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Luna Alegra Dec 2014
Relating the incompatible
Reconciling irreconcilable
Forgetting the indelible
Walking the liquid ground.

Turning the dark on at noon
Being an octopus in the body of a racoon
Melting the stone, stoning the melted
No utterance commented.

How does it feel to be unreal?
You may not like me when I disagree
But teach me how to like me
While I'm

Relating the incompatible
Reconciling irreconcilable
Forgetting the indelible
Walking the liquid ground.

Turning the dark on at noon
Being an octopus in the body of a racoon
Melting the stone, stoning the melted

I'll romance the unloveable
Place my shoulder under the unbearable
The pose we take in an argument
Sustainable measurement.
Megitta Ignacia May 2019
Last night,
I saw rows of men
Sat circling around you
Innocent and harmless victims
Lack of wisdom, blinded by fake persona
Exchanging ideas?
I guess not,
You keep feeding them lies
Brainwashed them
Way beyond anything I can comprehend
I don't have time to engange in repeated version
same game anyway

Used to call you my mentor.
But many little birds opened my eyes
You're only a poser
Pretends to be outwardly postive

I remember, one time you said
"Who are you? You're nothing compared to me. Don't you know who I am?"
Agony, messed me up
But I wiped my tear-stained cheeks
Oh boy, I knew it from the entire island

You are a…
Sneaky manipulator
Convincing predator
Self-interested individual
Drown in superiority dellusion
Sympathy collector
Thoughts saboteur
Sweet nothing

Wolf Racoon in sheep’s clothing
A wolf would be overly good
Smelly rotten soul
Well-oiled word
From a poisonous tounge

True self always revealed
Once you get closer to them
Others might not know & fell for your fake persona
I sit and wonder why he does it
Regardless of the reason
Clearly you aren’t ashamed

You're nothing but a
Disgushting racoon in sheep’s clothing.
120519 | 2 PM |A's kost sidakarya

semalam dia muncul dengan taringnya dn aku malas berinteraksi dengannya.
blackrainboots Jan 2017
drooping eyes
and a fuzzy mind

little mud footprints
neath the hills
of my eyes

under eyes have
become littered
as the ground
of a forest

the impressions
of racoon feet
layering soft skin

the constant state
of racoon eyes
I was walking through the woods,
As I was passing a pine tree,
I noticed in the needles on ground,
The cap’s of a few mushrooms, just staring at me
Realizing, it was late in the season, i moved some needles,
My curiosity, made me take a peek to see,
From my Shroomology experiences, of the past,
I could verify that these were edible mushrooms indeed.
I pulled a few from the ground, they were fresh,
The blanket of needles providing warmth,
Protecting them from a freeze,
I was getting a little hungry, so I took a sample taste,
Remembering, home grown vegetables were good for me.
I was sitting on a hollow log, watching a beautiful sun set,
To the west, waving goodbye, to me,
Enjoying the colorful streaks, in the sky,
Then I felt the log move, under me,
I heard some leaves making noise at the end, of the log,
As I turned my head to investigate, I saw,
Two of the biggest racoon eyes, you may ever see,
I then realized, I was an unexpected, house guest,
So to show appreciation, I shared some of the mushrooms,
I had with me, he nibbled on a few, then ran away,
Not having nothing important to do, I turned around on the log,
To watch the sun rise in the East,
Then I felt something, holding the back of, my jacket,
It felt like a crazy beast, to my surprise, it was the racoon,
His eyes, even larger, as if something scared him, off his feet,
I calmed him down, then he sat on the log, we watched,
The rising sun over the trees, to the East, then he started,
Crawling back into the log, he winked, I said, thanks for the feast.

The original: Tom Maxwell c 12/15/23 A.D.
Don't you just love mother nature
Brian Oarr Mar 2012
Summer struck with the fist of Chicxulub,
incinerated spring in a blinding flash.
Abruptly the pond on Chehalis Trail
was topped with water lilies,
where famished families of water fowl had
festooned the serenity of the surface;
now vanished for cool Canadian climes.
Racoon eyes peered in night shade green,
Foxglove and California Poppy brushed
through blades of overgrown grasses.
Crow song battled with Stellar's Jay,
the morning's true American Idols.
I stirred from slumber to impatient cawing,
chiding --- The best of day's awaiting.

