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Rooh Aug 2018
If there is a door, I invite you but a reunion
to hold between our fingers.
A little sacrifice made its way
through the porch where we planted
a promise, perhaps a joy unnoticed,
as the mischief streaked with a tail
to whip us, to wake us up.

If there is a door, I request you but a triumph
to recall on the pages stuck to the wall.
An exhale ran through a roaring cascade,
tumbled over the chance to reassemble;
a burden of no choice, a cackle but
bookmarked for every fall we encounter.
Rooh Aug 2018
He remembers a
curvature too straight to exist, surreal
but a childhood in the bloodstream.
Listen to what must he say, listen to
what he cannot say.
With three steps, lock a reason with
the old scotch like his ink beneath
the table.
Screams followed the
futility that loved to linger by the
lines; screams sank in the lines too.

Out there in the cold, you and I,
A sacrifice and a song.
Rooh Aug 2018
Brown and black mark the day
of the deceased, the celebration
is in full swing and the band awaits
the midnight gown. The masks
have plucked the stars, so let’s begin.

Before the fountain drowns the
accordion’s laughter, take a second
to bow before the corrupted sighs.
Lick the ash and bleeding thorns,
there is never too less for a soul.

She will summon your darkened half,
so stitch your tears to the body and go.
Remember the routes that your sins
have carved, so ignite your last wish
to lead you beyond the world undone.

They speak in impious ink, the leftover
froth denies to be swallowed, but
stand there to help them gulp down
the lifeless. Help them tear the flesh,
help them gnaw at your breath.

Rooh Feb 2018
Your slick moves,
under the smoke we sit,
breathing in vertigo,
the intoxication that never leaves
and a scent to burn
our insecurities.
Your slick moves,
under the light that oozes,
has become my kind
of lifeline.

Rooh Jan 2018
I'd grab the silver clouds between your hair,
I know how you used to laugh as they tickled your ears.
You'd pluck the stars from above and decorate my frizzy hair.
I'd breathe in the moonlight, you'd hug me by my chest to feel the warm illumination.

Now, I am still here, sitting between the sheets with black clouds in my hands.
The stars are looking at my frizzy hair that now has countless knots.
And the moonlight? No...
My frozen chest no longer yearns for warmth.
Rooh Jan 2018
it dares to invite me
to sit
and sink with the others.
I hear them howling
and their vocal chords
tear open.
Their tears
are blood
their blood
as it surfaces
on their skin.
that is melting.
I touch them to feel it.
Then I touch mine
I feel bones.
Rooh Dec 2017
Perhaps the gate I open now
would either release me
from the plunge into hollowness,
a gut-wrenching piercing,
or it would feed me more,
more to let into my veins
and collapse,
never to wake up.

Your cry that gave me
a second's hope that
you might breathe fresher air...
It lied to me.
Now it is a blame
that I place on myself
and it has manifested
as a deep wound.
Oh Love, it keeps digging in me.

You are braver than all of mankind,
you showed them
that you do not fear anything.
But it always comes running to my head,
why did it take you away and not me?

Wherever you are,
my little bundle of happiness,
keep the others full of life,
just like the first time I held you,
your howls that have sewn themselves
in my heart.
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