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KE Dec 2013
sharpen your teeth on these
heroic ribs, on these bone-like thorns that twist
around the aching beat of my simple heart; a
rhythm only you could ever truly know
put your lover's tongue in my darkest corners, ones
even i don't know of--every kiss, a promise that you'll
never leave me; that these eyes will always be your home
'ever afters' aren't for us, no; we're born from tragedy and
destined to become these starcrossed lover constellations
P Pax Oct 2012
i don't look at you,
except to steal a sideways glance
from the corner of this dance club
while you lose yourself on the floor

but i write poetry of you,
secret words of secret feelings.
and the musk and dark becomes
a garden in provence.

i would set them to song,
if there is a melody here
that could set you to dance with me
to steal from you a touch.

but you are in another world
of dimmed light and senses
and i can steal only another glance
in my faraway, medieval love
Rose Jul 2019
it’s just like,
im everything.
and you’re not enough.
so where does that leave us?
i know what i have to do..
it’s time for me to leave,
but letting go is always the hardest.
perhaps in a couple millennia,
or maybe even, in another lifetime,
we’ll be together.
but for now,
it’s time for me to leave.
i wish i didn’t have to go..
because we could be everything,
we *could’ve been everything.
because our hearts connect and throw the stars,
one touch and everything is out of alignment.
your hair running through my fingers and everything starts to make sense again.
i crave the connection.
crave the love.
but it’s just not enough.
and because of that, i have to leave.  
it’s time for me to go, and find what’s meant for me.
travel across the galaxies and
let another to steal my heart.
and perhaps
just maybe,
one wondrous day,
in another universe,
we won’t be starcrossed lovers.
and your heart won’t belong to another.
[growth on rose]
Hannah Lois Jan 2012
I want to cut you up in little pieces
And scatter you amongst the sky
So you will be reflected in every pool of light
And shimmer like a halo around every face

I want to distill your very nature
Wear it like a perfume on my skin
Letting it permeate my every pore
To my very core

I want to reach inside your chest
To unfasten your heart
And swallow it whole
So it will beat forever in tandem next to mine
Each beat imparting
Every word
You could never say aloud

Your eyes are by far my favorite
Two sparkling jewels
Hidden like a holy secret
Underneath your veil of lashes
One look and you
Undo me,
Unravel me,
Undress me
Again, again.

Behind my lips
I keep your kiss
My smile suggesting a clandestine wish
Only you possess the key
To unlock me
Turn it slowly
So I may relish the twist of my womb
And the fire that travels up my spine
To light my eyes
So that you will know
What you

I want to cut you up in little pieces
And scatter you amongst the sky.
soul in torment Sep 2013
What light from yonder window break
that casts such shadows or' my heart
Causing each beat to softly ache
and pain to gently stop... and start

If by that light her figures stand
and blow to me but one pure kiss
from tender lips and out stretched hand
would this poor heart know loves true bliss

Beyond the morn the empty day
that tears the very breath from me
in empty sighs of such dismay
and binds my heart in misery

The afternoon brings no respite
nor ease the tearing at my soul
my only comfort is the night
when by her light I am made whole

By shadow hid and shadow kept
beyond the fall of her hearts light
mine eyes the morning dew hath wept
and drown the stars and moon at night

By tear drops quenched the rising Sun
replaced with these... my burning eyes
that forms the streams and rivers run
soft sung in midnight lullabies

If but this ground could open up
and swallow whole my all and pain
then I would poison from this cup
react his love and die again

For I am not her Romeo
though I would have fair Juliet
and so as night once more I go
May night forgive


pray forget.
Let the bard take all due credit
for the pain of love and loss
for was he not the one that said it
tis better to have loved and lost
Caela Bay Mar 2015
Don't leave me,
I swear I won't be able to stand it
there are days when it feel like ***** is filling my lungs
and I am stupid enough to try and take another sip.

You're not just the sun,
You're the whole ******* universe.
I look at you and see galaxies, milky ways and star dust.
Yet I feel like the tiniest little falling star that's ready to burst.

