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Becky Littmann Jun 2015
I swear I'm leaving right now
Yet I'm still running around in a rush
&& STILL no pants on
They lie somewhere on my floor
If I don't leave now I'm going be late for sure...hmm got everything.. OH WAIT!!!
FUUUUCK quit messing with your hair & put down your BRUSH!!
****... 15 minutes later **** & I'm still NOT gone
Almost out the door...
*******...WHERE THE **** ARE MY KEYS..GREAT!!
Now speeding like a police chase
Weaving in & out of traffic lane by lane
Trying to beat the clock & it's tick tocks
A sound I  SERIOUSLY ******* HATE
I'm barely on time, a few minutes to spare
It is a WAAAY too familiar race
It's an endless ******* trend, driving me insane
It's like a whole day of me wearing matching socks
SOOOOO, SO WHAT if I'm occasionally always LATE
At least I'm always never not eventually there but still at least there
&& DOESN'T MATTER where it is I'm going
If there is a specific time of arrival expected
Don't tell me that correct time
UNLESS..... In all actuality the arrival time is actually irrelevant
Since I  know you have a "PARTY ALL THE TIME"  way to celebrate
Then please keep on shuffling when my face is showing
Lateness is something I've so EPICALLY PERFECTED
If I had a nickel for every time I was early, I'd have a MOTHER ******* DIME!!!
Being on time & I have just always been so distant
That's why punctuality &  I will never relate!!!

In the meantime in the Állos kósmos or Ultramundi, Wonthelimar after hearing the speeches and paragraphs of the speakers saw from paradise how Calypso Lepidoptera appeared, approaching in great magnitudes on the dry land on the banks of the blue and golden stones of Skalá. In torrents of rushing from the water-sky with wind-water, by geomorphological hydraulics of the collapse of the irresistible capacity to harass each other in the ears of Seleuco's dialogues, after they piled up in the sneaking curds of him on the island of his speech. Right there it settled from the koelum or sky of the Lepidoptera from the Orofí or ceiling, on the natural arches of aeolian erosion and its devastating plumage, appearing in the subaerial splendor of Chauvet and its gloomy darkness, changing the morphology of the bank of Skalá turned into enchanted turquoise light also with Calypso nuances. From here Wonthelimar obscures the circumflex arc or circumflexes, which pierced and eroded the surface, piling up the ex-generals of Alexander the Great, to skewer them on the stump that was languidly seen supporting them, after the tides of Lepidoptera that avalanche in destined per capita towards the destined underworld of Wonthelimar.

Wonthelimar was separated from everyone by the moat that was separated from the gods of the surface, but now where the supporters of Seleucus were predestined by imbibing themselves in the bilocated kingdom of Chauvet and its darkness, where they were put into agreements of suitability and clarity of words discursive for the eagerness to persuade his major general. But they all fell into the middle of a dark Ultraworld, judging themselves to be dying in stockpiles of biosystems where no one helped them and gave them some indication or diagnosis of being separated from the canopy that drained them from spectral affairs, speaking as vivid visions of benefits and sovereignties that escaped from themselves without contemplation or quietism of the human race, which procreates xenophobia to kings without throne or nation. Under the Attic, calendar were the months here were only eighth, Anthesterion, received them with the name directly of the main festival celebrated in this month, Anthesteria. In goods of name contests in the semester of Pyanepsia, Thargelia, and Skira where they were relatively significant, in some of the greatest celebrations in the life of a Polis, which is not recognized in the name of the month. Some sparkled in the sound of the Great Dionysia celebrated in Elaphebolion (ninth month), and the Panathenaia in which they are only indirectly recognized in Hekatombaion (month one), named after the hecatomb, of the sacrifice of "one hundred oxen" celebrated at night. End of the Panathenaia. This is where the suspicious fondness of both families of Seleucus and Alexander the Great differed in the accent that marks the written line of the infra Polis, where the leaders of Haides or Hades are lost, for the purposes of Aïdes, as not indivisible, but with the presence of Wonthelimar, who is invisible but epically static on his balustrade in all the rings that chorally wore them for each patronage of the diádocos generals, even so he had betrayed the Hellenic legacy, by a Hellenic-Orthodox one in the disappearance of Alexander the Great in Babylon without knowing that it had been rescued by Wonthelimar, surpassing the limits of the rings of stefánes ibix, or Aros de íbiz, as nano kvantikoí daktýlioi, quantum nano-ring that augured to sensitize the dermis of its carpal phalanges, from the eighth, Anthesterion to Elaphebolion (ninth month), minus the one hundred and twenty days of gestation in a month of the attic of imníbiz, that it was of wise advice to receive him in the new engend rivers of Wonthelimar in the depths and bundles of marrow with gestation forms of an Ibex goat, with their embedded bases of stalagmites, filing the meaning of each life that was lodged in the depths of the caves and its opacity. The Eygues of Valdaine was the Acheron, but with half the deceased who sat in rows and unleashed their laurels that possessed poor aids tormented by mandrake root hands.

The underworld was a swamp that covered the heels of the diádocos in the immense blackness of the cavern that wounded them one and the other with its Kopis, by more than a hundred blows and slashes that covered them with mud and moans in their buried half bodies. That they had been intruded from linear entrances to the underworld of Wonthelimar. In the thick musts of the quagmire where objects with ornaments of fear and cavalier materiality lay, such mangrove deserts satiated with gloomy fibromyalgia and amnesia, refiguring in the wandering bones, that sinned in lights and destinies that were adopted in the sub-world with incorporeal needs., more than the exhaustion that tore the skeletal muscle of each one behind the meager compromise openings, in the strong ligaments of the host Wonthelimar that took them at forced steps towards paradises where there will never be consciousness from a Theseus typology, but from a sub taxonomy - Verthian mythological, for purposes and among others that unleash it by propelling self-infernos that are not those born by a Macedonian force or Satrap into puny kings turned into a servile, mute and decayed.

