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Terry O'Leary Aug 2014
The darkness, now descending, floods the city as it dies
while shadows lurk in legions 'neath the looming Evil Eye.
Its frozen stare envelops all, it penetrates and pries,
denouncing loathed dissenters to the keepers in the sky.

One’s inner thoughts are well descried before they’ve passed one’s lips
and cruelly crushed with grim contempt twixt despots’ fingertips;
but if no taboo-idea’s found, with which to come to grips,
the stymied Eye dispenses pus as fabrication drips.

The Eye peers down upon us now, to conquer and control,
and mark our every movement, whether hiding in a hole
or preening like a purple parrot perched upon a pole.
Our welfare and our happiness? No, certainly not the goal.

While phantoms fade, then reappear within the urban sprawl,
the gloom (adorned with Evil Eyes which pierce the livid pall)
pervades the ache and agony that poets sometimes scrawl
of plenitude to penury, how life endures the fall.

And should the herd dare whisper words of freedom's fragrant bloom
or murmur sighs of worriment at earth's impending doom,
the Evil Eye will squint a bit at those who so presume,
condemning nascent unchained thoughts to wither in the womb.

The Evil Eye bores everywhere, a tattletale to Kings,
who scrutinize their puppet people, strumming on their strings,
extracting secrets of their souls like spiders plucking wings
that flutter with the hangman’s knot as the corpse of freedom swings.

Yes, Princes rule with tungsten fists wherever they may roam
and sip from golden goblets, nectar, sweet as honeycomb
while peons (stripped of mind and soul) stray never far from home,
with faces 'neath the iron boot, ****** deep below the loam.

And peasants pass, parading by to fill the golden urn
with pennies for the afterlife wherefore the faithful yearn,
though screams of babes with empty eyes are never of concern
to those who covet silver coins, eyes cold and taciturn.

To hide the pains of purgatory, far-flung distant shores
(on islands of containment) cache the dingy dungeon doors
and inquisition water-boards that buoy their holy wars,
while sandmen drape our eyes with dust, with rainbow metaphors.

We’ll know the party's over when there's little left to eat
and all the learned scholars, lean, stay silent when they meet -
the Eye, withal, will spawn distrust on matters indiscreet.
The signs are all around us - even sheep no longer bleat.

One sightless seer scans the skies and mourns the heretofore.
Nine limbless men descend the stairs to find there is no floor.
Eight tongueless women babble, telling tales of nevermore.
Four earless children drown within the ocean's muted roar.

When hope becomes defiance, ask: Will bedlam soon arrive?
Will doves appear above us all? Or drones to guard the hive
while fed with milk and honey by the Queen and kept alive
to gut the gale below them? Will we let the Eye survive?
Torin Apr 2016
Let me publish some droll
For the peons
Simplicity for simpletons
Opiates for the masses
Because I'm utmost aware
If I speak to higher truths
No one will listen
No one wants to hear

The truth is a scary thing
So is love
And so is loneliness

Let me dumb it down
So even the clowns
Not good enough for center stage
In the three ring circus of life
Will heed my words
As something they can understand
That my words won't be lost
On them

Its either be good
Of be good at it
And few in this world
Can do both

So don't you be angry
If I say
I doubt that you can
Rahul Luthra Dec 2013
Library - It is a world full of books
All are interested, whether they are engineers, peons or cooks
Books of all genre you will find
It never fails to attract one's mind
But please remember the Golden Rule
Please be silent; it isn't a sin
Never be violent or else you'll disgrace your kith and kin
You may even make the librarian your friend
And he/she will provide you with books of the latest trend
Harry Potter, The Godfather and The Da Vinci Code
Not that keen? Well you could always try The Princess and the Toad
Books are for everyone; age doesn't matter
Idiot box or reading? I'd rather choose the latter
Whether you want science or fiction
The Library is a world of addiction
Once you pick up a book you will get glued
You'll shout yourself hoarse if anyone dares to intrude
You'll be reading it in class, the toilet or the bus
And when the teacher confiscates it you'll create a big fuss
Oh, Miss please! Just one more page!
It's the ****** part between the pirate and the sage
We should thank Gutenberg for inventing the press and bestowing upon us this boon
Else we'd all still be stuck watching cartoon!
Anna Vigue Jan 2015
Scrupulous Empowerment
Endowed upon our Government
A System that us Citizens
Employ without much Dissonance

Listening without Learning
Driving but not Driven
Waiting to be Waistless
Adoring the Adornments