I was off to savor summer's sugar,
lest autumn slip in unannounced
on the coats of Quetzalcoatl.
Never get to close at the zoo
A hippopotamus can step on your shoe
You could get bit by a rabid racoon
Become lunch for a lion or get **** on by a loon
the zebras are crazy they'll eat your baby well humming a tune
They’ll  make a dessert out of your lady  
And eat her with a spoon  

YES! You can die when you visit the zoo
Here’s my advice to you ***** the hippo the lion and the loon stay far away from the dangers that lurk inside of the zoo
Saugat Upadhyay Jul 2015
Queen of angels make my day,
queen of angels take my pain away,
together let the love and life flourish,
startle,twinkle and charm the chalice,
imagine, create,fulfill the dreams,
queen of angels make them believe,
let them dream and let them live,
queen of angels show the light,
pass the dark and the ugly night,
faith is upon you dont leave so soon,
queen of angels calm as a moon,
soft and silky like a racoon.
Lauren Sage Jul 2013
Thick eyeliner'd eyes
Racoon-rung, fingers slunk around
The overused pencil, smudged on her hand
And yet, it's not how she feels
More, how she wants to feel.
Oh, such a scarred star
In a sea of dulling graphite.
The time has been that these wild solitudes,
Yet beautiful as wild, were trod by me
Oftener than now; and when the ills of life
Had chafed my spirit--when the unsteady pulse
Beat with strange flutterings--I would wander forth
And seek the woods. The sunshine on my path
Was to me as a friend. The swelling hills,
The quiet dells retiring far between,
With gentle invitation to explore
Their windings, were a calm society
That talked with me and soothed me. Then the chant
Of birds, and chime of brooks, and soft caress
Of the fresh sylvan air, made me forget
The thoughts that broke my peace, and I began
To gather simples by the fountain's brink,
And lose myself in day-dreams. While I stood
In nature's loneliness, I was with one
With whom I early grew familiar, one
Who never had a frown for me, whose voice
Never rebuked me for the hours I stole
From cares I loved not, but of which the world
Deems highest, to converse with her. When shrieked
The bleak November winds, and smote the woods,
And the brown fields were herbless, and the shades,
That met above the merry rivulet,
Were spoiled, I sought, I loved them still,--they seemed
Like old companions in adversity.
Still there was beauty in my walks; the brook,
Bordered with sparkling frost-work, was as gay
As with its fringe of summer flowers. Afar,
The village with its spires, the path of streams,
And dim receding valleys, hid before
By interposing trees, lay visible
Through the bare grove, and my familiar haunts
Seemed new to me. Nor was I slow to come
Among them, when the clouds, from their still skirts,
Had shaken down on earth the feathery snow,
And all was white. The pure keen air abroad,
Albeit it breathed no scent of herb, nor heard
Love-call of bird, nor merry hum of bee,
Was not the air of death. Bright mosses crept
Over the spotted trunks, and the close buds,
That lay along the boughs, instinct with life,
Patient, and waiting the soft breath of Spring,
Feared not the piercing spirit of the North.
The snow-bird twittered on the beechen bough,
And 'neath the hemlock, whose thick branches bent
Beneath its bright cold burden, and kept dry
A circle, on the earth, of withered leaves,
The partridge found a shelter. Through the snow
The rabbit sprang away. The lighter track
Of fox, and the racoon's broad path, were there,
Crossing each other. From his hollow tree,
The squirrel was abroad, gathering the nuts
Just fallen, that asked the winter cold and sway
Of winter blast, to shake them from their hold.

  But Winter has yet brighter scenes,--he boasts
Splendours beyond what gorgeous Summer knows;
Or Autumn with his many fruits, and woods
All flushed with many hues. Come when the rains
Have glazed the snow, and clothed the trees with ice;
While the slant sun of February pours
Into the bowers a flood of light. Approach!
The incrusted surface shall upbear thy steps,
And the broad arching portals of the grove
Welcome thy entering. Look! the massy trunks
Are cased in the pure crystal; each light spray,
Nodding and tinkling in the breath of heaven,
Is studded with its trembling water-drops,
That stream with rainbow radiance as they move.
But round the parent stem the long low boughs
Bend, in a glittering ring, and arbours hide
The glassy floor. Oh! you might deem the spot
The spacious cavern of some ****** mine,
Deep in the womb of earth--where the gems grow,
And diamonds put forth radiant rods and bud
With amethyst and topaz--and the place
Lit up, most royally, with the pure beam
That dwells in them. Or haply the vast hall
Of fairy palace, that outlasts the night,
And fades not in the glory of the sun;--
Where crystal columns send forth slender shafts
And crossing arches; and fantastic aisles
Wind from the sight in brightness, and are lost
Among the crowded pillars. Raise thine eye,--
Thou seest no cavern roof, no palace vault;
There the blue sky and the white drifting cloud
Look in. Again the wildered fancy dreams
Of spouting fountains, frozen as they rose,
And fixed, with all their branching jets, in air,
And all their sluices sealed. All, all is light;
Light without shade. But all shall pass away
With the next sun. From numberless vast trunks,
Loosened, the crashing ice shall make a sound
Like the far roar of rivers, and the eve
Shall close o'er the brown woods as it was wont.