It is necessary, that solitude of all the entrances from the abyss into which they fell, was titanic and of ultraphobic acquiescent inspiration, and in the acid gestures of search of Persephone or Aerse that in random gestures fled from their persecutors, like females who ended fleeing from themselves falling into the back room where the end of souls is never exceeded or Psyché re emigrating from the punishments of a satire or a static that resulted in a ghostly wandering, or in tendentious spinners that tribulated in belated bundles of repentance. From primitive times, subjugations have been longed for in kings who would never think of leaving their cracks and washing their hands behind the backs of others who stood by, leaving the courage to lose themselves in the perversity of a body deposited in the Tartars, having to give them their prehistoric debts and meadows of carpeted debts and caged rooms.

The generals commanded by Seleucus walked barefoot along with the stump that wounded them in seams for their plantar areas, and in extreme distress, they did not dare to ask mercy from the cave host who transported them through the deep pit of perpetuity, where the frigid bullet of angina of Wothelimar, filled them with memories that protected their survival. In unworthy caprice and watery *****,… it ran frivolously down their legs, even after each impulse to recover the flashes of estimating being scared of oneself, after finding dead fruits subsisted halfway, feeling voices from the origin of the abyss that I quoted them.

Etréstles says: "Mashiach allow me to enter this grave, I do not know if I should go to rescue them, because I know what will happen..., I only ask that if I enter with courage, help me to find the same light of the exit, with the same memory of not to waste arrests, and not to lose myself in my entrustment by those who I know will not return”

Behind some Sabine poplars, it is seen how the elytra of the Lepidoptera were opened for those who crossed from the darkness without the appearance of their fruitful eyes that tickled praises of surrender, and not of ibid in the ibid that surrounded them, as if they were violated that heal at the moment when their faces departed from the miracle of privacy, and from the solitude decreed of non-existent company, companionship calming any dogmatic symptoms and hypoxia that the glimpse of the Eygues and the Acheron left them, further behind in which Saint John the Apostle and Vernarth, Reader and Petrobus to bring Etréstles back.

Saint John the Apostle says: “Vernarth go for your brother,… he wants to protect the souls of Seleucus and his comrades, go soon because there is little left to fill them with darkness which will even besiege in their reasoning and anti homelands that will not be from the din of the campanile, out of tune with joy that runs on the graces of the gift that frees you from the worst virus by not being anti-viral… ”.

Vernarth replies: “Etréstles is the slogan of Erebus, perhaps of Bumodos…, I have to stop him for his profession, since the comrades of Seleuco will not return, the effigies of Wonthelimar have made them of his children in Ultramundi, and what is Solstice of the underworld, it is only a small Sun that fits in the buttonhole of the orthogonal slot that confines it”.

At that time Raeder paraded where he before they reached the omega of the gully pit, running swiftly over the eyelets of Wonthelimar, leaving both completely naked, to tear them away from the contrived spell and bring Etrestles back all the way together and running., but both stripped of lightness and acceleration escaped from the centripetal bodies. After the tortured walls of the pit, they no longer supported themselves in their Skotos or Erebo of Wothelimar in such a primordial deity of this theogonic and fantastic event in the bilocated cavern of Chauvet in Skalá. Here all the densities and units of physical genres, from above and below surrounded them in the thick sulfur atmosphere, Ananké in such a goddess of inevitability ran after all who tried to reverse the situation of the diádocos, for the purpose of consenting their paragraphs Hellenics and to save their lives, but the mother of the Moiras went behind Etréstles and Vernarth along with Rader and Petrobus who were basking in the glow of Persephone that imbued them as they stagnated drinking mead with the Canephores who followed him. From this cryptic moment or from the bombastic insignia of Crete, Kanti's trotting from his Cretan figure was felt united with the Lepidoptera Calypso, redeeming Demeter from her crying on the edge of some Bern olive trees, emptier now that the last gradients of the agonic and venous voices in the hilarious of some diádocos that were completely absorbed by the benevolent illusion of Wonthelimar, snowy in the harrowing tenuity of his gestures and of the great Iberian that took them towards the heights of the hillocks and towards the Ultramundi that It turned them into proles of the mountainous areas, and into super aquatic monsters with thousands of loose eyes in the arches of the generals bleating, which transposed ****** subjugations of primal deities, and philastics of phantasmagorical genres of Hellas that is plucked from the peritoneum of their stomachs, and that guttural eradicated them from the blue adrenaline of Apollo.

This odyssey dispelled the orthogonal lines of the poetic affliction of those who could see the sunset and the Spyché ***** that antagonized Ananké's numinous efforts to extubate them, and perhaps exile them to the Theban plains to graze Achaeans of the first degree alongside Shamash. Lamenting of young afternoons and of the abysmal with beautiful hair of the generous of effects, swampy and of feverish Hadesian or Hade's rounds that crippled their districts, they emanated from some Marie Curie junk and vapors radiating this Parapsychological Quantum to them from their own holy final body., for a virtuous and rout of the Ultramundis of Wonthelimar.
Wonthelimar Ultramundi
cursed Apr 2014
Things I like nowadays
are: one, the way you look at me when I laugh non-stop.
You would tell me to stop or,
"What is so funny?" or "It's not that funny"
But you dare to stare at me and smile.
two, the way you stop me from running away when I am *******
but fail epically
three, the way you chase me when I successfully get out of your hold when you stop me from running away
four, the way you say 'I love you'
five, the things you say that made me smile
six, the comfort I feel when you hold my hand
seven, the way you suddenly call me to say 'I miss you';
eight, nine, ten to infinity; there is a lot of things that I like nowadays.

