human Birth?
What is the Reason we Came to Earth?
The Quest will help us Answers, Unearth!

It all begins when we Start our Quest
Many Questions we list and we don’t Rest
One by one, the Answers Attest

To get to the Truth, we need a Master
An Enlightened Guru will take us Forward Faster
It is the Master who is our Spiritual Partner

It all begins by Overcoming Ignorance
Transcending the Ego that Creates Arrogance
The Truth and the Myth, Realizing the Difference

Therefore, first, there is Purification
And soon there is Illumination
And finally, there is Realization

The first Realization is, ‘I am the Soul’
This, in the Quest, achieves my Goal
But what in my Purpose does this Play a Role?

The Soul is nothing but a Spark Of Unique Life
I Realized this and now I am Liberated from Strife
Otherwise, with myths, our Life is Rife

The Realization helps us move Ahead
And Ultimately, in that Moment when we are Dead
We are Liberated and United with the Lord, it’s Said!

Our Purpose is to become One with God
To Realize, within is the temple of the Lord
The Quest helps us see how our Beliefs are Flawed!

We always thought God was in a Temple or Church
And then we started the Quest, the Search
To attain the Divine, we had an Urge

Are we just meant to Live and Die?
First, we must find out, ‘Who am I?’
We must Discriminate the Truth from the Lie

We may appear to be made of Bone and Skin
But the Truth is that we are the Divine that Lives Within
Alas! This Ignorance is our Greatest Sin

It is our Mind that makes us Blind
It is the biggest enemy that Makes us Grind
In the Purpose to find, we are Left Behind

So, first, we make the Monkey Mind a Monk
It happens when we remove from it All Junk
Till then, it seems we are Eternally Drunk!

The moment we transcend Body, Ego, and Mind
In that moment, Life’s Truth, we will Find!
We will attain the One for Whom we Pined

When we move from Mind to Consciousness
There are no thoughts, there is Thoughtlessness
Then, there is Peace and Love, Eternal Happiness

Then, we Realize there is no Heaven and Hell
These are lies that People Tell!
There are no Devils and Angels that Dwell

We are Liberated from that Life Race
Where we are running to be an Ace in the Chase
The Quest helps us Live with Grace

In the Quest, we Overcome all our Trauma
When we Realize that Life is a Drama
Everything that happens is Controlled by Karma

At first, we would Cry and look at the Sky
We would just Suffer and ask God, ‘Why?’
Till we Realized the Truth, Who am I?

We Realize two things we don’t control on Earth
We don’t control Death, we don’t control Birth
It is then we learn to live with Mirth

We Realize we are not the Mind and Ego, ME
We are not the one in the Mirror whom we See
Then, we are Free to Be who we are Meant to Be

It is in that moment that all Miseries Cease
It is the Quest that gives us Peace
We Realize all this, Piece by Piece

At first, we had believed, ‘I was I’
The Quest revealed that this was a Lie
I am the Soul that will Never Die!

It is the Quest that Cuts all Strings
It Liberates us, the one who Clings
It helps us fly, it Opens our Wings

We Realize that Pleasure Comes and it Goes
But Eternal Bliss, Forever Flows
Upon going on a Quest, this Truth Glows

The Mind that otherwise says, ‘I am Everything!’
It is exposed, it is a Rascal, not a King!
In fact, it causes All Suffering

It is the Quest that Makes us Shine
We Discover that within, Lives the Divine
Then, there is Eternal Sunshine

Without the Quest, there will be Death and Birth
Ignorance will make us Return to Earth
The Quest Liberates us from Rebirth

How can you remove the Darkness in a Room?
Can you Sweep it away with a Broom?
The Quest brings in Light, that will Eliminate all Gloom

We all arrive from the very same Womb
But Foolishly, through Life we just Zoom
And Ultimately, we reach our Tomb!

Without a Quest, life is like a Circus
We are Clowns living without Purpose
It is the Quest that makes life, Precious

Start your Quest or you will Suffer Again
The Mind will pour Thoughts like Rain
And it will Push you down the Drain

For Thoughts don’t Knock, they Enter the Door
Uninvited they come and Push us on the Floor
The Quest Pushes the Mind out and Shuts the Door

We all live in this World and Crave
Of the Mind and Ego, we become a Slave
It is the Quest that makes us Brave

The Quest begins when there is Yearning
The Yearning is what starts our Learning
It creates that Passion that keeps us Burning

Otherwise, in the Mind, we are all Caught
In Toxic Emotions, in many a Poisonous Thought
The Quest ties the Divine Knot

When we start our Quest we Venture
Then we let go of Worldly Pleasure
And we achieve our Life’s True Treasure

Without the Quest, there is no Light
We live with anger, jealousy and we Fight
The Truth remains Far, Out of Sight!

Ignorance causes all the Blunder
It creates misery, it Creates Thunder
Realization makes us Surrender

Are you looking for Happiness and for Bliss?
The Quest will lead to eternal Happiness
Start it now, it’s not something we should Miss

It will start with Self-Realization
And Ultimately, lead to God-Realization
March ahead without any Hesitation

It is the Quest that will give us the Purpose of Life
It will Liberate us from Misery and Strife
We must cut through the Myth with a Sharp Knife

So start a Quest, don’t just Live and Die
Find out life’s Purpose, ask the question, ‘Why?’
Do it now! Start with, ‘Who am I?’
484 · Sep 2024
Enlightened Ego
We all have an Ego, it is there in our head
It will go along with us till we are dead
It is the one that, 'I', 'me' and 'mine', has always said

It is the Ego that causes anger, the Ego that causes hate
It brings in agony, pushes peace out of the gate
Alas! We suffer through life with it and it’s too late!