  And it is pleasant, when the noisy streams
Are just set free, and milder suns melt off
The plashy snow, save only the firm drift
In the deep glen or the close shade of pines,--
'Tis pleasant to behold the wreaths of smoke
Roll up among the maples of the hill,
Where the shrill sound of youthful voices wakes
The shriller echo, as the clear pure lymph,
That from the wounded trees, in twinkling drops,
Falls, mid the golden brightness of the morn,
Is gathered in with brimming pails, and oft,
Wielded by sturdy hands, the stroke of axe
Makes the woods ring. Along the quiet air,
Come and float calmly off the soft light clouds,
Such as you see in summer, and the winds
Scarce stir the branches. Lodged in sunny cleft,
Where the cold breezes come not, blooms alone
The little wind-flower, whose just opened eye
Is blue as the spring heaven it gazes at--
Startling the loiterer in the naked groves
With unexpected beauty, for the time
Of blossoms and green leaves is yet afar.
And ere it comes, the encountering winds shall oft
Muster their wrath again, and rapid clouds
Shade heaven, and bounding on the frozen earth
Shall fall their volleyed stores rounded like hail,
And white like snow, and the loud North again
Shall buffet the vexed forest in his rage.
Showman Mar 2013
Dear Prudence, Julia, Michelle, Mr. Moonlight, Eleanor Rigby, Dizzy Miss Lizzy, Lady Madonna, Lovely Rita, Rocky Racoon, Lucille, **** Sadie, Clarabella, Her Majesty, Nowhere Man, Penny Lane, Carol, Long Tall Sally, Maggie Mae, Johnny B. Goode, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, Moonlight Boy, Martha My Dear,

You Like Me Too Much. It’s All Too Much. I’m So Tired. The Night Before Yesterday Memphis, Tennessee, I Saw Her Standing There. Polythene Pam.
Not A Second Time She Said She Said “Hey Bulldog. I Want To Hold Your Hand. Why Don’t We Do It In The Road. Here, There and Everywhere. Something.”
I Want To Tell You I Should Have Known Better.  “Wait. Slow Down. I Just Don’t Understand. Tell Me Why.”
“Because I’m Down. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You. Hold Me Tight”
“I’ll Be On My Way”
“Please Please Me”
“Get Back. Help!”

And I Love Her
All My Loving,
Mean Mr. Mustard
P.S I Love You
bulletcookie Feb 2017
Love these worn wrinkle's age
earned in life's forest fire sun
or leave it alone as that dead racoon
its highway flat back, glass eye staring
It's a Thursday stubble face resign
from a razor's kiss no longer matters
A foggy focused boiling whistle morning
thinking of a cup-a-joey for rattle's sake
all jitters and back o'-da-bus crush
Tell, this is not all or much chronicle
but a listen to sun baked cones
snap, crackle or popping verse
Nature's song as increasing ring count
untangling a dance of season's purse
paid Piper tweets in highest branches
straws up this inner sap and sighs

≈ cec
Sara Reilly Feb 2016
my eyes are black
bruised in mourning
drowningcry spill
black lilac sky
last nite
why not blue wonky pill
why not black red cut to ****
vinyl duct
tape me shut
before i
get out
after dark
like a beaten runaway
its too easy
to get this way
this way you love me
michael gagain Apr 2013
bunny blue
is a baby rabbit
that lost her mom
to a hunters habit

she now has befriended
a squirrel named frankie
thats often happy
but sometimes cranky

they hang around
and like to play
till the night comes
and ends the day

at first light
there back outside
and being sly

they are the closest
two friends can be
have a look
and you will see

one day
bunny blue came out
and frankie was nowhere about

she looked around
all day long
her very good friend
was nowhere to be found

the news it came
from her friend
the racoon
got hit
yesterday afternoon

bunny blue
could not stop crying
certainly her friend
the **** was lying

now she sees
the truth so sad
she hopped to the street
and it was bad

a smile on his face
his eyes shut tight
there frankie  was
in the middle of the street

there in his mouth
was a bright orange carrot
he got it for blue
and couldn't wait to share it

bunny blue
stopped crying a moment
she said a prayer and wanted to show it

blue took the carrot
from her good friend
kissed him goodbye
and said
i love you frankie
i will see you again
in heaven
my friend
neth jones Apr 2022
a sorry fist forward                                                          ­  
             and mortally i follow                          
coldly into the first dark flint of day                                            
              not my natural habitat                                                      
so quiet.. or near so
a vacancy for occasional clean                              
                             ­              isolated noises