And being nothing more than that.
karin naude Jan 2014
thank god, above all
me, born in age of female equality evolution
in any other age
me, a slave
confined by financial, educational and social inequality
fueled by power deluded women-peons
leaving mountains and dungeons in passing
tears of blood
shed by disillusioned soul
instinctively knowing,
i can create my own destiny
life time spend achieving
smoothing the road for future daughters
satans has intervened once more
present daughters do not value
their priceless inheritance
many squander it, willingly
but few remain
with noble footing
instinctively calling out, to higher power
uneducated, still knowing
god exist, he is watching
and my inner strength comes from my creator
who created for a purpose
hail the king of kings
Unprecedented poetry,
   newfangled conception in
      idiosyncratic transparency
perceived by the hierarchy
    to be the garb of peons,
thine command accepts nothing
 less than the likes of sonnets
   penned deliberately archaic
        in Old English tradition,
figurative language
  of the huddled masses
      is strictly forbidden,
           and possible grounds
               for poetic eradication
Miss Masque Oct 2011
Mechanical reactions
slither through the cortex,
Binding our beliefs into
a solid jellied mass.

The peons go without a care,
wisdom is not their share,
only to be appeased
in the short term
is their game.

Yet the one who dances freely,
Gracefully fluttering down the walk,
gets stared at and gawked at,
Ridiculed and mocked.

The program
does not recognize the patterns
that are involved,
and the programmers are just too vain
to change the program's
stiff and rigid brain.

So while the programs interact,
the dancer keeps on dancing,
sensibilities in tact.

She notices the patterns,
the snide remarks behind her back,
the stares, the whispers, wonders,
of the program's capacity cap.

How she wishes just one
free person could truly understand
what it's like not to be a robot,
but a compassionate human.

Seas of judgement, seas of motion,
Seas of jealously and hate,
motivated by confusion,
in this altered AI state.

One day there is a person
walking out of sync,
the rest of the people shrink away
from the lone independent freak.

Free thought and new ideas
Are poison to their wires,
new data it can handle,
but independence acts like fire:

Burning through the program
like an arrow with a purpose,
piercing through its hardened heart
rendering the program worthless.

The boy who parted the sea of monotony
found this dancing girl,
and together created a barrier
shattering programs with a twirl.

By the power vested in me,
I command you to think,
Think twice about your actions
or you will find that you will sink
Into a sticky, jellied mass
where your thoughts will cease to think.
Kagey Sage Nov 2021
Crippled inaction
is the fear I'll fail at asking her out
when the moment comes up
or the fear that it will all work out but
it won't feel like enough
Same story for doing my laundry
Same story for writing songs and getting them out

Narcissist that knows he
could be Emperor if he gave it his all
But knees buckle at the thought
of those peons and
what they're saying 'bout me
in their decrees
These bouts, these bouts,
these bouts
Let's run to Nothingness
don't get off the couch
Let's run to mundane business
Everyday I scrub these floors
and someday I'll see us in them

arm around shoulder
the sparkle in your eye
reflected back at me, me, me
You're the sing-song voice of my other
Even though I heard you say no words
I just finished the story I started
the first time we caught eyes, eyes, eyes

They feel like grapes and your
spaghetti hair sure feels like brains
so can I ask you something?
Cause I don't know you enough
to say I'm not a fan but life's too short so
can we shatter some distance?
Like, "Hey I'm not too partial on pasta and sauce
but I sure would like to chat and canoodle on the couch."
Lazy eyes find the forest in your perfect ones
No more mistaken for trees, trees, trees
We're all firmly in this world
EC Pollick Jul 2013
Love got drunk one day
And slipped away as quickly as it came.
Leaving impressions and marks and a ******* memory
Why did it have to do that?

He told me
Perhaps the brightest insight
To human history
Since Copernicus Said
Hey maybe
We’re not so important
That the world
Revolves around us
But perhaps it is us
Who revolve around the world
(as it should be.)
What my Copernicus said was
Is the single most sign
Of continual human progress.
That without it
We just become droids
Or peons
Or mindless beings
Without sentience
Without intelligence
Without the single most important vocabulary word

You can see why he intrigued me.

Ever-going quest to
Make love stay.
Slipping out of my suitcase
Man it was cramped in there
I looked up
And saw my name written in the sky.
Always finding new ways
To tell the world
What we are
And what we could be
If I cashed in my chips
And went all-in
For just one hand.

