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Bardo Jul 2021
The town was quiet when the Poet rode in
Not a soul was to be seen
A dog barked somewhere and a door banged noisily in the wind,
He wore a long grey coat flecked with dirt and mud
Two buttons had been left undone and there through the opening could be seen, his gun!
His eyes they had a tired look as if looking out wearily on the world
As he moved up the street, curtains parted and nervous little eyes peeped out
Suddenly a door opened and a woman rushed out across the street
Behind a barrel outside the hardware store, a small boy... hiding!
She began to scold him. "Ah Ma! he protested, I just wanted to get a good look at him, see him up close"
"Quiet!" she commanded, then turning toward the Poet while shielding the boy
She said defiantly "Their bad! Their wicked evil men!
But the Poet just kept on going, riding on as if she wasn't there
His eyes fixed straight ahead,
Finally he stopped outside the saloon, dismounted, tied his horse to the hitching Post
Went inside, the spurs of his boots clanking on the floor as he walked
"What'll it be Stranger ?" offered the Bartender
"Gimme a whiskey", said the Poet,"an Irish whiskey"
At a table playing cards, some heads turned
Then there were some excited whispers
"Look! it's the Bardo Kid, the Bardo Kid!!!"
"What has you around these parts Stranger ?" asked the Barkeep inquisitively
"I'm looking for someone", answered the Poet, "goes by the name of... Zardo!"
Another man drinking at the bar suddenly began to splutter
As if his drink had gone down the wrong way
Bardo eyed him suspiciously
"Don't look at me Bardo, I'm not Zardo, Me! I'm Vargo"
"Well Vargo", said Bardo, "you seen Zardo around ?"
"I ain't seen Zardo Bardo" said Vargo
Then he quickly drained his glass and hurriedly left
Bardo watched him go.
"Whose looking for Zardo ?" came a voice suddenly from the stairs and the shadows
It was a woman's voice. It was Miss Lilly, the Saloon Madam, a mature lady, still pretty but who'd seen better days
She came down the stairs out of the shadows
Walked right up to the Poet
But then almost losing her breath in surprise
Almost as if she'd just seen a ghost
She said with a strange note of familiarity "Bardo!!!"
The Poet too, seemed taken aback
"Lilly!" he said a bit shyly and took off his hat,
They both stood there looking at each other for a moment
"You've gotten older Bardo... more worn, I'd hardly know you"
"Been a long time... I guess" replied the Poet awkwardly,
"Where... what...whatever happened to you... Bardo ?.... I often wondered".
It was a very disarming question, for a moment the Poet seemed lost for words
"I...I've been away... far faraway"
Then gathering himself he said with a tinge of bitterness
"What happened. Life happened I guess, dealt me a bad hand, I suppose I was never gonna measure up. It was inevitable wasn't it... me and this world
I could only have turned to a Life of...a Life of Rhyme"
Bardo looked at Lilly standing there in her tawdrily ostentatious red Saloon dress
Showing a bit of cleavage
Grown slightly plump now, with some grey strands through her hair
And crowsfeet starting to appear around her eyes, he asked sadly
"What happened to you... Lilly ?
For a moment she looked like she was going to cry.
"O! I do a bit of singin' ..dancin'... deal cards, serve drinks, and do a whole lot of listenin' to lonely men and their troubles, try to cheer them up and get them to buy some more drink, keep the party going.  That's the game anyway" she admitted almost ashamedly. Then she continued. "We seen some good times though, didn't we, you and I, once when we were younger, for awhile there we ran young and wild and free, didn't we ?"
"Yea, young and wild...and... and stupid" answered Bardo with regret.
"What's this... what's this about Zardo ? asked Lilly smiling, "remember you always used to like that name".
"He's been saying things about me, running me down... damaging my reputation
Says he's faster than I am, that he could take me anytime, says I'm nothing but trouble, that I'm a no good lowdown critter, said he's gonna bring me in one day soon.
I was curious about him, thought I'd maybe like to meet this person".
"But he's only young" replied Lilly defending him, " he was just shooting off at the mouth, you know young people, their full of arrogance and foolish pride. You know how Life twists people and makes them into something their not".
Bardo looked at her closely "Do you know him ?"
Lilly hesitated a moment, then said almost tearfully " He's my son Bardo".
"I never knew you had a kid" said Bardo very surprised.
Lilly looked Bardo right in the eyes and then confided "He's our kid Bardo... you remember that time, that Summer we had together, that brief moment in time when we found each other and we thought this world was ours" .
"Why didn't you tell me, why didn't you send word, you could have reached me, I would have come", said Bardo.
"O! You'd be so proud of him Bardo, he grew up to be strong and straight and true
He has a job here as a young Deputy now".
Suddenly they heard a commotion outside and then the batwing doors of the Saloon swung open
And in strode a lean figure wearing a Tin Star
It was Zardo!!!
A big crowd had formed behind him, they were egging him on
"So!" he said looking straight at Bardo,"we meet at last, if it isn't the Great, The Bardo Kid
The Fastest Pen in the West
The Fastest Rhyming Couplets this side of the Pecos
I'm taking you in...Old-timer
Heh! You don't look so tough,
I bet I could take you easy".
Lilly tried to intervene "No son, you've got it all wrong !
"Stay out of this Mom !" he warned coldly, a bit embarrassed seeing her there
Then almost as if he'd just realized something very important he said angrily to Bardo
"What are you doing talking to my Mom ?
Why you ***** rotten varmint".
Lilly screamed "Nooo!!! "
Zardo drew first but Bardo was quicker
Before Zardo had got his gun out, Bardo's had already cleared his holster
Lilly cried "Please Bardo don't hurt my boy!!"
Bardo let off a whole barrage of shots
Zardo only got off one solitary shot
But strangely... strangely it was Bardo who dropped to the floor
Zardo stood there shaken and dazed
"How can I still be alive?" he said,"he was way faster than I was. And he fired so many shots, he couldn't have missed them all'.
Suddenly the Bartender let out a shout and pointed his finger
"Look!" he said in amazement, Look!  Look at the wall behind you"
They all turned and there on the wall behind Zardo, drawn in bullets... the outline of a little heart.
A bit like Red River this without the cattle LoL. I have to own up here and say. I had the first part of this written for a long time but couldn't do anything with it. But then one day I was remembering back and remembered I read a Western story one time as a child. The hero's name was Lane I think, Life had been unkind to Lane, he got into a lot of scrapes and developed a Bad Reputation. The story ended with him meeting his old childhood sweetheart and her telling him they had a child and he was now a Deputy. They then have a showdown, the Deputy son insults the Dad not knowing who he really is, Lane is quicker on the draw and draws a heart on the wall with his bullets. -I thought I'd try and put my own spin on it. Was never able to track that book down again.- And don't worry he only winged me LoL.
ConnectHook Sep 2015

Bards of the bardo, hear my lay;
ye glacial Himalayas, sway.
Raise a warming toast in sake,
while my mystic muse gets cocky.

