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Esther Feb 2016
She walks away with flare
Leaving the scent of jasmine in the air
And I sink in the remnants
Of her vocal impressions
As I drop back into the arms of silence
Heavy with recollection
As real as the floor I lay against
Seeing her figure disappear
Into the darkness of a hallway
Too many times
Over and over again
I reach out a hand to call her back
But only the disturbance of air
Replies back in sad despair
Her presence is now only a remembrance
Of molecules scattered
Touching the receptors in my brain
Touching battered tatters
Forming abstract images of infatuation
Where her face melts and withers
Into the vague imprint of frustration
Losing its individuality to sillage
Brittle Bird Apr 2015
You've taken too long to come haunting,
wading through instances of mud, of regret,
until my wanting has all but dissolved.

You've broken my spine with curious fingertips,
an innocent ghost with fireplace eyes,
where questions went unnoticed, unsolved.

You've come knocking with empty cages,
pulling behind what you'd begged to forget,
you spoke to my spine like needles, absolved;

until my teacups are dust on the shelves
and your flowers don't wilt, but burn,
of stove and house and noose and all.
Day 26 of NaPoWriMo.
Rama Krsna Aug 2021
you’ve never been
in my bed,
why do my sheets smell
of that lingering fragrance of you?

© 2021
dedicated to the talented parfum makers of the world
Alyssa Yu Jul 2013
I didn’t notice it at first
Because after you walked out of my life
It took me a few moments
To discover the new ache in my heart and the incurable weariness in my bones
Remnants of the bruising love we shared

I think it was supposed to be a reassurance that you left a piece of yourself behind
But really it was just a reminder that you left.
--- Dec 2013
A lingering scent
Never permanent
Is meaningless.
A mere shadow of the memories
It may bring about
Burying your face into a scent
Gives no presence nor relief
Increases longing and nothing else
The smell of a love
The smell of a hate
It all fades
And it is nothing but a scent
Without mass
Without meaning.
CR Feb 2013
greece, even, in the nostalgia decades sometimes wore american clothes
but she spoke no english, was starkly unilingual
save for the french "sillage". she was the reason they teach you safe ***
and abstinence: the reason they couldn't trust you
she dressed more american than everybody else; she was a beautiful cockeyed anachronism

your jimmy stewart baby blues on her, brandy-sanctioned
better than the everyman. and a hallucination of your stand-in therapist
asking you "why should there be guilt if there is pleasure?"
and you replying horselike/illogical "it is the unconscious fantasy that i can be torn apart"
While in Istanbul one night, the woman showing me the city asked:
-“What do you look for in a man?”

My mind immediately fixated upon you.
How to tell world that the sillage of your touch remains upon my skin
That my nights end with your breath upon my lips,
And the early morning dawn is infused with your scent.

After a few moments,  with a sad smile I said:
“I don't, I have already found him”.
Comme je descendais des Fleuves impassibles,
Je ne me sentis plus guidé par les haleurs :
Des Peaux-Rouges criards les avaient pris pour cibles,
Les ayant cloués nus aux poteaux de couleurs.

J'étais insoucieux de tous les équipages,
Porteur de blés flamands ou de cotons anglais.
Quand avec mes haleurs ont fini ces tapages,
Les Fleuves m'ont laissé descendre où je voulais.

Dans les clapotements furieux des marées,
Moi, l'autre hiver, plus sourd que les cerveaux d'enfants,
Je courus ! Et les Péninsules démarrées
N'ont pas subi tohu-bohus plus triomphants.

La tempête a béni mes éveils maritimes.
Plus léger qu'un bouchon j'ai dansé sur les flots
Qu'on appelle rouleurs éternels de victimes,
Dix nuits, sans regretter l'oeil niais des falots !

Plus douce qu'aux enfants la chair des pommes sûres,
L'eau verte pénétra ma coque de sapin
Et des taches de vins bleus et des vomissures
Me lava, dispersant gouvernail et grappin.