The Ego has a best friend, It is our rascal Mind
The Mind fools us to believe that the Ego is 'I', we find
Together the Mind and Ego become ME, in which we grind

As long as the Ego is ignorant, we will live as 'I'
We will not go on a quest, we will just cry and die!
It's time to ask the valid question, 'Who am I?'

Am I this Body? No, I am not! One day, it will go
I came 9 months before, after that the Body did grow
As long as I don't Realize this, I'll suffer through the show

We all suffer the triple suffering after we come to earth
It is the Ego and the Mind that makes us take this birth
If we Realize we are the Soul, then there is no rebirth

How can the Ego be Enlightened? We must Realize the Truth
We're not the Body or the Mind, get to the bottom of the root
We'll Realize we are the Soul, that will be our fruit

The Ego can't be annihilated, it can't be killed!
But it can be Enlightened, if the mind is stilled
This will never happen, if with ignorance, we are filled

It's the Ego that is responsible for revenge and greed
It makes us proud and selfish, this happens indeed!
But when the Ego is Enlightened, we can pull out the ****

'Who am I?' we ask, when we go on a quest
'I am not 'I',' is the rest of the test
Then, I will never die, this becomes our crest

When from man, you remove the Ego, you will Realize God
As, when to God, you add Ego, you get man and lose the Lord
We can be Enlightened with this equation, which we forgot!

The truth is that we are not the different Bodies, we seem to wear
We are in fact, the Divine Soul, the Supreme we all share
But to realize this Truth is truly very rare!

When the Ego is Enlightened, we Realize, we are all Divine
Manifestations of the Supreme, we are all that Sunshine
But we are lost in ignorance, in pleasure and in wine

When the Ego is Enlightened, there is Bliss, Love and Peace
When we let go of the Ego, agony and anguish will cease
Little do we Realize, the Ego's big disease!

'Not this, Not this,' The truth is, 'We are that'
Not the Body or Mind, we are the Soul, in fact!
The Enlightened Ego is the one who bells the cat!

The Ego that is not Enlightened, believes, 'I am 'I' '
It lives and it suffers and it cries till we die
But the Enlightened Ego is blissful, Realizing, 'I am not 'I''

The Enlightened Ego saves us from all misery on earth
When we Realize the Truth, then there is no rebirth
So, Enlighten the Ego, priceless is its worth!
Why should I worry, it was just a Dream
It is not real, no need to scream
A Dream is an Illusion, though vivid it may seem

But Life is different; Life is real
Don’t we all suffer, don’t we all swirl?
Very few go deep to discover the treasure, the pearl

What is this Journey of Life on earth?
What is the Purpose of our human birth?
Is there a way to live with Joy and Mirth?

We all live with suffering and strife
We laugh, we cry, we endure Life
But we don’t cut through to the Truth with a knife

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Very few of us get this Realization
We don’t use our power of Discrimination

Just like what happens in a Dream is not true
Life is nothing but an Illusion too
I am not ‘I’ and you are not ‘you’

Little do we realize what is our role
Dreams and Reality will take us to the goal
Which is to discover we are but the Soul

When are we going to start our Quest?
Not just Dream, but get out of our nest
Realize Life is an Illusion, get to the crest

Just like Dreams are not real, so is Life
Needlessly we suffer, we cry with strife
With misery, pain, sorrow, life is rife

But we can be Happy if we Realize the Truth
Overcoming sorrow, getting to the bottom of the root
If we realize it’s a Drama, we can enjoy the fruit

Do you worry about the Dream that you saw at night?
You wake up to realize that there was no fight
Life is good, it's shiny and bright

But Life is different, we continue to cry
We suffer, we question, we look at the sky
We cannot differentiate between the truth and the lie

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
It is a long Dream that ends in disillusion
Because of ignorance, there is no Illumination

We think Life is real, it’s not just a Dream!
And so, we suffer, and so we scream
When we realize the truth, life will flow like a stream

If only we Discriminate and open our eyes
Life is just an Illusion, once we realize
We can be in Bliss with nothing to analyze

Life is a Journey, we come and we go
Little do we understand this earthly show
Our goal is to realize the truth, and not just know

We are not the Body that goes to sleep
We are not the Mind that makes us weep
Nor are we the Ego that wants everything to keep

When we realize what we are not
In Thought no more will we be caught
The Truth in front of our eyes will be brought

The Journey of Life has a Purpose
Not to jump like a clown and make Life a circus
Once we realize the Truth, we will never be nervous

We all commit the Greatest SinWe don’t realize that God is within
How will this battle of life we win?

