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Mar 2015 · 570
my friends told me
Death-throws Mar 2015
my friends told me , that if I wrote how i felt,
my poetry would be more popular
you see...the only thing ive felt,
for as long as I can remember, is my love for you,
drowning in your love,
my ears deafened by sweet giggles,
im hooked on your personality,
midnight vespa rides screaming like cannibals
my friends told me to write about how I felt...
and I don't know  how to put words together
combine prefixs and verbs and nouns together
to form  a sentance that could even come close,
to how you make me feel...
my friends told me to write about how I feel,
to bad they dont know you exist
Mar 2015 · 967
You are..perplexing..
Death-throws Mar 2015
You are indefinable,
perfectly perplexed between a periapse of compassion
you are..
the light between colors, that blends everything together,
you are the smell of cooking spices and the strut of  a supermodel
you have the smile of an angel, the cheek of a demon
you are a time capsual of happiness and a roving epiphany of delinquent change.
a goddess of chaos and order squished between two slices of cute and served with a side order of Mine
so smile sweet heart, brighten those chameleon eyes
let those lips make points at either side
let your hair hang losely over that speckled forhead
that serves as a runway for my kisses
smile sweetheart.
I love you

Mar 2015 · 1.0k
When I say I love you,
Death-throws Mar 2015
When I say I love you,
I line my words in gold,
tinted silver
When I say I love you
I swing my words with the weight of a boulder,
And if the weight of those three words doesn't connect...
The boulder will take me down
Because when I say I love you,
god when I say your mine
I'm trying to brake out of my plastic mold,  to give your my heart
because I mean it... I Truly do
and my heart brakes with anticipation  and my mind
is so riddled with doubt
but i will call your name from my car
and light my next cigarette..
come darling
I love you..

i really do
Mar 2015 · 354
Death-throws Mar 2015
watch me take a breath,
breathe in clouds of smoke that eradicate my lungs
watch the smile creep across my face , go on
watch the powder stick to my nose
watch... go on...
watch my body slip away from my mind,
watch my heart fail and stutter
watch tar build roads through my artieres
watch the dope crawl through my brain..
watch me sing
watch me dance
watch me die, my mind writhing in pain..
so long as you savour the experience
so long as im worth your time
so go on...
look at me with those back lit black tipped eyes,
watch me
and i swear ill make it worth your time

look me in the eyes, drain me away,
youll see me live another day
Death-throws Mar 2015
I lack inspiration, when sound does not riddle the causeways of my mind
when echos bounce less around my cranium and more from my lips i find..
solace in the fact that no longer am i directed from indirect communications but more from the sound i make,
i learnt to grasp the steering wheel in both hands and turn sharp in the corners,
i learnt that without sound echoing through my ears my eyes work with pinpoint accuracy..
i never noticed the way the grass grows over old cobbles..
i never noticed the way my heart beats
the way it skips, and bleats,
i learnt not to be a sheep, but a profit,
a guider to the blind,
don't tell them I'm blind as-well
because it doesn't matter if i can see or i cant
it does not matter if what i say is truth or lies
but if the fiction of my antiquity compels you to lift your heart up
brings joy from the desolation of your mind but to the fore front of the battle field that is your life i have achieved something incredible, I've achieved peace
peace through happiness, joy through inspiration so read on!
read on young soldier,
your broken mind and battle ready battle wounds are bound too tightly by your compassion to conform
take of your bandages and read on! read forwards and on wards and strive to learn, why
why young soldier i know you've never been trained
and i know your mind is ill with discontent and i know your shoes are whittled to your socks and i know
i know how hard it is to stand with two broken legs and only the solace of that barren bare cranium to lean on
but in my antiquity young soldier
i have learnt that we are all warriors
fighters along a broken line standing our ground against greater odds then you could ever conceive of battling...
i know young solider that many will fall and die
and many will perish to broken minds and hearts and souls,
but the ones who make it through this perishable existence, the ones who fight beyond any compassion  beyond any reason,
god I've met boys who will tear out each others throats with their teeth I've learnt that men are shells of creatures that have never been fully understood,
my existence has been about 
nothing but fighting
and now i have reached an age where i can lay down the rifle of my words, i can leave my blunted knives to rust in a back closet i realized young soldier
the agony of your existence may seem like the end, but its just the start.
and when your reach a  point in your life where you can rest,
savor it,
do not let someone tell you how to exist without your consent , do not fight a battle you do not want to fight,
stand your ground young soldier
re-reinforcements are on the way
for a friend whose struggling... chin up bub x
Mar 2015 · 575
subtle talks at 5:38 AM
Death-throws Mar 2015
he comes home  to dream of what he left
In someone else s bed

