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Sneha Thakur Jan 2018
Let me take you ,
Into my fathomless fantasy.
Let me uncover , What it feels like to be the one to love.
I see our bodies pressed against each other.
Fragrances binded into one.
Lips being sober.
Adrenaline pumping it's pace over .
I sense your heartbeat against mine
And I hear everything , From the whispers to the moans and the sound of your breathe .
You loose sweat , you cry , you sleep , you care , and you love tooo?
I lay confused . I thought you did not exist for real. I thought you were made of metaphors.
rxsemary Jun 2014
Run run run,,
Tooo slow
We're coming we're going to **** you,
Run run run
Tooo slow, we have you, you can’t escape,youre too weak,
you can't leave we have you,,
Run run run tooo slow again
Cut, lose weight.. ****** **** ur worthless meaningless,
Cut cut
Run run run

Donall Dempsey Jul 2015
Two fictional characters
walk into a bar

in Malta
( * Marsaxlokk - to be precise ).

" beee. . ."
stammers Hamlet.

"Oh fer Gawd's sake...two beers!"
J. Alfred Prufrock snaps.

"You really milk that
"To be or not..." thingy."
J.A.P. scolds Hamlet.

"Tsk...tsk!" Hamlet tsk tsks.
( sticking his tongue out ).

Two Cisks are plonked
down before them.

"No...I am not Prince Hamlet or
was meant to be..!"
J.A.P. quotes him self.

"Awww fer Jaysus sake...loooook
just for the fun of it...the gas of it

we swop

Hamlet interrupts Prufrock's

Prufrock ponders somewhat doubtfully.

And, so:
Hamlet the Dane

( for yea it is indeed he)

(1) to eat a peach (2) wear the bottoms of his white
flannel trousers rolled (3) parts his hair behind even

(4) dares
to aks

the overwhelming question

"( Oh, do not ask, what is it! )"

Oh & (5) gets to hear
( ** ** ** )

"...the mermaids singing...."

Prufrock "Hum...."
kills the king.

Becomes the king.


" Buzz buzz...come come..go...go!"

"It's a very
Hamlet...I know

but - what the heck!

"See..? slurps Hammy
". . . now, that wasn't so bad...was it?"

"Another Cisk?"
"Naw...I'll have a Becks!"

"Jaysus Prufrock now
...what's up?"

"Don't know..."mutters J.A.P.
wearing a frothy beer moustache.

roars the barman in Maltese.

"I can connect nothing
Prufrock almost sobs.

"Like that time
on Margate sands..."

Hamlet cuts him curtly off.

"Don't even go...there!"

"But I still get that squirmy know...feeling

we are just
fragments of

the imagination of
some *
long haired Irish poet

sunning himself by
the waters of

the shimmering waters of
a Sliema hotel pool

...up up in the clouds!

Hamlet sighs.

"Yeah, me too

Hamlet looks behind him
checking for what isn't

there. . .

"Ahhhh well, never mind eh?"

Prufrock attempts an attempt
at being cheerful.

Fails miserably.

"Let us go, then
you and I...

when the evening is spread out
against the sky..."

Like a patient etherised upon a table!
they both sing outta time and outta tune

stumbling one
into the other.

A long hair Irish poet
smiles as he watches them


"Għaġġel fil-għoli...wasal iż-żmien JEKK JOGĦĠBOK!"
the barman roars.


Pronounced MAR SA SCHLOCK. Those Maltese Xs being really SHs in disguise.

* Pronounced CHISK but the new barman is obviously new to the language and pronounces it TSK which makes him think that is what our two fictional characters are ordering.

Not to be confused with mobile texting but rather the literary texts of which both of them owe their existence.

The play bounded in a nutshell as it were.

One Donall Gearld Oliver Denis Dempsey is a good example of this sort.

* The No. 1 song all over Heaven...beating Sparks THE NO. 1 SONG ALL OVER HEAVEN  to the top spot.

** "Għaġġel fil-għoli...wasal iż-żmien JEKK JOGĦĠBOK!" Once again the new Irish barman hasn't got his tonsils around the Maltese lingo and comes out with this terrible mish mash of the typical barman's cry.
Blakbuttafly89 Dec 2018





Nellie 55 Nov 2020
Stop drinking
You're overthinking
Just because you remember doesn't change the fact that you weren't sober
Stop! Or atleast tone it way down before all your friendships are over
Told the drunk me to go to sleep
But someone opened the emotional cage and I'm in tooo deep
Cousin was crying and sobbing
I'm there supporting him with alcohol on my shirt
He said he's badly hurt
Then I calmed him down
Then emotions hit me
I drank tooo much
Drunk me seeking attention
Now I'm going tooo far put me in detention
At some point I'm a just hide my phone
In silent mode
Maybe the next day I will learn better
I'm a write my grandma a letter
I hope I didn't offend anyone
I know now I should of just slept early and should of been done
the plants I use for trauma
are **** and aya
but the feds who are not aware of God who values Equity
think their 'views' are superior to the Torah
the Tanakh, The Old Testament and the Good Book.
God gave us all the herbs and all the plants
he created the seed
he created the sun
he created water
He is the God of the Hapless, the Widow, the Orphan
He is the God of Equity
who do the Feds/ Cops/ Gov think they are ??
to interfere with Gods laws?
I tried to get **** to get rid of my trauma
the ops that ***** me
made sure my **** was laced with Fetanal
No thanks
it does not stabalise my moods to spray a Sacred Healing Plant with noxious addictive and dangerous chemicals
It is infuriating being ripped off again, and again, and again, and again, again and again.
God never gave noxious chemicals in Genesis, he didn't create Fetanal or what ever 'rat poison' they sent this whistleblower
I do know how vice squad operate
they control vice
like Priests pimped kids who had 'fallen'
fallen meant they got ***** 'once'
so now they hoes....
God cried tooo
you would cry too
if it happened to you
insult to injuries
stabbing a fleeing person in the back
no dignity
no nobility
by those versed in law and religion
evil stalks the highest offices
Deepali Aug 2023
And today i got to feel u back again.
Read my old Poem, I wrote for you,
When i was in pain.