Your laugh that you say is "so annoying"
is like orchestra music to me;
when the violin and cello  intertwine
it's the most divine sound I could ever hear;
every hair on my body stands up
and in that moment I  just kind of, fall in love.

Like that smile, oh that smile.
The way you crinkle your nose,
When you make me laugh like a child
and that tiny little he-he that you giggle back to me.

when you walk away to spend eight hours a day
slaving away to make food for people you don't even know
with people you don't even like.

I just want to throw my arms around you and pull you back,
say, " no. lets go take a nap"
I'll pet your hair and scratch your back.

I love to listen to the stories you tell me
the more I know, the more I become intrigued
I'm infatuated with you, who is so fascinating.

I know I am difficult.
you don't have to pretend like I'm not
instead of telling you that i'm struggling
I sit silently and let myself drown
and I know that I'm pulling you down to,
that's one thing I never want to do

cause without you, where I'd be
is a place where I don't think I could even call myself me.

It ***** that I'm needy,
and i'm sorry I'm so clingy
I'm not use to missing someone next to me when I sleep.
wanting to wake up to see your face
knowing that I can go on with my day.
my lungs won't be filled up
and for awhile I'll be able to smile
not wanting to drown out the pain with sleep or drugs.

Cause I dream about your eyes and I see galaxies
I think about your laugh and I hear music

"Beauuutiful"   ( you always say)
yes you are.      ( I always think)
Caitlyn Emilie May 2016
he put new stars in the sky and redecorated with new colors, made himself at home along the giant nebulas and the infinite constellations.

he dialed his voice to a whisper and told me sweet stories of how the sun loves the moon, while broad spectrum daydreams intertwined both our minds
we wished on shooting stars and shared cosmic kisses, and there was no need for gravity..I fell for him the second his lips spoke my name
love is beautiful, especially when you find your soulmate<3
Cameron Boyd May 2016
Maybe read the Author Note first**

I won’t be your Romeo,
in fact I refuse to be.
I’m not what's best for you,
I’m not what's best for me.

I refuse to be your princess,
because even I can see
you’re not what's best for you,
you're not what's be for me.

You won't end up my Juliette
I don't want you to
I don’t want a perfect girl
You’re just right being you.

I don't want a knight in shining armour;
I can wield a sword on my own.
I'm not looking for love,
you're just better than being alone

I won’t be your king,

I can’t be your queen.

But together...

\                                                    //
You will never be my Romeo.     At least we'll be something.
So this is written with two readers in mine, one male and one female, with the "\\" signalling the males part, and the "//" signalling the females part. Near the end you will see "\\//" - this is meant to be read as both people speaking together. The next line may be confusing, but if you know how to express two people saying different lines over one another at the same time in writing please let me know! Yes, the last line(s) are to be imagined as walking on each other. Thank you.
Adrian Dec 2014
Listen to my voice,
i cry.
Listen to my words.

I may not be blameless
but my love for you is without doubt.

All my life I dreamed,
All my life I searched,
For the one I can give my heart to.

As like a great fairytale.
Starcrossed lovers met, grew and fell in love.

Our love, our bond, our lives.
Quickly all ******* in a big great knot.
A knot which I cherished.
A knot which I thought that cannot be broken.

And so... Like a fairy tale,
I believed in happily ever after.

And so as i thought...

Oh how can I forget?
That mermaid have ursulas,
And princesses have witches.

lurking in shadows,
Lurking behind masks,
Carried apples dipped with poison,

A poison that struck the maidens heart.

Oh how we fell into a chasm,
I do not know.  

Sometimes I wonder,
Sometimes I ponder,
which is You and which is not?

I may not comprehend,
Call me crazy, but I love you anyway.

To the point of desperation,
i shall fight for your heart.
I shall fight for our knot.