When Dream and Reality, we contemplate
And the difference between the two, we discriminate
We will arrive at heaven’s gate

Did you decide your human birth?
Did you decide how you came to earth?
No, it’s Karma that governs the earth

When we realize that the earth is a stage
The Drama unfolds by Karma, page by page
Then, we will be free from the misery cage

Those who realize that Life is a Drama
Those who discover everything is Karma
Realize that just like a Dream, there is no trauma

Just like a Dream, Life is an Illusion
Once we get this Divine Realization
We will know that everything is a Manifestation

We are different Souls, so do we see
The Truth is that weare Divine energy
Everything is one, there is no you and me

Life is like a Dream, when we realize this
Like after a Dream, there is no unhappiness
But for this, we need Consciousness

As long as in ignorance we are bound
We will suffer as we live on the ground
Till the ultimate truth is found

What is the Purpose of reading this book?
It is to change your Life’s outlook
But first, you must be free from the ignorance hook

So, it’s time to start
And pull the myth apart
And this is to learn the Spiritual art

The Ultimate Truth is everything is an Illusion
Even Science has declared with Discrimination
This world is nothing but a Manifestation
471 · Dec 2021
Life is Karma
Do you know why we came to earth?
Why did we get this human birth?
Everything that happens in our life is Karma.
Very few of us realize the Truth of this drama!

How does the Law of Karma work?
What happens when from morals and ethics we shirk?
Whatever you do, that’s what you will get.
Nobody can escape from Karma, that’s a bet!

Why don’t we see an apple on a mango tree?
Is there a way from Karma to be free?
The law has a principle - as you sow, so shall you reap.
If we are going to sin, we are sure to weep!

Why do we see a child being born blind?
Why do we think that God is unkind?
Because we don’t realize the Divine Truth,
Life is Karma, we don’t get to the root.

Is God controlling our Life from heaven?
Is there a way to reach cloud eleven?
The Creator has created the Law of the Deed.
Our good Karma will make us happy, indeed!

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why is there suffering for the weak and the feeble?
Nothing is luck, nothing depends on chance.
Life is a drama and Karma makes us dance!

Why do we cry, look at the sky and ask ‘Why?’
Oh Lord, I didn’t ****** or ****, did I?
While we pray to God as we experience hell,
We don’t listen to the Truth that Karma does tell!

Can anybody escape from Karma, the action?
Can anybody escape from Life, the reaction?
Whatever we have done, we must receive the fruit.
Karma is Life, this is the Truth

Does Life depend on Chance? Does Life depend on luck?
Can we control whatever happens, choose what to pluck?
While we have a freewill and can choose our deeds,
We can’t escape from the thorns that we planted as seeds

Does Karma decide all that happens on earth?
Will Karma also decide our rebirth?
Yes, we are glad or sad, depending on what we do.
And this will continue into our next Life, it is true!

Who carries the Karma, to whom does it belong?
Is the account of Karma, short or long?
The body will die, but Karma belongs to the mind.
It will appear in a new body, leaving the dead one behind!

The Law of Karma, can anyone escape?
Is it only for a man or also for an ape?
Every living creature must follow this law.
The law is perfect, it has no flaw!

Who controls Life, Karma or God?
Can I get away if I pray to my Lord?
Those who think that prayer can do the trick,
They ultimately cry, when Karma gives a kick!

To whom does this Law of Karma belong?
Is Karma stronger or is God more strong?
God has created Karma to control the earth.
Everything is Karma, our death and our birth!

How can we then from Karma escape?
How can we reach God at heaven’s gate?
Only those who realize – the doer is not ‘I’
From Karma they are free and to God they fly!

What is the way from Karma to be free?
To be born, not to return as a human, animal or tree?
When we realize we are not the body, ego and mind,
Then free from Karma ourselves we will find!

What is the mystery that happens at death?
What happens when the body loses its breath?
Those who carry Karma, will come back to earth.
As per their action, will be their rebirth!    

What is the way to escape rebirth?
How can I escape from the triple suffering on earth?
It happens by realizing we are the Divine Soul,
This is our Life’s ultimate goal!

What happens to those who don’t Realize the Truth?
What happens if we don’t discover Karma in our youth?
Agony of the ego, we face, misery of body and mind
And this will continue again and again, we will find!

So why should we worry about Karma and our Life?
Why not just enjoy with our kids, our family life?
If we don’t realize Life is Karma, we will cry,
And we will return to suffer after we die!

What is our Life’s ultimate goal?
Is it necessary to live as the Soul?
Yes, this is the way to realize God
To live blissfully on earth till we unite with our Lord!
415 · Jan 2024
Our Greatest Sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
The most important journey, let’s begin 
This will be life’s biggest win
Realizing we are not this body, this skin 
Then, the sinner will be free from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who doesn’t Sin? We all do sin
We live with greed and pride within 
Lust and envy drive our engine 
Anger burns us from within
It is yet another deadly sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What causes us to repeatedly sin?
It is desire, it is passion
Thoughts of the mind cause aggression 
Then there is sinful action 
Ultimately, we are in depression
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Who desires, who commits sin?
Is it the body, the mind or the ego within? 
Are these the three that will suffer sin? 
Yes, everything unfolds as per our sin
In fact, that’s how a new life will begin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Whatever we do, good or bad
It’s our Karma that makes us glad or sad 
Every deed of ours, every action
Becomes a seed that into our Karma goes in 
This seed must sprout, the fruits will spin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