Never knew, you would be the one
Who actually read my black diary that day
lines you wrote on pages to next pages
u got me, i got you tooo
My dopamine got Lit up for you in that way.

One movie date and two night-outs with no talks in our whole friendship at all
3 years knowing you as a hip hop producer
i really felt your production was different
Those beats are just Wow.

"Insane" - His name all that matters.
Both hustling for music as career
i saw hardworking stupid kid
i wana never let you ever ever suffer.

Trance lover me,
Getting Rapped up Altitudes Of love
relaxing my mind when we grind
With music we both breathe-in
No lovestuff to waste our time...
And soo...
I hold back my pampering child
Oh heaven! Its all Right
These second thoughts still remain the same
i realized my love is true for you
Its ******* Insane!!!
Will i be marrying you or not
I still get those Second Thoughts.
Hey Shubh. you are doing great. We love you. ♡
GulRukh Aug 2018
Do you ever feel the noon breeze?
hot yet relaxing brings you to an ease
it unfold the memories inside my brain's deepest crease
mesmerizing breeze i am standing under a tree
Moringa Oleifra the mighty
on which sits a sparrow chirping in mystique
and another strange little bird with long black beak
chirping tooo-weeee-t
on the other branches two squerrals playing hide and seek
and there sits a crow alone on one peak
i am in whirl of memories of past year 2016
didn't i mention it's about a boy in his thirties
he talked ocean deep
but treated me like i am a feast
like he is a ringmaster and i am his beast
i can still feel the pain of that time when all the good is out of my reach
Why do i think of him now when i am in peace?
would he think of me like i did?
nah or may be
nostalgic or i might weep
my orange colored dress doesn't irritate me in this scorching noon
but thoughts of you did
i have to head back from this muzz
i am going back to my people who loves me
where i am allowed to refuse
where there is no abuse
i am returning to peace
goodbye noon breeze
When brain unfolds some harsh memories of the past
Ayeshah Feb 2010
Molesting Innocent's
advantage of young un-suspected victims,
****** away hope,
Beating out trust as
tell you it's all for your own good.
The System
Verbally sales you,
making you believe thing's aren't
really what they seem.
Hey pretty girl,
want to come home with me,
stranger's using Candy,
Creeping in the middle of the night
stealing away dreams,
Snatching babies outta arms
For not being what "they"
want you to be.
Jumping through hoops
to prove your worthy.
The System cover up lies,
Your Shame
It's not "their fault for you
becoming pregnant at 10,12 & 13.
Abortion isn't in my beliefs,
Forcing us,  Breaking us, Making us do what "They want!
Telling Lies while Judges become your executioners
Fostering empathy's,
Making you live in misery
Parents- Grandparent's
Crying Screaming,
Dreaming of they days you'll be back.
Depressions, PTSD, Bipolar
Explosive disorders
Meaning a person gets angry fast
with no reason or for the littlest of things....,
from Misuse,
Misuse of my or even your body,
******, Molesting, Physical, Mental,
The System
took me from a Exceptional-Good home,
Placing me
with Monster;
Who called themselves: wholesome,
loving- Good- God fearing Church goers;
Foster Parents.
A Preacher  
phrasing the almighty book,
every Sunday
While every night
He'd say I was better then his wife,
my eye's cried,
Hoarsely I beg him to stop.
Case-Worker & The Systems
cover up.
From home to home
Group home to group
I'd run as fast as I can,
To  my
own family even thou
We were  broker then sin
at least I was so safe there.
Repeat & repeat these step every chance
I'd get & still they'd  Placed me in home's
I got old enough to make it on my own.
Even then The System wouldn't let me be,
See I knew "their" ***** deed,
All the well kept secrets....
unfortunately for me,
16 going on 17 mother already of 2 while
expecting another lil girl,
The System tryna step in once again,
Robbing me of my Children,
words: labeling me,
I'm tooo crazy to love or ever be a mother.
I'm not doing what "They " want....
I had it,
Life was it for me,
I wanted to commit Suicide
I just couldn't thou & Lucky for me
I Finally found away out at 18.
Got my kids- Sued & Beat
The System!
Always Me Ayeshah
Copyright © Ayeshah K.C.L.N
1977-Pesent Day(s)
All right reserved
Phil Lindsey Jun 2015
I hate dull poems with no point
That makes no cents at all
I intend to laff it off and
Blame the alcohol.

Yes, Jaegar Bombz and Jello Sots
As far as i can tell,
Are fool fuel to propel my work
George Strait to Poem Hell.

I was gettin’ almost sober, SO
Had another Jaegar, and a beer (or two)
Lean closed to George and whispered in his ear
I’m here for a good time – juss like u

Yeah Iss country singin’ at is best
If u king n rite the kind that sell
But I get;n kinda sleepy
Stink my peom bombses swell.