 i pause         and pass a scan about
the hailing lack of conscious population                                 
                     ­                     all packed away
hauntings themselves in beds
- like some form of post apocalyptic storage -
they add a vague lended charge
nature is on a limited budget         this early                             
no birds yet                                   and no solar minting
a massive racoon      with only three legs      crosses my intended path
              in its mouth                    a gory wreckage                        

i steep to make balance
                         but my pores won't take it
                                                       i am sickened by the ballast
                                                         ­                                  of my breakfast

i hollow onward into these new conditions                            
still deriding what to be                                                    
     a tourist and an informer dud                                                     ­  
i have switched to the dayshift                                        
from off the spire                                  
of my regular hour                  
the evening routine

breathing is surprisingly ***** at this time
                                            a failing of settled pollution :                      
the public buildings and restaurants          
                                 are muggy in their overnight stale degassing
awaiting air currents and dispersal        

the first gulls of the morning                          
                                              emit a defeating siren
spearing through detritus                            
                            ­    they dispel the bells of purity
               somehow i've made my port of call
a struggling invertebrate
in this state i dispose my spirit                        
                                at­ the salted threshold
security staff and sanitation process                              
         between the sets of automatic doors

a workplace made alien          
   and adverse to me
purely by        
            the indecent hour
of day
neth jones Oct 2021
[gulls] summer
the morning gulls
morning gulls defeat me
an accuracy to the early hour
they spear
thorough amongst the detritus
dispelling the bells of cleanliness
in an urban morning
David Nelson Jun 2010
Beatle Bomb  (a tribute to the Fab 4)

I should have known better, but if I fell, can you tell me why?
I'm happy just to dance with you, anytime at all,
you can't do that, if you love me do,
I want to hold your hand, and your bird can sing too,
said you was a taxman, it was a hard days night,
you can drive my car, but you wont see me,
I'm looking through you, but you're nowhere man,
had  a ticket to ride, eight days a week,
it was only yesterday, when I met the day tripper,
we can work it out, with the paperback writer,
we called Eleanor Rigby and Penny Lane,
and now it's getting better, with a little help from my friends,
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  

I was living in a glass onion with Dear Prudence,
I said help! Lady Maddona, won't you just let it be,
Martha my dear, took her Blackbird and Piggies
while Rocky Racoon and Bungalow Bill had wild honey pie
Julia and **** Sadie  had honey pie for their birthday
while there was a revolution back in the U.S.S.R
it was helter skelter but everybody's got something
but I'm getting better, fixing a hole, using Maxwell's silver hammer
and mean Mr Mustard was chasing Polythene Pam  
so she came in through the bathroom window
guess it is time to just Let it be

You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  

Gomer LePoet...
it was christmas in the forest the animals were there
a racoon and a rabbit and great big bear
they gathered all together to have some christmas fun
in the snow so deep beneath the winter sun
they built a great big snowman  very big and white
with a pipe and hat and a scarf so very bright
then they made some snowballs to have a snowball fight
playing in the snow gave them such delight
they were very happy that christmas time was here
it gave them so much fun and lots of christmas cheer
David Nelson Jul 2013
Beatle Bomb  

I should have known better, but if I fell, can you tell me why?
I'm happy just to dance with you, anytime at all,
you can't do that, if you love me do,
I want to hold your hand, and your bird can sing too,
said you was a taxman, it was a hard days night,
you can drive my car, but you wont see me,
I'm looking through you, but you're nowhere man,
had  a ticket to ride, eight days a week,
it was only yesterday, when I met the day tripper,
we can work it out, with the paperback writer,
we called Eleanor Rigby and Penny Lane,
and now it's getting better, with a little help from my friends,
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  

I was living in a glass onion with Dear Prudence,
I said help! Lady Maddona, won't you just let it be,
Martha my dear, took her Blackbird and Piggies
while Rocky Racoon and Bungalow Bill found something to ****
Julia and **** Sadie  had honey pie for their birthday
while there was a revolution back in the U.S.S.R
it was helter skelter but everybody's got something to hide
but I'm getting better, fixing a hole, using Maxwell's silver hammer
and mean Mr Mustard was chasing Polythene Pam  
so she came in through the bathroom window
guess it is time to just Let it be

You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  
You say “Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooo­oooooooooooo”
I say “Goodbye”,  