But what is the cause of all our sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
It is ignorance that is caused by the mind
We sin because the mind makes us blind
Let us overcome the ignorance that we are bone and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We grow up believing so many lies
We believe that God lives in the skies
We are scared of hell, we want heaven
But still, we all continue to sin
Because we don’t know what is our Greatest Sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Let us get to the bottom of the root
Start a quest to realize the truth
Otherwise, we will suffer the triple suffering on earth 
Our sin will cause us to return in a rebirth
Because of our sin, we’ll return in a new skin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the cause of our Greatest Sin?
Where does all our sin begin?
Because we think we are the body, ego and mind 
We can’t escape sin, this we find
Realizing we are the Soul, frees us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What stops us from being free from sin? 
What causes our sinful action? 
Sometimes religion causes confusion 
Ignorance stops us from the conclusion 
So, the body and mind continue to sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Not this, not this, the truth is we are That 
Not body and mind, the Soul we are, in fact 
But because we all don’t realize this
We continue to sin, causing unhappiness 
Enlightenment will free us from sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The body will die, but we are reborn 
This cycle will go on and on
Every human being is bound to sin 
There is sin packaged with every skin 
The only way is to be free from this skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If we sin, we may return as a dog 
A cat or a rat, or even a frog
For sure, we will suffer if we commit sin 
How to be free from sinful action?
The answer is realization, it is liberation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

The Soul is God, this we don’t know
So, we return to this earthly show
When we overcome ignorance, there is purification 
We realize the truth, there is illumination
Then, realization leads to liberation
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If only we realize the truth, we can win 
Then we can be free from all sin
We are not the sinner, how can we sin? 
We are the Soul that doesn’t sin
This realization will free us from sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

What is the secret to be free from sin?
It is that the Divine is within
God lives in the temple of our heart
With this realization, our freedom will start 
We will not sin, for we are not the body and skin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Then, we realize this world is a drama 
We are free from sin, free from trauma 
We become free from all our Karma
We are free from sin if we know it’s Maya 
Realization can free us from all our sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realization is just the start of this win 
Realization leads to the right action 
A realized Soul will never sin
For he realizes it’s all an illusion
He is nothing but a Divine manifestation 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

Realizing I am the Soul, frees me from sin 
The Soul in me is the Lord within
Then we realize God is in every skin 
Every man and beast has God within 
This makes us overcome all sin
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

If God is in all, how can we sin?
How can we **** and hurt to win? 
Realization stops us from the wrong action 
It will dissolve passion and obsession
We will live as the Soul within
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

We foolishly worry about every petty sin 
But we don’t know how to stop this action 
If only of the truth, there is realization 
Then, we will never ever commit a sin 
We will live as the Divine that is within 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!

This all must know is our Greatest Sin 
We don’t know that there is God within
​​​​​​​Because of ignorance, we continue to sin 
We foolishly live without realization 
Realizing we are God, will stop all sin 
Let us win over our Greatest Sin!
Ask why before you die
Seek answers don’t just cry  
Don’t just accept what people say
Resolve to nd out the Truth today

Who are you and why are you here?
Why this birth? Who got you here?
Are you just meant to live and die?
Is there a purpose? Find out why

What is death, what is the end?
The body dies, it is just a bend
I never die, I will live on
But where will I go, will I be reborn?

Where is God and who is He?
Is it he or is it she?  
I want to nd where is heaven and hell
I am seeking answers, who will tell!

Am I the body, mind or Soul?
What is it that makes me whole?  
Am I the ego, who says I?  
I want to nd out who am I  

What is this thing called life?
So much joy and so much strife
Is it real or just a show?
Where we come and then we go?

Who created this earth, who created the sky?
Was it just a bang, oh my!  
How could all this just come about?
There must be a Creator, there is no doubt!

Is there a law that keeps a track?  
Whatever we do, it will come back
Or will we escape from all our sins?
And have no rewards for all our wins

What causes us to be happy and to be sad?  
Is it true that desires are bad?
Can we be happy with joy and peace?  
Removing cravings, the big disease

Is our mind our friend or foe?
Will it help us cross the shore?  
Is it a monkey that makes us blink?  
And does it make us in ignorance sink?
387 · Jan 2019
A To Z Of Karma
The Law of Karma is very deep
As we sow, so shall we reap
The bad we do will make us weep  
And the good that we do, we get to keep

It's a Law of Action, a Law of Reaction
It's a Law that says, we get what we give  
A Law that ensures what goes around comes around  
A Law that's for everyone on this ground

The Law of Karma is born from our Dharma  
Karma is a Law, A Universal Law  
A Law that watches all our actions
And a Law that ensures the same reaction

If we plant tomatoes, we won't get mangoes  
If we plant cactus, we won't get a rose
So also if we do good, our reward will be good  
And if we do bad – what returns is just as bad

What is this Law of Cause and Effect?  
A Law that ensures the balance is perfect  
A Law that records everything we do  
Good or bad, it must come back to you

But how does this Law work, we don't know  
It belongs to the One who created this show  
It controls how on Earth we come and go  
Does it end at death? The answer is NO!

Our Body may die, but our Karma stands by  
We CAN escape our Karma – that is a lie!  
Our Mind will be reborn to live and to die  
And we will continue to suffer and cry

Death is not the end; it's just a bend  
Whatever we have done has to be undone  
If our actions are rewarded as we live – that's great  
Otherwise, the residue will decide our next fate

Is our body responsible for how we act?  
No, it's our mind that's in charge, in fact  
Thus, the Law of Karma is that of the Mind  
It's the ego and mind that suffers we find.