SO moreally the story, if you right pomes wen yur drnuk
Beddter wate till til the mmornnimg lite
To post it post it post it tooo
That Hallowed Pomes site
LwP$@Qx)911 ^^(
the last couple were pretty serious, needed a laffer   ;-)
have you ever felt too alive?

ya know, so alive that ya feel like killing yourself like four or five times,

just to feel alive
Fenix Flight Jun 2014
have a nice day sir/ma'am

Translates tooo.......

******* you douchbag!
How dare you treat me like
I'm a total idiot
How dare you call me
all those names
I'm Not as stupid as you think
Yeah buddy well
I dont want to be talking to you
Anymore then you want to be talking to me

I hope you have a great day!

Translates too.........

I sincerely really truly mean it when I say have a nice day!
Thank you so much
FOr not being a ******* *****!!
(idk if this goes for all telemarketers I just know it goes for me)
I thought you would have made the most grandiose of lesbians, as women go, you were quite sublime. You caught me with your androgyny of  hair and your boyish shoes. Too safe to listen to country music, your exquisite headphones blasted out some beligirent cross-hatch nonsense. So i tailed you, so i went to where your footsteps had inwittingly left their mark. I followed you into bars with organic juices, and book shops for the intelligentsia. I watched you across a crowded room, in smokeless bars, whilst you laughed gently at friends jokes; and how i wished i was the punchline, what i would give for that mouth to smile at me. Mirror-red, i would take off your head if you would let me.....

How i wished you were dead, so i could mourn you in a proper fashion. Looking glass. Paper hearts. Ancient things i had forgotten when i looked at you - so exquisite, so shiny, so super and new. How everyone envied me. I had been so good uptil now - the modern bride, wedded to my mind. Singleton screams soprano from my face, orange peeled lips. Unzip me, my handbag head spills on the pavement. Confused by you, confounded by you. Oh you majestic awe-inspiring lesbian, you seem to tick all those (non-conformist) boxes. I, a brilliant lazy yorkshire matinee; you, a grandiouse west end friday night opening. I read the script, somewhat deja-viewed. Are you shocked i worked thee out?

A date with your phone. oh, how, very..... original. Though i cannot but tear my eyes away from what you are doing....a penny in a handful of silver. Drop from my fingers, remove your eyes from my sight. REmove, my sweet experienced delight. Watch as i drive away..the weight of my absence must crush you surely.....? Do alarm bells ring?...No wait..does the heaven sing and mourn your loss? what a pity, a-fly-by-the-night-at-any-cost-i-don't-care-because-i'm-toooooooo­o-cool-for-you, sorta pity? I am not your shadow, your stripes were blacked out by the light, i didn't care to see anymore, and i knew you would not follow so i chose my leave to go. (just so you know, this is me...leaving, you)

Too many lips for me to count, you talk tooo much. You sit there and all i can think of is lying you down and making you stop, talking. Too much? My oh My. Let me take you from here, make you forget who you are. Walk down a beach, hold hands, even if its raining. Too much to ask? Oh so many task. So many standards and obligations, too many notes and standard citations. I just want to do, anything, but listen to you talk. Again and again, i wonder when you will stop to look at me. I guess you would always be the girl, who was afraid to know, the truth. For the lack of you, do something. Four seems better than three, don't you think?
Everyday i wake up
Early in the morning no yawning
See the spirits dawning
This faceless figure spoke to me
The spirit said her name was Serenity
But i think she was an enemy
Confused as can be is it God Angels
Speakin' to me?
Softly i let her caress my mind body and soul
I got no control stiff as a board skin was startin to fold
Grab a hold of the bed sheets
My mind went blank as i start to think eyes shut no blink
Journey with me as my mind sinks
Deeper into revelations
What it revealed to me more catastrophe
Coming from my own families
**** how could this be? I thought
We had each other backs
Chillout cuz im black as ever ugly never
Too ttooo clever
I remember the good book told me
To always test the spirits
But images i couldnt clear it so un-feared it
I gave it my all then suddenly came a fall
Lost my house my women clothes shoes n jewels
Im.hanging on to hopes
Hopin' i get good news no clues
Where left but then i remember
When at ya weakest point
Is ya strongest and vice versa im used to being cursed so
It aint nothing but notha scenario
There i go
Back where i was three sixty the spirit mixed me
Showed what i was doing wrong
Woke up out my dream then i grabbed the ****
Cut my vinyl on music was on spirit was gone
Then i realize im thinking tooo tooo hard
Or is it the whole time im listening
To my conscious speaking to my conscious
Im feelin' pang
Addin' tears to my tower of sadness
SmArTy Jan 2018
Hiiiii....u knw what aaj ky hai....
aaj bhot special prsn ka bday hai...
meli bestieee.... kaaa
paglu ka
bhot special tu duffr mere lyee...
chalo kuch meethi meethi yaade yaad dilata hu...
yaaad hai jab humari fst tym baaat hui thi....wo cmnt k rply me
ladai se hui thi startng
ki pata tha itne impo ** jaynge ek dusre k lye
fr wo humara din bhar choti choti si baat pr ladna
fr draaame dikhana ki tu lunch ni kalega to b ni kalungi....
tu gannna ...tu gannniii
bhot misss krta hu m bo ladaiyaaa
punishment b inni pyali ki galti krne ka man kre
school se aate hi beg rakhne se on krna...
net on hone se phle whatsappp pr msz type krna....
agr ek mint b reply late hua to bawal ,machana...
fr shaq wali nigaaho se dekhnaaa.....
hihihi binna galti k es masssom bacheee se solly bulbana.....
pure pure din baat krke b pet ni bharta tha
deere deere baat krte krte special one bn gyi merelyee....
fr kisi se b baat ni kalta tha m
muujhe aaj b yaad hai wo din
8/4/1999 mela bday gifttt
maine tainu 1st tym dekha tha...
apni yaari ese hi bni rahe hamesha....
bs yadi pray krni hai... mainu...rab se.....
i love u my....bestieee...... happy bday tooo.....uuuuuuuu...
ab bta babu ky gift chaahiye teko.
Friendship memo..
Perig3e Sep 2010
Gout tongued,
Mind numb,
Van Gogh eared,
Vanity blind,
Tooo many I's,
Not enough eyes.
Angst lip deep
In this guano cave
That vibrates
With unrequited
LUV cantos .
All rights reserved by the author
Jennifer McCurry Jun 2020
The squaw that stroked the camel's sack had finally dun herself in.      
She looked into the eyes of the beast,        
and became powerful frightened of his wicked grin!        
Oh Holy Moly how that one stroke too far had engorged his needed ****....        
She saw her touch had unleashed a devlish urge and swallowed hard with a lump..        
Swollen from lust..        
And in need of a ******...        
He pawed his hooves at the ground..        
Never in her short sqaw life had she heard anything snortin such a hellacious sound!        
Then she saw the enormous size        
of the thing she had rized..        
And the camal hocked a big ol spit..        
The sweet lil thang Cherokee hollered, and her mocassins took her off lickety split..        
He came chargin right behind her, bound and determined, nostrils round n aflared..        
Man! You should have seen that purty lil squaw runnin, by gawd she was ascared!!!
Poem challenge
Write a poem using malapropism
Message me to make sure I see your posts
I.E the squaw that stroked the camels sack
The straw that broke the camels back