Gomer LePoet...
Love Love me do
Jeff S Dec 2018
skirting the rusty rose of a brooch
dangling on canvas bodice as she leans
tightly over me; the waves of wrinkles
on her be-bangled red hands pointing to the
wrong punctuation; this is dream-building
in the fifth grade; don't end the dream
too soon, she gruffs sing-song like
a prize-winning racoon; and still applauds
the bricklaying we so clumsily feign
for our castles in the sky; tho she, too,
dies of cancer in the last year; the tubes at the
very last weaving through the canvas;
something of a final stitch to the making
of a dream; and so i think all dreams in me
they die in darkness and still i wonder
what happens to the crenellated castle
walls i abandoned scores of years and
many As ago; and still we pat our doeeyes
on their infinitile heads and **** our
cynical shacks-by-the-forest-fires back
into our heads, begging beneath the
damp light of early-onset reverie: save
us, won't you, from the stiff stillborn of
dreams our generation lost to the fantasy
of getting what the saddest, dreamless
dollared dupes decree; oh be better yet for me,
my naive sums, and take your brick-laying;
your canvas sheen; your impossible, doubtless
dreams with broach and gnarl; with gruff and
soundless trill; your soulful self metastasized  
with every beat
to the happy grave.
Greys R Jessurum Jan 2014
A vampire of nothing, an open bible of paperback. A man with identity theft. A panda racing a racoon. North, south,east,west. A chemical steal of stealth stars to you none the vampire slays, a cup of blood on top of a counter top, and the steepest dark awaits.
Ryan P Kinney Mar 2022
Here comes this serial killer looking creep
Thinking he's here for just a little peep
He just a little whacked out manic
Energy spurts come in an inconsistent panic
But I promise I'm an all right dude
Even though I act a little rude, but crude
I'm the leader who takes apart machines
Been my own man since I was fourteen
He's the maniac creator
Makes all the world his theater
In his head lives every world
Swirling around in a surrealist twirl
He's a trash picking racoon
Looking like a tin foil hat loon
Now here I go making another promise
I'm a monstrosity Frankenstein colossus
I build dreams out of your waste
Assembling beauty with a fever pitch haste
Don't ever doubt what I say
Even if it sounds preposterous and risque
I make some of the weirdest things
Meant to illicit grins from my deepest sins
Jess Rose Apr 2010
Tonight in yoga
While we take corpse pose
And are supposed to empty our bodies and minds
The teacher says:
Listen to the tide of your breath

I think of the beach
The color of mist
And the time I found a
Dead sea otter
As long as myself
And still beautiful

When I open my eyes the walls
Are saffron
And the ceiling is burnt orange

I think of the monks
In the art museum
Who swept their hands
Through a sand medallion
And then released the remains
Into a lake with lilly pads

And when I look out the screen door
I see a racoon, climbing down
After plundering eggs

And I think of the cabin
Where the racoons would eat
The dog food at night
And my brother and I
In footed pajamas
Would hold flashlights and watch them

And as we close shavasana
And sit up
I realize I am the least empty
The least dead
The most beautiful corpse
Down by highway twonintyfive
a racoon lay breathless on the canyon side
survived probably by a family of four
or three who knows,
sticks and stones
life as it goes.

Down by the river Providence bound
a drunken man falls down
from the bridge to the ground
homicide suicide noone will know,
sticks an stones
life as it goes.