                                                    he should've hugged her and never let her                      
                                       ­                                                                 ­                  go
not that he wanted to, he wanted to clasp her tight
feel her skin
he didn't want this...

                                           he didn't want to be alone

im falling for you, dont even forget that...
Mar 2015 · 347
My mind, your body
Death-throws Mar 2015
where is my mind, Ive looked everwhere
have you stolen it? you and your back pack of chains
your emotional attachment
you stole my heart already, am i not allowed my head?
plastic wrap my skull into place god dam you give me my soul
every time you leave me you take it with you I swear!
or is it under my bed...did it roll under there when i wasnt looking,
when I was too busy gawking slack jawed at the creature standing above me with soft skin and short hair
hips like a mother but a smile that says otherwise
where is my mind .
please give it back to me,
if you dont have it you must know where its gone..
you stole my heart, it beats next to yours,
this i know...because when i dream, the cavity in my chest thuds along side yours
This i know...
but you still wont say where you put my mind
my soul
your cheeky grin reverberates through shattered ear drums pierced with the sounds your throat makes when your happy
or the tension of your body when you sneese you know..
I can see it,
you ****** your hand into my chest cavity, through my diaphragm and gripped my heart in both hands
you screamed  with ecstasy!
finders keepers
and so I bowed
I fell over and glee, finally i can relax, now that your tiny fingers work the separate chambers of my heart my muscles aren't so blood isn't so cold..
my mind,
I found it,
I never lost it,
I just lost you..

Mar 2015 · 616
10W, stay strong
Death-throws Mar 2015
We all face life, at sixty minutes an hour, indefinitely.

Mar 2015 · 395
A wall of words
Death-throws Mar 2015
my hips ache
they writhe in this...this angst,
this ecstasy
angst and ecstasy?
god there the same thing...
drive me up the wall, grit your teeth,
scream as the words press into your back
bit down, both lips ****** in, pucker up and ****
lie down ,lets ****
take me to a different place
not here but way down, deep inside me, take me somewhere else
make my head run circles around my mind
I'm series of thoughts wrapped in jagged bone
wrap me in bandages,
because in your arms I'm home, I'm safe I'm warm

the cuts don't bleed when your wrapped around them
taking you against my wall of words,

Mar 2015 · 201
Death-throws Mar 2015
I don't know about you
but   I can feel it.
through my veins
my arteries, my brain, I can feel it
I can feel you

Mar 2015 · 1.9k
barbed wire birds
Death-throws Mar 2015
steel is what controls me,
steel emotions wrapped in spikes,
steel skin holding you back
steel eye hiding my vision
but  I'm growing tired of steel
I'm angry at its coldness, the grey flesh and cold heart
the agony of never being warm,
my friends are the same,
we draw our time from the fix,
lets melt ourselves down