Et dès lors, je me suis baigné dans le Poème
De la Mer, infusé d'astres, et lactescent,
Dévorant les azurs verts ; où, flottaison blême
Et ravie, un noyé pensif parfois descend ;

Où, teignant tout à coup les bleuités, délires
Et rhythmes lents sous les rutilements du jour,
Plus fortes que l'alcool, plus vastes que nos lyres,
Fermentent les rousseurs amères de l'amour !

Je sais les cieux crevant en éclairs, et les trombes
Et les ressacs et les courants : je sais le soir,
L'Aube exaltée ainsi qu'un peuple de colombes,
Et j'ai vu quelquefois ce que l'homme a cru voir !

J'ai vu le soleil bas, taché d'horreurs mystiques,
Illuminant de longs figements violets,
Pareils à des acteurs de drames très antiques
Les flots roulant au **** leurs frissons de volets !

J'ai rêvé la nuit verte aux neiges éblouies,
Baiser montant aux yeux des mers avec lenteurs,
La circulation des sèves inouïes,
Et l'éveil jaune et bleu des phosphores chanteurs !

J'ai suivi, des mois pleins, pareille aux vacheries
Hystériques, la houle à l'assaut des récifs,
Sans songer que les pieds lumineux des Maries
Pussent forcer le mufle aux Océans poussifs !

J'ai heurté, savez-vous, d'incroyables Florides
Mêlant aux fleurs des yeux de panthères à peaux
D'hommes ! Des arcs-en-ciel tendus comme des brides
Sous l'horizon des mers, à de glauques troupeaux !

J'ai vu fermenter les marais énormes, nasses
Où pourrit dans les joncs tout un Léviathan !
Des écroulements d'eaux au milieu des bonaces,
Et les lointains vers les gouffres cataractant !

Glaciers, soleils d'argent, flots nacreux, cieux de braises !
Échouages hideux au fond des golfes bruns
Où les serpents géants dévorés des punaises
Choient, des arbres tordus, avec de noirs parfums !

J'aurais voulu montrer aux enfants ces dorades
Du flot bleu, ces poissons d'or, ces poissons chantants.
- Des écumes de fleurs ont bercé mes dérades
Et d'ineffables vents m'ont ailé par instants.

Parfois, martyr lassé des pôles et des zones,
La mer dont le sanglot faisait mon roulis doux
Montait vers moi ses fleurs d'ombre aux ventouses jaunes
Et je restais, ainsi qu'une femme à genoux...

Presque île, ballottant sur mes bords les querelles
Et les fientes d'oiseaux clabaudeurs aux yeux blonds.
Et je voguais, lorsqu'à travers mes liens frêles
Des noyés descendaient dormir, à reculons !

Or moi, bateau perdu sous les cheveux des anses,
Jeté par l'ouragan dans l'éther sans oiseau,
Moi dont les Monitors et les voiliers des Hanses
N'auraient pas repêché la carcasse ivre d'eau ;

Libre, fumant, monté de brumes violettes,
Moi qui trouais le ciel rougeoyant comme un mur
Qui porte, confiture exquise aux bons poètes,
Des lichens de soleil et des morves d'azur ;

Qui courais, taché de lunules électriques,
Planche folle, escorté des hippocampes noirs,
Quand les juillets faisaient crouler à coups de triques
Les cieux ultramarins aux ardents entonnoirs ;

Moi qui tremblais, sentant geindre à cinquante lieues
Le rut des Béhémots et les Maelstroms épais,
Fileur éternel des immobilités bleues,
Je regrette l'Europe aux anciens parapets !

J'ai vu des archipels sidéraux ! et des îles
Dont les cieux délirants sont ouverts au vogueur :
- Est-ce en ces nuits sans fonds que tu dors et t'exiles,
Million d'oiseaux d'or, ô future Vigueur ?

Mais, vrai, j'ai trop pleuré ! Les Aubes sont navrantes.
Toute lune est atroce et tout soleil amer :
L'âcre amour m'a gonflé de torpeurs enivrantes.
Ô que ma quille éclate ! Ô que j'aille à la mer !

