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Star BG Mar 2019
Broken heart,
I shall fix  
to move inside peace.

Broken things,
I will mend
to hold with smiling eyes.

Broken dreams,
I shall repair
to grow new grand ones.

Broken relationships
I shall mend
to reconnect with family.

Broken life,
I will fix
inside gratitude
and celebration.
Star BG Mar 2019
Broken heart,  I shall fix  -- kintsukuroi
Broken things, I will mend -- kintsukuroi
Broken dreams, I shall repair -- kintsukuroi
Broken life, I will fix -- kintsukuroi
Inspired by Edmund Black

There is nothing that can't be repaired with time and the right intention.

And even when death separates the pain can be repaired with the mortar of memories and knowing life is eternal.

kintsukuroi- is the Japanese art of mending broken pottery using resin laced with gold or silver. kintsukuroi has a deeper philosophical significance. An embracing of the flawed or imperfect. A rebirth.
Edmund black Sep 2018
In Japan there is an art form
called kintsukuroi which means
to repair with gold
When a ceramic *** or bowls
would break the artisan would
put the pieces together again
using gold or silver lacquer
to create something stronger
forevermore beautiful than before
The breaking is never something
to hide
It doesn’t mean that the work of the art
is ruined or without value because
it is different than what anticipated
Kintsukuroi is a way of living that
embraces every flaw and imperfections
Every crack is part of the  history of
the object and it becomes forevermore
precisely because it has been
I’ve told this story to tell you this
People are the same way
Being hurt or heart broken
or feeling broken generally
is not who you are
It is something that happens to you
Rise up stand proud and move forward
Stop looking about what the world says
about you and who you are
The value of your worth is more
than you can ever conceive
and when you trust
in your heart you’ll understand
the Power you house within
Cracks and all your true value
can never be lost in translation
Know the value of your worth, you worth more than gold... made to an exact specification!
Does one become more beautiful
after being broken?  
Could they be repaired with gold
until their heart and mind
are no longer numb?
Will the harsh voices
that caused each crack
into a billion pieces
as if never spoken?
If so,
please paint each crack in my heart
and stop.......
where this pain flows from.

Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
Please see this link
Rory Herd Sep 2013
Once, I was gifted the brightest jewel of all the wide worlds wonder

It shone for me with a brilliance, as it had for no other

But in my foolishness I cast this priceless jewel away

And as it fell t’was broken, the light scattered asunder

Now, it will not shine for me

And so, I stand in darkness

The bitter pain of watching its warmth shining upon others

As my own space dimmed, to dark and ugly colours

But it was I who cast the jewel that broke, and made itself anew

Stronger, fairer, brighter than the untouched jewel that I once knew

Still, I cannot bear to see

And so, I stand in darkness

A jewel so bright, many have sought to bask in its fey light

This is no earthen gemstone, nor star that graces the night

Most, too foolish to keep it shining upon them alone

A jewel set in the breast of artwork fairer and brighter beyond sight

Woe, it shines the least on me

And so, I stand in darkness

A darkness I would have flee from unforgiving fire

To burn the earth and all the heavens until I’m alone

To end this world with fell flames is to what I aspire

And watch the gods despair, at the crumbling of their thrones

Yet, I must not turn ugly

And so, I stand in darkness

Anguish will never wear such a resplendent face, as the one that I shall paint it

