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May 2018 · 485
High Maintenance
Jessica Jarvis May 2018
Try to look your best
While you can’t even find a single dress.

Figured an easy task,
But, heck, you haven’t even been asked....

So walk around, don’t sit.
Go in circles to find a cheap lip kit,

And hope for another chance
Because this just may be your last dance.

Uhg. Meh.
Apr 2018 · 2.1k
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Funny how easy
Loves appears to be, until
It laughs with the other easily
Reconcilable "maybes"
That devalue your first "hello".

First, it began as "hello".
Little did you know how
Interested he would be in you, but
Reflecting on it now, you see how those
Tender tendencies weren't exclusive.

Finally, all you have left is "hello",
Like every other girl he knows.
Inevitably, you're one of many
Recycled pretties that thought
They were more than another "maybe".
Apr 2018 · 1.1k
Motivation Mechanisms
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Take a second to jot down a few words directly into the post box.
Be thankful for the moment you got away today and drove with the windows down to pick up pizza for dinner.
You didn't want to step away from your computer,
but your parents told you to, so you ran the errand.
What a nice relief.
Remember the music that played and how the wind brushing your arm reminded you of that liberating feeling when you would ride motorcycles in Estero, and it felt like nothing mattered...
You just drove and hummed whatever song made you feel the happiest.


Your procrastination is over, so seclude yourself out on the lanai;
brace for the long night ahead.
Maybe your friends will wish you a good night and it'll motivate you for the long haul.
It hasn't been too long since you last stayed up until 2... 3... maybe 4am, right?
Put on that playlist. (It will help.)
Let Son Lux provide that numbing white noise,
loud enough to keep you energized, quiet enough to let you type.
Maybe you'll stay out until you get it done.
Maybe you'll just get it over with tonight.
Maybe you'll want to stay out, to see the sunrise.
but for now, finish up your word doodles,
your little mindless rants,
so you can apply your mind to the "important things".
You'll make the best of it. (I know you will.)
Maybe you'll have fun with it.
Maybe you'll be proud of it.
Maybe you'll forget everything you've learned,
but for now, this is your time to write,
your time to prove yourself,
so you can tell the rest of the world,

"I did it."

What motivates you?
Apr 2018 · 548
(An excerpt from) Reborn
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
...My hardened heart has been awakened.
The broken grounds will begin to quake and
within the crevices between the faults,
Your rushing water will flood....

Here is a little excerpt from a much larger spoken word poem entitled, “Reborn”.
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Tip, tap, type that,
Write an essay,
An hour flat

Shick, shake, stay awake
Still recall,
But don’t delay

Pit, pat, feel that,
Maintain focus
Don’t distract

Writ, write, feels right
Helpless swoon
Refreshing light...

Bit, beat, fast heat,
Remember once,
But keep discrete

Tip, type, think that
Keep it up
Don’t look back

Gleam, beam, daydream
Still tripped out,
Hooked on the theme

Tic, tack, clock’s back
Oops, class is over,
That’s the fact.

Oops, wrote this in class.
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Sleep ‘till you wake up
No need to make up
For anyone
Or anything

Rest and relax now
No need to stress now
Just clear your head
And go to bed

Dreams will be here soon
Focus on now, soon
You’ll see the way
It’s another day

Closing your eyes, hush
Sounds minimized, hush
It’s all you need
Just go to sleep

Just go to sleep.

Sometimes you just gotta sit back and face that you deserve it.... sleep.
Apr 2018 · 133
The Trinket-list
Jessica Jarvis Apr 2018
Oh, that?
That little trinket- I nearly forgot- really.
Little trinkets, tinkering tangible objects,
can be quite fun, believe me.
I’ve had my fair share of fond memories.

You know the saying, “Reduce, reuse, recycle.”
Sometimes I do that with my words.
Reduce, let loose, reuse, abuse, recycle-
the cool thing with words is that they are multifaceted,

But, gosh dangit, sometimes there aren’t rhyming words with “recycle”.... So you do just that: recycle- again (and again, and sometimes again, but, this time, paraphrased)

Anyways. Unfortunately, my tired brain forgets,
So unless I jot it down well,
those goals with their multi-facets,
I underestimate them until they reveal themselves.