You who seek enlightenment
unto whom these lines are sent
open wide your spirit’s portal
(you – who are not yet immortal)

as we weigh a departed soul
and hurl a vajra – let it roll
with tantric thunderclap appeal
while startled Bodhisattvas reel.

Turn from the heights with sober eyes
and under less celestial skies
let us scrutinize the preacher,
pop-star and Tibetan teacher:

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
(born in a manger – so they say)
grew up deep in Eastern mountains,
fed by esoteric fountains.

Soon he became a monkish abbot
painting thankas, chanting sutra
in a saffron-colored habit
high above the Brahmaputra.

Later, the teacher headed west
suckling Maya‘s milky breast
selling used mantras on the way
to devas who came out to play.

Eventually, in Colorado
he rocked the Rockies, thrilled the Beats
Bringing to his own weird bardo
bolder moves and tipsy feats.

Crazy wisdom’s drunken master
clothed in smartly elegant style,
steered disciples toward disaster –
partying gleefully all the while.

He tantalized the Tantric flirts
by seeking Buddhahood up their skirts;
preaching, as their morals sunk
from The Tibetan Book of the Drunk

Meditating, glass in hand
life of the party (of the ******)
the master mingled with dakinis
deep in the bardo of red bikinis.

Leaving behind a score of tulkus
empty bottles, broken parts
books of empty words that fools choose
after charlatans steal their hearts,

Trungpa Rinpoche went down
shaman of shame, hung-over clown
and tried to mend his Karmic puncture
where the left-hand paths make juncture:

Axis of the All, he spoke
a massive Himalayan joke.
Chogyam’s sacred shambala
brought last laughs to the last hurrah.

When his Dharma-dream was ended
Trungpa woke in hell, a snowball;
karmic punctures still unmended
prisoner of the Bardo Thodol

Should you doubt the truths I tell,
the facts are documented well.
Crazy, isnt it? What we’ll take
from vajra-vendors on the make.
Limked version with images:
elias Jul 2012
i miss you
and find myself wondering
where and how and if you are
you are because we are
and you are part of we
but are you free?

i remember how you just hate anything
the least bit tainted by the supernatural
yet you believe in the good
and work for the peace
you are relentless
about the consequence of a thought.

perhaps that's why peaceful buddhists
beckoned you across the sea
and why you were happy in their place
i see you now again in their midst
in their bardo - awakening
where the sun is always setting
and souls are recycled

these folk gave you a great gift
for bardo is the proper in-between
to finally unwrap your sadness
and be pleased with all you are

but you were christian first and still
and have chased jesus all your life
you've met him often in his varying disguise
and so encouraged, uplifted us

i remember your lessons
your direct manner
the joy above your sorrow
the hope above your hurt
you always left a warm space after
you have left it again with us.
for a friend just passed, whose compassion and understanding were great, and whose sadness was ever present.
vircapio gale Oct 2012
dreams of bardo--
neither dead nor living
seasons pass

The Tibetan word bardo means "in-between state." The word is commonly used to mean a state between death and rebirth. However, the Bardo Thodol -- "Liberation through Hearing in the Intermediate State," known in English as "The Tibetan Book of the Dead," describes six kinds of bardo.
A la luz de la tarde moribunda
Recorro el olvidado cementerio,
Y una dulce piedad mi pecho inunda
Al pensar de la muerte en el misterio.

Del occidente a las postreras luces
Mi errabunda mirada sólo advierte
Los toscos leños de torcidas cruces,
Despojos en la playa de la Muerte.

De madreselvas que el Abril enflora,
Cercado humilde en torno se levanta,
Donde vierte sus lágrimas la aurora,
Y donde el ave, por las tardes, canta.

Corre cerca un arroyo en hondo cauce
Que a trechos lama verdinegra viste,
Y de la orilla se levanta un sauce,
Cual de la Muerte centinela triste.

Y al oír el rumor en la maleza,
Mi mente inquiere, de la sombra esclava,
Si es rumor de la vida que ya empieza,
O rumor de la vida que se acaba.

«¿Muere todo?» me digo. En el instante
Alzarse veo de las verdes lomas,
Para perderse en el azul radiante,
Una blanca bandada de palomas.

Y del bardo sajón el hondo verso,
Verso consolador, mi oído hiere:
No hay muerte porque es vida el universo;
Los muertos no están muertos...  ¡Nada muere!
¡No hay muerte! ¡todo es vida!...
El sol que ahora,
Por entre nubes de encendida grana
Va llegando al ocaso, ya es aurora
Para otros mundos, en región lejana.

Peregrina en la sombra, el alma yerra
Cuando un perdido bien llora en su duelo.
Los dones de los cielos a la tierra
No mueren... ¡Tornan de la tierra al cielo!
Si ya llegaron a la eterna vida
Los que a la sima del sepulcro ruedan,
Con júbilo cantemos su partida,
¡Y lloremos más bien por los que quedan!

Sus ojos vieron, en la tierra, cardos,
Y sangraron sus pies en los abrojos...
¡Ya los abrojos son fragantes nardos,
Y todo es fiesta y luz para sus ojos!

Su pan fue duro, y largo su camino,
Su dicha terrenal fue transitoria...
Si ya la muerte a libertarlos vino,
¿Porqué no alzarnos himnos de victoria?
La dulce faz en el hogar querida,
Que fue en las sombras cual polar estrella:
La dulce faz, ausente de la vida,
¡Ya sonríe más fúlgida y más bella!

La mano que posada en nuestra frente,
En horas de dolor fue blanda pluma,
Transfigurada, diáfana, fulgente,
Ya como rosa de Sarón perfuma.

Y los ojos queridos, siempre amados,
Que alegraron los páramos desiertos,
Aunque entre sombras los miréis cerrados,
¡Sabed que están para la luz abiertos!

Y el corazón que nos amó, santuario
De todos nuestros sueños terrenales,
Al surgir de la noche del osario,
Es ya vaso de aromas edenales.