It carries the good and the bad that we do  
The score doesn't settle at death when we go  
Life after life, the score goes on  
The Karmic score decides how we are reborn

So should we suffer again and again?  
When will we finally escape this pain?  
We can if only we Realize the Truth  
We must get to the bottom; we must get to the root

What is our purpose of life on Earth?  
Are we just born to die and take birth?  
Where did we come from? Where do we go?  
The Law will go on till the Truth we know

Are we the Body? Are we the Mind?  
Are we the Ego? The Truth we must find  
The ignorance that's around us, we must rewind  
We are Energy of a different kind

The Law of Karma makes this world go round  
It's a Law that makes sure all's well on the ground  
The Law is for all who come and go  
Except for  those who understand this show

Those who realize we are not the body or the mind  
Those who are able – the Truth to find  
They are the fortunate few who escape from action  
For them, there is no Karma, no Law of Reaction

When bad things happen to the good, don't blink
It's the Law of Karma in action, just think  
If you plant a seed, you will face  the deed  
For what you do will come back to you

If you want to master the Law of Karma  
You must realize that the world is a Drama  
You must know you are not the body and the mind  
Then True Joy, Bliss and Peace you will find
367 · Mar 2023
Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Do you have Faith in God?
Do you Love the Lord?
Do you go to a Temple or a Church?
It is time to change your search!

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
God is not somebody with a name and form
God can never die, God is never born
If you truly love God and God you want to find
Then first you have to transcend your Rascal Mind

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
The way to God-Realization is through Self-Realization
To realize we are not the body, ego or mind
When we realize we are the Divine Soul
Then, within our heart, God we will find

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
If you are seeking God, start a quest
It's time to put every belief to test
Then you will realize, God is not God, God is SIP The Supreme Immortal Power, then you will grip

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
God is everywhere, God is in everything There is nothing, nowhere, where God is not God is a Power, in you and me
But this Divine truth, we forgot!

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
When we realize the truth, I am not 'I'
I am the Soul, the Power, that's in the sky
God is the Power that makes every heart, beat
Without SIP, nobody can walk down the street

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Adi Shankara said, 'Shivoham Shivoham' 'I am Shiva', is that what he said?
No! I am nothing, Shiva is everything
By Shivoham, that is what he meant

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Because we have grown up with lies, we are fools
We just believe everything that we were taught in schools
We never questioned, 'Who, where, what is God?'
We will live and die, not realizing our Lord

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
If we chant Shivoham, we will soon be free
We will realize we are not the Mind and Ego, ME
When we seek God and our love for God makes us yearn
Then, God is within, we will realize, we will learn

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
Not everybody is fortunate to realize God
Not everybody can become one with the Lord
But those who are enlightened, get Liberation
And ultimately, with the Divine, there is Unification

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
When we realize this body is nothing, it will die
Who are we that depart into the sky?
We are that Power of Life, we are the Soul
When we realize this, we achieve our life Goal

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
I am not ‘I’, I am the Soul
Therefore, I am nothing, but the Power of SIP
SIP is in me, SIP is in you
We are all SIP, this is true

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within
This is the purpose of life on earth
Why did we get this human birth?
To realize, we are not the body, we are God
This will liberate us and make us one with the Lord

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
We may say Shiva or God or SIP
God is one, this truth we must grip
God is SIP, SIP is in one and all
Through Shivoham, we will realize and recall

Shivoham Shivoham
May you realize God within!
As long as we live in ignorance, we will cry
We will believe in God, but soon we will die
But, to realize God, we must go within
For SIP resides beneath the bone and the skin
349 · Aug 2020
For God do we all search
In temple, mosque, and church
Little do we know that the ego does hide
That very God that lives inside

We must let  go of the ego
If God we must find
And for this, we must realize
The biggest enemy is the mind

But first, it is the ego
That keeps saying 'I' and 'me'
It dominates our life so much
That God we cannot see

God is not on a faraway planet
Nor an old man with a long white beard
God lives in the temple of our heart
Alas, his voice is not heard

The ego makes us deaf and blind
It stops us from the truth  
And makes us pray to a statue and a saint
And a God with a snake and a flute

What does the ego do in fact?
It creates duality
It makes God different from us
And the truth we cannot see

The world has hundreds of religions
And thousands of Gods to whom we pray
The fact is we don't know who God is
And we don't even know what we say

As long as the ego dominates our life
Between God and us, it creates a veil
And though God is right here and now
To realize God, we fail

Because the ego causes ignorance
The truth we cannot see
We believe in the myth and superstition
And just be who we are told to be

The ego is my identity
The ego says, ‘This is me’
Because I keep saying 'My' and 'Mine'
The God within, I don't see

The ego makes me suffer
Triple suffering with body and mind
It is the ego that makes me cry
With miseries of a different kind

‘How dare you did not do it!'
This anger, revenge,  and  hate
It's the ego that makes us go around
And stops us from heaven's gate

Who is, where is, what is God?
The ego makes us juggle so much
It makes us search here and there
As our God, it tries to touch

But God, in reality, is within
God has no bone, nor skin
God is a Power that gives us life
In the trillions of cells within

What is birth, what is death?
Why did we come to earth?
God is the one that makes us live
God gives us the human birth

Without God, what are we?
Without the Soul, we are nothing
The body, in the end, returns to dust
It is God that is everything

Unless we go in search for the truth
Unless we start our quest
We will just believe the myth
And fail if we don't question and test

Life is like a spiritual puzzle
The pieces we must find
We must put together who we are
And not live like we are blind

The truth is simple, but we don't see it
After death, there is rebirth
It is our own actions, our Karma
That brings us back to earth