Despair will be sung truly, in a sweet melodic guise

I shall mould regret into a bolt of ruthless doom, enamored with a purpose

And pen loss in lustrous tales, to gild a readers eyes

All, done with some subtlety

And so, I stand the darkness

To sound a scream which rends the land, leaving a scar behind

To cry deltas flowing back through past deeds, flooding that frame of mind

For it to nourish life, of a beautiful, and evolved kind

Thus emptied, to float up and admire it from above, weightless, and refined

Though, I must tread silently

And so, I walk from darkness

Finally I saw the truth, after I was told a lie

Delivered into the blinding light, I was left wondering why

Why I was cursed with the folly to commit the greatest of life's crimes

Why I must now see sense, and what has passed me by

Still, t’was a choice made by me

And thus, I’ve burned with darkness

Never, never, ever again, to break such fragile, precious things

Nor walk with tactlessness, or tragedy in my stride

I'll shine with luminescence of thoughts and deeds most high

When some facets of that young boy, have finally, truly died

My own jewel shattered, with minds eye open wide

Now I understand, this allegory of dark and light
Beau Scorgie Apr 2017
I feel closest to him
in moments,
when he finally
allows me
to see
c r a c k

He told me once
that my sadness makes me selfish.
Well I think his lack of sadness
makes him so.

I imagine
how much closer
we could be.

Just him and I,
without his stupid,
******* facade.

You *******,
Crumble into a hundred
tiny pieces.

Learn how
you can be more beautiful
for being broken.
Don't you think I'm beautiful?
I'm a mosaic,
a ******* art form.


I'll be nothing but gold
one day.
Kintsukuroi (“golden mend”) is the Japanese art of mending broken pottery using lacquer resin laced with gold or silver.
Lunar Aug 2017
with your imperfect edges
you are perfect enough
to be filled in
you may be cracked
you may be broken, even

but what matters is
you know how to put yourself
back together
with gold
called self-love

you see,
you're holding yourself up
and you can see your old crack marks
emphasized from the gold
but that only adds to your life story
of how you became whole again

many people think brokenness
is destruction
but it's an art
when you realize you can fix yourself
you know you're unbreakable within
so just be and stay you
to wjh, pjh, and to everyone out there:
you are perfect in your own imperfect way
and i adore you for being yourself

kairos Dec 2015
she stepped into the room,
drunk with her dreams,
her imagination filling
the brim of her possibilities.

she looked around with hope,
with all the choices swimming in her mind.

where were the unicorns?

disappointed, she sank down.

and there will be a time where she will fall,
in loss of hope,
in loss of all;

but she shall be victorious in the end
and although the room
was not her dream,

she allowed herself
to be carried away
Lone Wolf Oct 2014
No one saw the beauty
In the thrown away pieces of glass
Jagged, crooked edges,
Until someone came along
And pieced together
The broken pieces of a little girl
Carefully filled in all the cracks
With a warm gold
Smoothing over the rough edges
Polishing with a lustrous finish
Turning thrown away
Into a desired commodity
Nurturing her into an artwork
All her own
Kintsukuroi:  The art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer and understanding that the piece is more beautiful having been broken
Never give up hope if you are broken. Real beauty comes from surviving and healing.
Samantha Mar 2015
I say don't let failures define you.
Let them shape you.
The most beautiful ones are the flawed.
Star BG Sep 2017
I tend to love
broken things.
And sometimes, I get broken
by the things I love.

But when I do,
I remember
kintsukuroi -
being more beautiful for having been broken.
A collaboration first stanza by Akira a great writer who I am grateful to and me StarBG   Enjoy!   Kintsukuroi is a Japanese word one I remember in my life as I move celebrating my challengers as well as my triumphs.
betterdays Jul 2014
the potter,
made me whole.
the world broke me.
you, are the craftsman,
who put me back together.
it is your love,
purest gold, that holds
the broken shards in place
and makes me,
beautiful, beyond measure.
to the eyes of the beholder.
‘to repair with gold’
in Japanese,
and is the art of repairing pottery with gold
and understanding
that the piece
is the more beautiful
for having been broken.

for ben...always for ben
Jason Apr 2021

Fragments forlorn
Harmony's halcyon healing
Fortifies Hearts

© 04/16/21 Jason R. Michie All Rights Reserved
Hannah Millsap Feb 2014
Frozen soldiers, my fingers and toes.
Young, numb, and out of control.
Bare blue feet pad along the boardwalk,
To the splintered dock, my solemn spot.