I'm braking free
me and my barbed wire birds

I'm done sitting on the fence of angst but not being sure
if I can climb over
I'm done being a nothing following the crowd between rows
of steel and barbed wire
I'm done dancing between laser beams
and nightmare filled dreams
I'm taking my heart in my hands and running ,
Ill treat it like water slipping through my fingers and the only way to survive is by running faster.
so much faster.
Ill not let my heart slip through my fingers as my wings begin to spread me and my pack
of barbed wire birds,
our wings are made of corrugated iron folded to points
and the motion of flying stings my soul
but ill fly
you'll watch me glide
we will dive of the edge our hearts in hands
you'll see me fly, broken bleats from broken wings
bound together with the lust for more then to feel steel against my skin
because I'm flying northbound for warmer skies
lets glide past the the equator and through the tropics
I want to feel the heat that would melt a man

we are the hearts
we are the gods
the deity's of my minds
ill build shrines to myself just to scream
my soul beats free as my barbed wire wings
no longer am i wrapped  in steel
Ill take you with me, swap your heart for mine
scream like banshees
a technicolor passion drives me forwards
we will lay down ourselves to show you
as you sit waltzing through your strip wire fences
Ill turn them to wings ill float so high above you..
Ill scream at the 5 am light and bring up the sun
the world is yours
I am no longer a sheep
guided by lack of sleep
we are a pack
guided by our hearts
by our love
powered by our bleeding
barbed wire wings

massive rant...appreciate it if you told me what you thought :)
Mar 2015 · 264
for you
Death-throws Mar 2015
Vidi Vici  Veni
Mar 2015 · 384
The kick
Death-throws Mar 2015
Swallow me.
Like a pill on your tounge.
Let's see if I give you a kick
Let's see if I'm worth the rush
Mar 2015 · 408
Death-throws Mar 2015
With blunt edge  blades,
and your name in spades bouncing around my cranium
Ill pick my brain up with tweezers,
crush it
a silent death,
one of millions
one that might not hurt
my niche has been filled,
I'm not unique,
my skills have been claimed by hundreds of others,
this writing,  this effort, has been retold a thousand times before me
most of it would be better by far,
I'm no poet
I'm a rambler drunk on a appreciation,
or a drunk rambling about appreciation,
I'm not sure any more

pass me the bottle.. lets find out
Mar 2015 · 321
Death-throws Mar 2015
I am a man
I am strong
I am happy

I am a man, genetic and pure,
but the standards i have been given drive me through the floor

With my job i am strong, but it tires me, i'm warn thin
as your old biker jacket

my poisons make me happy, your like ink in my blood
killing me with sickness

I am falling
I am tired
I am sick

As i fall, trusting my faith to catch me
gravity becomes a fact so real. so defined, that i am calm,
as the concrete hurtles towards me

I'm so tired, my eyes drag closed on State highway one,
going 125 through a steel barrier

I'm so sick, my veins have changed color, my skin is pale
and its all your fault

I am dead
I am dead
I am dead

God i wish i was dead
Mar 2015 · 241
missing bits
Death-throws Mar 2015
are what you take
are what i am
are all that's left

#bits #pieces #repetition
Mar 2015 · 384
missing metal
Death-throws Mar 2015
I have
a tan line, on my ring finger
it marks something i wish i had..


#ring #missing
Mar 2015 · 390
Missing you
Death-throws Mar 2015
My headaches are agony
but I'm glad
there not

Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Black hole
Death-throws Mar 2015
I was never a good boy  , dabbling in the wrong side of the right life,  i stole coins like candy from my grandmothers cookie jar.  Of coarse i was wrong, but i allays...
I always thought i was right , because my world had so little light  i didn't know...
I didn't know what was right, what was i to feel? how i was i to fight?,
i wasn't..
depression is like having a red dot on your forehead and you cant tell if that's from the divines gifting you inspiration to speak or the ****** down the road firing words sharp enough to slit wrists through the ballistic scope of the internet. and how dare you say..
"get over it"
how dare you say"be happy",
because depression is like a black hole
that not even light can escape and where all stuck at the bottom..
only the lucky few get to sit at the top with smiles and wave without being ****** in. throwing in careless well wishes like the coin you stole into a well...wishing that coin would grow and swell and unfurl into the note  of green you think you need.
stop counting your own blessing and count mine,  because down here at the bottom  its to dark to see the notes of happy things you write, and still you throw more and ask for them back but why is it always about you?  why cant i get a helping hand without seeing the back of it against my cheek, because we only get help when its returned..and we can only beat depression when we earn it.  and the only way to earn it is to run faster then light because that's where the answer is...
and im not talking about the kind of happyness that drips from the slit neck of a broken bottle, im not talking about  the kind that seaps from my lungs in the clouds i blow, im talking about that someone ..
the girl with cute socks all fluffy and pink,  the doctor who series box set and waaayyy to many treats..
im talking about  the people who even when my skin is made out of stone see the marshmallow of my heart, even when my worlds falls apart, and the fragments of my reality splinter into stepping stones across a  raging river...
they make the steps not so far apart...
  while upstream my family and my friends rush construction on the dam that will slow the flow enough to cross..
the ones who grab that happiness that outruns my own black hole and dive head first into it m force feeding me spoonfuls of sugar and courage and smiles because  they never saw the swirls of darkness around me they only saw emptiness

And one after another those broken hearted lovers those screaming from slit rists or happyness in there raught minds strip there beds and make a rope from the sheets  and tossed it from the tallest window of the fortress of life and  as soon as it touched the ground..they scream. they scream like animals climb.. climb dam you climb!!! climb like gravities blowing you a wet kiss and  the worlds tied wings to your back CLIMB! and those eat the bottom of the rope .. they  chant your bane  to keep you going...keep moving they say.. and those on the other side who can see the sun rissing and see it getting better they scream hurry! because my lifes passing me by and only they can see it...

and i can say because of them...the friends that care the one who suffer i climb...Ii still do... I haven't stopped and im STILL not at the top but im still going...
and its hard...
and my hands bleed from the effort and the slits on my wrists beg to burst again but i cant...
I  cant **** the rope that love built with my own blood and slip back down
I  must keep going...
thanks to the selflessness of those around me i know that bed sheets aren't for nooses...
there for ropes..
because dreams aren't  knifes there an escape from climbing...
the soft pillow i rest my head on doesn't feel like rocks any more..
because i couldn't dream before and now its all i do,   i  scream it DREAM!  i yell from one ear to the next look at me! smiling with  broken teeth look-at me! my scars aren't scars because I've shaped them into badges of pride because im climbing...
and as long as i climb ill never have to touch the ground...
  as long as i catch the rope when i slip those who love me will cheer me on, iscream it... look at me, not even a black hole could catch me now

a quick spoken word speach
Mar 2015 · 2.3k
modern day zombie
Death-throws Mar 2015
I  am a zombie

the likes of which you have never met.
I do not seek flesh...nor brains nor blood
I breathe, I swallow the food that this world brings to me, the luxuries of its soil.
I have sung....  I have danced... I have felt


I do not feel the air, it rests  in my lungs like ash , I do not taste the food, it  like all things have been grown in salted earth, I do not hit notes well enough to be considered beautiful, and my feet have grown clumsy with time
I wonder without purpose...

I feel no sensation. I see no sensation I hear no sensation ...
I am not a zombie of flesh but a zombie of life,
being driven to such a state of mind takes years of nurturing.
believe it not its hard to grow a child so fractured....a broken relationship a family split in two by alcohol and drugs alike , years of trauma and bullying  its so hard.... its so hard to stand your ground...
its like school yard is a wind tunnel.. and im a a design concept...because every time i stumble and fall  everyone takes their turn to laugh at my designer ,  and in his frenzied panic he strips far to much of me... parts of me they deemed useless.. useless! things no one else would notice i lost my taste stripped from the drugs that sour my soul
my feet replaced with stumps on which I can not dance because the one person I held close enough to my heart to dance with.. I pushed away with lust for regardless venture sometimes i see a broken bottle on the ground  and...just...