The Soul is a Power in us,
With the body and mind, just a part
The Mind and Ego is the one reborn
When God in us departs

But we do not realize this truth
Because the ego says, ‘It’s me’
The Soul, the God that is within
The blind ego does not see

The ego is always looking out
With the senses and the mind
It does not realize the self, that's us
Being a prisoner of the mind

We are not body, we are not mind
The truth is we are the Soul
Self-realization is the first step
That takes us to this goal

When 'we' realize, not body and mind
We are the Power that's the Soul
We also realize  the  God  in  all
That manifests as the whole

What stops us from such Realization?
What stops us from Liberation?
It is the ego that stops us from God A
nd from Divine Unification

Man minus Ego is God
If we remove the Ego, we will find
God plus Ego is Man
With Body, Ego, and Mind

So, we must let go of the ego
If God we must find
For as long as we think we are 'ME'
The journey we will rewind

God actually lives within us
His silent voice we do not hear
Because the ego and the mind
Make us live with a deaf ear

They make us live in this world and suffer
Believing all this is real
They hide the God that is within us
As in the world we twirl

God is not far away, God is near
God is in you and me
But as long as we believe we are the ego
God we cannot see

The very God we are looking for
Is right inside our heart
But the ego that is screaming day and night
Tears the truth apart

We just live and we just die
And God do we all seek
It is the ego that stops our climb
From scaling the spiritual peak

What is our life's ultimate goal?
To realize we are the Soul
We are the very God we seek
Not the ego that plays its role

The ego that lives saying,‘It’s me’
Makes us go  round  and  round
It stops us from finding God within
As it fixes us to the ground

The truth is this and nothing else
God lives in us within
Let us stop going in search outside
And go within our skin

What stops us from going within
It is the ego and the mind
Though God is very near in us
Our Lord we never find

God never leaves us even for a moment
God is with us all the time
But the ego is craving for this and that
And so God we do not find

It's easy, all that we must do
Let go of the ego and mind
Then shining deep within
God we will find
It was 31st August,Two Thousand Fourteen
I was on a Quest, to get answers I was keen
That day, I boarded a Divine flight
There were stars twinkling in the sky that night
Who am I? Why am I here?
These two questions rung in my ear!

I too wanted Success, I wanted Happiness
But my life was filled with misery and stress
I had several Questions that I put to the test
Ultimately, my Guru sent me on a Quest Who am I?Why am I here?
To find answers to these questions and to be clear

I was always jumping from yesterday to tomorrow
My life had so much fun but also a lot of sorrow
I was running a race trying to become an ace
I was caught in a maze, not knowing what is grace
Who am I? Why am I here?
These two questions when answered, would change the gear

For twenty-five years I chased achievement
Then, shut shop and took an exit to fulfillment
I went on a Quest to Realize the Truth
Went on retreats to get to the bottom of the root
Who am I?Why am I here?
I attacked these questions with every possible spear

I Realized that I am not this body, one day it would die
At death, I would pass away, disappear in the sky
Then, the ego asked, 'Am I the mind?'
When I went on its search, the mind I couldn't find
Who am I? Why am I here?
I couldn't be nothing, I was right here!

I am not the body, ego, mind; I am the Soul
I am the Spark Of Unique Life; I achieved my goal
Not This Not This, I realized I was That
There was no doubt, it was a fact!
Who am I? Why am I here?
Wow! In the 'Aha!' moment, I was absolutely clear

I was nothing but a manifestation of God
I was not 'I', I was the Lord
For years, I believed that God lived in the sky
On that Divine flight, I Realized that it was a lie!
Who amI? Why am I here?
O Lord! I am you. I got it, my dear

The purpose of life is not just to live and die
Not to look at the sky, to cry and ask, 'Why?'
Who am I? We must realize without doubt
And who I am not, that we must throw out!
Who am I? Why am I here?
Once we know it, we will live with cheer

I will never die. I am the Immortal Soul
Made of carbon, I am a diamond, I am not just coal
But for this, I needed Realization,
Starting with Purification, I needed Illumination
Who am I? Why am I here?
If I was still, the Divine voice I would hear

This journey is different, it is a voyage within
To discover we are not the ones made of bone and skin
It's taking an exit, not going from peak to peak
It is the higher things of life, when we start to seek
Who am I? Why am I here?
After decades, we get the answer and we are clear

I too wasted my life for nearly fifty years
Then, with the help of my Guru, I Realized with tears
Life is not meant to be lived like a rat in a race
We have to Realize the Truth and get out of the maze
Who am I? Why am I here?
I Realized the Truth and was free from stress, worry and fear

Life is not meant to live with a crisis
We must realize the Truth and get a Metamorphosis
We must move from Self-Realization to God-Realization
Our ultimate goal is Liberation and Unification
Who am I? Why am I here?
That's all we need to know, let's not wander like a deer

Now I am awakened; I have a new Mission
To help others overcome ignorance and have a clear vision
What is the reason that makes us all come to earth?
Why did we all take this Divine human birth?
Who am I? Why am I here?
To make people realize this, I am sincere
322 · Sep 2021
Live Life Moment by Moment
Life is just about this moment, are you living it?
Or has life escaped you, bit by bit
Life is just about the 'now,' make the best of it
Celebrate every moment of life, don't just simply sit