But there are things I hate nowadays
one, the worries I have thinking of us
two, my tears
three, the way I always forgive you easily
four, your bad habits;
thankfully it does not reach infinity.
Nick Durbin Sep 2012
It’s like spreading your arms in hopes of flight –
Catching the wind and holding it just right…
Every subtle gust grasping your body like a sail,
Winning the battle against gravity without fail,
Fighting through the impossibilities, the improbable,
And entering the realm of weightless freedom - unstoppable…
Soaring above the clouds of an orange sky,
On passed the day and into the night we fly –
From here to the moon and beyond the stars,
Floating through the cosmos - leaving the world afar…
Gliding passed this adventure like an epic dream,
Not bound to conventional rationality, or so it may seem…
We find each other dancing amongst the clouds,
Circumnavigating the universe like gods, reckless and proud –
Revelations of astronomic proportions are manifested…
Escalating our feelings, as we now become more invested,
An Armageddon of emotion, epically destroying the world; vying,
For your love – for my Darling, your love? Well, it’s like flying.
Wrote this for Amber, she is my ray of light.
ghost queen Jan 2019
who is the toy in this delicate, intimate, savage game
the player or played, the dom or sub, the boy or girl
who has the power, the control, the authority when holding another’s heart
lay down, surrender, savor the sweet intense distillation of love and lust
what is the price you pay for limerence my dear
power lies with whoever cares the least

in a  landscape of open graves
every love story are tragedies, always will be
tomorrow is never promised, not ever
you can not fight who you are
you will lose, tragically, epically

when the pain is greater than the fear
meaning, feeling of infinite hope disappears
the light fades to black, you plunge to the emotional depths
unbridled passion becomes overwhelming fear

ask lady Murasaki, “autumn is no time to lie alone”
the blossoms have fallen, the sweetest fruits picked
winter is coming , days grow colder, nights darker
the fire dies, only embers glow, in the center of the hearth
who has the power, the control, the authority when holding another’s heart
#258 - 2019.03.11
Julia Elise Dec 2015
dear friend,
trying to participate
falling and failing epically
perks of being seemingly invisible
to the only one you see

don't want to wake up on your own
so you accept the love you think you deserve
put them first and now you know
this is how a wallflower grows

your friends they see it, live it, breathe it
smokey parties and poorly lit rooms
synthetic happiness, the only way to get by
fragile hopes and dreams

you know everyone and no one
watching their daily lives happen
but nobody stops it takes a second look
at your wilting petals and falling leaves

below average, psychos together
"welcome to the island of misfit toys"
somehow a place of belonging
and now in this moment, you feel infinite

love always,
Based on the book and movie
Rory Herd Jul 2013
Good sir, I remember when our adventure first began
At that party, among many hugs and the odd “I love you man!”

After that life has never been quite the same
You brought another sun into my world, for me to bask in its flame

In time we got to know each other and it grew brighter until
You made me a Protagonist, and I joined you in battling evil

However, you were so sad for reasons only you can really know
For its true the greatest enemy lies within, and it’s not easy to show

But we all cared for you so much, and again our days grew brighter
After all, you are a Protagonist, and at heart the greatest fighter

Together we overcame all, defeating the darkness we ever faced
With the mages power, the warriors skill, the ninjas stealth and haste

And while you may sometimes feel sad, as the good-hearted often do
I will always say; this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you

For when you tire from life’s battles, and all others fail or flee
I will always be by your side, for you to lean on me

Even when I leave the world, and am set free of this mortal coil
My spirit will be there to guide you, through all hardships and toil

Though I think you will seldom need me, no matter your feelings hue
Because you possess a  unique soul, one Beautiful, Strong, and True

Though yet many sunny days and moonlight night lay ahead, filled with laughter, good times and a friendship most epically won

I think our adventures, Sir Brandin, have only just begun
Also not to be taken seriously
The presence of Wonthelimar, is invisible before Borker but epically static in his balustrade, and in all the rings that chorally wore them for each patronage of the general Diádoco Seleucus examining him next to him, even more having betrayed the Hellenic legacy, by an orthodox Hellenic one in the disappearance of Alexander the Great in Babylon, without knowing that he had been rescued by Wonthelimar, surpassing the limits of the rings of stefánes Íbix, or Hoops of ibex, like nano kvantikoí daktýlioi, Nano-Quantum Ring auguring sensitize the dermis and its carpal phalanges. From the intertestamental, such as in Vóreios, here passages from the Old Testament are explored that Say...: “The temple that was the only legitimate sanctuary of the Israelite people contained within it the Ark of the Covenant, a golden altar, and candlesticks of the same metal., a table with sacred loaves and other utensils used to carry out the worship of the god Yahveh. It was located on the esplanade of Mount Moriá, in the city of Jerusalem, possibly where the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are located. From this class the schismatics of ancient Christianity and orthodox Judaic derive a prioris, separating one from the other. Previously this was detonated due to the undivided troops of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, who destroyed it in 586 BC, also taking captives a large part of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Judah, to Mesopotamia, leading to the exile and captivity of the Hebrews in Babylon.

Judicious Borker of this premonition takes the Ibic Rings and selects one of them to unite with the first Zefian Arrow, as nano Kvantikoí Daktýlioi, quantum Nano-ring, to occur in future similar events, avoiding invasions that cause looting and destruction of the temple to be built on Patmos. Nano-scales for Borker's nanotechnological conception, and estimates of threats of invasions and climatic changes, in one billion (109) and one billionth (10-9). In a meter there are one billion nanometers or, in other words, a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. For those who will have to configure the dimensions of the Mandragoron "Temple of Vernarth" with carbon atoms, the support will be made in chemical units for the re-conception of nature, and its two or three-dimensional networks. The nanotubes with 60 carbons, distributed in 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons, according to the geometric patterns of the cellular scale, in the conformation of the Hexagonal Primogeniture, being in this way concealed by the Ibic Rings for each linear meter, and cubic. Traced by a nanometer which is one-billionth of a meter. Here the borer beetles will trap the fungi and displace the viruses geometrically from the beams of the Icosahedrons.