Tears came
Hanging ten on the edge of eyes
Refusing to fall
Uncertain of their plight
So they do what people do
When they are scared
And they freeze.

It crushed me to know
I’ve cashed in my chips
One too many times
He thought I’m incredible
When really
I’m un-credible.

Love didn’t stay.
It took the next flight to Vegas
To gamble some other poor soul’s life
Leaving me
To look up a nameless sky.
JDK Apr 2015
I worried when the worst of them turned out to be the finest warrior.
I hesitated when I contemplated choosing him as the most decorated soldier.
But these peons need a beacon,
and he's the finest specimen we have.
May he lead them on like moths to the flame;
to glory,
and death.
Watch out for that heel
Dorothy A Aug 2010
Let me introduce the royal players:

Everyone wants to corner the King
He may be Lord of the board
But he's the most powerless thing!

His lady has to defend her man
He's pretty much a sitting duck
And not one to take command!

The other pieces....what will be their fate?  
They exist to save the wimpy monarch
All the wrong moves...Checkmate!

Manning the front row are the peons, the pawns
Lucky to make it across to promote their rank
Like helpless turtles, they inch forward on

The Bishops, like royal clergy in robes of red
Diagonal in direction, they stride and they glide
Moving this way..and that way...behind or ahead

Shapely horse heads, the gallant Knights
In L - shaped ways, they gallop in battle
Noble beasts who prove their might!

Set upon the four corners are the Rooks
Castles, they have straight-line tactics,
Advancing away from their nooks

Oh, the lovely, noble Queen, not forsaken!
She rules! Nearly limitless, so watch out!
Yet if not careful, even she can be taken!

If Her Majesty is've lost the very best!
You might as well admit your defeat
You, who play this game called Chess

Let the games begin!
Spencer Dennison May 2014
She used to stand on the tips of her toes so she could kiss my cheek.

I've cherished these memories through and through and while there is no digital proof that our love ever existed, I remember that September with an indespensible fondness.

But I feel these memories fading away. Slipping through my fingers like wet clay and each night that passes I can spend one less moment of the day recalling how your lips felt against mine...

...or thinking of how I could gaze into your eyes for the better parts of eons, but we are all peons of fate and our innate sense of duty pulls us from the things we are drawn to.

It is then that I remember that you were not taken away, how you chose to leave and that is okay.

In my agony over the loss of someone who's name no longer clings to my lips, I chose to cling to your hips and not let go.

I know better now, but I was afraid.

The memories we shared grow ever harder to remember, but that September you reminded me what love was.

It was fleeting and it was depleting, but I no longer find myself needing your touch.

I let go and I already know that you did so long ago,

but it stills brings a smile to my face when I recall how you stood on your the tips of your toes so you could kiss me,

I suppose even angels need someone to look up to.
Derek Miller Feb 2011
to say that i am fed up now
would be a gross distortion.
blithe ignorance, i can't allow
to grow in same proportion
as thoughts that now let peons hold
onto bold misconceptions
that they alone do know this world
through cliche-formed perceptions.

take heed, blind fool, raise up thy head
and know the truth unknowing.
in lieu of fables, you'll instead
give seed to thoughts through sowing.
saddle up, then. take this ride
into the fields of fortune
where wealth is found to be inside
one's own mind's doled self portion.

if you shall find that you've not found
conceptions worth protecting
the cursory heart to own you're bound
since base you keep rejecting.
i'd liken you to one that's blind
t'were that not false relating.
at least the sightless seem to find
true art through innovating.

this path you've wound has been well formed
by all who've passed before you
the world beyond appears malformed
try harder now, eschew
all prior trends that formed this square
high time you shall contend.
ambivalence should you beware
now know, and don't pretend.
Leaders of the 'Free World':
Get jobs inflating hot air baloons
with all that hot air you love to blow,
Then perhaps you'd make an honest living
and your words would be useful
not just to you and yours, but to those you claim to seek to help.


Our right is to worship our system
In surveillance and ignored promises we trust!
BlakOps Feb 2012
Drum up the emoticons of Tweeners
Lost between the couch cushions
Smoking on Cush,
                               Listening to lines of lying lions.
No soul,
             Symbols twisted into idols
                         Prophets for profit
Refusal to obey convention
Convection will guarantee a feature flight
                                   To where?
                                    I don't know.
                                   Nowhere near never, never land
                                   The fall will forever fragment followers
                                   Peons of lies, hope, and mirrors
                                   Cause is not lost, for change
                                   Moons tide motions for…
The ebb of conscious thought, drowning the flow of seceded freedoms.
Critique is welcomed.
German Rodriguez Feb 2021
The next could be us,
Ponder the connection?