but don't read my agony for an attempt at self justification for my state, my life  is not their for your pity, no your reassurance I am self made man!, I carved the marble of my bones from the gravel of the man I used to be and i did it while everyone laughed...while they mocked..
I sat there with a chisel in my hand and thought
"if I was meant to be dead..if I was not meant to be here..I  wouldn't crash or fever or trauma or seizure i would be gone...and the  moment I close my eyes i can rest...the moment I am no longer here I will have a bed where the pillows don't feel like rocks and  my blankets are no longer made of thorns I am allowed to dream..."
everyone mocks the
im not alone..there's hundreds of us...thousands and I bet if I said the word we would rise up and walk the streets like mobs ... an army of tasteless chefs a platoon of crippled ballerinas
a support division of hideous make up artists.
I say this,not because its true..its not... the crippled dancers have merely forgotten how to stand the chefs have their seasonings wrong the make up artists are just using the wrong shade, I say it not because its true... but because that's what where taught is true
enough people saying the same thing has a way of jostling the wires around your mind, i know a girl that used to be a nuclear submarine...
she once needed two keys and a code word and a finger scanner to its just the blunt end of an old spoon and some jostling to get her heart started

you say something.and it doesn't matter if its not true, it will become truth.  when it is repeated.

how bad did you think it was?
because it is so much worse

Mar 2015 · 655
short supply
Death-throws Mar 2015
i am a drug, abused drug abuser,
you like to pick me up, take a drag
rip a piece
and throw me away in your disgust,
wear me thin...
and while you work on breaking my spirit
i inhale of my own poision..
pulling clouds of happiness into my lungs
for the low low price of my sanity
you picked me up one night and screamed
threw me to the corner and as usual
but this time you cried
you said"im sorry"
i don't know what that means
my soul is gone, i sold it to the devil for a fiver,
grinned as i counted the cents and he laughed away
my anonymity is stripped even the walls know my name
i dip my head as i walk down the street i don't want to meet their eyes
it hurts ,
to see that emotion,
happiness? content? i don't know
since you picked me up like a piece,
and started burning away my sanity
i became a drug

but im in limited supply

not often i write about my addiction to narcotics but its good to achknowledge what brakes you down so you can work on how to improve.. thanks for reading:)
Mar 2015 · 583
feel the sting
Death-throws Mar 2015
sitting on a park bench i what i realized
among other things
is that the texture of a product...
comes down to the compassion of the owner
because the silk scarf you gave me once sat so softly upon my neck,
it suited everything i wore
its color was vibrant and lively
it made me warm

but now your gone,
with the wind
with my heart,
and the scarf i came to wear as a daily fashion
sits around my throat
a noose made of barbed wire
a rope of thorns,
a necklace of hot iron
but i still wear your scarf,
it sends venom to my heart but i will adorn it with pride
because i know in crowds my face
is one of thousands
but this scarf..
is yours

and im hoping that one day you will see it
and bring my heart back to me
and place it back in my chest
along with yours

Mar 2015 · 359
Death-throws Mar 2015
let me take a breath
let me take you to my lips
like a poorly rolled cigarette
hold you close
for just a moment
taste the edge, feel the hit

then discard me
back to the gutter again

thoughts while in an empty class
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
Death-throws Mar 2015
tonight i cut an angel,

her heart in my palm beating away. her words echoing in my brain, theyd been there all along, such beautiful soft words, words that mattered, words that cared , words that helped , words that pushed me up and  onwards

tonight i cut an angel,

her trust was as strong as steel in me, even when mine felt soft as yarn, she allways believed and faught for me without sense and without judgment
even when her sword was too dull to cut and too heavy to swing
her armor was so broken there was no point in wearing it,
but she wore it for me

tonight i cut an angel,

she is more beautiful then i deserve,more caring then i thaught possible, but frailer then rice paper.
she will allways love me, even when i hurt her, she would stand and smile and sow the hole in her heart closed again

tonight i cut an angel,

she wanted what was best, she knew what was best, she allways had and allways would, but my heart was beating to fast, my head was to strong. i screamed and faught and squeezed razors into the heart in my palm
tonight i cut an angel.