Says Borker: “On these stigmatized coal platforms the mineral has been activated, yes…! In the same dioxide, the twenty faces of the icosahedrons, convex or concave. Yes…! The twenty faces of the icosahedrons are equilateral and congruent triangles, equal to each other; the icosahedron is convex and is called regular, being then one of the so-called Platonic solids”

The ranks of Falangists moved triangularly in multiple directions, to reach the Austral del Nótos de Borker, thus they would form the magical vectors of the polyhedron internally, triangulating at the tip of the ram that carries an illustrious triangular phalanx, opening with its prop the areas vulnerable, to consolidate the buttress of the façade; the Áullos Kosmos, and pay homage to the apse that was filled with rejoicing.

Sones of the philosopher Plato made them regular or perfect in convex polyhedral, such that on all their faces regular and equal polygons were made, and in all solid angles also equal. From this boulevard, the theology of Vernarth and Alexander the Great, such a professor and Platonic guide, will follow towards nomenclatures of nano-structures that affirm the volume and structure of the central sections of the radier, and its foundation bases shielded by the icosahedrons in the nanotechnological scale, having physical material cells, for adaptation of structural changes and their environment.

The volume will be adapted microscopically, to analyze small particles with the return of the fourth arrow or Tetra Sagita of Zefian, absorbing nutrients and discarding the environmental threats based on carbon dioxide, to make a limiting membrane beauty, which moderates the nanoparticles that they were developing the borer beetles. The solidity of the partitions and walls will have the exact proportion of the nanomaterials, to adapt to the general area of the Mandragoron Nótos, which will ooze the surpluses due to the porosities, towards a volume highly resistant to invasions of limestone nanomaterials, and boulders that are made from the flow of the buttress of the apse that rises towards Aorion. The interior and exterior faces will be supplements of prayers of Prochoro, in didactics that will shield with the Antiphons Benedictus, and the hive of Plato's Icosahedrons, becoming a consular material organism, and solid in interstices or leftovers from the feces of the Borers, until pasting and to arrive at the volume of the polyhedron, and its twenty faces pointing towards the physiognomy of the boulevard, tracing the general volume of the Mandragoron, and intercommunicating the supporting quantum and its theological harmony.

Borker says: “if organic cells operate in homage and in larger multicellular fields, here are the nanoparticles, in larger fields of fiato, and in the slides that will recirculate in favor of the Mandragoron throat, and in the carbon nanotubes, essential elements of the biosphere and useful layers of life that retrace the rest. There will be 20 linear meters in the area that lavishes the width and height, the projection of this nanotechnology scale, will make a three-dimensional shape and a large voluminous serial in the Austral Nótos.
Borker's Nótos
Tashea Young Oct 2016
Beyond the Veil
There lies a Woman with a story to tell.
At one point and time her soul was not so well.
There were so many times she would holler, scream, and yell.
And time after time she found it hard to get up after she would epically fail.
In her mind she was a prisoner locked in jail
closed off in a wall to wall four by four cell
being brutally attack by evil spirits straight from the pits of Hell.
She didn't see her way out because she had no bail.
She felt she had nothing left to offer but her body to sell.
Experiencing so much pain She built a protective shell.
Then one day her soul got mail
From the man with a hole in each hand from a 6inch iron nail.
A man who wore a crown of thorns in his head
As his precious blood was shed
A man who was pierced in side as he hung upon the cross in front Of Everyone
As he died.
And his clothes were tattered, torn, and ripped
As he was mocked, beaten, brusied, and whipped
A man whos who represenation was the true definitions pure Humiliation.
He Reached out to this woman to turn her devastation into consolation.
With her heart open in full co-operation
She recieved his blessing of hers soul's salvation.
She began to show progress of alteration.
He was her medication she needed for a total transformation.
He gave her wise information reguarding her education for spiritualization.
She began to witness Her life drastically changing after the prophetic  manifestation.
He never let her feel the hunger pains of starvation.
He feed her mind, body, and soul from The feast of harvestation.
He lead her to a spring flowing by river called, "The Living Waters" in which she sipped for hydration.
He clothed her in the finest most glorious armour as he smiled happily upon her
He Draped her in the attributes of proverbs 31.
With purpose in each and every step she would run spreading The "Good News" to each and every one.
Swiftly she ran the race As he Laced her pace with style and Grace.
He placed compassion in her heart
And told Her to guard it carefully and never let love depart.
Then one day He allowed God Fearing man to Come her way.
She stopped him and she as she bugun to say, "Now before I give you my attention as My pay, I see you are Attractive and you have A good head on your shoulders but um......., Do you Pray?"
The he gazed at her as if she was a flower in the wild
And Surprisingly he too had smiled, then these words from his mouth begun compile,
"From the moment i looked into your eyes and said, Hey
I knew That The Man above placed you here in my eyesight not just as a display.
But to help guide you as we both take this journey together down the narrow pathway. Im not the one sent here to lead you astray.
Now I know you are probably thinking that this is some childs play.
And that I was just here to use your heart mind and emotions as my prey.
But starting on Today,
I want to know you in every way I want to make every waking minute a time for your Discovery day.
I want to take to you to see a ballet.
Then hold your hand as we sit in admiring nature's beauty at The New York bay.
You can be the chocolate to my milky way
Or Even My Queen of spring like month of may.
I would like you to be more Than my lady.
I would enjoy it very much if you could be my baby.
I will love you beyond the hurt and pain till it just withers away.
I will pray with you during Sunday, weekday, Sabbatha day, and  Especially on Ascension Day.
We can take trips together where we can  find peace in our Getaway.
Im amazed at how I can see and feel your warmth of electrical sun ray
So I stand here before you offering My Love as a prize that you won in a giveaway.
So will you allow me to honor you As I ask you to be My Fiance.?"
Her eyes begun to water as she started to blink
This question posed to her made it hard to think.
Could he be the pen and Im his ink?
Like the brain that sends a message to the eye thru the nerve so that it could be able to wink.
Are in-sync.
Can we work welll together as 1 unit spreading the ministry of Love together as one link.
Building and upholding eachother never to let the other drown or sink.
Can we love and serve one another until one of us becomes extinct.
Then she replied it's something I must pray about.
For I Cannot leave My first love out.
I trust him with my life without a shadow of a doubt.
As long As we have faith in him. He will work all the kinks out.

