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Butterflygirl18 Jun 2020
Everytime she loves , her heartbreaks ,her soul bleeds,the more scars she has ,the more her heart turns black and the flowers in the forest in her garden die, her wings turn black so dark , she begins to not believe in love , she begins to fade away so does her love,her wings turn black and so does her eyes, she flys to her castle and hides away from the sun and never comes out until the sun is gone , no bright colors and her dark black eyes ,her soul bleeding out every time she cries ,this is what happens when she begins to break,everything begans to fade away until All her pain Is gone and everything comes back to life , the flowers start to bloom and her eyes aren't dark but blue like the sky and she begans to stop crying and her heart drys up ,the scars heel but forever there ,her heart turns red and the garden comes back to life, but her belief in love isn't so easy to spark up, her wings aren't dark and either are her eyes , shes at peace and happy again until the end of time .
DET Jan 2016

It's all simple
Picking up a pencil
But when it comes to mental
The writers start to hit a level
Where it all goes double mental
Yeah, you can try to be gentle
To your pencil
As you think so,
Hard your mind begans to act like a volcano

Cuz as you start to think
How to plot this
I mean you can or can't
So, if we can't we start to think
So, soon as the ink
Reaches to the paper
We plot 'em
Like dot's
We don't care about the spot
We just jot
Down the dot's

An' as we write, write
We hold on tight
Still we gotta be polite
For what we write
Soon as we complete the paper
And show it to the people we can see our character

And as we get lost in our wonder's
We don't realize about the hour's
Cuz we don't mind
Cuz we got an eye
For what we jot down
We are too focus on our zone
That we don't know
On what we had thrown
No, this ain't no mess

Cuz when we pick up the pen
We drop down the name
Cuz the lines can be a rhyme poem

If we don't got paper it may become a issue
But if there's tissue
We drop it
Cuz our thoughts
Is what we need to drop

We can write somethin' that can be nonsense
So, that can give us
A chance
To make a difference

Us as writers we gotta live life
Cuz there are still words that lies
On the side
Of us

We care if our arm
Get's harm
Cuz we need it hold on the pen tight
And write

Us, as writer's we got a friend
That will never end
And that's writing

(There is a second part for this but it is not complete)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
Patrick Diaz Mar 2014
above all the clouds
is a castle floating around
spectacular fireworks, enchanted lights
rhapsodic musicale during nights
flowers all over places
people with blissful faces
kindness swims in their blood
unionization always they had
talking ticking clocks
brave fighting ducks
a town of strawberries
bizarre carnivals with free entries
carefree lion, odd donkey
even a cookie can be a buddy
ladies with flying carpets
men's combat training with alive puppets
children running over their little magic tricks
stories told to them are not just mythics
freak witches, high wizards
with their wands that know the magic behind love
love that always outshine above

unicorns dancing their wings
as the princess begans to sing
astounding gown, crystal crown
hair was long soft straight flowing brown
gates have opened, soldiers are lining
as the prince started entering
knight in shining armor, princess' savior
all for the castle's favor

all hail almighty king and queen
I don't want to be mean
but these were all just a scene
in a little girl's dream
Tashea Young Oct 2016
Have you ever felt so volatile
That you would beg God take your life Right here right now.
Struggling to stay postive but you just dont see how.
Life hits you with a Right hook, next a left hook, then shoots you 2 twice, pow pow.
Then you start Thinking to yourself, "Man Wow!"

As I look at my life I see nothing but shame and dishonor.
So many negative thoughts I Ponder
Then my mind begans to wonder.

Drowning in my own brain I became obstuct like i was sitting in the car, in the middle of a traffic jam, just stuck.
Down on my luck.
Fear and doubt would aggressively poke
And depression begun to grab me by my throat and I would violently choke.
In my tears i would soak because my wicked ways left me dead and broke.
I went astray, knowing that for my transgressions I would have to pay.
No matter what trials came my way.
I foughter harder and harder every day
So Finally I got on my kness confessingly  I begun to pray.
Because my Spiritual Corruption lead me on a path of destruction.
So my life had to be taken in an abduction So I could hear God clearly when he gave his reintroduction.
From then on, Living to serve God became my function.
The Father, The Son, And the Spirit and I became 1 supernatural junction.
Now Im a believer Under construction.

I've accepted the Conversion.
Because I Know he Exist For Certain.