Para la nave errante ya hay remanso;
Para la mente humana, un mundo abierto;
Para los pies heridos... ya hay descanso,
Y para el pobre náufrago... ya hay puerto.
No hay muerte, aunque se apague a nuestros ojos
Lo que dio a nuestra vida luz y encanto;
¡Todo es vida, aunque en míseros despojos
Caiga en raudal copioso nuestro llanto!

No hay muerte, aunque a la tumba a los que amamos
(La frente baja y de dolor cubiertos),
Llevemos a dormir... y aunque creamos
Que los muertos queridos están muertos.

Ni fue su adiós eterna despedida...
Como buscando un sol de primavera
Dejaron las tinieblas de la vida
Por nueva vida, en luminosa esfera.

Padre, madre y hermanos, de fatigas
En el mundo sufridos compañeros,
Grermen fuisteis ayer... ¡hoy sois espigas,
Espigas del Señor en los graneros!

Dejaron su terrena vestidura
Y ya lauro inmortal radia en sus frentes;
Y aunque partieron para excelsa altura,
Con nosotros están... no están ausentes!
Son luz para el humano pensamiento,
Rayo en la estrella y música en la brisa.
¿Canta el aura en las frondas?...  ¡Es su acento!
¿Una estrella miráis?...  ¡Es su sonrisa!

Por eso cuando en horas de amargura
El horizonte ennegrecido vemos,
Oímos como voces de dulzura
Pero de dónde vienen... ¡no sabemos!

¡Son ellos... cerca están!  Y aunque circuya
Luz eterna a sus almas donde moran
En el placer nuestra alegría es suya,
Y en el dolor, con nuestro llanto lloran.

A nuestro lado van.  Son luz y egida
De nuestros pasos débiles e inciertos
No hay muerte...  ¡Todo alienta, todo es vida!
¡Y los muertos queridos no están muertos!

Porque al caer el corazón inerte
Un mundo se abre de infinitas galas,
¡Y como eterno galardón, la Muerte
Cambia el sudario del sepulcro, en alas!
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Once I hoped to write like Ginsberg –
but Allen Ginsberg went to hell.
His bolder Buddhist poetry glitters,
then opens like an empty shell.

In vain one searches for the pearl
within the lyric art he showed us.
Open wide his rotten oyster –
seek the center of the lotus.

Perverted lost Semitic soul –
lyrical ranter,  mind unhinged…
He celebrated sin and shame
while crew-cut culture cringed.

His beatnik aircraft took off fast,
flew into bardos of the ******
promising enlightenment –
but the cockpit was unmanned.
I heard Ginsberg read his writ live (CO Springs 1985).
Daniel August Apr 2014
Saw a pair walking down
the street. Her hopping,
Him hoping—holding a
Cigarette Poised,
A gymnast balanced
Between shaky fingers.
The other night I met Mark Twain
I passed the invisible frontier into  a
Large area like a deserted fairgrounds
In the darkness of the coming night.  
There were others  there, not many as
Dark figures passing when I came up
To him, as to an old acquaintance not
Seen for a while.  I said this place quivers
As between day and night- like any moment
It will change and we will not be here at all.
Just at the end of twilight it was.that He said:
Yes' but where else could we meet-That did
Seem to answer all my questions; and I woke
Knowing I had been somewhere else, a place
Between where something more and some-
Thing less can coexist in a fragile balance.
Like the attic of all beloved memories -not too
Far away to travel to when we must know still
They are, a place where they live and are real.
L Seagull Apr 2017
Thy breathing is about to cease. Thy guru hath set thee face to face before with the Clear Light; and now thou art about to experience it in its Reality... wherein all things are like the void and cloudless sky, and the naked, spotless intellect is like unto a transparent vacuum without circumference or centre
Another passage from The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Borges Oct 2018
que poca mentiras tenes de chiquito a chechuas:

Lyrical y poeta
Poeta y lyrical
Media luna y cracked jokes
Cakes and misfit animals
Se van a open para vergasos
Los movemos antes de llegar
Muebles no carga
Sangre equivocada de cuero
Los libros se cargan solos
Los libros en las tinieblas de la mente

Girando sin parar la cabeza va
Después de todo es más que un sonido

Todo lo bonito se admira de repente
Todo lo feo se arrepiente uno despues

Que es lo interesante de tu pareja:

Baudelier, se sintió frío al escribír sus poemas o estoy mintiendo.

No podemos rescatar la madre de la sabiduría.
Bardo y sana
Riya Aug 2014
They come to me with problems That they can't handle. With a smile,
I drop everything to help them.

What they don't know is,
I'm facing a battle.
But they just think that
I'm a happy little helper.

The forces are joining up, Gathering everybody they can
While I stay here just trying to ignore them.

Black and white,
Dark and Light.
Go head to head
As I watch in Bardo
Waiting to be claimed.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
Hardly, my friend.
The Dharma shrieks
a diamond radiance
from my heart.
I do not fear
the turning
of the wheel.
I revel in it.
I made this world;
creator and arbiter.
I control my destiny
by controlling my self.
I choose how to live,
where to live,
with whom to live.
I know what I need
and take it.
I make my desires
into my truths.
My karma is strong.
It is not my karma
to surrender, ever.
My other lives
roiled with war,
death and destruction,
but never surrender.
What to fear in this one?
Only fools fear death.
Death leads to the Bardo
and the Bardo leads
to another try
at conquering life.
I sit where I am
and I choose who I am.
My heart feels
the circle turn
and I exude its
diamond radiance
once again:
action in inaction;
order in chaos.
I make my freedom here
in the still spoke
of the spinning wheel
we call life.
Let the Universe
look after itself.
I have other worlds
to conquer.
Buddhism, like Anarchism, is not passive.
j f Apr 2013
In my first life, I died
The year I turned 25,
And now that I’m in the hours before I ******* second,
I want to make it all the way to
28.27 years
cause when you divide that by 9,
You’re left with pi.

And because the universe isn’t just a
Straight line, you’ve got to use a formula to get around,
Get all up on that pi d because piety just
isn't logic enough for me, where  even the repentant
Are told they’re going to burn in purgatory, sweetheart, please.
Being alive and feeling was
sometimes hell enough for me.

In just a few hours before I’m sent through that
Tight tunnel,
I want to be judged by the god of
3.14159, the baker that made me
Mr. Blueberry Buddah
Master in the art of reincarnation.
I want to be birthed **** with just a dab of pure whipped
cream for a soul,
Drizzled sweet with the blood I never watched my
mother bleed for me
on the morning of my second birth.

But I gotta say, this bardo ****'s pretty odd,
Here the sky ranges in color gradients too specific like
“violent salmon” all the way to “lukewarm smoothie”
But once I get out, I know things will be strange,
owning a life that’s not quite mine to lose.
And even though I’ll have no answer to give, I desperately
Want someone to ask,

Stranger, tell me, how did it feel?