I used to be falling for months at a time
Down every rabbit hole.
Stranded, standing still through the smoke and fog.
How could I ever let it get this far?

Love, I'm set so apart, and it's such a part of me.
The coffer, my coffin.
Full of souvenirs, Daddy's tears, and heavy stones.
Such zemblanity
To be so free.

I threw that key

Clocks are stopped, the auction block is overstocked
With broken shells, and lonely thoughts.
A dime a dozen, and so distraught,
Devil tips his hat, he'll take the lot.

There's a secret Raven who sits on my shoulder,
Whispering sweet nothings down my neck that weigh me down.
An abusive lover, all my own.
How could anyone know this burden?

Sitting now at the start of the sea
Have I ever been this small?
Fold me up, don't let me be
So alone at the start of the sea.

We all have such tiny fractures in our eyes;
Frozen stained glass marbles,
Cracking slowly around the darkest hole;
My poor, pathetic tortured soul.

Pick me up, be close to me dear.
But please don't fix or mend…
This sundered thing is who I am,
And it's who I love to be.

So beautiful to have been broken.
Kintsukuroi is the Japanese art of reassembling broken pottery and sealing it back together with gold or another precious metal, knowing that it is now more beautiful for having been broken.
Maria Mitea Sep 2020
From malleable clay,
with his own hands
the potter made a bowl,

Only one day the bowl broke.

What would you do?
                             if you were the potter?

Would you consider repairing it?

Would you throw it away?

Would you repair it, but also elevate it to a
whole new level of appreciation?
Kintsukuroi is the Japanese art of
repaired pottery - The art of Appreciation
Like poetry you and I, A perfect symphony We took off like butterflies, Wanting to explore every last galaxy We were Venus Mars, Scintillating planets, We sang an ecstatic harmony.

But not for long For one catastrophic day, Welkin grew tempestuous.

The cold got bitter!

I craved our prior burn!

You didn't fan the flame!

The heat died out.

So now we became... Athena & poseidon Zeus & Kronos Horus & Set Athena & Ares We became Hate.

Both at fault, We were only human.

I lost you, I lost T And now, with desperation I'll say...

I love you still I'll love you always You're my dose of deathcore Wrapped in a gospel soul DVD, So Be my forever once again For our melody was more ravishing than the star studded lilac skies.

and this time I promise every fiend shall be slain, Just please come back to me once again.

One last chance I beg, I plead, though I know it is but all in vain.

So Now, though my scars have not yet been healed, And my Heart still aches and my Soul still bleeds, I'll wear my pain as a lace-trimmed armour of adamant I, warrior Queen, now more bewitching than ever before, Will kiss and love another as fierce as I once did you.

-Samara Rhea Samuel
MissNeona Sep 2014
Go ahead girl,
fill those cracks with gold,
maybe after all this tarnishing,
you'll become worth something,
when it cracks,
it's not always broken,
fix yourself,
mend yourself,
be more.
Priya Devi Apr 2015
You wrap your arms around your waist as if to silence the doubts and pains in your belly, screaming louder than the creation of the universe.

Your eyes, once alive with the galaxies of far away universes glinting in the blacks of your pupils, seem dulled as if your sun is dulling rapidly.

It seems the rivers of silver running down your arms and legs, cut short and interrupted, have leeked out all the life left in you

I want to take your sense by the scuff of it's neck and tell it to crumble. Crack. Explode.

Scream your sorrows to the skies, the stars will understand, they once too we're young nebulas who imploded but now they guide the wanderers and guard the secrets the night keeps,

So crumble, "this is not your destruction, it is your birth"

I will pick up every piece of you from the cold ground and fix you with molten gold and silver, make you're exterior as precious to me as your soul and mend you forever.

