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HT Jul 2018
a 5000second hug

Breathing in deep
intoxicated by your smell
I asked the moon for you and Venus too
I look up into your eyes
glimmering with a hint of emerald
my ear to your rapid heart beat, your arms locked around me
tracing your check bone with my fingers
lingering eye delights on each line and curve and freckle
I have to close my eyes
This cant be real
We were separated for all of space
that was the deal
You smile even harder
I should have known
Only we could  realign the stars for a hug
The bliss over flows from my eyes  onto my check
Your gentle hand sweeping wild auburn hair curls out of my face,
Lips meeting forehead.
I cant breathe
am I breathing?
Im laughing now.
”thank you” I whisper
Close my eyes and settle into your arms.
The calm radiates from my soul.
Surreal, I dreamt of this.
My beautiful fallen angel
wrap me in your wings for all of time.
you will never be mine you belong to the cosmos, our eclipse makes me shie brighter each time it gets better.
HT May 2018
I surrender to your current
take me under
if you will
I am yours
in every time line
I love you
HT Feb 2018
You dont know the empty cold place you have left,
your brothers and I.
On days you feel like no one loves you,
I know you think of it all. Remorse, distrust; ears ringing
and you cant find your lungs....
you shake yourself out of it, you always do.
No ones better at smiling through the pain than you.
The show must go on.
Tuck your hair back
tell your self to straighten up.
But the lingering emptiness is with in your soul too.
You dont trust your self to fly..
not barley gotten wings.
So much pride.
The very pride that keeps me from sending this letter,
was also born with in you.
If you used the self preservation and that beautiful iron will,
you could lead us all to heaven or hell..
so many call out to you,
none more than I.
Dont feel so sorry for your self,
if you knew the tears that have been wasted,
or not;on you.
Your light is needed,
the world has been bleak and gray for 600 days.
..just phone the house.
  Aug 2017 HT
Olivia Mercado
I love
The words -- I want to immerse myself -
Drown in them. They become all I know,
They are               me, the            very air
I breathe,                In and                out, in
and out,               to push,               deeper,
To submerge myself, and swim, until they
Drip through my hair and into my mouth
And                  my lungs, until I forget the
Air                  and the breathing, and all I
See                   is the universes woven into
Worlds, the story of humanity, each word
black and white and definite -- a symbolism
Of proportions: of ink and mere paper, made
Into something beautiful, that represents no
More than every human's deepest desire - to
Be free, to see the stars, the hope of release,
The things we get in stories, the many lives
That we live, over and over, flying away alone
For 50 years. Words are no more alive than we make them.
But they are *bigger on the inside.*
  Aug 2017 HT

    "Where the hell am I?"


  Aug 2017 HT
My Scarlet Amora
And there you are
I'm sitting next to you
And I can feel you everywhere
I wonder what you smell like
Is that weird
I shouldn't be so nervous
And there you are
Your lips are on mine and I feel infinite
Its as though I can feel for the first time
How did I breathe without you
I can't stop this
Or my feelings for you
How did this happen
God if only I could breath you in
And keep you with me forever
It was only suppose to be a kiss
  Aug 2017 HT
They Call Me Ellen
I used to tell you "be safe."
Put on your seatbelt,
Don't speed,
Don't do anything reckless-
Don't do anything that could leave me
Without you.

Now I find myself
Driving 40 over the speed limit,
Without a seatbelt on,
Visiting all of the places
Where I miss you the most.
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