Soldiers of Lives
Peons of the Eons
Messengers of Millennia
Souls of Seasons

Hands; smooth, tender
Eyes; sensitive, splendor
Heart; calloused, hardened
Soul; damaged , darkened

Two kingdoms, one Land
Reign of Heart, leads to hand in hand
Monarchy of Mind, breeds chaos in the silence
Duel kingdoms, inner conflicts under one alliance

The next could be us,
But not quite us.
A Nexus of souls our world witnesses.
James Williams Jun 2013
Around the corner from where pain lives, up the block from where fear stays..
Near the park where the naive play, this is all I know do you hear me??
A train ride away from the doubt house, next door to anger that loud mouth..death lurking at every step you can smell it like an outhouse..
A hop skip and a jump from self consciousness, hung with depression but now that's out..I can see the sun but can't feel it sometimes I wonder what that's bout..
Love and Happiness done moved away haven't heard from them in eons..
So now I'm stuck with all this ****, a neighborhood full of peons..
Make it stop these vacant lots, A melting *** of the worst of thoughts..
before you enter numb feelings, on the corner they're serotonin dealing..
They'll sell you dreams but you must wake up, the worlds an ugly place even under the best make up..
I'm gonna run away I've got my mind made up, if I don't make moves ill stay stuck..
But this is all I know, this is where I've grown..
Lessons in life that I've been shown, I hate it here what can i say but it's what I call home..
Laura Spain Sep 2010
Tick tock. Tick tock
The clock is never stopping
Never slowing
Never ceasing
Never moving

Drip drop. Drip drop
Blood is flowing
Tears are falling
Sweat is dripping

Its something horrible that they've done
Destroying many
Not just one

Could they not think?
Not see?
Never understand?

Sitting in a palace so grand
Watching the peons scramble about
Never even pretending to give ****

Now the successors lie to us
Try to appeal to the nothing left behind
Try to force themselves upon us

Can you not see it?
Feel it?
Know it?

Tick tock. Tick tock
Goes the last few precious minutes
Our only chances at recovery

Drip drop. Drip drop
The blood is flowing from a pointless war
Our lives swiftly following....
- From The Mind of a Me
Martha Jordan Feb 2010
Trouble with me is, I'm just too good for this
Reaping what you've sown, I shall triumph.
Above your skies of gray, I reign on high
None of you pious hypocrites can touch me
Stupid peons, why do you try?
Please don't strike back at me, I ******* take it.
Allow me to apologize, I didn't mean to hurt you
Realize that I can't see what I'm doing, where I'm going
Except that...
No one can see the goddess, no one can see the demon
Truly I am all that is. eternalconflict.
Antony Glaser Aug 2022
The King's lost smile is complete
He needs his leige
And the serfs laugh
At this stupid plan

I am on my own sail
Sunny due a different way
And the child within me
Paints a pastoral day
Nathan Squiers Jan 2014
The frigid air catches in my aching lungs,
Catching in my throat much like it did that night.
The fate of those who fell was determined by their lies;
I'd strike them down again were it not for their stilled tongues.
And through all the contempt, I'm in no way contrite;
Despite all the spite, I dispose those I despise!

The frigid air slows the blood in my veins;
Muddy and murky like the stream beside the glen.
That glorious site where I buried all they'd hope to be,
Because brutality breeds more until nothing remains.
Honestly I can say I'm the happiest I've ever been,
The pious peons I put down: a delicious catastrophe.

The frigid air burns my blood-stained lips,
As my wind-chapped cheeks tug with vicious grin.
Recalling the frozen chosen who would be my one true reason,
I cast my gaze upon the sky, taking in the splendor of the eclipse.
It's true, what they say, about all of Summer breeding sin,
But in my frozen wasteland, I can't blame the season.
Brian Downs Jan 2012
the dark man sits in a cherry tree
whistling a melody
for them to sing along to
his faded overalls hung
over his strong broad shoulders
and his straw hat shaded his sweaty nose

The dark men stalk the steamy field
singing the melody the cherry man whistled
their coarse earthy claws continually latched to the cotton
potato sacks and whicker baskets tied around their waists
holding the accumulations from a long cruel day

They picked till they bled
and then picked some more
but the cherry man sat
and hung his legs
and let his haunting tune
shepherd the peons
rattletaptap Jul 2015
Gunshots and screams
Are ringing all around,
Neither silence nor peace
Inside me can be found.