A malapropism (also called a malaprop, acyrologia, or Dogberryism) is the use of an incorrect word in place of a word with a similar sound, resulting in a nonsensical, sometimes humorous utterance. An example is the statement by baseball player Yogi Berra, "Texas has a lot of electrical votes", rather than "electoral votes".[1] Malapropisms often occur as errors in natural speech and are sometimes the subject of media attention, especially when made by politicians or other prominent individuals. Philosopher Donald Davidson has said that malapropisms show the complex process through which the brain translates thoughts into language.

Have fun!
PK Wakefield Nov 2013
your *** is like ****
(i think) and the backs of your knees
are like
i think. very nice to be inside of

i would you,

do you think too?

your lips and perhaps?

i would like oh dear to fit
like rain fits in April;
very wet and strictly.

oh dear and to eat you tinly i would hurt myself
with the hardness of earth. i would climb
into your fist very stiffly a flower. andear,
i would lay a hand against your unmeeting(
i would enter the primness of your heap
A mountain of unsleep. ) andear

i think you,

(do you think tooo)?
Ayeshah Dec 2010
born Dec 16 2010  Induced  early  cuz of complications but healthy and has all fingers & toes will be here until lungs mature more and weights gained amount needed to go home. sore but happy . no names will be listed if you want to know more please email me and i will send pictures and the rest of information to you (Friend's ONLY) thank you all for being strong for me when i wasn't and for supporting me through all this! i also have a  guy that im talking to he was there while Christopher Cartwright wasn't(the father)  he's a big help and its so weird that our bound and friendship is as strong as it is, it & k helps that we grew up in the same neighborhood  & knew each other threw other family members and friends. My sister on my dad side is so happy and im happy for her!  I have no regrets and I'm happy, just sad alil bit that its over ...i got em out safely then again its a bit tooo early/ pray for em and ty for all the well wishes and support.  i need to rest now its going to be a long day! LOVE YOU ALL TO MY CLOSEST FRIENDS.
*Always me Ayeshah*
Michael John Nov 2018
guns as romantic
hand fill
if every time
before sabre..

then a rock
before we hid
today lily
pontificate not..

take us back to
the virginal earth
brings back with a bump

too many guns..tooo many
if i had a purple cherry
for every gun shot on

what a pathetic metaphor
still,to be fair
i killed a blackbird once
with an air gun..

and i have been plagued by
them ever since
so what happens if you ****
a man..

some are quiet ok
and others not
and that illustrates

how different are we
i shot a song bird
this has scarred me

is it time for the caves
i would not
if on a saturday night
or  in the dark

open country
well all be sorry
by first light..
thankyou to matter..
Two Dents Feb 2015
My hands are a little too soft
My face a little too smooth
My eyes just a little tooo...... well
Whatever it is about my eyes, my face, and my hands
Some may say that makes me
Not quite a man
Because I don't wild a hammer in one hand
And a beer in the other
I don't sing baritone, I'm tanner
Or maybe soprano.....?  
I don't know for sure

When I was sixteen I was the epitome  of teenage
Daddy's little....
And I tried hard
To be exactly what people said I was supposed to be
Because I was never told that it was OK to like mud - pies and firetrucks
And throw away my princess barbies and makeup
I felt trapped
Born into a world of horrific stereotype to the maximum degree
And god help me! should I deviate from the 'riches' path of femininity
Lest I be shunned by not only my pears
But some of the people I love the most