Even with that Warning,
He insisted on courting
Mentallly Exploring
Showing love and supporting.
Having so much clean fun
Little did She didnt know That realtionship has only just begun.

He want things go further.
For her he has grown fonder
So He knew He had to do things correct and proper.
So He has sought The heavenly Father,
Asking the hand in marriage of his daughter.
He replied I give her to your as an honor.

So he took her on a pinic by the pond.
Telling her how beautifully strong they have grown a bond.
And that he care for more than the physical it spiritual and beyond.
Thats when on her it dawned
As he got down on one knee, with ring as he was patiently awaiting or her to respond.

She said, " Yes"
Next thing you know she was wearing a wedding dress.
Flowing with Gratefulness from her chest
With Kindness She Proudly Professed, "Grate Is Thy Faithfulness"
As she walked down the asile she felt so blessed
She Humbly Confessed.
"God Thank you for never giving up on when I was a wretched mess.
You brought me through the test Because I trusted you during the process.
You took my failures and used them toward my success!
God Reached down in Hell and transfromed my life into a fairytale.
This is what happens when you let Love Of God prevail.
You become beautiful female who is waiting for her Husbands love patiently behind the veil.
Kate longshaw Feb 2019
The Beatles are your jam,
I like pink Floyd.
I see the music scam,
Controlled and devoid!
My idols, once much loved,
Such talent, what sounds!
Their ***** hands once gloved,
Their lows know no bounds.
How epically great they are.
How cool and unique,
Each one such a shining star.
Now I see how they're weak.
They'll no doubt be exceptions,
Won't follow the the rule,
Most built on deceptions,
I'll sing and dance like a fool!
Can't unhear such lyrics,
Nor forget their beats.
Won't break into hysteria,
Nor allow such defeats.
To whom would I get my groove on?
What song would I belt?
Ok so it's all just such a con,
Songs I've grown up with and felt...
Refused to leave me
Couldn't stand the thought of losing me
Turned to the only sub to try to stroke his ego
Disposable blow up dolls
(Some more blown up than others mind you)
Then he says he opened his eyes to the epically perfectly imperfect angel who was flying at his side the whole time
"I can't stand losing you" (thanks Sting)
Milan Nicole Mar 2011
this isnt real.
it cant be.
happy things in life i cant see.
im lost in Oz without my toto.
now lifes a record deal i cant make solo.
mental stability is scarce.
i feel like a soulless shell.
i might be better off
if i was shot straight to hell.
my hearts not in my chest anymore.
from me its been ripped.
my soul is like a pitcher of sorrows
and it had finally tipped.
if i see a knife, i'll cut.
if i see a cliff, i'll leap.
tie a weight to my foot and jump in the ocean,
whichever one is cheap.
i just cant dwell anymore.
not in this place.
im trying to escape the memories, the pain.
but im epically losing the chase.
such words that rhyme
and line by line in epic time
i saw you there, upon my poem
i thought myselfe, wonder if i knowem?
i saw not, but my brother doth so
i find myself here, tis you i wish to know
pentameter shmentameter, free verse is king!
epically rhymed and everyone can sing!
to moon so high and sun beyond
greetings milady, my name is Leon.
Third Eye Candy Apr 2013
it all adds up
but you can't love
what you can't
have mock

you most certainly can’t do that.

you will not consume.

Consumption will usurp you epically.
your talismans are annulled eventually.
your bulimic heart will divide shadows
with darker shadows.
a darker

cut them like cake. divide your passing into long spikes of utter void.

it all adds up
but you can’t love
what’s not there
to love

but quite the opposite.

and the opposite
of love
is watching Nothing
die -
but you thought
it was something
before it devoured
like a morsel
of speck.

like a light.
Onoma Jun 2019
epically long threads

are spun--

to clothe

the body of

*Ardhanarishvara is the unified form of Shiva and Shakti.
a rootin'
rowdy eye
Indian toeing
sundance in
democratic blue
muslin fires
them but
villagers nigh
Tolstoy that
defy their
chief epically
in those
Woodlands with
southerlies that
only sway
their embassy
with ambrosia
a girl with sway in Los Angeles
Eth Sykes Aug 2014
spine numbs along the palm of my hands
they say love is contradiction  
and I'm epically sinking
containing my heart within, breathing under your skin
under the sea
I'm afraid to flow
I'm blinded by the brightness of the crystal waves the sunset forms
you're planting pieces of you within me and I'm watering them

I don't mind breathing the air
as long you're their

-I'm already floating-

shifting to paradise
reality is the fiction
for now the image is leaking
letters are flying of the book
possessing us
the main characters are flesh
and blood
skin to skin
AzealAngel Apr 2012
The truth about you is that
You ****
Otherly One Oct 2015
just a day
but feels more epically
than many
here i stand
looking at the rubble
of the failure of this thing
this love
you're gone
we're broken
and so am i
heartbreak is here folks, time for a magic carpet ride
Laurel Leaves Aug 2017
"I don't understand you seem so happy"

          "Didn't you go to school to learn how to deal with people  like me? I project what people want to see."  