Theoretically, I’ll respond,
Well, I was kicked back into some ancestral dream
To meet everyone I will ever be, everyone
I have ever been and
Once I’ve met all of them,
Everyone I will never meet again.

And they'll ask,
Friend, is that why babies take so long to be born?

Yes, its because they’re shaking hands with the universe
On the way out of the womb.
At least, the one who will reach nirvana
After this life cycle circles through.

Lover, if I were to meet you again, will you remember?
Does your soul still have my story
Etched on it somewhere,
Or will you be washed clean of me,
The tabula rasa upon which Locke never wrote?

I won’t remember you, but
I have faith that you’ll find me,
Even lifetimes grow apart after too long.
It’s all about the company you keep because
They never stay.
And if that should happen, well,
We just met each other in an inconvenient life.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
If I can but
squeeze through
the narrow Bardo
one more time,
I'll get it right.
  - mce
Bardo: see the Tibetan Book of the Dead.
Aoife Mairéad May 2016
In the bardo*
you are floating
aboard the barge of couldhavebeens
and moments that were unseen
not the world
not a boy or a girl
Lost boys are found toys for Thor’s hands
to play with
Lightening lick of guitar solo
striking health into blushed cheeks
Soon you’ll no longer need to be
The eye patches will be removed
and pirate life won’t mean
Scrounging and wishing for an oasis
you’ll throw a life saver
throw a light saber
Glisten the sparkzap through tables
laden with all that’s been spat
from vitriolic minds