Life is not about yesterday, yesterday is gone
Life is not about tomorrow, it is not yet born
Life is about this moment, life is about 'now'
I'll be Happy every moment, take this solemn vow

Life has a purpose, we don't realize that it’s a big treasure
Life is not just meant to be chasing every pleasure
Every moment of life is given to realize this
Moment by moment, we lose life chasing Happiness

Life is not a long journey that starts at birth
Life is not all about the years that we live on earth
Life is not the many years that we live till we die
Life is blissful now, sing like a bird in the sky

Most of us are missing life, waiting for it to pass
We don't know how to truly live, did we miss this class?
Life is not a long journey that will go on and on
Life is about 'now', tomorrow it may be gone

Many of us fill our life with fear, worry, and stress
We don't know how to live life with Peace and Happiness
Those who learn to live life, living in today
They smile, laugh, and love, no matter what comes their way

There is only one way to live, it is living in the 'now'
Not facing all our problems, with sweat on our brow
We must do our best with life, with the given plough
And then, surrender to what will be, this we must allow

For what can man do, other than doing his very best
Once he does that, to the Divine, he surrenders the rest
He learns to live each moment, with faith, trust and hope
And so, with life's battles, he is able to cope

Those who lose the treasure of life filling their mind with junk
Those who don't tame their monkey mind and make it into a monk
They live their life jumping from a thought to another thought
Life was just about 'now', this truth they forgot

The enemy, the thief, the rascal, is our very own mind
It bombards us with thoughts and steals our life, we find
Moment by moment, we lose life as we desire and we crave
It is our mind, that makes us cry, right until our grave

Instead of accepting whatever happens, living with a smile
We cry, we scream, and we question, unhappy all the while
We don't realize that what is unfolding in life every day
It's a reaction of our own actions, the price we must pay

Life has a purpose, we must realize this before we die
Life is not just about wandering on earth and in the sky
Before we die, we must achieve our life goal
To realize we are not body and mind, we are the Divine Soul

If we let the moments of life pass one by one
Though we achieve trophies, the victories that we won
Before we realize our treasure of life will be gone
We will suffer on earth and then, we will be reborn

We must live every moment Conscious of the Truth
We must invest every minute getting to the root
Moment by moment, we must live, in Consciousness
Realizing the Truth, and with it, getting eternal Happiness

The sun will rise, and the sun will set, soon life will pass by
Moment by moment, day by day, we will laugh and cry
But how can we live without Sorrow, with Peace and Happiness
It's by living moment by moment, we must learn this

If moment by moment, we let our life simply pass
When we wake up, it may be late, we will cry, Alas!
The gift of moments was given to us, for us it was to use
But we lost moment by moment, this why did we choose?

It's not too late, we can wake up, and start living 'now'
We can find the purpose of life and stop grazing like a cow
We are still alive, and our moments are yet in our hand
We can live life, not let it slip away, just like grains of sand

Death is certain, we can't escape it, every 'body' must die
There is no use to look up at the sky, to cry and ask 'why?'
The only way to live life moment by moment with Joy
Is to be Conscious of the secret – Who is this 'I'

And soon, life will be over, this gift will be gone
Swinging like a pendulum, into the future not yet born
Life will escape us as we suffer and we cry
Let us transform our life, wake up to a new dawn

Let us become Conscious in every moment we live
Nothing belongs to us, let us learn to give
Let us spend each moment, achieving the ultimate goal
We are not this body and mind, we are the Divine Soul

Life is not a journey that lasts many years
Life is not just about a few smiles and many many tears
Life is only about this moment, and we must live it
Otherwise, the moments will escape and so will life with it
314 · Dec 2018
I am not I. Who am I?
I am not who I am!
I have a body, but am I the body?
I have a mind, but am I the mind?
I have an ego, but am I the ego?
Who is the me that I am?

Am I a butterfly? No that’s not me.
Am I a bee? No that’s not me.
Am I a tree? No that’s not me.
I am me!
Who is the me that I am?

I am not who I think I am
I am an Indian – No, that's my nationality
I am a Hindu – No, that's my religion
I am a male – No, that's my gender
I am not who I think I am!

I am not my car
I know what I am not
I am not my house
I know what I am not
What I am not, I know
But I know not who I am

I have eyes that can see
But the eyes are not me
I have limbs that can walk
But it's not me who does the talk
These are mine, but not me
Who is the me that I am?

I am not the Ego
That’s my identity
I am not the body and mind
That’s not ME
I am the Holistic Energy
I am “HE”
I am not the ‘I’ that I thought I was
Who am I? I know who I am.
298 · Aug 2019
God = Happiness
We all want to be Happy
We pray to God for bliss
But where does God truly live
This point we sadly miss

God is not on a distant planet
In heaven above the skies
The power within that makes our heartbeat
Is where God truly lies

When there is a problem that we cannot solve
We go to God and cry
Make me Happy, my dear Lord!
We beg as we question why

We know that God can do anything
He made Heaven and earth
He is the giver of Happiness
The one who gave us birth

But still, we look for Happiness
Desiring this and wanting that
Sometimes our wishes are fulfilled
Otherwise, we become sad

And so do we live until we die
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
We miss to discover a simple secret
God is the source of Joy

Instead of seeking God within
We are searching for Happiness!
Of course, we become happy at times
But the source of Joy we miss

If only we change our search for God
And look for Him within We will have
everlasting Joy and Peace And a
Blissful life will begin