Bullets slice through air,
Swift; like a winter wind.
Bodies fall into mud,
Like red autumn leaves.

The odor of their blood,
Brings tears to my eyes
And within them hidden,
The cry, for my fallen allies.

Explosions shake the ground,
Leaving people in distress,
Soldiers moving around,
Like peons in a game of chess.

Corpses are used as shields,
Blocking piercing rounds,
Missiles fall from up high,
Ending lives with heavy sounds.

A ****** pulls the trigger
From deep inside the forest,
Within my chest a raging pain,
Shackles me to enemy soil.

The rainbow-painted sky,
Distant and ever-reaching,
Finally smiles upon me,
It knows I am about to die.
Francie Lynch Jun 2016
I'm holding court
In my home,
Not so regal
On my throne.
The peons line-up
As I moan,
Trying to pass
My kidney stones.
Anna Lo Feb 2012
Coke at the fireplace,
sitting in a crowd
It just doesn't stop.
Doesn't quit.
"As long as there's that tic tic followed by that bump"
you sway your hips.
red dress shayshaying against your hips.
soft satin rubbing on that skin of an angel.
it's a black night
in a white light
You don't know what this means quite yet,
but the pulsating beat
tapping on your soles
in the distant city
it beckons for you,
to come out tonight
and dance your way back to it.
It's a white light
actually it's a white light in your eyes now.
that's what happens when you're destined for this part
equip yourself
on this ride
satin feels like a itchy grip now don't it?
but all is better ain't it?
many a hour later
you shall
share with us this splendor
blinding magnificence
for we are the peons
and you are the the great inquisitor
of the abstract blue
slanging rocks,
on the mountain tops.
Should we know better
or shall we know less?
I've been hitting a wall of late. Wrote something though to break on through to the other side. Alas relied on many different song lyrics. Guess where from?
Courtney Gaura Dec 2015
Recently I've discovered that one of my peons was posted on tumblr without my permission. Although they did list my name as the writer I am upset about this and I don't know what to do. It is the first poem I posted, which is called Knighted Fools, and I don't know if they have done this to others. I'm going to list some that I find on this person's blog. Their blog is called  lil-blog-of-poetry
List of poems on there (again I don't know if they have been taken from this website or somewhere else. I also have not been able to reach the writer of this tumblr blog)
Possible Princess by Chelsea
New Year's  (Haiku #7) by Brittle Bird
SøułSurvivør Jul 2016
Upside down you walk the clouds
And you are unaware
You touch your feet on moonbeans
They are a golden stair

You breathe under the ocean
Peruse the coral reefs
Dance with the yellow fishes
Tell them your beliefs

The Earth is actually the sky
Cars are birds that fly on by
You query raindrops - they don't lie
You pet doves - they're never shy
And the rainbows never die
You never stop to question why

You see angels. You hear ions.
You smell blue. You touch the eons.
The beggers rule. The bankers peons.
Are these things we can agree on?

Your hair's a cloud. Your skin's a glove.
The sun is flat. The Earth's above.

Let's just face it...

You're in LOVE!

(C) 7/31/2016
Nyteshade Mar 2017
Little peons slave and toil
To afford their bread and oil
Think themselves independent
Enriching landlords with their rent
‘Never mind’ their want to say
‘I’ll soon be on higher pay’
But rich or poor when clock does chime
They see how slight they have of time!
Still they plod on the machine
Ruled by bosses, sly and mean
Stuck in themselves they cannot see
‘Oppression don’t happen to me.
It hits brown folk in lands afar
I’ve a wife, a house, a dog and car!’
But halt ye peon, stood alone
How much of your self do you own?
Naught! The rich man rules your fate
Steals your labour for his estate
By the time you’re thirty, grim and worn
Your dreams are dead, hobbies all gone
Your soul is grey, your hope is lost
To feed a parasite your cost
All for that foolish arrogance
Pushing down those without a chance
You gave your life to corporate *****
Whilst mocking those on benefits?
Ha! How cruel this web of law
And the warped logic you never saw
For all rulers are ******, after wealth and fame
And you got played at their power game.