and now ill pray that to god he will send her back

Mar 2015 · 801
The sound of alarms
Death-throws Mar 2015
we sealed the love in ink, on her heart and on my arm
as love casts me i become a man made out off egg shells
supported by craft paper..
let love guide the unweildly.
let it kindle the hearts of the dammed...
let the  light fade out the darkness...
and let my hands take hers again
like nothing has become of my pain
forget all images of suffering
forget everything but cotton...sweet scented on strawberry lips..
forget nothing but my hand on her hips,
take me away. for just one more day,
lets stand aghast the way we used to,
lets run through red light lit streets screaming like banchees
we cheat death by existing! take me to your arms!
let me forget nothing but the love i let you hold
deep in your heart
softly on your hands
Let me feel the love...

before i awake once more

Mar 2015 · 740
Looking down the barrel
Death-throws Mar 2015
summer heat like a rifles barrel,
swelters through me, i see her with wandering eyes,
shots fired,
oh im alive!
pulse quickens in an agonizing heart beat,
shes two steps too close, arms around my neck like satin
and smelling of rose...
the world.. stops
  the clock ticks, it tocks. lips lock
I measure time in the burgundy red marks on my neck...
one hour...two hours three hours four..
how in gods name did i end up on the floor?
cheeky smiles wripple through ghostly sheets reverberating into giggles expelled through the air around me
I swear im in,just my bedroom floor,
but ive not had enough!, i climb up the bed sheets
challenging as the steepest mountain.. colapsing upon the summit,
flag in hand
the curves of her hip...pouts can be heard...solved with loving kiss...moments of bliss turned sour to sweet...*

Mar 2015 · 668
crowded thoughts
Death-throws Mar 2015
im sitting in a crowded space.
thinking about how,
how not every hay stack has a needle
how not all ballads require tune
my thoughts wander in this crowded space
they are dispelled at a quiet pace ..
so crowded, so pierced with sound..

and so it ends, alone in my room
alone in this crowded space

Mar 2015 · 1.7k
Death-throws Mar 2015
Talk to me about indifference
Can anyone define it? Who defines ?
It’s a word we should understand clearly and fluently
Why? Well…Why not?
Because as humans, indifference is valued
Prized even
Genocide in Africa? I’m indifferent
Poverty in our country? I’m indifferent
Indifferent it is a word we should use so much more than we do
Indifferent to the screaming of my next door neighbours wife
Pity           …
OH Indifferent!  INDIFFERENT to the hallowed call of a child at the 6 o’clock news with a swollen belly and flies in his eyes
Indifferent to the passions of a man foresworn to his pride and under the influence refuses to admit to his shame!
Remove my emotional hardware its malfunctioning strip me of my programs their not the normal
Remove my speech circuitry I’ve been lying…
This hole time I swore closeness and collaboration..
Ideals you all share, seeing pain, listing to the agonising news off a car bomb in Syria! 118 dead! Thank god ill never meet them!
Did I know them? No? ! Well ill share a moment of agony and grief and then continue to buy slave made products and feed my mechanicals beasts with petroleum stolen from foreign lands !
Devour my heart it no longer beats, my eyes are desensitized, my spirit aghast at the agony of existing,
The high price of living I was told,
Stand fast and ready your ears like a galleon with no sails and receive the news of your defeat , or would you rather not be there to hear it?
It’s time to listen to the high price,
Social media seems to have developed unto me a craze for the worst ! ive liked pages that post videos of people killing themselves death fascinates me!
I have all of my needs catered for,  
have sources of entertainment
I have a job that allows me  to pillage part of the earth for my enjoyment
I have food that sustains me  and a group of robots that  I call friends, we share the same software  I can relate to them  via USB
And thus the only thing that excites me…that gets me going, that shakes my distraught existence is the thought of..not.
Of not existing
Endure the agony of hearing that our own… brothers and sisters in humanity where killed,
Beings we share the same DNA for and beings we by some estranged number of generations are related to
Pretend to care for a moment
Watch my world ware thin
Watch my skin grow pale
Watch my organs fail
Watch cancer take my loved ones
Watch fear destroy my hope
Alone I stand indifferent