Cranston town a white pickup
two fat men come to steal your stuff
and break into your private home
thinking they're the underpants knomes!
Days are short that's all I know,
sticks and stones
life as it goes.
Copyright Christopher Rossi, 2010
Danielle Rose Mar 2013
You took everything
and returned to the scene
To take home some images of victory
and I knew too late what happend
Staring right into your eyes as the realization ended
All I could do was try to look anew
Attempting not to bleed right through
While I splashed about in shallow waters
I'll just have to learn how to go without
The shame in this game will never max out
and you left me there weeping
Sold me cutthroat trout
I ate it up
Then spit out the bones of the person I used to be
She's so far from me
I ode to the quicksand beneath my feet
To the weasle who found a way into my keep
The racoon who robbed me so blind
and left me defiled morales
Now left behind and strung about
I graced him like a loser should
I fought but much too late I understood
Colin Kohlsmith Feb 2010
Ah Dorothy
Lost in the Land of Oz
Looking for your way home
All alone
But this time
You can’t just close your eyes
And click your heels and say
There’s no place like home
And find yourself there
But your friends are glad you are here
The scarecrow and the lion
Looking for brains
And the courage to roar
They say there’s a wizard
In that Emerald City
But what if it’s not up to him
But up to us
To connect
To find wisdom
And to be brave?
But I like this journey so far
And this lion for one
Promises to protect you
From all those flying monkeys
With those big
Racoon eyes
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
among european nations, the poles get self-conscious
by comparing themselves as: the cinderella of europe.
i’ve never felt so out of place
on the continent than when western
nations embraced islam so coherently
as to leave it trickling the right politico of
the global affair.
england must therefore be sleeping beauty...
wakes up at the point in the chronology of retirement...
i can’t say who snow white is...
who are the seven nation dwarfes to compare
itself to?
german i guess.
nowadays every politician in england is an eager tourist
travelling to syria...
they want to build the acropolis somewhere,
i think democracy is cowardly politics: it’s
status quo qua fecit id -
pass the blame, musical chairs.
otherwise i find food / restaurant critics the most
sane in the opinion columns of the times...
lets have a dialectical session over raw steak.
on a walk, with beer and concessions of thought,
passed rapahel park
stood for a whole beer to admire the upside down 本* shaped fountain
illuminated by itself across the lake...
and the moon, with two encircling circles...
i’m guessing the first orb could be defined
as the size of the sun should the sun be closer
to the earth if it was as far from the earth as the moon.
well that’s almost an orthodox cross...
but the hon-fountain was shaped so...
and i’ve never seen landscape paintings
taken in the night... the near monochromatic craving...
so * = both hon and pan...
i know why the asiatic people are so good with numbers...
numbers are very well attired as twins of latin letters...
maybe that’s why english is so wide-spread
so easily acquired by so many people of such diversity...
8 and o and o, b and o and o, z and 5, etc.,
it’s no wonder we have such a lingua orbis...
because the letters are as rigid as numbers...
and the linguistic complexity of asiatic people
means... well... they can take a break from
complex linguistics by using numbers... no wonder
their poetry is merely haikus.
so i woke up in alaska today... didn’t see the sun...
then i travelled to japan via the television...
10,000 black bears on honshu mainland island...
nāra deer, walk into a scared wooden temple
with a 15m buddha sitting waiting for the counting of matchsticks...
the deer walk in, tamed by deer biscuits,
apparently a god rode a deer to this place...
they nudge and bow... get biscuits...
attempt divinity perfectly, walk out...
the old stags remain in the forest waiting for another god
to ride them into the temple.
then there’s the tanuki of tokyo, the racoon dog...
good luck charm and a restaurant investment:
plate up of fried rice... or plate down encouraging the 5sec rule?
then there’s the western coast with bio-fluorescent squid
getting washed up on the marine boulevard of reminiscences of stars
fallen into neon blue...
then the cherry blossom bloom where everyone gathers
to express the japanese aesthetic mono no aware (the pathos of things):
i did once say - people don’t annoy me... things do!
the victorian once fabled streetlights on gidea ave. through to parkway -
such a hope of from the darkness... the 6ft2 and 110kg giant walked
trying out his shadow in various changing rooms of the
passed streetlamps;
or i could have watched k-factor (kareoke factor), adele’s hello?
too soon, too soon... no wonder he messed it up.
Scott Hamsun Feb 2017
I woke up in the morning, My cat was reading Twain,
I tugged his tail so hard, It yanked his little brain.

My Father walks down the stairs yelling "revolution on the rise."
And I know he really meant it, I could see it in his eyes.

I said: "whoa whoa pops what's up with you? You're actin' slightly mad,"
He said: "well son, here we go I'll tell whats got me sad.

Yesterday the mail came and I saw a ***** word,
It said, taxes are coming soon, You'd better hire a new nerd.

So I walked down to the town hall with this witchcraft in my fist,
they said well sir you gotta wait in line, and then marked me on a blacklist.

So I got on a bus back home, for to find a new kazoo,
and then an animal walked on and said 'son wanna hold my shoe?'

I said no way man you got a filthy disease,
You look like a racoon and you smell like rotten cheese.

Then It said hold me to sooth me ease the pain of life
And I guess I did, next thing I knew it was the end of Saturday night.

I said oh no my taxes are due I gotta find a nerd,
I saw one eating spaghetti with the cat and a purple bird.

I walked over stylishly and then in one swoop I stole the nerd,
then I kissed the cat, broke my back and ate that little bird.

Yes I loaded up my harpoon, with a fistful of grapes,
And I got ready to fire for to make my great escape.

I shoot them at my enemies, and let them pop in their face,
Then mama came, took my '**** and put me in my place.

Yelling: 'Oh Joy, Oh Joy I found my car, now lets go take the bus',
I said Lets go my dear, Its time for us to float like living dust.

Then the Medicine man Comes in with a skull on his cane.
Then he Hits mama so hard she began to go insane.

