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6.1k · Jun 2018
In my blood
Dream Jun 2018
Its in my blood
In my veins
In my brain

Feels good to feel insane
Feels good to feel laughter
For once.

Its in my heart.

Those pills i once popped.
Those who i once trusted,betrayed.
Couldn't pay em bills
Couldn't feel sane again.
Didn't wanna repeat the same mistakes as those who couldn't get home before 1.

Mama told me i wasnt made for that life. I begged to differ.
Now im indifferent.
Couldn't tell who was better.
The society i was being dragged into or the family who said they would stay.

Liquor drowned me
People crowded me
Knowledge left my senses.
3.2k · Apr 2019
Our moment
Dream Apr 2019
Your heavy breathing leaves me breathless.

You look me in my eyes, and I can't look away.

Our bodies burn as if we ran a marathon together.

Our hearts beating together.

This is it.
This is our moment...
It's about making love not just ***...
2.3k · Mar 2019
I crave you.
Dream Mar 2019
I crave your scent.
I crave your touch.
I crave your mind.
I crave your love.
I crave your eyes.
I crave your voice.
I crave your words.
I crave your stares.
I crave my body burning.
I crave you.
2.0k · Sep 2018
Its over. Time to move on.
Dream Sep 2018
Baby i thought bout you
Maybe i wrote bout you
Baby i rode witchu
Maybe i fought witchu

Could've been, should've been, would've been but it ain't. Tryna forget boutchu but i can't.

But she prolly don't even think boutchu no more.
She with her other sides, she don't feel for you no more.
She ain't the type to help you grow.
You left me for a ***.

But i ain't cryin no more.
Lovin you ain't my habit no more.

But karma is a b**h.
You left me for her
she left you for him.

You made your choice.
I made mine.
It's over
And time to move on.
After a whole phase of 'he broke my heart' i learnt that life goes on. If he made his choice then nothing is stopping me from making mine. After lots of wars in my mind i learnt that i was only fighting myself. And now all im going to say is that its high time i move on
1.7k · Oct 2018
Cover up
Dream Oct 2018
I've begun a war, i wanna abandon.
But the love in me, the one you can't see, is the only reason im here.

I wanna defeat gravity.
I wanna be high and woke.
I wanna blow all these thoughts and the **** called feelings up in smoke.

I want that liquor in my hands and my *** on the floor.
Till i find my way, i won't take steps no more.

Don't wanna go home, cause walls gives the body warmth not the soul.

Give me words to express how i feel.
I don't wanna be real.

I wanna dissappear into the crowds, and not come out.
In my own world.
Im gonna cover up, i won't let them know.
Cover up, i won't let it show.
Cover broken soul
I wrote this a while ago⛧
1.6k · Oct 2018
I am a woman
Dream Oct 2018
I am made by your opinions, not skin.
I am polite as i am vulnerable. And i am quite when your bass speaks.
I cover up as men stare,lustfull eyes look if your skin is too bare.
I dress to impress,I cannot be a mess.
If i am too lean i am anorexic, If i am too chubby i am fat.
If i wear specs,i must surely play chess.
If i walk with my head held high my ego is too big.
If i look into your eyes I'm probably overconfident.
If i see your flaws i am too judgmental.

I am a woman, not of skin but of your words.
Women need to break illusions of being inferior. And women need to stop judging other women. If we want to be treated equally to men then we need to stand united. If we feud amongst ourselves we are  defeating the purpose of fighting for respect. Nonetheless i am a proud woman. I thrive to encourage women in the world to not bow down to men as if we are their property. We need to unite and stand up for fellow women who go through lots of sh*t. *** trade, ****, being paid less and inferior treatment in the workplace is unacceptable. We need to fight for the respect we deserve. Women are not *** toys and men need to grasp this concept. Sooner or later.
1.5k · Jul 2018
You let go.
Dream Jul 2018
Looked me in the eyes
Took me to those skies
Loved me through the night.

I knew this for long
You were scared all along.

You knew you'd fall too deep
Just when you began to know me.

But if you'd just let me know
Maybe tonight my heart wouldn't feel this broke.

Trust me i know
How easily you let everything go.

1.5k · Jul 2021
Dream Jul 2021
My words are my thoughts,
some ,
Some felt,
and others undeserved.
My heart and mind,
my love and my hate.

All once yours,
are now just my words.
It’s all I have left of you.
1.4k · Aug 2018
Dream Aug 2018
















1.3k · Dec 2018
What became of my land?
Dream Dec 2018
What became of the land which birthed Nelson Mandela?
What became of the land which displayed unity,
A rainbow nation?
What became of the energy of 2010?
Why is there dissatisfaction?
What became of Steve Biko's consiousness?
Why do we have no confidence?
Why do we have to build high walls?
Why do we fear guns?
What became of 27 April 1994?
What became of my land?
What became of the rich African soil?
What became of my land?
What became of my land?

The land that once nourished patriotic seeds,
Now bears fruits of violence, corruption, sinister deeds.