sore elbows from nudging bad spirits away
Blades of bone
and intention can saw through sadness
to the light beyond
like the sky’s pinholes
Stars aren't the cuttings of children
the dark is just a covering
Poke a finger through
Don't fear if you get stuck
for it is only the backdrop to a stage
hiding the mass of light
only there to protect us from blinding joy
Like sunglasses
So be one with your sadness
*The Tibetan word bardo (བར་དོ་ Wylie: bar do) means literally "intermediate state"—also translated as "transitional state" or "in-between state" or "liminal state". In Sanskrit the concept has the name antarabhāva.
T Stevens Dec 2013
I'm hoping you have no doubts I'm writing this to and about you. : )
Thank you for finally letting me know you know I'm alive.
Just thinking about talking to you makes the butterflies go crazy.
My heart beats then skips a beat when I see you around town and I
swear it's strictly by accident. I'm not actively following you around.
I haven't been to sleep because I'm up thinking about you
but not in the sick and twisted Bardo way of stalking then killing.
I haven't been searching for your address or where you hang
out like that anonymous lunatic posting that on Craigslist forum.
I still want your phone number but only if you want to give it.
You asked the impossible melting snow against weatherman's
predictions and you got this hold over me like I never felt before.
Are you a keeper of  unworldly secrets of magic or someone who is
quite lovely and is just plain an extraordinarily special and gifted lady?
I'd like to discover that for myself if you would agree to meet me at
Little Bohemia it's aka Lil Bo's by us locals to hear a Jazz band.
It's a public place and I heard it through the grapevine you popped
in a few times but I can't say that's true, I wasn't there and it's hear say.
Person said you entered alone but didn't sing and it looked like
you were having a good time being a chatty patty and hearing the band.
The more I get to know about you lady the more I want to discover.
You got a wish and mine is not as impossible as yours I'm hoping.
I want in my life a lady like you who oozes confidence when she enters
a room and when she's being chatted up by complete strangers.
I will be in the parking lot watching the door and enter if you enter.
Hoping to see you Friday night and hoping to see that gorgeous smile.
Hoping you agree to meet me but if not I will keep on hoping for that.
Mike Essig May 2016
for Herman and Mary*
Old friends. New days. Years like miles fall away.
A visit, a visit. Time collapses. Walks and talks.
Memories in an instant. Tattoos on the brain remain.
This world, inconsequential and uncaring, but home.
Pain and failure as knowledge. A maturity of knowing.
The zig-zag manifestation of life. Pearls of moments.
We live a succession of dangling modifiers. Syntax.
Dreaming the most legitimate activity. Breathe.
Here but not forever. There is no full stop.
     Only a pause in the Bardo for tea
     And then a flowing outward to see.
Mafe Oct 2012
"Uma corte recheada de incertezas.
Diz o mestre:
- A todos vocês condeno essas correntes ventrais.
Condeno essa pressão cardíaca, essa confusão mental.
Não desejeis vós que o sentimento profundo lhes fosse concedido?
E quem há de me jurar que com ele não viria tremenda descordenação,
tremendo derrocamento?
Ouçam o bardo correndo louco entre as paredes de pedra.
Ouçam o gondoleiro, barcarolando as canções de amor.
Ouçam o basbaque som dos encantados,
os afeiçoados e doados de coração.
Eis a verdade, corte, corte de sentimentos.
Jaz aqui o vento que me tragou a esta ilusão.
Gritam altissonantes os mares,
arriscai-vos corações,
antes que o mar os leve a vossos esquifes,
antes que seja muito tarde para arriscar.
Porém que seja espúrioso o vosso amor.
Pois é sentimento que se perde em lamentações,
e para vive-lo, arriscar é necessário, não aja com esquivança,
uma vez entrelaçado, o amor é mais que a promessa,
é a eternidade, é um fado, é um facho,
é imensurável,
é imane,
é ilibado,
insinuante sinal de maravilhas,
ofusca os olhos de quem sente,
faz plenitude e traz saudade a quem não tem,
mas ainda sim muito além,
é uma reta paralela, e dele deve ser padrinho em solenidade,
é um pardieiro implorando piedade, e nós somos a reconstrução.
Então amem corte, mas paguem o preço,
na labuta e na luta,
pois o amor é um mestiço, meio amargo, meio doce,
mas é nato em perfeição."
Randy Johnson Jul 2019
She was very young when she was shot and killed by Robert John Bardo.
She starred in 'One Life To Live' and 'My Sister Sam' over 30 years ago.
Bardo had stalked Rebecca for three years and tragically ended her life with his gun.
Fans were forced to say goodbye to this great actress who died at the age of twenty-one.
Yo tuve una prima
como un lirio bella,
como un mirlo alegre,
como un alba fresca,
rubia como una
mañana abrileña.   Amaba los versos aquella rapaza
con predilecciones a su edad ajenas.
La música augusta del rtimo cantaba
dentro de su espíritu como ignota orquesta;
todo lo que un astro le dice a otro astro,
todo lo que el cielo le dice a la tierra,
todo lo que el alma pregunta a la Esfinge,
todo lo que al alma la Esfinge contesta.   Pobre prima rubia,
pobre prima buena;
hace muchos años que duerme ese sueño
del que ni los pájaros, alegres como ella,
ni el viento que pasa, ni el agua que corre,
ni el sol que derrocha vida, la recuerdan.   Yo suelo, en los días
de la primavera,
llevar a su tumba
versos y violetas;
versos y violetas, ¡lo que más amaba!   En torno a su losa riego las primeras,
luego las estrofas recito que antaño
su deleite eran:
las más pensativas, las más misteriosas,
las más insinuantes, las que son más tiernas;
las que en sus pestañas, como en blonda de oro,
ponían las joyas de lágrimas, trémulas,
con diafanudades de beril hialino
y oriente de perlas.
  Se las digo bajo, bajito, inclinándome
hacia donde yace, por que las entienda.
Pobre prima rubia, ¡pero no responde!
Pobre prima rubia, ¡pero no despierta!   Cierto día, una joven condiscípula,
con mucho sigilo le prestó en la escuela
un libro de versos musicales, hondos.
¡Eran los divinos versos de Espronceda!   Se los llevó a casa bajo el chal ocultos,
y los escondimos, con sutil cautela,
del padre y la madre, y hasta de su sombra;
de la anciana tía, devota e ingenua,
que sólo gustaba de jaculatorias
y sólo entendía los versos de Trueba.   En aquellas tardes embermejecidas
por conflagraciones de luz, en que bregan
gigánticamente monstruos imprecisos
del Apocalipsis o de las leyendas;
de aquellas tardes que fingen catástrofes;
en aquellas tardes en que el iris vuelca
todos sus colores, en que el sol vacía
toda su escarcela;
en aquellas tardes del trópico, juntos
los dos, en discreto rincón de la huerta,
bajo de la trémula hospitalidad
de nuestras palmeras,
a furto de extraños, vibrantes leíamos
el Canto a Teresa.   ¡Qué revelaciones nos hizo ese canto!
Todas las angustias, todas las tristezas,
todo lo insondable del amor, y todo
lo desesperante de las infidencias:
todo el doloroso mundo que gravita
sobre el alma esclava que amó quimeras,
del que puso estrellas en la frente amada,
y al tornar a casa ya no encontró estrellas.   Todo el ansia loca de adorar en vano
tan sólo a una sombra, tan sólo a una muerta;
todos los despechos y las ironías
del que se revuelca
en zarzal de dudas y de escepticismos;
todos los sarcasmos y las impotencias.   Y después, aquellas ágiles canciones
de prosodia alada, de gracia ligera,
que apenas si tocan el polvo del mundo
con la orla de oro del brial de seda;
que, como el albatros, se duermen volando
que, como el albatros, volando despiertan:
  La ideal canción del bravo Pirata
que iba viento en popa, que iba a toda vela,
y a quien por los mares nuestros pensamientos,
como dos gaviotas, seguían de cerca;   Y la del Mendigo, cínico y osado,
y la del Cosaco del Desierto, bélica,
bárbara, erizada de ferrados hurras,
que al oído suenan
como los tropeles de potros indómitos
con jinetes rubios, sobre las estepas...   Pasaba don Félix, el de Montemar,
con una aureola roja en su cabeza,
satánico, altivo; luego, doña Elvira,
«que murió de amor», en lirios envuelta.
¡Con cuántos prestigios de la fantasía
ante nuestros ojos se alejaba tétrica!   Y el Reo de muerte que el fatal instante,
frente a un crucifijo, silencioso espera;
y aquella Jarifa, cuya mano pálida
la frente ardorosa del bardo refresca.
  Poco de su Diablo Mundo comprendíamos;
pero adivinábamos, como entre una niebla,
símbolos enormes y filosofías
que su Adán desnudo se llevaba a cuestas   ¡Oh mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!,
¡oh mi gran poeta de la gran melena!,
¡oh mi gran poeta de la frente vasta
cual limpio horizonte!, ¡oh mi gran poeta!   Te debo las horas más inolvidables;
y un día leyendo tu Canto a Teresa.,
muy juntos los ojos, muy juntos los labios,
te debí también, cual Paolo a Francesca,
un beso, el más grande que he dado en mi vida;
un beso, más dulce que miel sobre hojuelas;
¡un beso florido que envolvió en perfumes
toda mi existencia!   Un beso que, siento, eternizaría
del duro Gianciotti la daga violenta,
para que en la turba de almas infernales,
como en la terrible página dantesca,
fuera resonando por los anchos limbos,
fuera restallando por la noche inmensa,
y uniendo por siempre mi boca golosa
con la boca de ella!   ¡Oh, mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!
¡Quién hubiera dicho que yo te trajera,
como pobre pago de los inefables
éxtasis de entonces, esta humilde ofrenda!...
¡Oh, gallardo príncipe de la poesía!
Pero tú recíbela con la gentileza
de un Midas que en oro todo lo transmuta;
en claros diamantes mi abalorio trueca,
y en los viles cobres de mis estrofillas,
para acaudalarlos, engasta tus gemas.
Así tu memoria por los siglos dure,
¡oh, mi gran poeta de la gran melena!,
¡oh, mi gran poeta de los ojos negros!
¡oh, mi gran poeta!
Lucy Tonic Nov 2011
Minus blood
Minus water
Minus hands
Minus Meaning
Minus spacesuit
Minus loot
Welcome to the helm
Of your own spirit vehicle
Welcome to the realm
Of questionable miracles
Welcome to the future
Welcome to bardo, baby
a sight for the
eyes to behold

one thousand bodies
washed upon the shore

a curious treasure
for the sea to cede

gracious undertows
yield hungry ghosts

wrapped in blankets
of seaweed

suspended in true
states of bardo

occupying a beachhead
between sea and land

cycles of tides churn
The Wheel of Life

a quivering moon
lights pathways home

strewn bodies of liberated
souls molder in the sand

proper alms for *****
and squawking gulls

Dedicated to the people of Japan and
the victims of the earthquake and tsunami

Mike Essig May 2015
Propositions about
the afterlife are futile.

Do you believe in God,
heaven, clouds, harps and cherubs?

And then you die and discover
that you must lead many more lives
searching for perfection.

Do you believe in the Bardo,
in reincarnation, in the sweet
possibilities of getting it right?

And then you die and find yourself
on a fluffy cloud surrounded by
annoying cherubs whose harps are incessant.