Suddenly my life started changing.
Order took place as things started rearanging.
Like clay in the hands of a potter he started molding and shaping me.
Remaking me a version of authenticity!
I share his truth declaring it with audacity, as he helps me walk according to whom he has predestined me to be.
Like an athlete going through reconditioning
My spiritual man is quickening.
My soul begans to Awaken.
With each biblical reading I take in.
There is healing from within.
It so Intoxicating like a kiss to the skin.
Just being cleansed from sin leaves you feeling Invigorating.
Going through this modification Ive seen much alteration.
God has remove things with the process of elimination.
Just as a butterfly going through metamorphosis is lesson in grade school education so is a spiritual journey of Transformation.
I'm becoming believer In Formation!
Wolfey Feb 2013
The number 25 was marked along the front of my hand, between my thumb and index finger.
It lowered each and every day.
Its no tattoo,
nothing that I wanted to be inprinted on my very skin.
I wasn't your normal girl,
I was more than that.
People call me:
Devil Worshipper,
but you see, I'm not any of those things.
I may have different things about me,
that no one else has.
But I am still human.
I have a heartbeat,
a mind,
and a soul just like the rest of you.
I am no alien.
You wouldn't be able to tell I was different just by looking at me.
You'd say a friendly hi,
and get taken back from the others.
She is cursed.
They would say to you.
I do not get effected by the quiet whispers that are around me,
tis is nothing new.
They say the number on my hand is the days I've worked for the devil.
The day I fell from heaven and hit rock bottom.
The day I reached up from the ground and cursed this Earth.
They have no clue what this number means.
Would you like to know ?
Every day the numbers go down..
Ignore the whispers...
Live like there is nothing wrong...
Enjoy being out in the sun...
Your fine...
Live on...
The crazy buzzing noise in your head...
Your hearts still beating...
Thee unlucky number...
Pace the room...
Bite your fingernails...
Whisper silently to yourself...
The world becomes to darken...
Your blood begans darken...
The air gets colder...
Your legs start to shake...
Your thoughts become realer...
Nervous of what is coming...
Don't forget to say goodbye...
Watch the number mold into your hand
I'm dead...
Bor ehgit Dec 2018
Lay, calm and still. I'll put the kettle on. Our sunday morning routine begins. She lays in bed and rolls from side to side. Occasionally extending her arms to stretch away the nights rest. I, boil the water and line the ceramic mugs evenly on the counter. Tea bags already placed inside and tied to the handle. As the sun creeps through the blinds, it's heat settles into the wooden floors. From the kicchen I can hear the sound of our vinyl player dropping a record into place. Then, as the music slowly starts, the kettle begans to whistle. A soft morning kiss and our day has begun.
Cruz Dec 2019
Have you ever picked a flower
There it stood in the field
Lonely but strong,
alone in a green world
nothing seemed wrong.

When you pull it to you
separate it from the root
It looks so pretty
and smells so sweet
Its beauty no one can dispute

Then the pedals start to sag
Color begans to fade away
It not strong enough alone,
to stand in the cold light of day

You could have had it longer
If you had let it stay,
In the field of clover
Happy and gay
Check it baby me your meant to be
 i aint kickin' no melodies
 we deserve each other that other brother cant do what i do
i appreciate the finer things
in life
 no doubt i wanna make you wife
in the future give me a shot
im ya love drug a booster
 love ya so hard you could never get used to
 the things i do
what ya gotta say im ya angel
in the flesh heavenly ya beauty
and ya elegant smile pretty body priceless 
and when we make love you speechless 
couldnt even really touch this the track that is and so what ya got kids
 we can still make it together
 cuz true love never fails if all goes wrong better believe ill be knockin' on ya door filled with tears galore

and i love the scent of ya perfume 
so baby lets get a room
Go to suite 133
 grab the cristal or some henny
 and turn on the tv 
watchin' slow jams
Marvin Gaye givin' the inner city blues 
it makes me wanna holla
 ill spend all of my dollars 
on you you so true so real
 baby when im next to you i cant wait to feel
 your body your lips caressin' mines
 *** is in the air even got the spirits in a stare as ya hairs
begans to flare i see a small tear
drop from ya eyes cuz of the way i love and go between ya thighs
 bite you slow below
 then back up to kiss ya temple
 its plain and simple 
no jokes to tell 
dont you remember i do it well 
stroke ya til ya ***** swells 
this aint no fairytale
 as i give you a permanent holy grail come.on!!!