Si je désire une eau d'Europe, c'est la flache
Noire et froide où vers le crépuscule embaumé
Un enfant accroupi plein de tristesse, lâche
Un bateau frêle comme un papillon de mai.

Je ne puis plus, baigné de vos langueurs, ô lames,
Enlever leur sillage aux porteurs de cotons,
Ni traverser l'orgueil des drapeaux et des flammes,
Ni nager sous les yeux horribles des pontons.
JP Goss Oct 2013
Cooling air, the senses assault
Done is the day, I’ve earned my salt.
Daytime light has turned on me
On moonlit streets such trickery
The pleasant splash, those leaves on foot
Make drunk these nostrils, nectarous soot
Pensive mood floods the mind
And of their beauty I’m truly blind
I do not think of Autumn whole
Only alms within my bowl
As you’ll see I’m leaf inspired
Though their rudiments I have mired
Autumn ring, the chilling tenors
Rejoiced and played in earthly manors
That icy rush makes cold the spirits
Yet conflagrates ye adherents
That festive smell, incense the air!
No motive o’yours ever err
And though the day leaves more hastily
These changing leaves get the best o’me
Transient seconds plump and inspir’d
Of your natural portraits I’ll never tire
The mountainside, my most treasur’d mosaic
Whatever great works, it’s more archaic
Falling to the ground, like listless colorful rain
Whether as the nemophilist, or seated behind a pane
These little souls returning to earth
Fill me with the greatest mirth
Though they exemplify an age ended
Verbiage they have transcended
I’d fill my days with gallery mileage
Gladly glut with their splendid sillage
As they flit, the stuff of dreams
In their midst, pure sophrosyne.
Day or night I’m overcome
Eyes wide open and stricken dumb
Overcome with words and tune
Bursting forth, this ideal plume
And like a flower, complex in bloom
Can’t be captured, hemmed and hewn
Vapor these words, though fall inspire’d
No due medium, pen or lyre
Untouchable this golden essence
Wealth of ideas, gone in seconds
Appropriate, it seems to me
My head, my thoughts a leafy tree
Arrives the autumn, gold and dun
Thousands escape when I reach for one
So I’ll just watch in quiet awe
The beauty whole, no hem nor haw
Not try to make that art my own
Won’t reduce it to rhyme and tone
I’ll simply revel their naïve lull
Ephemeral, yes, but never dull
Shout out happily in leafy halls
Marry to words what return my calls
Leave thou ******, in pulchritude pall
And question not what comes of fall.
Arindam Barooah May 2020
I still hark back,
the silhouette you etched
against dimming mist.
I Inked,
an impression of smoke breeze
your cigarette leaches.
I still behold,
that cajoling demeanour,
in a gathering haze,
yet a hunch,
facade masked in pretence.
I still embrace
that oomph sillage,
lingering in mist of heat.
I yearn.
I still do.
Sarah Villaluz Oct 2013
If I could take my last five minutes of breath
I'd share them with you
Wrapped up in roots trees
of your island
As rain falls and crashes into the shivering  morning blue
we are hidden undercover
tangled in our own undoing
the fullness, the delicious sin of your fullness
in my hips
makes me cry out
and grab onto everything
to make you stay
here in this moment
I am like a young restless animal
eyes wild and naked
in your arms
We come together
like little disasters
earthquakes and hurricanes
violent and tumultuous
the unrelenting madness
in this dimly lit room
we make love
like some force of nature.
I am awake I am spinning
out of my hurricane mind
that can only be sated
with me screaming your name
like merciless pounding rain
on pavement
and skin
Make it last for as long
as I have the taste of you in my mouth
the slow, deep magnetic pull
of your body to mine
tracing small circles on your skin
branding soft kisses
in the secret places of you
until there you are
buried deep within me
and I am helpless
I feel the earth vibrate into my bones
in every pore
each dying for release
each one stronger than the last
inch of you
wanting and wanting
to be yours
to be mine
and in a few brief moments
and crash breathless
into each other
only thing left is a faint sillage
and our racing heartbeats
like horses pounding hoof to earth
It feels like some ancient dance
or a dream
of a thousand suns
or the stillness of stars
in their endless celestial trance.
Nothing is as transporting
than the scent of your skin
the erratic beats
underneath my ear
I have no sense of time and place
I want more
than just words
honey Dec 2017
How can I miss someone,
Miss them so much,
and never have been in their presence before?