By this time, it may be too late,
but I forget how I’m young.
However, If I were to be blatantly
honest, hearing this, at first, stung.

Growing up, you hear about lists
and how people want to accomplish
certain things- you get the jist.
The standard I set for myself flourished

In the environment I was given,
but only after I was old enough to drive,
know how finances operated for livin’,
so that I may be successful. To thrive.

I’m sorry to bore you with my words:
my tales of unforeseen potential.
Growing up is fun, but I’ve learned
how the use of those trinkets are circumstantial:

You gotta know when to take advantage of them.

I wanted to write something just.... cause I wanted to write something (idk). Here’s another quirky little bit of word babble that my mind conjured up.
Mar 2018 · 564
Underrated Routine
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
People throw words around like
Love, kiss, and embrace....
But they aren’t ones to commit
To the dreams they claim to chase.

They run and hide from the monster
Hiding beneath their bed,
And claim their peace is found
In the one resting their pillow head.

The sun rises, a new day begins,
The coffee pours, and work resides,
While the feeling for another one’s touch
Is the first thing that subsides.

We throw around words
like penniless wishes.
“I love you, babe”,
But you can’t do the dishes.

Walk the dog, wash the car,
Go to dinner, visit the store,
Search the shelves for carbohydrate fulfillment,
Finish the bag, and still want more.

Unthankful, unsatisfied,
Disloyal, dishonest.
Forget all the memories,
While they were the fondest

Because if you were to repeat their “mistakes”
You just may find yourself bored.
Things like love, a kiss, or an embrace
Only become a chore.

People are the weirdest sometimes. People break up and make up so quickly.... I don’t understand it, honestly, so I write about it. Meanwhile, others move from one thing to the next and can’t make up their mind. I dunno. This is also kind of a spoken word, I suppose. Enjoy!
Mar 2018 · 389
Your Choice
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
It hurts more to succumb to the darkness
Than to resist its emotional drag,
To give into the negativity
And accept the longevity
Of that damp, moldy, abrasive rag,
Than to accept and see the Likeness.

Accept the overwhelming Embrace,
Rather than the darkness of that place.
Overcome. Claim what’s overdue:
The Love, the Peace, and the Grace.

Typing midnight motivation at 1am... Had an oddly rough week, but what has passed has passed, and i’m excited for the days ahead. Here are some uplifting words....
Mar 2018 · 565
Second Dinners
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Days like today call for second dinners
Because days like today missed the one in the morning

Seconds dinners substitute one for the other
You get sleep, but miss the one
You miss sleep, but get the other
Though you hardly ever get the one,
You can still hope to get the other,
Because one bowl filled with satin glazed rings is just as promising as those midnight stars outside your window.
They both help you sleep
and the thunder begins to settle.

Late night contemplations over a bowl of cereal.
Mar 2018 · 308
Patient Words
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
                   the day
                               that you
                                                     write me
                                                                      a few

And so, I wait....
Mar 2018 · 452
Pretty Little Innocent
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Innocent girl
You have no hate in your heart
You only see the best
In people

Innocent girl
Precious in all that you are
You deserve the wholesome things
So little

You have to understand
How the world is imperfect
And no boy or any man
Should make you feel less worth it

Pretty little girl
Let no one challenge your art
It’s unique in every purpose,
It’s fragile

Pretty little girl
Talented, careful, and smart
Keep that steadfast, selfless love,
It’s valuable

... Don’t be silent. You’re beautiful...
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
“Why does she write poetry?”
“She must be in love...”
“I wonder who she’s writing about.”

My words are more
than mindless infatuation,
though they lend themselves
to this tendency.
For instance, I wrote this
in less that 5 minutes,
because “love” isn’t the only
motivation to my poetry.
Don’t underestimate
the intention of my inspiration.