What became of my land?
South Africa has always been a violent filled country. However it is exceeding limits. I am deeply disturbed by what is happening to my land. We live in constant fear. If we are truly a free country, then why do we fear for our lives on the daily?
1.3k · Aug 2018
Would you¿
Dream Aug 2018
If roses were blue and violets were green¿

If fish were birds and mammals were amphibians¿

If hearts weren't glass and minds were stone¿

 would you fall in love with me too¿
1.2k · Dec 2018
Dream Dec 2018
You were at fault,


I blamed myself.


I loved you even through the heart break.
When you truely love someone, you start to justify their wrongs too.
1.1k · May 2019
Over thinker
Dream May 2019
And like every over thinker,

I over thought myself to bed tonight......
1.0k · Aug 2018
Everything i didn't say.
Dream Aug 2018
There's moments spent with you that I'll never forget. A brave me, I've never met. A fearless me,safe in your Haven. I hope I can meet her again. It was a feeling I've never experienced before,but one I'm dying experience again. The reason I stopped talking to you was not because I was angry( although I was at first) but because after everytime we spoke I got caught in my feelings, and saw rays of hope. However the next day I would see you with Her and my heart broke all over again. I have cried way more than you can imagine and yet I tried soo hard to hate you but I couldn't find enough reasons because our connection, every conversation felt so **** real. Yes, what you did wasn't right. You hurt me. Really bad. But you did it because it made you happy. She makes you happy.......and thats all I wish for you. I can't unlove you, And I don't want to because what you made me feel was incredible. I do not regret anything. Nothing at all. Even though I've told you I do. But trust me every experience is valuable to me. We were truly amazing while we lasted. I don't want to end this year with a bitter taste and leave with regrets. This is everything I didn't say.
A text to my ex.
948 · Mar 2019
Same heels
Dream Mar 2019
And a year later,

I wear the same heels,

But feel taller.
867 · Jul 2018
Its crushing me
Dream Jul 2018
How did you say all that....
And not look back once.
How do i not see any remorse¿
Its crushing me to know that you didn't want to see me move on
But you were the first to move on.

777 · Mar 2019
Greetings from a stranger.
Dream Mar 2019
That morning,
I met a woman.

Skin beginning to wrinkle...
Mid 30s I assume.

She walked into the ***** engineering faculty's

She Greeted me politely while I fixed my messy hair.
Her smile,
Yet polite.

Her problems
Visible on her face....

I never saw her again.
706 · May 2023
She died
Dream May 2023
She had to die for me to become I.
680 · Jun 2018
I died
Dream Jun 2018
Ive died over and over.
With every teardrop, mourning at my own funeral.
Yet i have risen from my grave ,over and over.
Each time, better than before.
And when you came along this time, i prepared myself to immerse in mother nature once again, only to be risen from my mistakes.
Yet again she will heal me with no fail, and nurture me till i find someone again, to die for.
661 · Nov 2018
Walk with the breeze
Dream Nov 2018
You may not see me walking with the stars....

Because i walk with the breeze through the sunflower fields....

Ever seen anything more satisfying than that¿
Today i feel the most satisfied i have ever felt in my short 18 years of being. In these 18 years i have realized the importance of inner peace. I mean how dare i let an idiot who can't park properly ruin my day¿ How can i let him/her have that power over me¿ I have reached a point where i appreciate all the people in my life for being there and for all those who are not for not being there lol, you're only doing me good ❤. Happiness is a choice i have made. And i choose to make those around me happy too. After much introspection i am proud of who i have become and who i am becoming. I don't have to walk with the stars to be seen. My inner peace will make me known by those watching me walk with the cool breeze in sunflower fields.
651 · Feb 2021
So deeply never
Dream Feb 2021
Oh how I deserve an apology.

A sincere apology from myself to myself.

For I chose to love a lover who didn't choose me ever

So deeply never.
615 · Jul 2018
Lost me
Dream Jul 2018
You lost me.

Thanks to you,
I lost me too.
607 · Jul 2018
Dream Jul 2018
Cut me with your words.
Betrayed me with trust.
Pain is all you could give me in return.
Hope you can love yourself for that.
Hope you think of me someday and regret what you lost.
Because even if we were made for each other, all you cared about was your lust.
Dream Oct 2018
And when you said you loved me... i was more afraid than delighted because the last time you said those words you left like you didnt care....
564 · Jun 2019
Dream Jun 2019
Cracks in the paint doesn't mean the wall is about to collapse.
Just keep going no matter what, when you're facing difficulties overcome them. It's not the end. If there's a problem in your life or relationships then face them head on. Don't assume it's over because of one Crack that you have seen in your beautifully painted wall. Just like the paint, relationships need maintenance. So don't break up because of one small issue.
550 · Sep 2020
Your scent
Dream Sep 2020
I came across your scent today....

I unintentionally put it on myself.

It's still my favorite smell.

To smell like you.

From now on. I will use this scent until It doesn't remind me of you.
548 · Jul 2019
Mirror mirror
Dream Jul 2019
Me: Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who's the strongest of them all?

Mirror: You. You run, chase, trip and fall yet you get back up after it all.
543 · Oct 2018
Born a poet
Dream Oct 2018
I wasn't born a poet.
The world made me one.
The world is cruel
474 · Oct 2018
Dream Oct 2018
Ill always be foreign to all land...