I wonder how our first hug will feel,
Or even smell?
Will it leave a trace of you behind,
Just to call my own?
Not about anyone in particular.
ECKate Oct 2013
Moment forgot
being shot back by perception
at the crack of a straightened back,
Sounds inhale the expectations,
But what I'm hearing is just the rolled paper smack,
Sillage of smoke, brown herb stained with chemicals, stains my browning lungs.

Moment forgot,
she's taken in synthesized orenada,
but known pretender.
music makes moment remembered,
Derive in reverse
thoughts release, at peace
Just cotton caught in the breeze,
ladders won't stand against the clouds, a stilt for the mind is her trick.

Moment forgot,  
that quick.
© 2015 Kate Volk
shooshu Dec 2015
by absinthe
& the vined
insignia of
by a
carmine seal.
a fragrant
of her
presence -
erica court May 2015
i want you to regret everything
you've loved before me and lost
        i want everything else besides me
        to lose their eesome ways
        everything you write aureate of me
                and the sillage of when i go outside
                without you to burn as if the sun was in your hands
as all your promises will be mine
        mine will be yours and i will walk between these
        with you and when this world burns apart
           i will follow you to the stars
and despite my lustful appearence desired from your eyes
        to the ****** of your hips and wrists to mine
   i want you to be inside my minds, hold my thought's hands
            be in my nightmares, and stir my dreams
                there is no condition you've put me in
                        so i must ask you put yourself in the same
The aura of your aroma inspires the air even after you are gone
A drop of you is all I need to hold on
Strong scent of intimacy
Close to soft skin
Your aromatic fragrance
K G Jun 2016
I feet this heavy sensation thats full of dread
I feel it all around, assuming sleep paralysis
4AM that I started planting subliminal thoughts in my head
Specks like vessels, I had consciously felt before
Struggled against the feeling, a feeling from what I did
I loathe my youth, platonic love, and morbid existence
And there's nothing more candid
Waiting for another chance of life is not right
I'm not like the feckless, like the bandits
Covers may bring sorrow from swive and dives
As long as you’ve got something to say then
It doesn’t matter too much how you say it
Lost, I highly recommend you stay alight
Your jawline against mine is was like...
A wave loudly clashing against a long shoreline
The sillage you had left behind was majestic
You're not like the limpid, like your kindred
Getting rid of your oarless secrets that'll befold
And there's nothing more candid
Glowing white lips that fade
Into silver comely light
Away in a padded close
My paracosm lies prostate
Upon the wings of mine
Upon your ditzy toes
Upon your nacreous face
alone in this zone
surrounded by trees
that drown the sound around me.
There is a luminous numinous light;
catching a finch's feathers just right
and making me wonder if I'll leave a sillage in time
like it's wings left in the sky.
or like the tide in your eyes;
left in my heart.
Nemophilist:a haunter of the woods/one who adores its beauty and solitude
Numinous:fearful yet interesting, in awe but inspired
Sillage: a trace of something in space that had been and has past
Prashant Baghel Nov 2014
Hearts go racing,
Pulses burst out,
Tummies flip over,
The moment you arrive.

Your silhouette is slim n supple,
Your smile so austere n demure,
Your sillage smokes life,
In every path you pass by.