now that we together
 lets embrace the stormy weather
 im too clever
 too mess up a good thang
 im in a love jones
 dont believe everything 
you see or hear
 baby just come here
 and lend me your ear
 you have nothing to fear 
dont ya know you man is here
We all as one and one in all
Even if we hit a downfall
Just know im.only a phone call
Away **** what others say
You still my number one bebe
Come one
You know i love you better
m i a Apr 2016
her words are slurred
and her vision's nothing but a blur
she begans to think
maybe it was an after effect of a couple of drinks,
but no this was different,
her drunken thoughts were interrupted when an unknown man links
arms with her,
he slowly began to lures,
her closer and closer
towards him,
her mind started to swim,
with ***** thoughts,
she tried to scream,
but her voice was caught
in fears,
and streams of tears,
he whispers in her ear,
telling her don't worry dear,
i'm not going to hurt you,
i promise you, you hear?
she nodded
in surrender,
as he plotted
ways to ruin her,
and into the dark,
they dissappeared together,
and in the night, a thief was born,
as a innocent girl was
and mentally,
no one should have their purity and innocence, taken away because of ****. although this hasn't happened to me, i write for the voices who are still scarred and torn from it.
Cody Aug 2019
For you to truly open up the door and welcome yourself in has to be the greatest achievement and this is where your story begans.
nanda Jan 2018
i am in love
with the in between moment
from when the boat
begans to sail
back to its home

i am in love
with the scene of the water
of how the sky is painted
in every color
and the water
shines in a silver light

i am in love
with the feeling of being one
with the wind
the feeling of the air waves
messing with my hair

i am in love
with the salt on my lips
and burns in my skin
with the taste of your kiss
and the smell of your suit

i am in love
with that in between moment
because when while the yacht
is cruising through the twilight
my problems are left behind
i am no longer
dizzy by the anger
no longer
dazed by my sadness
i am simply amazed
and in love
with the memory of you
and of that of the sea
and the dying sun
spent all day on a yacht, you can guess the rest..
lie down as your blood run dry
lie down as your screams echo into nuthing
lie down as you wallow in your own self pitty
as you ask why your life begans to fade
lie down as they beat you and smile and just take it
now as your life fades be fore your eyes rember we will be watching
for we just gave you back what you gave us
so lie down and listen to us laugh while your empire falls...
so lie down old one and sleep
for your raighn is over
to my blackheart
my sweetheart.

im falling apart.

as it begans to flake
i seem less awake.

i feel dark.

my death is only of a step
of a breath!

all i need is of a spark
Anubhuti priya Nov 2014
The day we met ,
was something I get ,
where my precious thing , My heart
I left .
I remember the Date
He was late
I asked , WHy ?
But , he was shy .
Not a lot bUt both wanted to talk ,
looking each other
for the first time ,
that day ,
we had nthng to say
God was around
that Day
some natural forces conspired
to create the situation ,
slowly we started our conversation ,
As our conversation grow
He kissed me slow ,
I staggered
He grabbed
The day was running
and In his arms ,
I was all wrapped.
Day by day
our relation begans to grow ,
I became fond for him
hoping to get in return too.
today ,after 6 years our relationship
we fight and love ,
just like the mountain Doves ,..
Nana Obeng Nov 2014
Do you ever feel like your in too deep?
that your making it all up as you go?
and your telling so lies you start to believe them yourself?
do you ever feel like your trying balance one thing and another
but your *** begans to lean
your just hoping and praying praying you don't spill the beans
and ruin anything?
so many secrets so many lies
your just dying on the inside
I mean you wanna confess and get help but its too big of a mess
your to late
theres no way
to save the day
now you feel defeated sad but you cant be mad
because you
Yeah it's Mr Lonely
Wish I had a girl to hold
Next to me
Intimate ecstasy
And she lay her head on me
Watchin' tvs with a dvds
After late nights freaks
From r & b cds
Gets  whats playin' tonight
I got SWV Xscape Htown
Even Color Me Badd
Oh yeah we can do it anywhere
Close ya eyes and picture
Me forever there
Stroking your hair step into the lair
Not a player
Tryna build multiple layers
So I can have something to share
With you can't picture
Myself without you
But I'm just daydreaming
Mr lonely man drinking a Heneiken
But then again
Good things come to those patient
No hesitatin'
Even if it's a stressful situation
**** I see these beautiful girl
Everynight  in the gym
Scared I might get dismissed
I'm feelin'  my heart grow tight
And when the moments right
**** I freeze up cuz im in a fright
Mr lonely me