                        "Yeah but look at you, you understand why you're acting this way, you can logically decipher it, you don't even need me sitting across from you taking notes or telling you what you need to do, you already know. But you still want to die. You still sit across from me every week with new scars, new stories and I want to help you but how do I help someone who already knows?"

                  "Ok, but that's my problem. I can logically see what is happening, I get it, I'm ******* depressed, we're all ******* depressed and we all die, and inevitably the happiness I feel will disappear and worse things will come my way ----
          and god forbid if worse things don't come my way, I'll live a meaningless, numb, long life. Doesn't that thought keep you up at night? Doesn't that just epically ******* up? It's all I can think about. And if I go home and finish the job I started 3 years ago and actually end it, I will have lived a short,unfulfilling life that left nothing on this planet I was proud of, except for the grief the people who love me will feel  
..........and well. I don't want that."

"Yeah, you're right."

"****. So what do I do?"

"You keep living and endure it."
Conversations with my therapist.
Samuel Taylor Apr 2018
Dear future me

Hey we did it. We finally had the confidence to face a fear (well I mean hoping because this is written to a future me and I can’t predict the future). This is the fear of loving someone else,after the shitshow which was past loves. Now, I have some advice for you. DONT **** IT UP THIS TIME!!!

1. Don’t talk about past loves

2. Stop ******* apologising all the time for been cheesy or worrying you epically fail at being sweet

3. Try hold yourself together and don’t let nerves get the better of you when you want to ask if you can hold their hand

4. If you talk about politics, don’t go on a massive rant about how capitalism needs to be destroyed and end up looking like a massive left-wing revolutionary wannabe
5. If they feel like they need space, let them have it without constantly asking “have I done something wrong?” Or blaming myself for it and once again constantly apologising because not everything in their lives is to do with you

6. Comfort them when they need it and prove you will be there for them without butting into problems they don’t want you to get involved in.

7. If they make mistakes don’t cry and scream at them to stop as they will blame themselves for hurting you andwant to push the blade further into their scars

8. And if it doesn’t work, dont drink to hide the pain. Embrace it and accept they werent the one.

I don’t know when you are reading this as like I said earlier I can’t tell the future but honestly please listen. You may look back on your youth as the mostly-immature guy you were. But you were 21 when you wrote this letter and at that age you had already gone through so much loss and pain. You were full of life experiences when you had only just become an adult. Look back and learn from you mistakes.

Randy Lee Mar 2020
I truly felt in tune when the music of me and you began to play, whisking me away to dance our fevered Waltz in the ballroom of I don't care what happens! This feels too great right now to let the fear do any needless hating...

...then all of a sudden the tempo, it raises the pace of us faster and faster, so we spin and we spin ...

...punch drunk dizzy with drunken punches to the soul, we did what I think we both knew we would do...

...out of breath with smoker's coughs ringing their alarms, we fall down hard...

But guess what, here's the thing.

Yes, we both did epically stage-dive and break our ******* legs...

But we also said **** that, we're ******* rockstars on the stage of this ****** up concert called life and love!

Let's help each other climb back up, with two good legs between us, leaning on what we also both know:

There's still more songs to be sung!
Onoma Mar 2019
bass blasts and darker

sides of the moon--

revolves the erasable

light of her face.

earth to the dance

beholden to her, phasing

her gaze on me--like fear's

a killer concept.

epically failing to avert her

want, we come to grind.

miming the ****** of music

stupid with spheres.
Travis Green May 2023
I look into his **** iridescent eyes
And I am lost in his powerful, mind-blowing strikingness
The way he reigns over my mind, body, and soul
******* away with his machoness and tallness
Make me crawl like an affectionate four-legged dog
To the altar of his flawless ardent hotness

He grabs hold of my emotions
Strokes my homoness, consoles my soul
Makes me so hopelessly in love
With his untouchable rugged thugness
How he teases my sweetness

Got me feeling so weak, so sweet on
On his unbeatable breezy heat
I need him deep within me
Please and seize me, drive up in my guts
With his pleasure plaster blaster

Make my whole world shudder
Make my sleek *** cheeks jiggle
Pound me out, take me out of my frame of mind
Make my moans rise higher
Spread my legs, slide in and out

Make me feel the extravagant weight
Of his thruster buster
Venture further into the innermost depths of me
Put his moist, limber arms around me
Grab my ample succulent rack

Attack my bare throbbing peaks
Make me feel the massive extraordinary power
Of his fiery enticing hurricane
Bang me, flame me, inflame me, tame me
Probe and smoke my inner walls

Finger **** it, tongue **** it
Stretch it out, make me shout
Kiss me intensely, entrance me
With his overwhelmingly ******
And mystical manliness

Never pause, make me hella hot
The more he dominates my nation
Makes me so greatly exhilarated and inebriated
So addicted to his rigid slick meat
I eat it up, let it **** up my guts

Pull my body into his closeness
To feel him wreck my velvet manhole
Unleash his animalistic megalithic unprecedentedness upon me
Go deeper in me, feel his hardness within me
Lead me to eternally spectacular bliss

******* apart at the seams
Dreaming of all things that I love about him
The way he ***** me down mercilessly
Shove it in and out while I check him out
It’s so hung and strong, so crunk and long

I can smell his sensual scent of invincible
Comprehensible masculinity all over me
He got me creaming on his steaming ***** stick
Got me breathing like crazy
Feeling every inch of him inside me