It was just then we got home so I left her on the bus,
Next time I'll just take the train, at least its color ain't like pus."
Robin Carretti May 2018
We look like bowling pins the same old boring things how does fame reflect on all of us like the strike went out we are having a girl night out

Morning to morning
Buellers day off
But Crueler did
Hillary Huff
Puff unlucky
Wolf hurting
Minty Clean
Waking up mean
Minty Pearly whites
    *    *    *

Hawaii lava
Drained her
Used her up  
The next Diva
She's raining
Hey Mo
to our wives

You will
our names
$    $   *
The rest of
your life
That setting
on the
(M) finger
reset (E)
The game= fame

Your meeting
The fame
Fox Five
You dive
Mind of
Warriors of
the bounty
Gods when
you need them

$   *   &
Don't get
your spirit
down to
be busted

Not to be trusted
The game
Never stoop

Move your
body like you
never danced
get your palate
wet and drenched
You could tell a
person by what
they eat but
fame is
not a taste
that's always
You feel the
side effect
be exhilarating
F-Fun A-Ambition
M-Minty E-Eternity
His humanity switch
Turned off

You're visualizing
Or he's criticizing
The white shirt
crispier laid out
on his sleeve

But Meany
Just a tad
The camera
moves closer

The fame is the
crucial time
Ritual you pray
Day by day
Fame so primal
Fame should
be better

America going
Just stop
Her fame is
hot furnace
His face is
muscle stiff
Singing on
a Cliff

Whats on my stove
Your heart didn't
crack my love

He will never
come back
Like my lover
Meany Pino Mo
my fame list
Having a drink
lime twist

So Lovie and dove Vee

The fame chair
My nails
cool art
but forever

My mind got to be
The underdressing
The big fame
Is anyone so
out there!!
My body
Am I overreacting
Birds chirping

There Meany Mo
Catch a tiger
by the toe
Like a peeled
I left so quick
I split
His Pomsky
The sky
I will fly higher
than I ever will
Not the minty
First class hotels
All models  
the ordinary people
Meany  Minty Mo

Hagan Daz
ice cream
they made it

Baby top
Fame can be
so hostile
Going, East Windsor
The Westside story
Other people
are living in
Ramble fight
When you're a
Jet mobile
Fame starts
at birth

Fame ET
Oh! Eeee T
so alienated

My cubicle
Meeting every
Taylor me Swift go
Racoon fur
The sugar
more ******

MoJo JoJo
Let go of my
Eggo singers
with Ego's
Going to freeze block
I need a diet tick tock
Time flies with
The Vex
That fame clock is not
controlling me

Taking in
my ownership
Eeeny Meany Mini Mo
Give me a Bellini
** **
What a fame her
Powersuit baby
blue tips
The lucky strike
copying her
lips singing
Wake up
Dawn a task
Reading (He's) snoring
Changed singer wife
of Frankenstein

She had a date
with the brain
Sickly Green Minty
** Mo please no
Jerry Seinfeld taking
an NY train
Coffee cars and fame
The money is not
One fame step
And fame takes
you so out of touch
from reality

Your comfort zone
Twilight zone sanity
We will never be over
And fame will
never stop

Even a tombstone
The singing heart will live
on beating
But how we hold
that closeness
to our mothers

Overthinking of our time
and time after time
Where did it go-
Fame will teach us all lessons make a change. Whether it's a good change or bad
Remember we are all talented so just relax find your Meany Minty Mo go mad
CrowesMuse Dec 2013
Bring me back to
Holding hands in the rain
I want to see the drops
Running down your face
Hiding the tear tracks
Baby don't you see?
You're it for me.
So just
Bring me back to
Holding hands in the rain
Let me show you this world
Through prisms and rainbows
Jumping through puddles and
Bring me back to
Holding hands in the rain
So I can tuck your hair back
From your gaze,
Smile while you laugh
At my racoon face
So won't you just
Bring me back to
Holding hands in the rain
Mike Hauser Apr 2016
As I set out
To jot down this poem
I had no earthly idea
Of what would transpose

And who all would be
Joining along
I'm as surprised as you
To these goings on

I don't recollect
Any of this being nearby
All the glimmer and glamor
Catching my eye

With my mind letting loose
In the wondering why
All of these characters
Are invading my rhymes

There are seals riding trikes
Uniformed Taiwanese
Clowns and their like
With smiley faced knees

Lepords in tights
Like we need more of these
A Kardashian or  two
To put our minds at ease

Daryl Hall and John Oates
Singing loud 80's tunes
And what would be a poem
Without a cow jumping over the moon

Or a chimpanzee
Swinging through the stanzas with ease
Using the tails of snakes
Like a flying trapeze

There's even a racoon
By the name of Rocky we know
Using his Boogaloo
To sweep dust from the poem

And look it's Bob Hope
Selling soap on a rope
To keep it all clean
With a rated "G" tone

With so much going on
Inside of this poem
Guess it's best I stop here
As this has gotten rather long...
Sometimes you just gotta write for the goofy fun of it...
It's like trying
to see lightning.
I sat long enough
this Tuesday twilight,
brave enough watching
the twilight sky,
brave enough to forgoe
a glance to the right
to make sure a racoon
hadn't stumbled upon me,
and it and I, startled,
would scrap, resulting
with my hand bitten -
embarrassing cowardice.