Take me to emotion

This is not the way I was designed
The dull thud in my chest is not of rifle fire
Nor is it requisition of my life force of some higher being calling me home
It is the device that fights my indifference
It is the vessel that commands my soul to walk on broken glass
The dull thud It is the idea that in ideas we will never die , only grow as humans, within humanity
The dull thud ringing through my chest quickens  when I see you,
The dull thud dies down when I grow cold
It is not the pilot aimlessly guiding me through coordinates listed on a fact sheet like a tour guide
But it is the engine that drives me to aspire to be more, the location from witch I draw force, power,
I do not want to be a robot...  I never asked to be made of steel nor carbon nor sparks
An emotionless vessel to power through indignity and anxiety without a notion to an outsider,
Without consideration to feel
Without consideration to feel alive But sick…steel skin does not get ill without strain,
Steel skin does not grow pale or wither with age
The computer in my head will not fade with time
And my heart has never once stopped
I am not of robotics
I am not of steel
I am merely…
And I
Am not
Scream to me the agony! AGH!  Genocide in Africa?  I will denounce myself to humanitarian work!
I will design my life to bring happiness and joy and inspiration to the masses! I will re-write the ground on which I stand in favour of my own desires!
Poverty in my country?! I will rise to be what is needed! And fall to be humbled!  I will writhe with angst until the government I serve hears my cries and writhes also! To change those laws written in stone and redefine what it is to be human! I will cry for every child living like a dog under the stars, under-influence and angry, because I am angry to!
The cries of my neighbor will be brought to append in front of a judge my community will whale together in her agony and burst forth with our love! we will provide! We will carry her down the streets and sing her name she is not a beaten dog but a queen of queens! As we deserve it!
I am not of the programming I was designed,
Nor am I to append the functions I was written for
I am an arm that writes itself hole as it continues down the page..
I am not of machine
I am not guided by that actions of others
But I am the wholeness of myself
Though fractured I am pure,
Though ***** I am clean
Though broken I am definitively joyful.
I am not indifferent, and I will forever refuse to be so
Because if you take away my indifference…you bring me back
You will bring me back…to my humanity,

Mar 2015 · 574
Death-throws Mar 2015
Drug me
Fill me
Because I’m tired
And I scream
I writhe with my head, the hammers in my ears pound against my skull,
And my balance. is upset, drunken stumbles through broken courtyards…
At least I thought
Agony ripe within myself,
Ive lost!
The war stood hungry at my door step and like a beaten dog I turned with  tail between my legs,
How poorly I’ve lost..
I had spears to withstand a charge,
I had men of which to bear arms
my soldiers
I had friends of which to bear arms against my foes.
But addiction defeat me
Addiction wear them thing
Addiction wears their skin,
Lie to me, tells me I’m fine,
My friends have dissipated to drug fiends after their angry fix,
Prowling my bedroom
Prowling my dreams
I have failed my war, I have lost my fight, and darkness has stolen away my light
Yet I will prowl too
Carrying the baggage that has broken my back, dissipating the agony of my heartbeat  
In the effort of motion
Crawl on four wheels to a location not so far from my home, but to far to call home,
Loose myself in the winding streets
The black lit paths
And parks without playgrounds
I will wonder after my missing soldiers, following in their wake


— The End —