The poem speaks for itself, or, at least I hope it does.....
Mar 2018 · 436
untitled? Untitled.
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
I often see poems that go by "untitled".
Some may even refer their poems as "Untitled" with capitalized importance.
"Untitled" is not to be, nor should it be, mistaken for "unimportant".
The work is still in process.
It has importance.

I often write poems that go by titles.
Some may even say that my poems are "Unoriginal" with cliche names.
"Unoriginal" is not to be, nor should it be, mistaken for "unintentional".
The work went through the process.
It has intention.

I often read poems because of their titles.
Some may even claim that their poems are "Profound" with unlimited potential.
"Profound" is not to be, now should it be, mistaken for "invaluable".
The work is still processing.
Its value has yet to be seen.

Yes, this is true, and you can take it at face value...

But it is also a metaphor.
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
a lot can happen in a year, maybe four;
a lot can happen in an hour, maybe more.

talking is fine, but can you take on the risk?
now, i’m not just talking about an ordinary task.
whether it be a lifetime of love, the love of your life,
or one particularly special night,
it all comes down to this:
a right
of passage, a race.

who’s better?

he’s taller, but he has the nice hair;
she’s blonder, while she tries not to care.
he can’t dance, and he won’t try;
she won’t admit to the tear in her eye.
he knows what he wants, and he knows nothing;
she tries to distinguish a little bit of everything.

stop it.

there’s no winning the race yet because his shoe is untied;
she can’t stand and go face that finish line.
he tripped and fell, but so did she;
the other guy ran, only to fall to his knees.
stop panting and collect yourself- just breathe.

a lifetime led to four years, and four years to that day;
she ran and chased too many check points along the way.
afraid of being alone, she asked too many times;
afraid of dancing alone, she asked, but was still denied.
him, him, him, him, he who was possibly that sacred hymn:
one he wondered impatiently,
another he pursued contradictingly,
another he fell flawlessly;
however, no he was to be lawfully,
but only so rightfully.

this is no lifetime, but only
one evening not meant to be lonely.
the only way to win is to face them directly in the eye
and have every question answered. why?
because this is that special night,
senior year, and you have the right.

step back, step up, have courage, calm down.
ASK her to a quaint place in town,
but before she even knows you’re listening,
just as both your hearts are quickening,
surprise HER with that special something.
if she knows, you may think you blew it,
when really, this whole time, she probably knew it.
it won’t be easy, but if it comes from the heart,
there’s the finish line. all you’ve got TO do is start…

ya know, sometimes Poems Reveal Oblivious Messages...

Here’s my first “spoken word” type of poem. However, sometimes there is a hidden beauty in viewing written work for yourself...

edit: this poem has since been reformatted from the original.
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Hands unraveled
Brutal freezing
Frigid heartache
Hardly easing
Know that I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover

Hold me closer
Never ceasing
Take my hand
Forever reaching
Know that I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover

On your shoulder
Feel me breathing
Touch my heart
Forever pleading
Know that I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover

Let’s be bolder
Take me dancing
Feel the rhythm
My heart racing
Know that I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover

For my last word
Hear me speaking
Love is here
But I’m still seeking
Because I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover

See me tremble
Ice cold breaking
Heat misguided
Feel me shaking
Know that I am
Just a helpless
Star-crossed lover
Updated version of the original “Hopeful Heart” from 3/12/18

As heartbreaking as it may sound, I love these words and the drive behind them. ❤️
Mar 2018 · 478
Observing a Shooting Star
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Star light, star bright,
Twinkling with a neon sight,
How I love thy brilliant light,
And marvel in your twinkling might.

Shooting star, longing sigh,
Flying through a misty sky,
How I love thy wondrous why,
And stay along ‘till you draw nigh.

I wish I may, I wish I might,
I wish to understand your plight.
How I love thy marvelous height,
And hope you’ll stay throughout the night.

Flying fast, flying high,
Right before my very eye.
How I love thy heart’s imply,
But hate to have to say goodbye.

Stars can be seen everywhere, whether it be in the sky or in a loved one's eye.
Mar 2018 · 310
My Friend
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Tell me 'bout your family
Tell me how you've been

Have you found your saving grace
With every act of sin

I hope you know, with every word
I am captivated

With every poem I've ever heard,
I have cultivated

A passing transaction
Of humble attraction
For you, my friend.