Yeah colorful words can paint a perfect picture
As I analyze holy words likea scripture
Baby girl I can give the world
Life ain't about diamonds and pearls
She gives me a stare I peep the glare
Glanced eyes locked in romancin'
But no chances
Are taken I'm too stuck in my workout makin'
Gains feel thoughts began to ponder my brain
And i wonder if I dont make a move
Will I ever see her again?
Can't let her go but how can I let her go
If I've never had her before ?
Time to put my skills in store
Hopeless to the core for sure
I'm buggin' out stuck out
All I got is my voice and vibe
So can't tap out or crap out
Approach her easily she feelin' cheesy
Gave me her number now I'm feelin' breezy believe me
I been peepin from the start
Now all I hope is is if I can grab her heart
And don't let rough dayz set us apart
Mr lonelyyyyy

So we exchange numbers
Everything was cool
She gave me the golden rule
But I ain't makin' a fuss
As long as we don't exchange harsh words and cuss
She gave me her trust I'm in a love lust
With so much adrenaline to bust
My head began to rush
As I tell her sweet sounds in her ear
She begans to blush
Reminiscing back in grade school
Writing notes to girls
See if they check the "yes" box
To see if they like you
But one day She gotta call from around the way
She had another man that's was there to stay
**** I'm feelin' lifeless
She said baby don't worry
He don't have to know about this
I said bump that cuz I ain't with splitting
The cootie cat
Know what I mean So I get back to the crib scene
Grab the bottled liqour so the spiritual realm can intervene
Minds percolatin' going backn forth debatin'
Then she sent me a text
Saying how she love the ***
But bump that I want real love
Not childs play so I guess my pain is here to stay
So many phonies that's why I'm labelled Mr lonely
Nobody Sep 2019
I find it harder and harder to wake up  in the morning not because im lazy or I dont want to go to school. Its solely because im tired; tired of opening my eyes and realizing that Im still here  that i havent been granted my single wish from that one person we call "god". That i have to live through another day in the dark abyuss you call home. I never wanted this life, to be this *******- montser my own mother hides away in her closet, I long for the day i can be happy.  Where i can feel love for the first time. I dont belong here. You see the other day while you all slept, I stayed awake. Its nothing unusal on my part. I live in the dark, sad and alone. Its where ive always been, all ive ever known. That night, this darkness was deeper than before as i sat on my bed and cried my nightly tears I stared into the darkness, looking for my hands Until i rasied them and the tiny sliver of light from my window reflected off my old trusted friend. The cold rusted piece of metal felt right in my hands. It gave me this happiness ill never understand. I shine the glare on my upper leg the lines of dispointment and shame show- themselfs as i read through them; Oh the story they tell.  I know what they all mean I remember every scar and why they lay upon my skin, its a sad story they hold. This one right here the crooked small one Thats the one that started it all. Or this one The wide long dark one twords the end The day i found out i was nothing more than a usless bag of roting flesh to her, that i'll be alone forever.  Thats the one ill never forget Because even to this day I rememeber her sweet soft voice yell at me in the middle of the lunch line to leave her alone. As much as i dont want to remember, no amount of alcohol can fill in the gap she left open Each and every line i read gets me into this rage i cant control Wanting to blame everyone for my problems but i know i caused them myself. I squeze that thin sheet of happiness in my fist and i feel this pain race up my arm  When i let go, my palm is full of this beautiful liquid that remind me im still human. To you it might not seem like much  But to those who understand that unwriten languge you read in the blood "If only this was enough to end your pain, im sorry im insifishant" Its morning now These thoughts have held me back from being happy for once. What is there to do now? Nothing. I have to wait my turn again Oh well, im already used to the feeling of disapointment. I clean myself off in the bathroom right before i look into the mirror. Theres no way to decribe that feeling you get when you look in your eyes and see all the wrong youve ever done.  "Its late, they'll wake up soon" i tell myself  under my breath. I rush to my phone and open to the screen shot of the day i got a taste of what love is. I reread the single reply over and over in my mind before i hear the russle of blankets from the thing my mother decribes as her only son that lays a sleep less than a foot from my bed. "I...i love you"  I try to remember the sound her mouth made as she studered that phrase. " Its time "  I get up from my soon to be death bed and put on my mask before anyone sees The same mask i made myself several years ago. Theres cracks and chips, yes But thats what makes it so uniqe. People try peaking into see my hell. So I do what any scared human would do, push them away. So far they give up and walk away. Im at school, its lunch. I open the door leading into the stair well and i see her. My last hope  Right before she sees me, i count  1...2...3 I remove my mask and hide it  Im shaking shes the first to see whats under. All the years of lonelines will hopefully end today when i show her my heart. Sadly They didnt. They seemed to get lonelier now  "Ding, ding" I dont want to go home I see her car outside waiting for me I feel the vibration in my pocket , I know its her.  I walk slowly down those steps leading to the front.  As i open the door to the outside theres this hope that flutters in my heart the hope i get to see her one last time before i go.  My puples dilate and the sudden blindness fades away  Only to show nobody there. Im "home" now. Theres nothing i can do anymore I just wait here for my time to come.  Its bed time already and i open back to the picture "I...i love you" Thats all i need. The sounds began to fade into the dark  I see her.  No more than a arm away theres nothing around but us. I watch her lips move "I...i love you"  I hear her more vivid than ever tonight. My eyes slowly open Instintly tears rush down the side of my face landing onto the pillow. And so it begans again..
I wish you felt the same again, that we were together in the end.
Cody Sep 2019
Bury the knife into my skin
Take me back to where it begans
Where im not drowning in all my sins
Youve played your part
please finsh what you start
Bury me in the cover of the dark
Under the oak tree at our favorite park
No one would give it a second thought
Bury the knife into my skin
Take me back to where it begans
Where im not drowning in all of my sins
Shanna Thomas Mar 2019
I watch you as the smile leaves your face.
I watch you as the glimmer in your eyes start to dissipate.
I watch as long conversations turn into silence.
I watch as we, become you and me...
I watch as your heart grows stronger as mine begans to break.
I watch you learn to love yourself as I have nothing but hate...
I watch as you leave and I stay behind.
I watch as you never come back and I learn to let time fly.
Check it, i hope yall understand me,
Like 19 keys, cop a few cuties out in Belize, please believe,
Money comes first, then the power,
To get enemies showered,
Well under and devoured,
I took a pinch of the flowers,
Scented in the garden of edem,
People saying dont believe em,
And i dont care if they don't feel em,
I got ninth dimensions, casting spells,
Putting marks on shells,
Nightmares of the holy grail,
Only time will tell,
Is my soul free or is it for sell?,
Valuable lessons, learned quick,
From gripping the smiff and lessons,
Knuckleheads getting a blessing,
Then have the nerves,
To say they stressin,
Never undermind a blessing, and curse to gift of guessin',
In this game of life, aint no fair shake
With the hand rolls on the dice,
Shorty looking nice, but i see the slit tongue spliced,
Demoness with breast, rising from the east to the west,
I manifest, only the realness when herbs fills within my chest,
Only reggies the best,
Dont **** with the kush, get ya soul pushed,
Back into other ****, thays counterfeit, money in my hands giving flips,
To stacks of hundreds, while im a slave to the hundred,
Years of freedom, went from the chattery, to the corporate daily,
Reporting to masters its crazy,
Broke the chains, of misery,
Now im lazy, nothing these days phase me,
Radio airways dont play me,
Realness is a menace to truth, i preach the gospel, with lonely tear drops,
Til i open the eyes of rhe youth,

Moneys the universal language,
Or better yet linguistics,
Hoes wana grab the biscuit,
Like they owning it,
But i stay showing it,
See how the loot, make hoes go round,
Carousel bound, like earth making its rounds,
Joker splitter, see the hitman markers his hitter,
Giving bodies jitters,
Like when im on the mic,
I treat it right,
Flip more rhymes than tongues to ****,
Better yet let it hang like Mike,
On a fadeaway, begans the takeway,
Fools putting false reps like MLK,
They down for the community,
But all i see piercing,
In the community,
Gangs and ****, sold out for cheap hits,
No leaders, just a bunch of court cases,
And the biggest killers always remain faceless,
Y'all ***** men don't know war