I will soothe you and make you feel as precious as you are to me my little star
Lora Lee Mar 2019
The river in me
Its outflow of pour
drenches the gullies
makes moist
the sand that
graces your toes
I flow into your roots
strengthen your
pump liquid gold
inside your veins
loving your flaws like
you piece me together
adorn my cracks
with powdered metals,
still loving them for
being broken
a longing
I want you dripping
down my chin,
my thighs
when you rush through
me just like that,
the soothing aqua tempest
I have always
wished for
kintsukuroi-(“golden mend”) is the Japanese art of mending broken pottery using lacquer resin laced with gold or silver. As well as a nifty form of repair, kintsukuroi has a deeper philosophical significance. An embracing of the flawed or imperfect. Rebirth.
C S Cizek Dec 2014
It had been awhile since I made
my bed blanket print down.
The lines diced her torso like
veal bound with baler's twine.
I walked out shirtless, aimless
into the old night beneath
the frigid-stricken branches
refusing to sway. The pads
of my feet turned gravel
from the fresh asphalt the city
just laid beside me. The tar
lines that patched the gaps
glossy like kintsukuroi.
Where workers in ash and oil
gloves picked away at the new
earth two weeks beside me.
Too weak beside me,
too weak alone.
My movements were sparse
wading through the dry
swimming pool. My joints
were like a shed lock trying
different keys until one's
ridges matched enough to move.
Branches, no cars, just branches
like arteries pumping night,
but more like baler's twine.
A M Ryder Aug 2018
Nights of solitude, with just enough beer, and the science of laughing through the tears..
In the end I couldn't tell if we'd been so different from the beginning or if our indifference over time had simply made us so...
You know, Japanese culture has this ancient art called "Kintsukuroi" where broken pottery is repaired with gold or silver to demonstrate the understanding that the piece is more beautiful for having been broken
Donall Dempsey Jul 2020

I'm a kintsukuroi  
type of guy

a wabi-sabi
mellow fellow

a mushin state
of mind.

I celebrate the brokenness
love the absences

embrace the missing

turning loss
into gold

the cracks in this
broken object of a heart

merely part
of the craic

life as she is

The broken bowl
of the soul

more beautiful
because of its brokenness.

as I said I'm a kintsukuroi  
type of guy.
Kintsugi ( "golden joinery"), also known as kinsukuroi ("golden repair"),

Not only is there no attempt to hide the damage, but the repair is literally illuminated... a kind of physical expression of the spirit of mushin....Mushin is often literally translated as "no mind," but carries connotations of fully existing within the moment, of non-attachment, of equanimity amid changing conditions. ...The vicissitudes of existence over time, to which all humans are susceptible, could not be clearer than in the breaks, the knocks, and the shattering to which ceramic ware too is subject. This poignancy or aesthetic of existence has been known in Japan as mono no aware, a compassionate sensitivity, or perhaps identification with, [things] outside oneself.

— Christy Bartlett, Flickwerk: The Aesthetics of Mended Japanese Ceramics
Star BG Sep 2017
Whole is me. Whole is you.
Seek not for outside confirmation
of a little whisper of praise from another.
Too many have become dependent on it.

But rather remember,
we are whole.  We are perfect
inside a vessel of imperfection.

We /You are a perfectly orchestrated
of spirit in motion,
breath, moment, and human form.

For when you look into heart all of self is Divine,
worthy, and abundant with love in heartbeats,
that can be the compass to dreams.
Star BG Mar 2019
I take a stone and toss it
making a wish
on new day
where sun beats in rays divine.

Where birds sing to grace ears
and breath aligns with wind.

I take a stone and toss it
making a wish from heart.
that more move
in a Kintsukuroi day
where they embrace their greatness
no matter how broken they may feel.
Inspired by Lora Lee Thanks

kintsukuroi- is Japanese art of mending broken pottery using resin laced with gold or silver. kintsukuroi has  deeper philosophical significance. in that it embraces the flawed or imperfect like a rebirth.

— The End —