Brave enough I watched
and the lightning climbed
a height! It etched itself
round the top of the thunderhead
that towered above and above
other domes that I assumed were the height,
but higher even, the lightning climbed,
and I wondered if it knew I watched,
cause it took its time- not a blink,
but a scrawl up the round height of the dome
at a height that I dared not know existed.

Could not be more unremarkable, me,
on the stoop, on a Tuesday twilight,
but the height, and the height,
and the lightning will be there, good-
good as my mother's skin under
her thin, summer top, good as the
first girl fervent enough to undress
with me, good as my wife inviting
me to come through all the boredom
and distress, good as the end,
when I'll know the lightning
sees me, cause I'll see the lightning.
Quinn Aug 2013
Sad eyes
For a sad girl
Its just all the make up I wear
To hide my poor mishapen soul
But I laugh because I look like a racoon
Which is just so
Because I'm rabid at heart
brandon nagley Jun 2015
The world hath gone back to the time of the ancient Romans as I noticed man doth get his sick kicks out of seeing another murdered, beaten, robbed, violence guru's!!! These beasts I seeith art what thou calleth humans, yes humans!!!
As in the last few days I've really been thinking of what man hath done to this rock ( I'm just visiting until mine return home). How he hath barred it with fences. How he hath blundered it by poison, bombs, weapons, disease, hate, no love to be found other than only in a few left....  See I live in these apartments, with a river behind me. With trees All around me and a river behind mine apartments ...and the river hast islands around it going back to the time of the Shawnee Indians also known as Miami Indians.... I hear those heavenly birds outside mine window daily and I see the beautiful greenery wrapping around mine building... Than I go down to the river and see how amazing the beauty is other than the disgusting brown river created by beast's chemicals dumped into it by the glass factory down the road that shoots up million miles worth of smoke!!! Anyways back to story... I hear those God created birds hum for me daily.. And all the little creatures I feed just down below our porch.... Cats, racoon's, squirrels, possoms, skunks, sometimes coyote, all creatures.... Than I think of what man is doing... Destroying mine green land.. Destroying our weather.. Governments using ( DARPA) governmental agency that controls weather) to control weather and bring storms in thy humans only planet to take care of!!! As man dirties Rivers...  Smokes the sky with pollutant molecules... And poison's the water and their own people whilst controlling those people , I canst help but to feel thee humans doth haveth. Though God whispers to me and said to me...


It shalt all be renewed soon.
No more men's hurt to their planet
Not their brothers

It shalt all be made pure soon
Mine child...

As at the time I smiled
And said
I know father
I know..
Eva Clay Feb 2016
Does anything that anyone does even matter
Sure I've got religion but it feels like it doesn't apply because on some level I have a knowledge that I'll be alright but then there's this other level that likes throwing very speedy and illegal curve ***** from around the corner of existence and I'll be fine one minute and crying the next and I've been called childish for that (I resent that alex keene) but I am
We all are
Humans are too fragile to be allowed emotion to be allowed relationships with other people
Like I can't take care of someone else's stability, do I look like I have my life together?
That's why trusting is so difficult because to me real trust is knowing you can complain to someone without feeling annoying and knowing they'll listen and not judge you and actually care what you say
But all of this is going into the void anyway and no one will read it so does it matter
Does anything matter, we're back here again
nothing matters nothing matters nothing
My brain quite legitimately reminds me of this and that's not pretentious poetry BS

I wish my head would turn off and go to sleep and then maybe I wouldn't have racoon eyes and my mom would stop complaining about my sour disposition
Can I get an amen from my fellow insomniacs?
S K Garcia Sep 2014
Round wheels found
patterned, pebble pavement
opened Heaven
and white walls.

Who were washed, dropped
brown mud crowns broken
on soft breathing ground.
It's not loud.

Color from clay,
(my dearest sulfate)
I'll wash away three days
one glass with sparkling diamonds
drops I cannot catch.  Fingernails
orange and chipped, I sip

waste six more days
but saved my veins, still
dream of trains.
I think of engines, coal
and triumphant triangle
iron.  Trains have
become much more
than that.

CTA and there's no Racoon
roadkill.  White walls
around pink stink, black drops
of gum beneath me.

Maybe in daisies, I believe;
mosquitos and flies
I wear pants.  I've got
less eyes and more lies
than that.

Just trust the jeweled beetle bug.

— The End —