           Speaking of which
My dad claims to be a smart man
An observant man
A man who notices people
So, Dad,
Wile you're looking around noticing all of them
How come you cannot spare a glands to see
That the youngest of your three
Is not the princess
You once imagined he'd grow up to be
So either I am the king of deception
The prince of cleverly crafted lies and half truths
Surpassing the skill and ingenuity of Lucifer himself
You are not so smart as you think you are
And you cannot tell me Dad the you knew all along
Before my ever telling you
To pretend now that you did
Would be the biggest deceit of all
I wonder, oh father of mine,
What is going through your mind
When I step into our 3×3 bathroom in our 25 ft home sporting C ' s
And walk back out not 10 minutes later
Rote/performed this back in 2013. I've been kinda in a slump for a wile now so going over oldies for inspiration :) hope you enjoy
Mick Cadenisou Dec 2014
GOOD girl what a good girl good girl who’s a good girl
and she sat and took it

She’s the one who looked into their eyes and said
hey this what we are going to do and who cares
come if you want
if you dont wait its ok
because ill be alone here and fighting for my chance to feel the wind and the glitter
and the glue
life is the meaning of art
and the meaning of art is leave me the **** alone im a person

after living this way for so long a person starts to feel like what the **** man **** **** ****

and thats basically the story of life
and how life began and where life will end
and when a person dies they give up the ghost
the ghost of course is a supernatural force that lives within the soul of a person
yes, beneath the soul, but over the heart
because the heart pumps blood of course
it is essential to keeping the body alive
and the brain is the body
and the thoughts come from the brain
so please keep me alive so the brain drain and the heart collide and keep me from blackness
PK Wakefield Feb 2015
my almost body does
through nearly hands which
deep reeds–the naked bottoms of rivers;

wide spans eagerly of ***
wist twisting
the curv'd blade
of their
hot in June mouth's
(legs arms)

swept in
the resin
of warm rain;

(a universe is here between
the hairless bulb of every fertile's
crescent )

a dangerous slenderly perhaps
of open lips
reeling furiously
with starlight

(outside summer is a hot blab
on the pavement can be heard
the clip-clap of a horse goes
lathered in tremendous dew)

a crocus riding
the small spring hour
of a lady

in tooo many clothes
The voice Jan 2015
I have been meaning to write you a letter
but I cannot find the right words
I tried to begin with hello
But it simply felt to sudden
I tried dear, but dear who?

"Well, here goes,
Dear Mr. love of my life"

Yeah that was try number 100
and it gets worse after try number 1000

"estimated Mr. ..."
"Good day"
"I am" meee

How to I tell you what I feel
where do I start,
what words to use
to show the importance of my letter
What words to use
to show the love and need I have for you

"Dear you, " but then what next
"sincerely, me"?
I love you

Yes that is the beginning
"I love you"
I love you
"That phrase is a little overused,
simply because it is the easiest way to express
a feeling, a thought, a part of life"
Ok, there it is.
Once the first words are on the paper
the rest come as if following the leader..

"I bet it got your attention. I love you!
I love you"
But I love you is used tooo often

"I cannot let the words I Love You do the work alone
I love you with all my heart
all my soul
all my life!!!
All of my dreams are shared with you
All my fears are murdered by you
All of my future, has you in it"

Yup, there it goes. the words on the letter
the letter to my one love
my one love will forever be with me

"I know there are others, I know I am not the only one
but I prefer not to think about it,
I know you love me, I know I am yours"


"but only because you loved me first,
only because you saw me first
only because you held my hand
and led me through the darkness
and into the brightest light of your presence"

Oh how amazing your presence was

State the purpose:
"I write this letter to extend my admiration,
to thank-you for the times we have spend together,
to ask for your forgiveness when I wronged you,
to reach out to you as the only one,
the only one I could ever love and be loved my truly. "

State a reason, claim or preference:

" I want you too..." NO
"I need you too never let me go,
to fight by my side,
to never give you back to me,
to fight my pride, my anger, my hate,
to never make me forget who you are
to fight for us to be together always"

"I need you, I must have you,
I cannot see myself, living without you
I cannot imagine a life without you
I cannot find a path if you do not lead"

"I was lost, and now I am found."
"I was alone, and know I have you"
"I knew not love, and know I know you,
The way
The truth and
The life"

"I want nothing else but to be with you
I want nothing else but to love you
I want nothing else but I forever fight for you!"

"Lord, oh God, Savior, oh powerful lamb
take my hand, and take me
through the pain
through the tears,
through the rain
through the fears
I will walk beside you
all the way to heaven"

"I love you"

"These words are overused, that it why I say
I will love you, until the earth is no longer round
Until the sun looses its light,
until we are the only two in the entire universe
until the universe is gone
Until light no longer shines with you
until I die, live again, and die again!
I will love you, until the way I can no longer feel no more!
Until I am dry and no longer be able to be alive!!!
The way you have love me first!
every1 wants to p[lay some game
so i say okay
less play
i love you
just need them too
its family
its the truth
i love you
but u dont need to know the truth
i dont really love you
i just think i can fix u
cant u tell by how there is nothing to talk about
when its just us two
cant u tell by how i dont give a **** about what your writing about
and youll never see my name on your dashboard u tooo slow
cant u tell by how i distrust u and sleep, soo much longer that i need too i know
pay me or pay u
gonna shut u off
cold isnt it
are u alone
know the world is drying
dying towel drying
no water left
feel sorry for your sins
**** no
**** the smiling *****
straightoutof Magdalene
hes not there
i been asking
god is here
but he doesnt ******* care
he doesnt ******* care
he doesnt ******* care
he doesnt ******* care
hedoesntfucking care
your love is here