Tell me 'bout your heartache
Tell me how you feel

Have you ever seen a thing
So precious and surreal

I hope you know that you are loved
With no hesitation

With every song, I come undone
Accept my invitation

For conversation
With consideration
For you, my friend.

Tell me you won't leave me
Tell me we're not done

Please leave no words left unsaid
Or any song unsung

I hope you know this is the time
It's ours for the taking

With every hour, before you leave,
Just know that I'm making

A heartfelt pleading
Of hidden feeling
For you, my friend

Let's wait and see if this ever becomes a song. Who knows?... *shrug*
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Crisp and articulated

Cool and elevated

Both, with shimmering
Waves and rays, will glimmer

While two live contrarily
Lightning and thunder;

Confrontation and unity
rarely exists without the other

But fire and rain
Are forbidden lovers

Refreshing and purposeful

Unified and spiritual

Both, with encouraging
Words to say, will linger

And both live harmoniously:
Love and serenity;

Coercion and synchronicity
Are necessarily together

For renewal and purity
Are meant for each other
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Lean in further, for I will list
Sing a song, for I am listening

Reach for me, for I will draw
Watch me write, for I am drawing

Hold me once, for I am close
Do it now, for time is closing

Proximity can be such a precious thing when accompanied by infatuation.
Mar 2018 · 250
Within 3 Seconds . . .
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
The flittering, fluttering, flibbering, flubbering of my palpitating heart overwhelms every sensation and motivation in relation to any realization outside of this conversation as I peer into your glistening, glittery, dazingly dazzling, daringly dashing eyes.

This sensational melt dwells within the weary wells of my wailing heart, as it pinpoints the probable possibilities of pain and perilization, all because of that pittering, pattering, positive possibility that you may move closer.

Every inch anticipates an increasingly pleasing tease, appeasing the leaps and heaps of appreciation in relation to this same revelation: the desperation for that sensation, the precipitation of complication revolving around this intensification.

A lot can happen within just the span of a few seconds.... However, I wouldn't be able to explain it without making up a few words of my own.
Mar 2018 · 258
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
I wanted words; you gave me conversation

I wanted smiles; you gave me laughter

I wanted music; you gave me symphonies

I wanted dinner; you gave me daydreams

I wanted flowers; you gave me gardens

I wanted your hand; you gave me your heart

I wanted friendship; you gave me love

I wanted the stars; you gave me the night

I wanted everything; you gave me you

Another repetitive, yet cheesy, poem. Gotta love 'em.
Somewhat inspired by a song that has a line saying, "You built me palaces out of paragraphs. You built cathedrals.". It's such a gorgeous line, despite the heartbreaking context attached to it. Gotta love it.
Mar 2018 · 386
Jessica Jarvis Mar 2018
Sitting in the florescent glow of my desk mirror,
wondering how I can paint myself into your arms again.
3/4/18 Unless you know makeup, you probably don't know that the title is a pun on makeup terminology, but even you don't, it still makes sense, right?
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
You wouldn't guess by the looks of her report card that it came with a precious price. The scars on her young cheeks and dry, tired eyes carry baggage that she must now pack to college. Sure, she made it,
but at what cost?

She'll never be the one with voluptuous hair, particularly perfect eyelashes, and long trim legs. Instead, she can dream of portraying that character, while she can't even make the audition.
Midnight, 2/28/18
Feb 2018 · 315
Things Like Love
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
were we dumb or were we clever
when we said we'd be together
did we really think that we
would end up where
we are
going to have a great adventure
it's just you and me together
so let's go have fun forever,
go exploring and endeavor
things like love.
Probably written in mid 2016.

The first verse of an unfinished song about young love and/or a crush, or something like that.
Feb 2018 · 399
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
And these are the things we don't always see:
The hour spent walking, the trouble spent curling, the struggle one has in knowing.