Or will you become a mute patch of earth,
that is wet and dry and favored by worms.

I have closed the eyes of the dead
and all I can tell you is they were dead.

What happens after is futile surmise.

You believe or you don't.

But believing is not knowing.

And when you know, you will not say.

I don't want to hear it.
Onoma Dec 2016
Now at the brink
of winter...ashen
bardo light of becoming.
Those who fear spaciousness
will shudder.
With the leaves gone,
there are no obstructions.
Como la brisa que la sangre orea
sobre el oscuro campo de batalla,
cargada de perfumes y armonías
en el silencio de la noche vaga,Símbolo del dolor y la ternura,
del bardo inglés en el horrible drama,
la dulce Ofelia, la razón perdida,
cogiendo flores y cantando pasa.
Turbio y callado Magdalena, río
Patrio, de tardes y mañanas bellas,
Y auras que vuelan con  olor de bosque,
            Auras de vida:

¡Cuál fue mi anhelo en la niñez remota,
Cerca de arroyo de mezquinas aguas,
Verte algún día, entre playones, y altos
            Troncos de ceibas!

Mírote ahora, y en tu origen pienso,
Páramo agreste en solitaria cumbre
Donde has nacido, bajo sombra errante
            De alas de buitres.

Frágiles hojas, frailejón y juncos
Sólo tu cuna entre las rocas fueron...
Hoy vas cruzando, en majestad y solo,
            Vírgenes selvas.

iTiempos lejanos, cuando el indio erguía
Pobres bohíos!... Donde fueron chozas,
Se alzan, a empuje de moderno brazo,
            Fábricas y urbes.

Iban entones sobre ti canoas;
Leves bajaban o subían lentas,
Mientras al golpe del remar se unía
            Canto aborigen.

Barcos ahora de penacho *****
Abren tu mole, desatando espumas,
Y altos dominan tu correr silente
            Raudos aviones.

Bellas auroras en tu limpio cielo
Son tu alborozo al despertar el día,
Y óyese al punto, del oído encanto,
            Gárrula orquesta.

Grandes bandadas de pericos gritan,
Céfiros suaves susurrando flotan
Y ágiles, leves, mariposas níveas,
            Trémulas pasan.

¡Brisas inquietas que voláis silbando,
Soplos del bosque, refrescad mis sienes!
¡Cómo os aspiro, cual vital aroma,
            Húmedas auras!

¡Sol! ¡Bello irradias en mitad del día!
Duermen los saurios en la gris arena,
Y albas, muy lejos, en la orilla sola,
            Sueñan las garzas.

¡Tardes del río... Tropical crepúsculo:
Oro, topacio y arreboles rojos!
¡Todo entre palmas y en azul, formando
            Rica paleta!

Bardo que sueñas: ¡a lo alto mira!
¡Copia! ¡Es lo tuyo! ¡Poesía patria!
Vibra en belleza, y lo que ven tus ojos
            Vibre en tu canto!

Clara, en cendales, la apacible luna
Surge de pronto, y ensanchando el cielo
Tiende en el agua, que en remanso duerme,
            Velo de lirios.

Coplas con ritmo de bambuco triste
Cantan los bogas en la abierta playa,
Y ávidos piden que a sus ojos baje
            Sueño tranquilo.

¡Cómo, de noche, en tu dominio aterra
Fiera borrasca! El rimbombar del trueno
Llena de espanto, y por el aire cruzan
            Ígneos fulgores.

Nubes y nubes se amontonan lívidas,
Rayos las rasgan, la tormenta ruge;
Llueve a raudales, y parece entonces
            Que húndese el cielo.

Viene la aurora. Con las aguas ruedan
Árboles rotos; desbordado el río
Cubre las playas, y el Oriente finge
            Campo de rosas.

¿Qué los humanos ante ti? ¿Qué somos?
Polvo no más que aventará la muerte;
Tú... siempre viendo, en sucesión eterna,
            Siglos y siglos.

Hundo la mente en el futuro, y veo
Días de gloria y alborozo, cuando
Quillas que vengan de marinas olas
            Rompan tus aguas.

Rieles tus ribas unirán a valles
Y ásperas sierras y lejanos ríos;
Émulo entonces se verá tu puerto
            De urbes grandiosas.

Tiempos vendrán cuando potentes hachas
Y hombres de audacia arrasarán tus bosques.
Gloria futura ceñirá sus frentes
            De ínclitos lauros.

Cíclopes nuevos, mas de sangre nuestra,
Yermos de ahora trocarán en vida,
Y ellos oirán, en las edades pósteras,
            Dianas de triunfo.

¡Río: entre robles y palmeras rueda!
¡Rueda, y los pueblos en abrazo junta,
Pueblos hermanos en hermosa Patria,
            Próspera y libre!
Jordan Gee Feb 2022
Will the apocalypse be one of fire?
Will it have the aftertaste of sulfur and asphalt?
Beware the madness and the mania and 8 eyes on a face…
Quick! fill the bathtub with water - I hear sirens.
I saw a wheelchair and it was on fire - rolling down the avenue,
certainly an omen, if nothing else.
I sat on a bus with three strangers leaving Point Loma, California.
One guy was reading the same book as me.
Wild Comanches, Lords of the Plains, Enemy of Everyone.
It was the taste of sulfur and asphalt when the Comanche horde came
riding over the hills like Genghis Khan, kicking up dust devils with their horses' hooves.
It was a smoky plume of final endings way out on the staked plains of the high Texas prairie.
-10 degrees celsius and the rain is liquid, still.
It's been raining warm milk and ambrosia.
We’re feeding from the Breast of the Sacred Mother.
We’re gnawing on the bone of the Law of the Holy Father,
His Holy Word tumbling down into our ear holes.
65,000 national landmarks strewn about a major American City,
And even all the row homes’ tofu facades fell off and crumbled into dust
like the expression on my face once I learned the true scope of what I’ve done.
3 shakes of a lamb’s tail doesn’t cover the time it takes the
man in the mirror to skin my whole hide.
Sometimes the honesty of my reflection is the scariest part.
3 shakes of the snakes rattle and I'm already off into the Astral,
floating half lotus on a sheep skin.
Sulfur and asphalt?
I’ve climbed and transcended that frequency’s ladder.
The Bardo is in my rear-view with eight legs and
my silver cord dangling from behind.
I’ve hosted my egregore for four o’clock tea and crumpets.
I slid down my silken sutratma
back into my heart
and I can smell only
flowers and embroideries.
Songs of grace and truth sifting through my ivory grill
welling up from the living wellspring of my devotion and
smack dab onto instagram.
Only 3 grams short.
I found my heart in the upper room,
hoisted up by the feather at the opposite end of the scale.
10 sleeps from here to the Black Madonna.
What came first?
The ego or the ****** Birth?
There ain’t no apocalypse gonna scare me
I break a 3 day juice fast with a bowl of sulfur and
there’s flowers growing up through the pavement.
Three ***** of a crow’s wing and
the smoke of my sage fills all the lungs of the World Mother,
the Black Madonna and a can of gas.
Ain’t no apocalypse gonna scare me.
I fly to the Comanche moon and back on a set of butterfly wings.
One bottle of Bufo Alveris and I blew straight out the top of the Causal Egg.
Hardened and vitalized by the sheer weight of the cocoon.
Sometimes to let them struggle is to save their life.
Three hairs plucked from Shiva’s Body and planted like apple seeds
and you get a grove full of
fruit trees that will never
go fallow,
and die.
I’ve been to the Bardo.
And you wouldn’t believe how loud a man can scream.
I rode all seven stars of the Pleiades back down into my body;
crashed the car somewhere along 81
near Goldsborough exit, Lackawanna Co. PA.
All I wanted was a blanket to shield me from the shrill howling
of the wind.
But Orion got to me first and I came close to truly losing my mind.
But what is heaven for the spider…
is chaos to the fly.
And there ain’t no apocalypse that ever scared me.
its cold in the bardo
Mike Essig Aug 2016
So many lives
to come this far.