Check I been to Lazy Ramadi and the brutal streets of Iraq
seen alot brothers that got bullets to the back
Families crack still fist clenching the Mack
Bustin at ghost cuz I'm too close
To the edge government made me take a pledge
To the allegiance I'm bleeding army fatigued
Running through alleys trying to find the enemies
Somehow I see myself as the enemies
Busting at people who look just like me Brown people see?
Living in poverty starvin cuz they hungry
Now it's blood pour over the rich vs poor
***** pipeline oil for the tour money is the core
I feel like it's a joke so many died for nothing
Only to come back tell the veteran affairs something
Is wrong then they tell ya nothing is wrong
I'm having revisited images of the man in the mirror
Demons knockin' on my visions
To keep me from seeing clearer
From the climbing towers
Of Pain begans to Sear ya
Talkin' to regular fam and friends
Seems nobody hears ya
Fools on here rappin' for verses
I'm tryna to break the curses
Fools don't know **** until they seen a flock of hearses
Cruising down street 21 guns salute
Rifles shoot m16 dog tags and soldier boots
So shut the **** up y'all fools ain't no assassins
Just lil ******* running around graspin'
**** ya see on tv this no drama G
This is reality so learn a lesson from a real veteran
Cuz y'all ain't poetic assassins
y'all about as fake *** the ***** of the Kardasians

Fake *** emcees and poets talk to real veteran y'all fools buggin'
Stop watching them muthaphukkin' tv scripts
******' around with real veterans get your head peeled
This goes to this poets talking like they know war y'all ******* don't know war
Get off the breast milk
Check it, dressed to impress, I'm chilling in my polo shirt, and some baggy *** guess,
Jeans, got the young women, circling,
Once the see my fade, cut fresh and clean,
It's a summer time theme,
No hate in between, cuz we got nothing, but love to intervene,
Beautiful sisters, with the tight dresses, got my lower parts to sting,
Excuse me, but im just being me, got the chicken, ribs and the potato salad,
Jamming to LTDs a love ballad, wait for it's time to eat, only beef we got,
Is when it comes to eat,
And greet, each other over success, and how many times, they've been blessed,
I guess, I don't care about fortune or fame, I'm just tryna get a focus, on my brain,
Smell the food, see a slow weight gain,
Things ain't never the same,
Never gone change, my aunt Betty always, going out of her range,
After we ate, she brought the *** cake, eat half the pie, without even taking a break,
**** im feeling greedy, but I can't help it,but I was hungry, now the itis,
Got me sleepy, and feeling tipsy, feel asleep on the porch, with a blunt in my mouth, half torched, word up....

Woke up back to this ways, to get my weight up, my uncles throwing me biz,
Young males thinking they grown, cuz they got some fizz,
On their chinny chin chin, soon begans, a roast session, for the firing,
They cut us deep, some comedians some just wanna see us, in the next news trend,
Tough love, goes alot further than fake love, with tears, pain and fake hugs,
They ask me why I'm packing slugs, it's too keep away from, the uniformed thugs,
Say no to drugs, keep my head inside of books, gets me alot, of ***** looks,
It's like the world, want you to be a crook, but I've never been shook,
I lay the game flat, imagine that, they say we couldn't make it, for being black,
**** the media, I be in ya area, causing mass mayhem until we scaring ya,
But I cant speak that conscious ****, cuz every family, member ain't down with,
Being true to ya self, it's a summer love, family barbecue, only.a few can keep it, real with you, and that's true,
jeston Sep 2020
Fighting the good and the bad
Back and forth
As I’m spinning in time
Trapped in a daze
As I’m getting blazed
Going back and forth
With my inner self
Trying to erase the pain
But the pain doesn’t seem to fill
Time consuming
Time wasted
Once engaged
Once In love
Once a fool
Embracing the pain
As it begans
Getting shot
In a dream
But it doesn’t seem to fill
The pain comes and goes
As life begins to fade.
Morning Star Jan 2023
On once the cold crip of winter ends
will death and grief subside
and hopefully snowdrops and tiny shoot will be as spring survived
sunshine will warm once more and rebirth if life begans
For in such grief I am as heavy as a Robin with broken wings
And if in time I can go steady
I'll lift into the wind
As life must cast a shadow
to show that in the dark
A glimpse of light is shining  will soon be bright once more
If holding on and walking through with slow brave step make
Will soon allow me breath and sight of life I hold so dear
Then in the sunshine soon in March
I'll see the spring begin
sadness will be smaller
fear a little less
of days that cut and scars still raw
Will be less painted far
More lightened strokes less chill The core
And summer sounds will sore

— The End —