ask god for a small place to stay
away from everyon and everything
that made u feel this way
hellsay hes working so hard
preparing a place
for your rotting creature pelt
to hang above his fireplace
u can trust with all the brids
that know seeing isnt believing
so fat with faith
sidestepping windows
like theieryer necks were made of
unable to kneel down
andpuke it out
fly with them
until they remember
somethings are invisible
and they matter just as well
im standing on the edge of the felt
the putting green orb u fell onto and melded
so u grab your blak crows
and fly fly fly
******* hard
******* full force
until you fly to ******* hard into it
and break your neck
and remember
before u die
that there is nothing to believe in
even when you are well
there is nothing to be decieved by
you were born worthless
branded with a dollar sign
and yyour holy ghost
wont pay the hospital life
ur dead
because u believed in life
birds are dumb+haldf blind
im blind
but i could see what you were doing
with empty sockets or backwards eyes
Vanessa Gatley Feb 2015
Your arms could possibly be my jacket
    They can be around my shoulders
   Around my chest
   Such as my waist
   Your stomach pressing against my back
    That's be nice ....
    Warm tooo
Sneha Thakur Jan 2018
What i really want is just to build up a home. Where we happily live away from all this competition and pollution. Away from this dark side. I want to live in the brighter one. I want to build a home where on the door there is this name plate with our name craved with the wood and then there are our handprints . The bigger one being his and the tiny one is mine. And then besides the door is the postbox. The postbox that has got its ***** a little loose with rust all over. But, Ah! The happiness it gives when in the middle of the pile comes your mom's letter. And you get so excited that you never close the box and run into open the envelope. Then as you enter there is this massive wall that has so much of charm in it. There are these tiny snapshots of when we went to our honeymoon in the islands , There is this grand photo of our marriage. There are portraits made by you. And everything inside of that walls gives so much of satisfaction , so much of happiness , that even if something happens to US , we have so much to miss , so much to remember , so much to cry and so much to laugh tooo. All that's lighted up with very pretty xmas lights. And then besides the wall there is the kitchen. Oh! How we wish that we could just shift our bed over there. Our kitchen- it will be like the most enchanting place. All sorts of junk. And the fridge- everything from ice cream to alcohol , from Chocolates to candies. It will be our happy place. We will cook together. We will dance together until the oven buzzes. And we will eat like no one's watching. Like we haven't eaten for days , like , like its the last pizza we will ever taste. We will **** together , we will make fun of each other , and at the end of the day we will laugh so much about all the super crazy stuff we did. We will sleep on our bed remembering everything. And i swear you look just the prettiest head when you're asleep. So i pretend to sleep because i know you are gazing at me. I wait till your snoring starts and it doesnt take a while to start , because you are so good at sleeping. And then i just stare you my love with the deepest love inmy eyes. Feeling your breathe against mine ; And even though we have come a long way together , i still don't believe the fact that i got someone like you , the fact that you are so pretty and you are so kind and gentle and sweet and caring and the qualities they can never be described fully. So i just lay down there kiss you on your head and sleep with me wrapped around your arms.
Not every story has to have drama , some are just real life stories.
I got plenty of ammo
Sound the piano
And watch how sick
My flow goes grows
On your mental leaving dimples but no ricochet
Straight shots to your dome
Ya see me movin' swiftly
Buzzin' like a bee
My melody who soundin better than me
Poetry feelin' lovely
None above me
Shoot hard as ya want
And watch these lyrics come to taunt
You hunt you
Like a ghost sayin' boo
Through and through
I write til I reach definitive
Only took a diminutive
Intuitive as they come
Line em up hurry up
Only end up
in a run
Home when the bases loaded
Lyricals like a grenade soon exploded
Branding emcees with ease please
I write rhymes that
Your subconscious bump out nonsense
Hearts immense once the flows
Felt ya souls commence
Into body rocking like shocking
Lyrical thunderbolt straight from my vault
And they ask me how I do em
And I responded
I let the Poems Hit em

Flows like an ocean took a sip of the potion
Lyrically from the universe
Telepathic its graphic
From verse to verse
Without a rehearse or the need to curse
I go all around ya
Like a circle
Spinnin' rhymes so vicious
On the mic
Turning other emcees purple
Cuz im tooo hot to trot
And who Got?
My steez geez I'm ticked like a flea
Who tries to get with me instantly
Meet your opponent
Lyrics I'm on it
Show me a path n I'll clear it
Cookin' rhymes in a *** and got
Ya girl rubbing calling me
Mr **** MC of the century
Executioner take no prisoners  
Yeah I did it but most wont admit it
Turn flaws into flawless
Bring life out a carcass
Light into darkness
Once I manifest
The test none could do it better
I'm DOC rhymes funky
Enough tough call out any bluff
Don't get upset with me
Just jealousy cuz rhythm take em
Rhymes is in tandem with the universe
Then I hands em
Beat downs fall to ground
Cuz mental capacity collapse
And it had to be
Me servin' em once they send em
Fail greatly cuz the Poems Hit 'em