But catching your attention,
Is like a pie in the sky,
Oh we hail you Goddess!,
You bewitched us n dumped into a slumber.
MickeyP Aug 2015
To be found
Beneath the hovering sheath of smoke
To clamp your wet lashes
As the dust lands on your lids
To follow the sillage to the light at the end
Of the road
To be carried down the winded path
Sheltered from the thick
To lift your chin
To wrap their jagged
Around your neck
To hear the hollow laugh
Echo in the darkness
Of the rose amidst the thorns
As the wind brushes your cheek
he scurries past
Bearing you
In his arms
And as he sets you down
The earth beneath bare feet
you understand
when he reaches for your hand
for his, too
is leathered
all the same
and trembling from the the strain
Of years of letting go

#home #love #shattered #lies #nature #kindred #hope #connection
caroline royer Dec 2016
Abandon de soi
A la lumière
d'un clair de lune

A la faveur d'un clair obscur

Se retirer
A pas feutrés
dans le silence
en partance
vers la voie lactée

pour un ailleurs
aux confins des mondes

Déployer ses ailes
Prendre son envol
vers d'autres rivages

Abolition du temps
et de ce passage

Ultime voyage
Dans le sillage
des Etoiles

caro royer
Sagacity aside,
she scarcely suspected that
the strong, stimulating sillage
of her seductive scent
should stay since our sunset send-off,
sweeping me from stormy, sallow stress
into sunny, sanguine somnolence,
suddenly sundering the
strange, subconscious shell
that once surrounded this stray soul,
that once safely shielded it,
severed it.
Succumbing to the
sophisticated sorcery of her
svelte shape in the
sanctuary that is
supreme silence set under a
shimmering star-suffused sky,
I stared up
at the soaring silver sliver,
slowly sailing a serene sea of space,
shining shadows upon this
superbly secluded street scene,
where I
satisfyingly suffered
a symphony of sybaritic splendor:
the saturation of sweetly sung sounds
soldered to my psyche
by that superlative
(surely supernatural)

The significance
of such a sensation was surprising:
some several seasons spent,
the setting still sneaks to the surface
of my spirit in settled solitude;
or sprouts spontaneously from the shallows
of stark, sensible, serious subjects;
or spills from my system storage
in those special stages
shortly before slipping into slumber.
Similar to a succulent,
sensitive scar whose scratch
shocks the senses
and swiftly steals sedulousness,
savoring the stretched span of those
last summer
shoots me into this

to which I
caroline royer Jan 2017
Abandon de soi
A la lumière
d'un clair de lune

à la faveur d'un clair obscur

S e retirer
à pas feutrés
en silence
vers la voie lactée

pour un ailleurs
aux confins des mondes

Déployer ses ailes
Prendre son envol
vers d'autres rives-âge

Abolition du temps
et de son passage
Dans le sillage
des Etoiles
Ultime voyage
Reese Groome Feb 2015
Faced with a dying light,
You both stand with match stick in hand,
But you still remain lost, and undecided,
With nothing to strike it on,

You’re both aware of pain,
And the emptiness that comes in sillage,
But your future still lies,
In the understanding of one another,

You wait at her back door,
With a letter guided by pen and written in love,
In the hopes of new beginnings,
You want,
To be understood by the other and loved by no one else,

We all make mistakes,
And we second guess ourselves,
But it’s all in the hopes to find,
True love, in someone else,

She’s aware of your love,
But has questions for you and herself,
Whatever comes from this love that may dismiss,
Mature from it, and don’t lose yourself.
I wrote this a few weeks ago for a friend.  He absolutely means the world to me at this point in my life.  I went through a bad break up a while back that brought back unpleasant memories from my past and it destroyed me emotionally.  He was there while I tried to re-define myself and stand up on my own to feet in the wake of my emotional breakdown.  He was having problems with a girl that he was in love with so I wrote this for him trying to grasp a hold of his situation.  They are actually together now and as far as I know they are happy.
Caitlin S Aug 2014
Her scent is left faded yet not forgotten,
A tarnish in my deepest soul,
The sillage of your presence
Lingers ever more.   Could I ever ask you to return?
But I fear the darkness of rejection,
More than never knowing.
In Memoriam,

Where is the face that launched a thousand ships?
Girls of the age of the waves are named after her
Helen, whose Sparta is now a mundane village
No one breathes in her mythical sillage
No one grabs her golden belt above the hips.

Where is the lithe Hermes and his winged sandals?
Women of today wear him daily on their necklaced throne
Around the neck and the perfume, a scarf is thrown
Do you know of this French house creating scandals?