And like any fictional fantasy,
My cry is that this, will not be a tale of tragedy.
But will be a tale told from the ancients.
Days have passed,
hours have gone;
Spring came back,
so did the sun;
Then she appeared,
appeared to none;
He wished he tried,
but chose to run.
Abbigail Nicole Dec 2017
prognosis: passive preoccupation
adulation of vacuous aversion
careless cupid, cleaving cardiac
to the closet consecrated

courtship of wedded hemlock
feasting on desolate devotion
ceremonious shedding of sacred tears
laced with lone loss
james Nov 2019
we spent our lives on opposite sides of the same room
we spent our lives on opposite sides of the same coin
we spent our lives on opposite sides of the same war
these days i wish i could cross the threshold
these days i dont want you to die
when i met you, you were heir to the throne my father wanted
and the one my mother didnt deserve to lose
since we were eleven, i was meant to **** you
but i hadn't expected you to be so *kind...*
M.S. Capulet it's time to be honest with my self
time to wash my chest out
come clean about all I've really felt
This isn't perfect, isn't close,
but neither was the romance that Speare wrote
feel like a fairytale frog with words stuck in my throat
been trying to speak what i feel but so far only just croak
                    Let me be your romeo...

Dove, you remind me what it's like to fall in love
at midnight like a Montague
you make me want to
throw pebbles at your window
come over late on nights like this when i don't know
because you would't say and you fell asleep
(you thought this might just be a summer thing, some sort of fling)
But I'd do almost anything
to keep you Juliet
no regret, no joke
         I don't think there ever were words big enough for this hope. . .

And the two lovers they were starcrossed
just like my fingers when we started "us"
that night we stargazed but i guess I'm just
afraid we'll shatter into stardust
he climbed but
she would have jumped if he asked
that's us
we're trying to get over our past. . .

I'm not gonna pretend i don't think about the past
that i don't sometimes wish it, but that's just it
we've got this chance and i'm not gonna miss it
we've got this time and i'm not gonna twist it around
I've got an ugly purple scar across my heart, will you kiss it now?
It's been far too long trying to get this off my chest
but let's write our own tragedy,
       hell, romance is a mess, miss. . .
notice, beginning M.S. is not ms. It is my girlfriend's initials, but the similarity helped inspire how i ended the last stanza.
Diary of Jane Jul 2019
You and I
A story unknown to the world
But felt by the universe
Every time we were together.

You and I
A love lost
But still alive somewhere
In the corner of our hearts.

You and I
Two roads that run side by side
But never meet.

You and I
Two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
That never fit.

You and I
A secret buried deep in our hearts
That will never be revealed.

You and I
A blurry memory in our minds
That will perhaps one day be forgotten with time.

You and I
Two lost souls
That yearned for each other
But never found a way to one another.

You and I
A story that was never written in the stars
But still burned the brightest in our lives.
Sometimes, love doesn't conquer all.
Angelica Rivera Sep 2010
not just in the way I saw you
you're farther than venus
my celestial heart
-she's  not even nominal

the thoughts dancing in my brain
fermenting in the pit of my heart
I pick at that heap
-starcrossed & lonesome

love is not just a feeling
it's a perfume we bathed in
we soaked in
-we loved in

but the scent washes away
no longer a distinction
no longer a dizzying coat
-like we never soaked at all.
Jester Jun 2018
You've heard the stories, seen the plays.
Felt the love and loss of these stories we sell for pennies everyday.

Romeo and Juliet, young and tragic, bound by blood, a tale as old as time and a reason to care, to cry, to love, to fight for and come back to.

You can sell these stories to tabloid trash on a Friday for the nightly entertainment. You can sell these stories to your family and friends because everyone loves a good underdog story.

I've heard this story before, I've watched it on the silver screen and I often wonder if that'll be me someday. Someday any day, any day but today- or at least she says so.

Carved names on a tree for a hundred years and a hundred years before, the dates speak true and now here as a mark that this story is as old as the trees themselves.

You've lived these stories.
Mia Nov 2012
It's cold outside
no one to walk down the road with
am all alone
a little girl that has lost her way
had everything taken away.
there is no hope for tomorrow
no sun for the morrow
only rain on the windowpanes
a rushed coupling
goodbye forever.