And these are the things we don't want to see:
The blisters from hurrying, the burns from perfecting, and the tears one has in breaking.
Written in November, 2017.
Feb 2018 · 402
Snapped (under pressure)
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Like swimming upstream,
Going against the grain,
Walking through a festival's crowd,
I cut into the package,
But I couldn't get through.
It was stuck.
Would not

So it


I was using scissors and they broke. I was not happy. I wrote this. lol
Feb 2018 · 411
World Wide Why?
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018

I searched for your name
I searched for the famous
words of your own oppression
to learn a valuable lesson
of why you are yourself

I searched for your name
I searched for explanations
and recommendations of whom
you admire to know, whom you
aspire to be for yourself and others

I searched for your name
I searched. For what pertains
to a complicated mind
if I can't understand my own rhymes
for myself?

No. I searched for your breath
I searched for the air in your lungs,
the restless fuel waiting upon your tongue
so that I my breathe and feel
the reality that truly is surreal
in the brilliantly mind within you.

Another play on words...
Feb 2018 · 243
Open Mic
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
An open mic, an invitation, a couple minutes of self expression: simple.
Each artist is to each other as two books are, unread, undiscovered, and uninterpreted: unique.
Not every man can claim his prize. There is no one wise
enough to say which is better than the other,
But rather
A few truths to offset the lies
Behind a person's conscience. They try.
Feb 2018 · 370
Unsung Purpose
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
I'm done
I'm tired of unfinished songs unsung,
The goals, the things, the one
I know will make the way clear. Destiny.
It's choice, its worth, its certainty.
Words like lasers with direction
Are meaningless without proper action.

For me, at the time, this was the word equivalent of a table flip, to a certain extent, lol.
Feb 2018 · 137
And So, We Dance
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Let me tell you a story about an object, a rumbling, roaring object.
Sometimes, it screams.
Sometimes, it flutters.
it doesn't know what it wants to do,
But it follows me everywhere. If there's one thing it is sure about,
it's that it doesn't like to be ignored,
But it is.
It makes these noises like a rhythmic chant,
repetitively calling out to me, yet here's the catch...
I don't know how to answer.
Everyone has this.
Everyone knows this,
But everyone inevitably ignores this
because they
Hear the screams,
Feel the fluttering,
But they don't know what to do.
It's when this thing aligns with somebody else's
that all is made right.
We dance to a beat, our personal drum line. Sometimes,
we dance to the beat of somebody else's drum, but this is not wise.
It's when we dance to the beat of our own drum,
this screaming, pathetic thing,
that we find our true place,
and it's when our drum happens to rhythmically align with another's drum
that we begin to know why everything didn't make sense before now.
And so, we dance.

Speaking from my heart...
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Allergies... Allergies.
Gosh, **** it, allergies.
The sniveling sniffles
Ravaging in my nostrils

Itching... that itch,
It makes my nose twitch.
The sting through the tunnels
Of my overall troubles.

Eh.... AHH...
I promise I'm not sad,
My eyes are just showing
The twinge of my sneezing.
Feb 2018 · 160
A Season
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
It’s crisp, it’s sweet.
It’s soft, it’s bitter.
It’s all these things
Because it’s winter.

It bites, it burrs.
It quickens, it slows,
It acts like a cat,
A creature that knows.

A hug, a kiss,
“Hello”, “Goodbye.”
You want to hold on,
But also to cry.

A time, a tick,
A whisper, a reason,
Yes, it was fun,

For only a season.
Feb 2018 · 235
But that’s okay…
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Don't you think today is a beautiful day?
It rained, but that's okay.
The weather doesn't define a day, nor a book its cover- Wait, scratch that, reverse it... Oh! But my words don't matter!

Whatever other cliché you can think of, it still pales in comparison to the glimmering, glittering, glistening giddiness I heard in your words, like a small child after indulging in his second juice box.

I felt it in your smile, though I couldn't see it. So strong, it broke through the foggy break in an unforgiving sky. It was the kind of feeling so strong to radiate through my flesh like building, blistering, bubbles about to pop in a *** of boiling water.

Oh, but the sun was so bright today!
Its ultraviolet burn into my skin... an exhilarating feeling, like tears at the end of a good movie, without an inkling of sadness within a thousand mile radius, like puddles after a cleansing drizzle.