Does Apollo know he has been sent into space
In an intricate horse of iron called eleven
Here’s hoping he saws the strings of Lyra
He, bringing poetry and Letters to grace.

What about the boastful Paris and his pride?
Cursed by Aphrodite and Helen’s eloper
What would he know of the City of Lights
Paris, paradise of lovers to reach new heights…

And what to say of fair Spartan Hermione
The incarnated actor making much more money
From Hermione to Emma but none of the myth
Both had to fortunately grit their teeth…

Ajax the Lesser who forced himself on Cassandra
Still tears your household and floor asunder
Warrior whose name now scrubs the dust
Off nowadays lame palaces, bound to rust…

Homer, father of the epic poem of Greece
You should hide under your sheep’s fleece
What would you say to the yellowish Cyclops
Benighted idiot, pondering on donuts!

Lyon, March 2- March 4, 2017
Author of Ex Imo Corde– From the Bottom of my Heart, La Nouvelle Pléiade editions, Paris
First term 2017
touka Mar 2018
he speaks to me
like there is danger somewhere
the morose tone in his voice

the echo through the lanai
a soft sillage after he leaves

I stand until the morning weeps
my hands hang, so daring
over the dew drenched brow
of the balcony

the sun rises
not enough for warmth
it sits low in the sky
cold, creeping slow

what are you waiting for?
will you just sleep there
on the mantle of your unfinished sky?
sated, spoiled
dumb to your devoir
assoil yourself
you are a doomed star
rise, already
so that you can set sometime
I wonder if I'll ever meet him on the ground below.
Quand Don Juan descendit vers l'onde souterraine
Et lorsqu'il eut donné son obole à Charon,
Un sombre mendiant, l'oeil fier comme Antisthène,
D'un bras vengeur et fort saisit chaque aviron.

Montrant leurs seins pendants et leurs robes ouvertes,
Des femmes se tordaient sous le noir firmament,
Et, comme un grand troupeau de victimes offertes,
Derrière lui traînaient un long mugissement.

Sganarelle en riant lui réclamait ses gages,
Tandis que Don Luis avec un doigt tremblant
Montrait à tous les morts errant sur les rivages
Le fils audacieux qui railla son front blanc.

Frissonnant sous son deuil, la chaste et maigre Elvire,
Près de l'époux perfide et qui fut son amant,
Semblait lui réclamer un suprême sourire
Où brillât la douceur de son premier serment.

Tout droit dans son armure, un grand homme de pierre
Se tenait à la barre et coupait le flot noir,
Mais le calme héros, courbé sur sa rapière,
Regardait le sillage et ne daignait rien voir.
Rooh Nov 2017
Here today, I see no wind above the horizon
That once had the will to fleet and stun all lives.

I am on my porch standing with my arms wide open,
To utmost nothingness but a faded sillage.

Urged to the weakness of my will to see a phantom,
That glided through cries and flattered its vanity.

I murmured not long before a beam pierced through,
To unravel a bend within the passage I nearly sunk into.

How an unspoken tale yearns to be heard,
By eyes that flipped through its pages recklessly,

But Oh! Crying out to the unsighted, would they hear
My words abounded with stillness?

Hanging onto unwoven threads of hope, is it true
That I would plummet to an endless descent?

Clenching my fists around an unattested spar,
Will I have my footprints marked again on home?
L Jacobo Jun 2016
When she walks by,
she stays behind,
her sillage wrapped
around my mind.

I want to tell her
how I feel,
write on her skin
quivering quill.

But I just stand there
blundering , squeakly
waving my arms
weakly and meekly,

while on a treadmill,

daily and weekly.
Kimberly Aug 2018
Chiliad years Logaphiles were written for us in many Eurythmic Forms to help comprehend ones Alexithymic;

The Orphic Lyrics of
Luftmensh Scops,

The Evanescence of Classical
Pieces of Merak Musicians,

The Timeless Dotish
Word in an Aubade,

The Aeipathy behind a
Bindlestill Writing Effable
Lines to an Auralize
Of an Epoch Poem,