They are starcrossed lovers
together but apart.
ever yearning and praying
that the sun would give more
a few extra hours
to laugh and to cuddle.
sneaking around in the shadows
wishing on a star
that fate would switch them over
give them forever.
soul in torment Sep 2013
The moon she flies
through star lit skies
her journey never done

she seeks the love
of one above
with whom her race is run

Her pale eyes
weep lullabyes
to lover's watching on

and her heart grieves
for she believes
she'll never meet her one

For he is day and she is night
where she is dark he's always light
and so these starcrossed lover's form
the seasons change the tides the storm

Until one day when without warning
night brought face to face with morning
two skies made one by an eclipse
meeting of world, meeting of lips

So moon she flies
through summer skies
the sun touches the stars

and love at last
her arrows cast
and healed these lover's scars.
sleepyhead May 2013
i'll open you up
and unfold you like a map of the world
           i can tell from the line that runs faintly
           from your forehead and dark down
           the centre of your lip
           you haven't been opened in
                       a long time
and i'll be careful not to tear you at the seams
as i read like roads and state lines your dreams
           i'll breathe in everything we are
           starcrossed - anxious and waiting to start
           until im tasting you from the front of my mind
           to the back of my tongue
frankie Oct 2017
microscopic turmoil
a distruption in the ripple of time
somehow the stars have aligned
a chaotic miracle, a change of destiny
the love story of two starcrossed lovers
with an ending never here before witnessed
the inmorata and inmorato no longer have to hide their amour
starcrossed lovers have become star aligned
oh what a waste of a beautiful time.
chase philip Mar 2014
I ponder of something great on a sonderous level can a man a sentient being ever exist like an omnipotent being
am I just a subsidized being is the vanity of a self-absorbed world
the pneumatic indifferent fascist question my legitimacy so I question the society of a world more cold and more active than an incestuous birdy and the bee
They question an artesian hand slightly smaller than the average man yet the
significance of the difference in that artesian is not the manic who refused me
embarrassed me
rumored me
****** me to a dark inexsistant inbetween
the coldness of a lover never to be
because she is in league but out of reach
like a lion her simple minded pedagogy has left her to everything and everyone
as she is not mine and I am not hers  just the birdy and the defective bee
a farce love story the ending of a never beginning trip  why o so dramatic
because I just can’t help falling in love with one
a selfish self absorbed vanity in a repugnant world disgustingly this pedagogy stays to me like glue on this dying bee
this is true of our starcrossed unrequited drug induced comatose that put me into this ponderous level
the inevitability of what truly will never be yet for some reason these
sounderously significantly radical thought I ponder just like a pneumatic bot
have you ever felt this lost
this cold dark nonexistent in-between
a limbless sentient rushed in the ever invoking might of hysteric emotion
I ponder this cold and warming toiling notion
The one like a lion can you and will you requite and love me
anony Sep 2013
the world outside is a treacherous place,
where evil lurks in every race.
doubt threatens to **** the deepest belief,
and the pain of loss comes with no relief.
there is no refuge below or above,
with the exception of the refuge of love.
love is capable of amazing powers;
love with stay with you until late hours.
true love’s flame will never grow cold,
it keeps burning hot even when it grows old.
in the case of two lovers, starcrossed and secret,
they’re, sadly, oppressed and told they can’t keep it.
some don’t know what happens to a covered flame:
the flame becomes hotter, just as lovers grow untame.
but love stays with you through all the struggle;
love with not leave you in the times of trouble;
love makes dull life’s hardships, it numbs the pain;
love doesn’t care what you’ve done, even the insane;
love will not leave you, whether in the dark or the light;
love sticks with you through the day, it’s beside you at night.
originally intended for one whose heart turned cold.
Redshift Jul 2015
a rare death.
a year and a half old child
smothering in the wallpaper
burning in the bright lights
wise to the curve of her frame
and another's.

a year and a half old teenager
smoking disobedience in cold bedrooms
aching fists with hearts beating in them
bloodied kneecaps
and discarded underthings.

a year and a half old adult
thighs that bled
welcoming her into womanhood
ringed fingers leading her through the commonplace gates
yanking her by her wrists forward.

a rare death.
a child,
a teenager,
an adult,
a starcrossed lover
cursed with the blood of mother
losing memories like they are guitar picks
or socks
or cherished toys.
losing them because they are important
or needed
or wanted
losing them because growing up is a loss
losing them because loss means you're no longer a loser...