Each story fragile,
imperfect, incomplete.
Still, the Bardo mirror
says more to go.

So sad to know
that Love remains
at least another
life away.
Mike Essig May 2015
Read these words
and you will know why
though we trip through
the Bardo ten million times
or lead a billion lives,
my karma is to follow you
forever, beyond endless time,
through limitless space
until infinity itself vanishes
and we are the all, the only
because त्वां कामयामि.
Simple but eternal.  त्वां कामयामि. Sanskrit: I love you.
Mike Essig Oct 2016
Weary of the same old same old?
Don't flee your imperfections.
Instead, double down on them.
Stand naked before a mirror
like the one in the Bardo.
See what is really there rather
than what you'd like to see.
Your soul will either
turn cold as a frog's *****
or explode like a **** lab.
Instantaneous suicide or
blinding enlightenment.
Die, awaken, or just
continue to muddle through.
Corpse, Buddha, Zombie:
     Which of the three
     would you rather be?
Bardo Nov 2019
It's true I have some regrets in life
The truth is..... I think now..... I should
    have been Zardo and not Bardo
Zardo I think has more of a 'Zing' to it
It's a bit like Zorro
For I too wear a mask, I write hidden
    behind a pseudonym
Moving stealthily like some elusive
    Ninja warrior,
Or like some swashbuckling pirate
    hero yeah!
I descend upon the Site with a
Swinging in like Errol Flynn trailing
    behind me great romance and
I bring my magic, I dazzle with my
    swordplay, my verbal acrobatics
Send all the shadows fleeing,
rescuing the poor damsels, the sad
   heroine grieving
Releasing the downtrodden from
their onerous chains and shackles
Bringing Justice once more to the
I bring them all a gift... the gift of... of
Then as suddenly as I came... I'm gone,
    yea! I vanish
But not before leaving my mark, with
    lightning strokes, my Calling Card
A big "Z" Z for Zardo, written,
     emblazoned with my sword:
The people they all gather around
  just like detectives after a crime
They view my wonderful damage,
   can only stare and marvel
Then someone shouts, he points a
"Look!! The sign! Z!!! It was
    was Zardo!!!"
"Zardo!!!" the whole crowd gasps in
    awed hushed tones,
" was Zardo!!!"

All I need now is a good theme tune
[Song: O! Where do you come from/ Where do you go!]


O! the ladies of an evening, they come
    out onto their balconies to coo
To watch the sun set & the rising of
   the Moon
Secretly they sigh and whisper onto
"O! Zardo, where art thou, my Sweet
    Prince, my Secret Love
How my heart it longs, it yearns for
I can see you, see you almost, upon a
    striking Black Horse galloping
[Song: O!, your brooding
    dark looks, your flashing blade/
Riding through the Glens of Ireland
O! Zardo, in my dreams I walk with
    thee, you hold me in your arms
O! Zardo, can I see it...will you not show it to me....let me touch it, hold it,
   feel it...your... your gleaming sword,
     your flashing blade yea!
Your golden pen from which
   beautiful dreams are made
O! Zardo your golden Excalibur like
Please! O Please! Unsheathe it!"
[Song: O!, with your eyes so soft/ But your arms so strong/
O!, Greatest Lover of them

O! the wind it rustles in the trees, a fleeting shadow flits across the fields
"O! Zardo, is that you ? Is that you ? "
   they cry,
My Darling ! my Sweetness !
My shadowy Knight, my Heart's
[Song:  The Wind it whispers The valleys they echo
    his name]
O! Zardo if only you were here... if


Meantime back in my sanctuary
   hideaway home, safely ensconced
I some insanely brilliant
   criminal mastermind
Here I can be myself, here I can laugh,
Here I can unwind, let my guard
Remove my cape and mask, lay my
   sword aside
Here I can feast in peace & toast my
   Art sublime
And around my fireside wildly dance
   and sing
             "O! they know me,
       Yet they know me not Ha! Ha!"
Like some impish Rumpelstiltskin.....
[Song: O!, Nobody knows from whence he comes/ Or where he goes/ Mysterious Masked stranger/ Fearless Lone Ranger...!]


But now, back here in the real world
I must again resume my humble
   place/ double life
Don my Civy clothes once again
& like a chameleon blend in with the
Just another nameless face...a mere
   office worker by day
[Distant Song: O!]
Here I must play another game,
   maintain my secrecy at all times,
Feeling like a Secret Agent, feeling
   like a spy
I must yes!....I must live a lie
For they must never know my secret
Who l really am... my true identity
Yes! I must be merciful to them &
   mercy show them (& to myself also)
For my sun it would burn too
   brightly for them
They'd all be starstruck, yea! they'd go
   all funny, all wobbly on me
They'd be stuttering and stammering,
   jibbering and jabbering
They'd go all self-conscious on me,
   not know what to say or do
They'd be all staring, they'd be all
"I never knew what Genius would
   ever look like", they'd say,
"And all the time it was sitting there
  right in front of me, right in our
But... but he's so quiet and he looks so
They'd come down from other floors
   just to see me
They'd whisper excitedly "Is that Him?  Is that Him?"
And the others would reply "Yes! that's Him, that's Genius! that's what
      Genius looks like"
Why! it'd be suffocating, I'd find it
   hard to breathe
I'd grow self-conscious too
I'd be just like an exhibit in the zoo.