The Sillage of
Camhanich in the
Lyrics of a Trouvaille Song,

Many Vagary were
written under the
Angelic Moon Phase
with Mid-Summer
Nites Dwaat Melliflous
of the Lite Breeze
through the Trees
Conorous: Melodies
Miridical: Wondrous
Chiliad: Thousand years
Logaphile: Lover of words
Eurythmic: In Harmonious proportion
Alexithymic: Difficulty in expressing emotional responses
Orphic: Entrancing beyond ordinary understanding
Luftmensh: With their heads in the clouds
Scop: An Old English Poet
Evanescent: Vanishing away
Merak: Creativity put in yourself into your work
Dotish: Silly
Aubade: A love song sung at dawn
Aeipathy: Enduring passion
Bindlestill: A *****
Effable: Able to be described in words
Auralize: Like 'Visualizing' but with sound
Epoch: A particular period of time in history or persons life
Sillage: A lingering scent of someones perfume
Camhanaich: Early morning Twilight
Troavaille: Something lovely discovered by chance
Vagary: Unusual desire
Dwaal: A dreamy, dazed, or absent minded state
Melliflous: A sound that is sweet and smooth; pleasing to hear
Je partais pour un long voyage.
En wagon, tapi dans mon coin,
J'écoutais fuir l'aigu sillage
Du sifflet dans la nuit, au **** ;

Je goûtais la vague indolence,
L'état obscur et somnolent,
Où fait tomber sans qu'on y pense
Le train qui bourdonne en roulant ;

Et je ne m'apercevais guère,
Indifférent de bonne foi,
Qu'une jeune fille et sa mère
Faisaient route à côté de moi.

Elles se parlaient à voix basse :
C'était comme un bruit de frisson,
Le bruit qu'on entend quand on passe
Près d'un nid le long d'un buisson ;

Et bientôt elles se blottirent,
Leurs fronts l'un vers l'autre penchés,
Comme deux gouttes d'eau s'attirent
Dès que les bords se sont touchés ;

Puis, joue à joue, avec tendresse,
Elles se firent toutes deux
Un oreiller de leur caresse,
Sous la lampe aux rayons laiteux.

L'enfant, sur le bras de ma stalle,
Avait laissé poser sa main
Qui reflétait, comme une opale,
La moiteur d'un jour incertain ;

Une main de seize ans à peine :
La manchette l'ombrait un peu ;
L'azur, d'une petite veine,
La nuançait comme un fil bleu ;

Elle pendait, molle et dormante,
Et je ne sais si mon regard
Pressentit qu'elle était charmante
Ou la rencontra par hasard,

Mais je m'étais tourné vers elle,
Sollicité sans le savoir :
On dirait que la grâce appelle
Avant même qu'on l'ait pu voir.

« Heureux, me dis-je, le touriste
Que cette main-là guiderait ! »
Et ce songe me rendait triste :
Un vœu n'éclôt que d'un regret.

Cependant glissaient les campagnes
Sous les fougueux rouleaux de fer,
Et le profil noir des montagnes
Ondulait ainsi qu'une mer.

Force étrange de la rencontre !
Le cœur le moins prime-sautier,
D'un lambeau d'azur qui se montre,
Improvise un ciel tout entier :

Une enfant dort, une étrangère,
Dont la main paraît à demi,
Et ce peu d'elle me suggère
Un vœu d'un bonheur infini !

Je la rêve, inconnue encore,
Sur ce peu de réalité,
Belle de tout ce que j'ignore
Et du possible illimité...

Je rêve qu'une main si blanche,
D'un si confiant abandon,
Ne peut-être que sûre et franche,
Et se donnerait tout de bon.

Bienheureux l'homme qu'au passage
Cette main fine enchaînerait !
Calme à jamais, à jamais sage...
- Vitry ! Cinq minutes d'arrêt !

À ces mots criés sur la voie,
Le couple d'anges s'éveilla,
Battit des ailes avec joie,
Et disparut. Je restai là.

Cette enfant, qu'un autre eût suivie,
Je me la laissais enlever.
Un voyage ! Telle est la vie
Pour ceux qui n'osent que rêver.

— The End —