losing them because the memory is too dear to hold onto.

a rare death
of a very commonplace life
guided through a very commonplace gate
by a very commonplace boy
who bestowed upon her
her un-
Alexandria Hope May 2016
"Your addiction and you are in love,
Not starcrossed"

And it's a tango I'm so familiar with,
Outside my mother's house, or my dorm room,
Or my apartments in Bellevue and Anaheim.
I know the steps, I know the rhythm,
That first drag of a cigarette,
That first sip of plum wine, or ***, or whisky, or beer,
That ancient gut-longing for someone who isn't here
I know the chords to the opening song,
Even to the older, pining songs which are long-gone
Now finely-tuned to my latest loss,
I give up, I give up, and I pay for it
No matter the cost

It could be a waltz, or a samba, but it's just deep-set lust
And though women usually come out on top in Tango,
I know I'll never win

So it's just a tango, that dance with death
Because I can't leave it be, at least *not yet
Last Dance - Raveonettes
Der Schleier fällt - Elisabeth Das Musical
Crucifix Dec 2015
Only when she leaves. Only when she's lost. Will you come to realize, you are starcrossed.
HT May 2016
The heartbeat
my chest near eruption

across the
greens and tans
and blacks and whites
to you the grasses
…the sands
and the roads
that bridge the distance
between your smile
aye an mine the
touch of a hand that ignited
a spark once
a many moons ago
you there screaming
back to me your souls
  beat and
the rhythm
the answer
I hear it now
too loud

its starcrossed fables
predicted this course
it was done
******* born
from the pages
tragedy..oh Romeo
oh *******

beating is blinding  

too loud to ****

to true to steal

the alcohol burns my soul
the beat is too loud.. I scream
the rhythm beats on
the drugs ache in my viens but
your soul beats on  over the spaces
and time

the floor shaking and
withdraw and sober
We watch each other
Die a thousand
The struggle moves on

I horizontal to the left

we fight the current and it kills us
oh but what a way to go..
drowning in your love
waves of darkness
the rhythm drowns
out the darkness
the demons fear
the rhythm and the
..the light
.. the light
will meditated on was pure emotion no thought.. just fury  of fingertips tapping..
Mia Aug 2019
Something about the beat of her heart
Reminded her that she was alive
was that thrill she felt or was it terror?

Something about his eyes
reminded her of a hunter watching prey
she couldn't look away from him.

Something about how he cared
reminded her that she was fragile
he cared more than she wanted him to
He pushed her beyond her defenses.

Something about the way he said no.
reminded her that it was his choice
If she lived or died,
if she was going to be happy
it all depended on when he said yes.

Something about the way he made love to her
reminded her that she was a part of him
he owned her, controlled her, took her
he didn't ask, just took. And she gave.
Over and over and over until they lost themselves.

Something about this,
reminded her of that.
They were soulmates.
They were starcrossed lovers.
When you love someone you can never be with, but you live for the little moments with him anyway; because those seconds make you feel more alive than your whole life has.
RoyHal Sep 2017
They say we lost love
They say we lost out
We must be crazy for letting go a thing so good

They lie
Our hearts slither out our yearning bodies
Coloured their way to the skies
There they'll always stay.
Kissing the sky

We're right were we belong
This physical realm was too low for us to belong
Divine love,Cosmic emotion
Starcrossed lovers
Sometimes Starr Oct 2017

the identity of my great starcrossed lover is obscured,
a rotted-through shell
rocks back and forth
on wood floors behind.

i'm deep down inside
with notes tacked on my spine.
the writing desk of God
you will find pages and pages about it
you will find a poem by a girl
who ran off to become
destiny itself.

tirelessly our bodies tried
to prove love either wrong or right
now i'm a rising sphere of warm ocean water
and she is approving his spirit by night.


that is the body of Christ
a volume of works by Sir Charles Dickens!
an insanity that plagues
Only worthiest victims

i'm confused as other worlds
pour into you
and you fold outside-in
with all new landmarks
on your sacred skin...

— The End —