So pull your head out of your ****
Stand by your fellow, and your class!
Steven Forrester Jan 2011
Ever since the day I met you
I felt that I had always known you
And knew that I would do
Anything to have you
In my life
As time goes by
I realize
My life would be empty without you
You smile
For a while
And my heart leaps from my chest
We're not a love like the rest
All peons and serfs
Without a single shred of worth
Compared to your vibrance
You had me in a trance
I can hardly wait for that dance
that symbolizes
and energizes
A love flowing through my lingual art
On this our wedding day
A day of hearts
I vow to love you
I vow to hold you
I vow to hurt you
I vow my life to you
And i hope we will always remember
This heartfelt endeavor
Forever and ever
Until time takes its toll
Where i hope we may take a stroll
In a vast beautiful green park
And remember our wedding day
On a day of hearts
(c) Steven Forrester
Francie Lynch Jan 2016
So many cars lined up
Along my avenue,
Like ants carrying on
For a feast.
The queen is in state,
Her penant prounouces presense;
The flag promoting reign.
We peons, serfs and minions
Stare vaguely at the floor,
Afraid to look for more.
She rises, head above her throne,
Face on the coinage,
Proclaiming lineage
With treason and conspiracy.
Please don't glance my way.
I've given sacrifices
Of doves and relatives,
All tethered to the rituals.
There is pack position.
Vats of red wine and room for dissent.
We've drowned our children.
You can see the palor in their eyes.
seBi Mar 2013
My writing is an art form that you will never truly see.
I can read you excerpts, though I choose to omit parts
The real parts that you just can’t swallow
Just can’t digest or fully understand
For I, like many others, speak Truth.
Truth unknown to the lowly peons, the sheeple of planet Earth.
You absorb information through loopy fun straws
Call mass-produced culture your own
Like sponges you soak this up
And roam the land with a sense of entitlement.
No, my writing is an art form that you will never truly see
Because you’ll bastardize it, bend it on one knee
While it begs for validation that it doesn’t really need.
No, you’ll never see it. Not even when I’m dead
Sam Lincoln May 2014
I wish so dearly that you could see my love for you
but it's stuck in my chest
and all I have to express this completion and warmth
that you give me
are symbols and sounds
triviality, symbols, sounds... Don't come close
To what is real, when you're near

The summer insects celebrate the coming
of seasons as I lay in my cot, and ponder
of how I hate the changing of weather
because It reminds me of how I'm dying
and I feel like a lonely magazine laying on a coffee table
in a deserted office, once all the tired peons have gone
to their restful homes
I sit, in darkness, immobile, yet waiting
for something unfathomable
I'm thinking
I wish so dearly that my love could see what I feel, but It's trapped in my chest
and these seasons passing drives me insane. I just remembered I'm dying.
the dirty poet Jan 2019
you think a rich twit
when he eats the banquet he calls supper
cares whether the peons are republican or democrat?
he just cares that the soup is served hot
brandon nagley May 2015
Sardonic savory armors against midnight shift,
Scrapbooks made from scrawny writings,
Wherein science is religion,
Some are hit and miss!!

Scowling, surely overcrowds happy intentions,
Noone mentions the fetal positions overthrow!!

Window peepers gaze between one another,
Serpent sermons drumline strong to song's of shipment sufferance,
Where thine utterance is grieved more than thou has ever felt!!!

More than the fall membrane beneathe your feet you shall blow!

Doth thou roll amongst forge stone?
Amongst the shows that made thou the mime thou art today../

A smile upon your cloak,
Yet thy finest of coats is in all disarray...

Perforaters try harshly to subdue our mother like peons,
Formulaic bringons,
Or turn one to sickened ones alike!!!!

Chasers of cognizant, bringers of fatality,
For doth thou chooseth to have life?
Vicki Acquah Dec 2015
Please, you have put my progress on pause and caused me prolonged poverty-Put the keys to my persona back on the dresser,need my personality back- You have put my purpose on pause, and caused me to get pulled into your pool of problems, I do not want to swim in gossip and drama. You have Pitched me another curve ball of your pastimes.. Waiting for me to catch your worthless, purpose of profound pity - This is my ditty on your pretty agenda based, passive,pretentious piety. Unreal humility, has programmed your potential, which produces phony plastic products that are non essential. Pardon me if I have come to certain conclusions; Since I've allowed your inclusion into my own illusions. I now protest what I detest,of what I thought I saw in you ..As my mind has been reasonably restored, I reserve the right to say who belongs in my life. So I am closing pages on peons who have put my purpose on pause.  New perspectives on my prerogative... Peace!


— The End —