And as he picks up the pace
I can feel myself losing all control
So far gone on his insanely awe-striking charm
Relishing every mad savage slam
Stuck in a deep, heart-stopping trance
As he comes to a smashing ******
And bust his scrumptious *****
In my tunnel of epically impeccable love
Travis Green Sep 2022
I earnestly anticipate exploring your extravagant display
Of contagious male engagingness, sink into your essential
Mental dreams, kiss your sensual winsome lips
Thick ****-smelling neck, rigid succulent shoulders
Like a clever, aggressive, and persevering winger
So capable, honorable, and motivating

Long, lissome, and firm arms, blazing bulked chest
Of great stature, delicious, stackalicious abs
Your massively cracking radness drives me crazy
Makes me want to be snapped up and ravished
By your unsurpassed action-packed masculineness
Put your tasty titillators on my large, luscious knockers
Squeeze them with full force, clutch my ***** thrusting buttons

Make me yearn for your burningly beaming spectacularness
So dramatically driven by utter lustful urges
To taste your intoxicating wave of slick and superheated desires
With an endless shimmer of sweat, deep, galvanic sensations
So enamored by your radiant hellacious captivatingness
In your epically compelling and crash-hot thunder
Your hunkiness breaks me asunder
Engrossed in your yumminess

Bright, violet-blue eyes shining so effortlessly
Immersing Persian rose lips
You gain dominance over me as my seamless keen clingers
Cleave to your beefy, eatable, and jockalicious rearguard
Unmatchable jacked smash, I want to feel our skin meshed together
Feel you take me to an overwhelming crescendo
Glowing with unbearably hot and mind-altering rapture
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your masterful immersing perfection
Swirls in my submerged mind
With steamy sensual kisses
On my plump perfumed lips
Actively crashing radness
Rememberable supreme dreaminess
Immaculate swaggeresque rareness
So ridiculously brickolicious

I crave to taste your electric intoxicating abs
Your stellar swelled-up chest
Crashingly crafted and caressible biceps
You are the truest and smoothest stud
That runs monstrous thundering game in my frame of mind
I muse on your lustrous lush lips
How compelling and refreshing they are to caress
To embrace your radiant clean-shaven face
Every deliciously fragrant detail
Of your hot and fascinating framework

Let my seductive clutchers cling
To your sculpted bulging shoulders
Feel my fun-loving tongue run around
Your thick rigid neck
Magically milky lover
Your stupendousness pushes my limits
Your send a massively ecstatic surge
Of roaring hot sparks through my body

Set me afire, devour my perspiring desirableness
Make me so enraptured by your utter thrilling electricity
Such unstoppable top-notch doggedness
Your rippling, teasing physique transfixes me
Staring at your magical apple-green eyes
Passionate beardtastic madness
How your flex your unsurpassed cracking bareness
Makes me desire to live in epically blessed majesty
Cherishing your eternal manful handsomeness
Travis Green Jan 2023
I am constrained by your flaming game-changing enticingness
In the firing line of your divine streamlined frame
Where I lose myself, become roused by your wildness
At a loss for words when I observe your superb earthy firmness
Yearn for your shimmering and swirling world
To merge with mine, to enrapture my innerness

I hanker for your ****** attractiveness
To splash over my gaytasticness
Smear my thoughts and feeling
In fervent spectacular magic
Let me lapse into your aromatic abstract attraction

Let me scan through the epically enchanting pages
Of your evocative hypnotic sauciness
Your impeccable successful freshness
Breathe in the exquisite sweetness
Streaming through your captivating and motivating ingratiation

Crash-hot hopped up top shotta
You are as astonishing and polished
As an enigmatic kinetic sculpture
Mind-blowingly dope and macho
As a musclebound city-bred wrestler

A vividly vibrant and rare treasure
That makes me salivate for your nakedness
Permeate my fantastic satin masterpiece
With unadulterated salacious sensations
Where your savage passionate immaculateness
Has me so mad about your unsurpassed staggering majesty
Travis Green Mar 2023
His spectacularity is a mysteriously immersing
Wonderland superabundant with hot-off-the-fire creative power
I burn with curiosity to canvass his handsomeness
To taste his inner space, embrace his radiant valiant mancave
Caress his heavenly effervescent manliness

My top-shelf finesse god, I wanna crash into his machoness
Until my homoness jolts again and again
Render my heart and soul bowled over
I gaze at his shimmering sea-green eyes
How they highly electrify my life force

I adore him more and more
To kiss his worshipful watermelon pink lips
Allow my fingertips to fuse to the sensuous surface
Caress his luxuriant presentable beard
Rich rootbeer brown hair, so glossy and groomed

He is a picturesque work of mind-boggling magicalness
A classic splashy masterpiece
I am flabbergasted by his dangerously attractive
And tattooed masculineness
Lured by his gorgeous peach-orange skin

The monumentally mind-bending detail
Of his distinct, grand, and artistic creation amazes me
I press my hands against his athletic *** cheeks
Relish his epically heavenly and impressive stellarness
Finger **** him deep, spank his badass bite-worthy backside

Stroke his awe-striking hardness
Play with his praiseworthy pebbles
Get down on my knees and pleasure him
Allow his manhood to fill my mouth
Let it slide on my tongue

Let his striking low-hangers
Bounce against my jaws
As I taste his unparalleled sensational manfulness
Grip his chiseled vigorous thighs and legs
Slurp on his tip, lick my lips

Swivel my tongue around his thickness
His body joggles the more I enthrall  
His uncommonly charming and red-hot sparkling phenomenality
I swim in the premium, pristine perfection
Of his rugged scrumptious existence

Breathe him into my subconscious mind
The depth of his divineness
As he gets rude with my hot chocolate knockers
Hold them ferociously
Capture my bare daggers with his formidable slick cutters