Flows racketeering strong and engineering
From controlling the game
As I'm steering
These lyrics To another direction
Causing mental *******
N0 rejections make a selection
For the beat Once my rhymes meet
Put it sleep til it starts reap
Or better yet snore
Cuz these peoms you adore
Fourscore and I'll still be
On the soar rigorous wars
Who ever wanna step on
The battlefield better have yo shield
Cuz the potency is real
No defense could penetrate
Flows movin' like the sounds of 38
Soon to radiate
Cuz the heat took em shook em
Into a shock
Popped locked the mind slow grind
Now my flows in repetition
Of a rewind battles decline
So don't step outta line
Cuz there's plenty of rounds
For the gun line as I shine
Ya should have known how I did em
Mentally exhausted
Cuz of the rhythm
jeswin jaison Jul 2014
i think iam nothing
coz u r my heart
the word u say is me
the word i say is you  

it have been a long tine
i have been met u
ur eyes is good ur nose tooo
coz u r the world and i see you
Ndolo Nov 2018
sometimes i forget you’re deaf--- yeah I know, my voice sometimes sounds like yours, but remember you’re seeing my cameo appearance

sign language gives me the ability to see what you feel, the nuances that makes you, you, and hopefully you see that in me too.

my eyes trace the curl of your lips, the lifts of your cheekbones, the crinkles of your eyes, Not because you’re pretty (tho Im sure you think you are), not because I'm creepy, but because it’s my method of carrying on conversations. In your eyes are where I find your words, the verity on your cheeks, the tone on your lips.

Seeing as I can do that, DO...YOOOUU...STILLL...NEEEED...TOOO...TAALLK....LIIKKEE...THIISS­? **** NO. Over-enunciation is a thing and I don’t need that *******. I’m deaf, not dumb.

When people ask me, “Did you hear that?!”......HAHAHAHAHHA

There’s also that moment when you can’t distinguish whether your mom’s yelling at you cuz she mad or cuz you can’t hear

One of the best moments ever is like when I turn on my hearing aids and I’m waiting, like I get this start-up music, like windows pc, right? And like whammo! It’s Claritin-HEAR.

That awkward moment when you’ve asked someone to repeat 4 times and you still don’t understand what they said... :/

Calling on the phone. Let me see if I can get you to visualize this:
Ring Ring. Picks up
Hello, may I know whom I’m speaking to?
-Yes, this ---- Im here to talk about---. Is-----ome?
What, can you repeat that?
-Yes of cou--- to talk about---
Wait, Wait. Hold on, let me get my sister.
-Why? It's not---
Here you go.
*Done with conversation

I’ve got other examples: there’s the African accent of my family and friends from Africa. There’s the too quiet, can’t possibly speak louder than a whisper, there’s the too fast for my shirt. There’s the simple phone call from the dispatcher/sales person...There’s too much confusion on both ends and frustration when people on the other end must think you’re rude for wasting their time. I just got to the point that I would sometimes ignore phone calls because I’m not in the mood to embarrass myself not hearing anything they say.
I created this as a way to capture all my frustrations about being Deaf. Hopefully this helps others understand the struggles of being Deaf and also to appreciate the irony and in hindsight, the hilarity of some these situations.
norstram apetite

dratatraacpampioliate illiter cy bragnainst fo preostate languastitside

archetypes by dreemons of mesi=sled beandeits, only seraches for their own tai;s wold tofind the atht rocks andthe s

levers spat tooo fast in theo thsky

branched and bargained like marhadded dag a like ddraggg

hampbolted by the porforalaimalice hoork a jork a  fork founded for dailaiin dapper mapper AMDHAFHD HATYTEr



Jay earnest May 2018
bing bing  bing bimmy

ku-   tooo--ooo --booo -

tteee   teeeee
   teee              teeeee           n
cone-shape  blac  

              smack  -head
pinched ­ in  fun- tal
ban   backed pack
            big   fo   kid ****

  in hull
3 skims
socky    low - loo

raquel Mar 2018
maYbe its tje gin takking
the winE pumpsd in mu viens
tge jäger churnss my stomacj
anf my slurreDd wprds spill

im seeimg doiuble
ovrr saturatoin
sutmblin g over my oWn feet
amd yet yoy still hAnd me another drimk

but its tOoo nuch to resisT
your love imtoxicates me
ove r ans over agaim
whY must yiu be so addictibe ¿
. . .
I REALLY Jul 2019
Ken Pepiton Feb 2022
Half a bottle of something easy to drink too much

any story wishes telling, not all find tellers
with time to think a story through,
from when to now then makes no
difference, if I think
or if I say, or if I write,

fold the swan and call it a crane, none shall
find the time to learn we
folded the old and put it away, in time
to think
a fine place made ready for me, with
endless ink and endless paper, and air
to breathe,

- trigger guard, woven structure in
- not out, knot, one, none, zero
- from now to when


It must be the message I am, go, or stop,
I know not,
I wait, in time, a mind, as yours, am I, I think

in time and sequence one thing then another,

wishing and hoping and praying, eh
won't get him into your heart, you've gotta, I
for get what ,
I never wanted him into my heart, I got a key

idea, locked in here, in my horde of true
as ever, til I die, I won't lie,
I believe life is for a reason,

guess you know better, but I could care less,
really, a little less,
if you believe believe is a verb, an act you make,
an action you take,
to wonder if

yes or no, I do be
lief as not say, I'd lieve well enough alone,

Yes my advice, I advize we listen,
is this an infinity, as a story, that's all I wish to know,
does this idea live on,
as I wonder
if it did?