I dont belong on the ground...
473 · Nov 2018
Dream Nov 2018
I give them all what i need most...

470 · Dec 2018
Man meets nature
Dream Dec 2018
When man meets nature,

It reminded me of how you met me...
456 · Dec 2018
The web
Dream Dec 2018
Its 3.30 am and I'm still up....

The web has me entangled....
451 · Jan 2021
Control is all I know
Dream Jan 2021
Sometimes I choose to let go,
I let my words flow.
I let them speak
Hoping they'll explain me.
Im complicated,
They say.
But I wish i came with a dictionary
Because even I don't understand me.
My purpose, I know
My desires, I don't.
Why do I choose to let go,
When control is all I know.
Each time I cry,
You're the only reason why.
Please leave my thoughts,
Leave my mind.
I'm trying to leave all this behind.
I choose to let it go.
Even though control is all I know...
428 · May 2023
You’re the reason
Dream May 2023
You’re like the cold breeze on a sunny day.

The first whiff of fresh air

on my pressured lungs

that’s been caged.

You’re the sun on a cold day.

You’re the light in my dark days.

You’re the reason I close my eyes,

And the reason they open again.

You’re a warm hug on a bad day.

You’re the reason I know it’ll all be okay.
416 · Nov 2018
Want it all
Dream Nov 2018
I want so much....

I don't know what I want at all.
380 · Aug 2018
Dream Aug 2018
Roses are red , violets are blue

Look I'm in love again,  
But this time its not you.

369 · May 2020
Dream May 2020
Strip me to my core. Without laying your hands on me. And watch me be your, devotee.
360 · Apr 2019
Dream Apr 2019
Let's pretend forever doesn't exist.

Let's live now.
This minute.
This second.
348 · Nov 2018
Dream Nov 2018
The scent of damp soil, mother earth's joy evident.
The sway of the trees, dancing to the tune of every raindrop.
The wind's roars, gushing past ecstatically.

The smile on my face, acknowledging the art.
Rain is my favorite weather...
347 · May 2019
Dream May 2019
Come give this Cinderella the love she needs,

After midnight when she's in her rags and her fancy dresses are gone
344 · Sep 2018
Dream Sep 2018
I once heard one broken heart say to another broken heart that ''i wish we were not made of glass''.
Only a broken heart understands the plight of another.
338 · Dec 2018
Fires and flames
Dream Dec 2018
You set me on fire

i catch your eyes burning
into my bare
338 · Apr 2020
Dream Apr 2020
Today, I saw the sunrise.

Yes, I was up all night.

But it wasn't as sweet as it used to be.

I was up all night, suffering from insomnia, in tear puddles caused by your memories.

As the sun kept rising I hugged the teddy you gave me, for my eighteenth birthday, a little tighter, wishing it was you.
Some days are just worse than others. I wish i could share these moments with him. Love is a tricky *****. It'll cause pain and pleasure all at once.
331 · Mar 2019
Dream Mar 2019
Instead if learning how to swim,

I developed gills.

Nothing can destroy me now.

I don't feel like I'm drowning anymore.
329 · Dec 2018
Dream Dec 2018
Its gonna be another day, another week, another month,another year

Its gonna be a new me, walking into gates and places ive never been.

It going to be adventurous finding new company or maybe even a new me.

Its going to be a discovery of the world ive never seen.
328 · Jul 2019
Dream Jul 2019
I felt safe with you.

But I forgot that the same fire,
That gives warmth holds power,
To destroy all that's in its path.
326 · Nov 2018
Under the stars....
Dream Nov 2018
On a cold night,


Sit you and I.
321 · Jul 2019
When death comes my way
Dream Jul 2019
And when death comes my way.
I want to feel every breath.
I want to remember every second spent with you.
I want to hear your heartbeat as mine begins to stop.
I want to comfort you and tell you that I'm alright, even though I'm not.
I want to hear your voice for the last time.
I want to see your face before my eyes.
I want to meet your soul and mind for the last time.
I want to tell you I love you on my deathbed.
And I want to hear you say "I love you too" before I close my eyes.
For the last time.
Just a poem, For when I die. For you my love,This is what i want.
320 · Jun 2019
Dream Jun 2019
My hours spent with you feel like minutes.
All my wrongs seem to become rights.
Your voice is like that beautiful melody unheard by the world,
personalized for my ears.
You touched my heart before you touched my lips.
You entered my mind before you opened other precious doors.
And that's why I'm still deeply in love with you....
And I fall in love with every essence of your being, the more I exist....
315 · Jan 2021
Dream Jan 2021
Hope hope go away.
Come back another day.
Today I hoped for him to come back..
Come when i look ahead and see the colour black.

Come when I need you the most.
When I just wanna feel the coast.
Come when I lack myself
Come how you came when I was twelve.

Hope hope go away.
Come back another day.
Today I hoped to see him again.
Today I hoped I end up with him.
Hope hope, I'd rather die
Than to live a life where I always cry.
Hope always seems to arise where not needed.
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