Make me sweat and shudder
While I eat up his massive destructive magic stick
Make his dopeness float
Make him moan his innermost thoughts and feelings
Send him into a sensual reverent labyrinth of treasured trances

Take him into a state of disorientation
Bring him to his salacious blazing-hot destination
Make him froth at the mouth
Devour his one-eyed yogurt pole
As he shoots his lewd man juice
In my desirous appetizing treasure cave
Travis Green Nov 2022
You are so smoking cold
So bold, dope, and showstopping
Mantastic strapping rarity
Your broad, eye-popping chest enthralls me
Your smooth, flat abdomen attracts me
To be with thee for eternity

Your cracking jacked attraction is
So magically, mega magnetic
So incredibly, super sensual to me
***** rugged stud
I blush when you surround me
In your tastefully enamoring seductiveness

Invade my headspace
Damage my senses
Drench me in your infinite
Licentious seas of raw white-hot erotica
Take me into your illuminating mantuary
Where your disturb and enrapture my nerves

Ram your hunk of monstrous man meat deep in me
Put me in a dangerous, spellbinding trance
With your flexing treacherous delectableness
Make me worship your extraordinary immortal glory
Feel you shatter my inner world
Make me squeal with each thrilling ******

Make me cuss and lust for your unquantifiable
Beguiling delightfulness
Feel your fashionably fresh
And impressive majesty swirling
In the central part of my anatomy
Feel my ebullient feminine juices

Drizzle down your prominent, rock-solid python
As you lick my tantalizing thunder thighs
Press down on me hard
Make every moment more magical than before
Feed me your solidness
Look at me intensely while you give it to me

Make me spin into infinitely
Slay my life force
Slide into my long, yummy tunnel
Hear my mind-blowing moans
Arrest and finesse the best of me
Fold me in your machoness

Perform world-class magic tricks
With my bang-up luscious masterpiece
Feel the electrifying explosion
Of your glowing fast-growing dopeness
Drive deep into my steaming creamy secrets

Take the reins of my domain
While I study your seductive
The essential immense sensualness
Of your eclectic ***** flex
Drink in your burning hot dreaminess
Tune in to how you speak hot, slick slang

I thirst for your firm, immersing game
Your charming starry delight
Lost in your electric effervescent sea of breezy lit bliss
Hold me down, assume the squat position
*** me up, take me above and beyond
The great grand galaxies

Arch me into your epically ******
And impeccable handsomeness
Feel muscle against muscle
Eyes to eyes, mouth to mouth
Move me into alternate realities
Discharge your scrumptious **** sauce
On my heavenly glossy bottom
Travis Green May 2023
His broad flawless pecs are so extra delectable
His strong muscled shoulders are so dope and potent
I am so bowled over by his silken sensuous beard
His affectionate electric lips are so hella kissable

His iridescent fetching eyes are the window
That beholds deep into my heart and soul
He immerses me in his devouring power
Bewitches and enriches me, woos and soothes me

My smooth mover and shaker
So tasty and extravagant like crazy
My ghetto macho Romeo
I wanna be down with his imposingness

Inhale his freshly fragrant manfulness
Such handsome hotness he is to me
The irreplaceable enamoring treasure
I savor in the depths of homosexualness

My badass bomb *** splash
My virile shining diamond in the limelight
The lean, mean king of my dreams
He sends me into a state of perpetual ecstasy

He takes me home to where I belong
My epically eclectic and magical track
That attracts and enraptures my attention
Oh, how I pine to bump and grind with him all the time

Make me blush and lust for more of his thugness
Shovel down his hot stuff, his chocolate-covered chiseled construction
Like a moist walnut *** cake, like spicy maple glazed bacon
Trapped in his paradise of top-flight prime-time delight
Vanessa Miller Sep 2024
Here I sit getting ****** taking every hit straight to the dome feeling alone right here in the house I sometimes wish was more of a home.we all go off and do things on our own lost inside the zone higher than a drone. Feelings I wish to numb still smoking until I am dumb never getting nothing done because I am always spun would I really die tired if from myself attempt to run. I think I am almost ******* done the amount of drugs I desire is none. I want things to go back to the way we're before this ever ******* begun.
I confess that I am indeed a mess I sometimes suppress the things in which I don't not wish to obsess under a lot of duress still there are issues I probably should address I love now as l used to hate with all I possess it's all a ******* process I'm in distress the truth I congest is hard to digest mess with the best might as well die like the rest
In my chest my heart beating sporadic because still I suffer as an addict thoughts turning erratic the facts ******* fantastic I for years was still so enthusiastic enchanted by the magic that turned into a fanatic head full of static all so tragic dramatic was so **** drastic completely automatic
My addiction isn't at all fiction it's in fact the friction that burns to the affliction chaos and catastrophe due for a collusion I long for a different vision under new conditions a brand new mission stand against those that try to beat me into submission praying for a new family tradition a life shaking transition no more stupid superstations we all have our suspicions My advice is when temptation entices us with our favored vices is power down all devices think about the unpaid prices the sacrifices the **** never suffices
Chasing smoke clouds and spirits though I don't know why constantly seeking that first high life based an a fantastic lie. Epically I did fail no matter how hard I did try. No iron clad alibi no tears fall from my eye I've lost the ability to even cry not many left on which I can rely on the emotions they amplify whiskey washing down the rye it perhaps a good day to die is it hello again or good bye

So far the pen mightier than a stainless steel sharpened blade I'm shaking but unafraid I may not make it out of this integrity intact unscathed instead of being good at it I'll settle just to behave soul I cannot save chilling on my own ******* grave fine line between being stupid and being brave. I can't lose it all with the all that I gave.

— The End —