My, what good weather we're having, wouldn't you say?
It rained, but that's okay.

Sparked by an absolute overwhelming giddiness, here are words I thought, but never said.
Feb 2018 · 298
Pondering on Puddles
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
I love how rain causes
My toes to tingle in
Shivering excitement as my
Flip flops flip, squish, and
Mush their way through the lot.

I love how rain turns
My windshield wipers into
Little syncopated skids that
Squeak like a dog’s new toy.

I love how rain leaves
A resonating glisten on the
Fragile, damp grass,
Causing me to slip as I
Go on to class.
Feb 2018 · 234
She Sits
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
A desk. A desk behind me and to my left.
How delicate is the flower upon that desk,
Bright, filled with color, but not for long.

She has been plucked, picked.
This means she was chosen,
She is special,
But how long before she fades?
I hope she and the flower beside her
Hold on to that color,
But they’d have to be fake to do so.

A flower, two flowers, lie delicately
On an empty desk.
One is full, whose petals radiate with
A pink glow, while the other, a little more sparse.
The former has an ant crawling on it, while
The latter twinkle, delicately shivering in the
Air conditioning.

Two flowers,
Two entirely different stories,
Stuck at the same desk.
Feb 2018 · 273
I Used This to Write This
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Dear, little, itty, bitty pencil…
You are rough, ragged, and pitted,
Left with no words to say, but
Those that are as dull as your
Flattened, grey tip.

I commend you for your service,
Being used by all, yet left with
No way to erase your mistakes.

Why are you itty bitty?
Have you just been used so much
That you lack the endurance
Of a sword freshly sharpened?

Instead, you’re overdone in the
Firey kiln of vocabulary.

Another inanimate object... Originally written on paper.
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
It shook me.
Like the buzzing of an early morning alarm, I was awoken from my sleep.
Into reality, I was thrown, and into the mini-van, I was packed away.
I didn’t want to leave, but I left with my family
And, by the grace of God, a fourteen hour drive landed us safely in Georgia.
Georgia… Ah, Georgia.
It had been a while since my last visit, though every previous time was voluntary.
In Georgia, they cancel school over a little rain,
While the eye of the storm hovers its dreadful head over my home,
As if to see what it could devour.
But it didn’t.
It didn’t succeed.
It didn’t quench its thirst.
It couldn’t devour.
It barely left a mark on my home, but the mark on the community was much larger.
This was a wake-up call to that community to commune, to partake in its purpose.
It was a call to me to partake in mine.
My calling, like a dream from a deep sleep,
Was awoken… and
It shook me.

Written about a particularly annoying event of nature.
Feb 2018 · 322
Igniting Conversation
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
Well, hello! We meet again.
I’ve brought you here today to inquire about your likeness.
No, I’m not going anywhere, yet.
But I do want to inform you on how important you are.
Compliments are just a formality, but you’re pretty,
Despite the chains that hold you back,
There are keys to happiness and you’re one of them.
I wonder, though, how even with your colorfully streamed
Shimmer, how you still manage to get lost…

But no judgment here!

Without you, I’d be stuck more often than I already do.
Please consider how much I appreciate your companionship
On those many exhausting rides, and casual strolls.
Now, if you’d excuse me, we gotta go, or we’ll be late.
Please don’t get lost again.

Another punny poem about an inanimate object...
Feb 2018 · 524
Jessica Jarvis Feb 2018
5 pennies in a nickel…
10 pennies in a dime…
25 pennies in a quarter…
100 pennies in a dollar…
Each penny plays a particular part in
the grand scheme of economic "advancement"

Money is exchanged.
It comes…
It goes…
Some people see its worth,
while others don’t.

It makes people happy,
But then again,
It only brings sadness at the same time.

It's counterproductive.

Over the counter, at the minimum wage shopping center,
Minimal glances are changed,
For minimal durations…
Each penny is a part of a whole…
There’s a price to be paid…
It moves into the hands of another.

I like putting puns in my poetry...
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