Richer than I, in some holy story too, tooo much too
perfectly accurate, as to details, how we all came to be,
as we be,
babbling fools, each speaking his own evil, curses,
foiled, or fooled, a thousand
times a child may try,
but once one listens,
this long, we have that child mind,
ours, to imagine with, and who think ye

calls halt to all we have begun to have as if we saw it,
coming to pass, ha, ha, teleos- if I may

this is the day of wonder, wonder, any if or how or why,
will you, willn't you, think
and join the dance, we are thinking time is fine enough,

now we add the eggs. Ha ha, we have cake in no time,


Yes, yes, happy with that, did I hear war,
Athenam Gabe ubforms me,
is goddess of strategy in war, and of wisdom.
Artemis is goddess of the hunt,
I stand corrected, adding that
I did know Athena had a city dedicated to her,
where Dionysian exostosis occurred, if we
have that strain isolated, those first *****
viral ideas, when boys sprouted horns
and girls were given eyes to see with,
see through this story.
Ted Talks
a familiar voice,
Live by learning all that happens
could have happened
another way, think
what happens when this works, Trinity,
did I give Feynman a ride, from Alamogordo,
did we leave his Plymouth, by the side of the road?

O, it seems
so, it seems, somethings are worth the time
to think
some things  have been thought since
Aphrodite was a figure in a drama, audio
listened to by my grand sons, imagine that

Zeus, I have  your wish, I laugh, I did,
I thought I'd died.

Did you ever imagine a thing like that?


Moirai, ai of my vision, my mission made plain,

I can complain, aye, I, may press the one point
I am
possibly past history or any point in time this
could exist,
I am the Grandfather calling war to task, asking who
authorized you, as an author from the last
generation of unaugmented parentage,

listen, life has never been so good, for so many,
ever in records, chronicles and stele in stone,
never have so many had it so good,

that's the truth, but
something seems,
off, a bit, stinky, maybe, cheese, at first, seemed
so, wait, abit.
think on this that has wafted to our senses,
as the prayers of saints,
that is an old rub, what are saints, and angels,
among men of my kind,
seeded kinds, my kind.
Mind your manners, be as we
dance the doe see doe, see the people,
we are those,
I remember, I was a child and now I am old,
and ever is after ever began, and some
children lack access to Percy Jackson's spoils
of war,

who knew what when,
the romans, then, that sort of men, who fits,
the mold, the mindless peasant stock,
we are not those
proles, the breeders,
are we only breeders, we who read all the
**** and Jane,

and some of Huckleberry Hound.
Hounds, reminds me, this guy,
his name was maybe, Christelli, but
I would not swear,

he said that when I wed, he would give me
a blue-tick hound, from his champion *****,

so I wed, that blonde from Cuyguna,
But Tony Christelli, he re
nigged on me, left me,
waiting for the dog, that I would have loved,
like a boy loves a dog,
I would have, no doubt,

ah, we see the crowd of mortal witnesses,

did we listen this long, and leave, walk away,
what will happen with those twelve baskets,
left overs, what
happens with those?

Hear this, old me, now me, listen,
in the air,
the story telling itself to our grands, our next,

next to wonder,
next to never know, as mortals never do, but
we tell of whens when reason was
a think we did,
we reasoned, as you play, we
reasoned, bet this was worth that
if you could see it my way,
and I saw I was seeing
from where I was
con form in form
ing think ink ink in mind
and time
a word, approved,attested to, you

think we should keep kicking?
this from just past the lizard level, flee, or
Pituitary instant, pow, that fast,
at this point, stops
calm, no clench, wondering what cost,
do you have
to pay.
Horrible cost, un mentioned, gore, or
was it only

I don't know, shunning, or out casting, ghosting;

that. that  idea, we never had that, but in hell,
so this is that hell,
ha, work it out.
Besides, what if wonder if are not the same act,
in a play for the laurels?
I got plenty of ammo
Sound the piano
And watch how sick
My flow goes grows
On your mental leaving dimples but no ricochet
Straight shots to your dome
Ya see me movin' swiftly
Buzzin' like a bee
My melody who soundin better than me
Poetry feelin' lovely
None above me
Shoot hard as ya want
And watch these lyrics come to taunt
You hunt you
Like a ghost sayin' boo
Through and through
I write til I reach definitive
Only took a diminutive
Intuitive as they come
Line em up hurry up
Only end up
in a run
Home when the bases loaded
Lyricals like a grenade soon exploded
Branding emcees with ease please
I write rhymes that
Your subconscious bump out nonsense
Hearts immense once the flows
Felt ya souls commence
Into body rocking like shocking
Lyrical thunderbolt straight from my vault
And they ask me how I do em
And I responded
I let the Poems Hit em

Flows like an ocean took a sip of the potion
Lyrically from the universe
Telepathic its graphic
From verse to verse
Without a rehearse or the need to curse
I go all around ya
Like a circle
Spinnin' rhymes so vicious
On the mic
Turning other emcees purple
Cuz im tooo hot to trot
And who Got?
My steez geez I'm ticked like a flea
Who tries to get with me instantly
Meet your opponent
Lyrics I'm on it
Show me a path n I'll clear it
Cookin' rhymes in a *** and got
Ya girl rubbing calling me
Mr **** MC of the century
Executioner take no prisoners  
Yeah I did it but most wont admit it
Turn flaws into flawless
Bring life out a carcass
Light into darkness
Once I manifest
The test none could do it better
I'm DOC rhymes funky
Enough tough call out any bluff
Don't get upset with me
Just jealousy cuz rhythm take em
Rhymes is in tandem with the universe
Then I hands em
Beat downs fall to ground
Cuz mental capacity collapse
And it had to be
Me servin' em once they send em
Fail greatly cuz the Poems Hit 'em

— The End —