But we don't know who God
truly is In fear, we bow our head
Instead of loving the Lord within
We suffer until we are dead

We don't discover this Truth That
GOD = Happiness We are looking
for joy in so many places
But within ourselves we miss

We are not body, we are not mind
This Truth we must realize
We are in fact God energy
To this Truth we must rise

Once we are conscious that God
lives within We will suffer no more
The giver of Happiness is part of us
This Truth will make us glow

Instead of seeking Happiness
It's God we must search and
And once we realize the Truth,
behold There will be joy and peace in our mind

But we don't know who God truly is
We all believe in the myth
We don't discover that God lives within
We fail to reach the zenith

'God = Happiness' is a secret
We must discern and know
Then we will discover true bliss and joy
As our bond with God will grow

If you want to be truly Happy
Then don't seek joy and bliss
Realize and God within
For that's where is Happiness
297 · Sep 2019
The 4th Factor
There is a 4th Factor on earth
It controls our life, it gives us birth
It is beyond what man can know
It has laws that manage the show

Man thinks there are factors three
With a saw he thinks he can cut a tree
To him, the doer, the equipment and the act
Are enough to create any impact

But then sometimes, he blinks and thinks
The sails were fine, yet the ship sinks
They did their best, captain and crew
But the results didn’t happen, that is true

And still does man do his best
He puts every effort of his to test
But he is sad in the end to find
That the result that happened was a different kind

Why is it, then man does think
What stopped his desire? What made him sink?
It should have happened, why did it not
Where he wonders, his work got caught

Then he sees there are factors four
Not just three that he thought before
There is a 4th Factor he knows
That controls all results, it clearly shows

Despite man doing his very best,
He can’t understand what is the test
Till finally the 4th Factor he knows
He surrenders, he accepts, with it he goes

Why is it that we try but cry?
It did not happen, we question the sky
We do not understand how this Power acts
What are the laws, what are the facts?

The 4th Factor is a Power, of course
But how it works, nobody knows
The only way to live with it
Is to trust, to accept, to surrender to it

This Power is not ordinary, that we know
It’s the Cosmic Power that runs the show
With it the world goes round and round
And there is justice on the ground

We are helpless puppets in fact
Without it, we are nothing in the act
It is the Director that produced this show
We just come and then we go

We want to be happy, don’t want to be sad There is a way for us to be glad
If we want to live with joy and peace With the 4th Factor, it happens with ease
In the 4th Factor we must learn to trust
This power is fair, this power is just

We must not question, we must not ask
Why do we worry, why do we fear?
Why the misery, why the tear?
If only the 4th Factor we know We will truly enjoy the show

It’s sad that in ignorance we do live We live in greed, we do not give
We are anxious, jealous, we worry, we hate And never reach the happiness gate
We must do our best and then let go
To the 4th Factor that manages the show

A new way to live, we must not miss
You may of course be the best actor But you can’t beat the 4th Factor Every day
on earth you will see Whatever will be, will be, will be
A spiritual Poem By AiR
282 · May 2024
God Realization
Who is God? Where is God? What is God? We ask
Then, we think that this is an impossible task
And we go to Temple and we go to Church
Desperate to find God, we continue our search
Little do we Realize that God lives within
God is not far away, God is just beneath the skin
But because we don't Realize that the way is Self-Realization
We live and die without God-Realization!

Some question, 'Is everything about God, a bunch of lies?'
Others blindly believe that God lives in the skies
Then, some people Pray and live with Hope
They need God so with problems, they can cope
We Pray, we Chant and we all live with Faith
We believe that one day, we will go to Heaven's Gate
And so, we live, waiting to meet God face-to-face
We don't Realize God, we don't get Divine grace!

Only the one who lives with Love and Longing for God
He Realizes God who has a Yearning for the Lord
He questions his religion and puts all beliefs to Test
He wants God so much that he begins his Quest
He doesn’t believe the'Big Bang' and the Theory of the Ape
He Realizes God is in every Soul and things of any shape
His journey of God is a journey of God-Realization
He Realizes God after his Self-Realization!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power that brings life to our Lip
Because we believe in lies, most of us slip
We don't love God enough, we don't get a grip
We are lost in this material world on this earthly trip
We don't go in Quest of God,
We don't go aboard the Divine Ship
When we start to live with the name of SIP on our lip
Then we will begin towards God, our

To Realize God, first, We must Realize, 'Who am 'I'?'
We must Realize that one day, this body will die
We are not the mind that we can never find
We are not the ego, Let's leave this lie behind
If we are not body, mind and ego, then, who are we?
We are none other than God's Divine Energy
When we Realize that We are a Spark Of Unique Life, the Soul
Then, we will Realize God, We will achieve our Goal!

It's strange but True but God stops us from God!
The belief in 'our' God stops us from Realizing our Lord
We just blindly believe in the religion we learned in school
And so, We don't Realize God, We live and die a fool
All Religions are good but we need Spirituality
Like after school we graduate from a University
We must let go of the myth that the Scriptures tell
If we want to Realize God, We must get out of this spell!

God is not God, God is SIP
The Supreme Immortal Power. Let's learn this and flip
God has no beginning, God has no end
God is birthless and deathless, Forever, he does extend
God is the Soul that gives life to You and Me
God is in every molecule, God is energy
This world is nothing but God, Everything is an Illusion
Everything in this world is God's manifestation!
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