And yet, y'know, there's this girl at
   work, she's really sweet
She always has a lovely smile just for
So quiet and so graceful
O! how I wish... how I wish sometimes
I could just tell her, reveal myself to
   her, the real me
Silently I call out to her, "No! this isn't the real me you see before you
No! I'm not this dithering Klark Kent
   type office mouse
Look!!! (ripping off my shirt and tie revealing my Superman/Zardo vest)
Me! I'm Superman! Yes! I'm Zardo!!!"
[Music strikes up: O!! So
  strong, so gallant, so bold!]
And she'd start to say almost afraid
" You, you're Zardo" and she'd start to
   swoon, to feel faint
But I'd grab her and take her in my
   arms, my strong embrace
"No!" I'd assure her, "don't be afraid,
    no harm will come to thee
Fear not, you won't go aflame
Look! I'm just another human being,
   just like yourself"
"But you, you're Zardo", she'd protest,
" Look! " I'd say smiling, "touch me
   and see, pinch me if you like
I'm just flesh and blood, no different
   than you",
"Come!" I'd say, "take my hand, climb up here onto my horse, Let me take you to the stars and beyond
Yea! Let me take you home, home to my place"
And she'd take my hand and off we'd go
Galloping away together into the moonlit night.
[Song: O! don't go, don't leave us here all alone.... They call him].

And his legend, it goes on....
                    ­                                                              "Z"
A bit of fun. I couldn't resist it, it just popped into my head. This is about Fame, hero worship, stardom, pseudonyms, anonymity etc all that nonsense. We"re all human yea! we all got to go to the toilet sometime, even the big stars. Ireland has had a lot of heroes. But then, then there was!
Onoma Aug 2018
bardo smoke...

love like life, limb

and charred wood.

fragrantly black in

the nausea of a fire's


as life and death say:

repeat after me.

so repeated, now as

never before.

a love that's found itself...

for the last time on earth.

may i be blessed to hold

her in all her suffering.
Kryptonite Dec 2018
Each morning remember that you may not live until evening;
and in the evening,
do not presume to promise yourself another day
Be ready at all times,
and so live that death may never find you unprepared,
Many die suddenly and unexpectedly...
Áureos buriles en pulido mármol
Graben su nombre; que su busto esplenda
Alto y severo; que su sien decore
Lauro apolíneo.

Musa del bardo que cantó las hondas
Selvas y ríos de la patria... Musa
Libre del Ande, que a su tumba vienes,
¡Pliega las alas!

Ara intocada de su ardiente culto
Fue siempre el Arte; y con unción votiva
Dio, como ofrenda a los eternos Númenes,
Ánforas bellas.

Arcade nuevo, de la selva andina
Hizo, en sus cantos, a los dioses templo;
Y ellos oyeron, de su lira acorde,
Clásicos ritmos

Himnos los suyos armoniosos fueron,
Cantos de hosanna, que cual triunfo vibran
Hoy, cuando extraños ¡Poesía sacra!
Ajan tu veste;

Veste que siempre fulguró distante,
Peplo de diosa en consagrado plinto,
Y hora, arambeles que en el hombro lleva
Vulgo profano.

Frentes se inclinan a su paso. El cielo
Radia en fulgores, y el silencio crece;
Y óyese, lejos, en azul de altura
Vuelo de águilas.

Raudo desfile sobre erial galopa...
¡Potros salvajes que cantó! Las crines
Sueltas al aire... y al tropel de cascos
Tiembla la pampa.

Potros pamperos... ¿Los oís? De polvo
Nubes levantan, y al tocar la cumbre
Rápido el viento, retrasado vuela,
Vuela tras ellos.

Rojas corolas cual la sangre suya,
Ecos de bosques y armonías altas,
Fueron de su alma, segador de ensueños,
Lírica siega.

Frente a sus ojos se extendió anchurosa
Selva de siglos, con inmensas aguas;
Tierra fecunda, y el azul cortando
Fúlgido el Huila.

Toda la tierra tropical; e inmenso
Campo a su vista, con hervir de savia;
Y ávido entonces de laureles, hizo
Suya la selva.

Sueña una garza en su visión de bosque,
Tiende a las ondas el nevado cuello,
Y alza en el pico, destellando en iris,
Vivida escama.

Fue claro río que en radiantes días
Ceibas y palmas contempló en sus ondas,
Y albo de espumas, reflejó de noche
Rubias estrellas.

Diáfano el cielo palpitó en su canto,
Alas de cimas por sus versos se oyen,
Y álzase de ellos, cual de vasos níveos,
Hálito eterno.

Áureos buriles en pulido mármol
Graben su nombre; que su busto esplenda
Alto y severo, y que su sien decore
Lauro apolíneo.
Oh my. I made a booboo.  I said in my interview that I had played Bardo's word game in the past.  Well it was actually BLT's word game, and I hadn't played it recently so I had a senior moment and credited it to Bardo, another HP friend, who hastened to tell me of my error.
I apologize to BLT and hope he'll forgive me, both for denying him his credit due and also for not keeping on playing the word game.
If you've never joined the fun, google Merriam Webster's word of the day and use it in a write.  If you do, let BLT know, as  he keeps a log.
If you need an example, look at things written by Anais Vionet.  She is a master at it. Again....apologies to my dear friend BLT.
ishaan khandpur Sep 2018
I'm living under water,
Breathing my last breath,
I'm in a perpetual state of bardo,
My existence between life and death.

Alcohol isn't numbing,
I look for a harder fix,
I need to remember,
What a heartbeat feels like.

I look at self destruction,
The immolation of my soul,
As the sweetest form of poetry,
My symphony number 4.

I'm floating somewhere high,
Or is it down below?
Days and nights seem to fly,
Time has lost its hold.

Existentiality is fleeting,
Insomnia feels like a rabbit hole,
The falling lasts forever,
The end is invitingly close.

Voices seem to echo,
Faces seem to blur,
People melt into one another,
Is there someone knocking at the door?

The scabs seem to be growing,
Yet I don't remember getting hurt,
I scratch at nothing,
Is that where my skin was?

There's a battle every morning,
And as evening comes to a close,
I wonder if I've won this round,
Or lost the war of my world.

I'm diving into darkness,
Swimming to glint below,
But is that the stairway to heaven,
Or Hades final call.

— The End —