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Sabene Nov 2020
I saw her fall,
Fall from the moon,
With wings,
Who glowed like a thousand yellow suns,
She didn't fall to the ground,
A drop,
And a mear second later,
She was soaring through the skies
Sabene May 2020
Broken, shattered, dreamer,
Those are the words, I would use to describe me,
My smiles are fake,
It’s just so easy to fool people

You know how it feels to listen to everyone’s problems and be their sponge,
When no one is there for you,
Who’s my sponge?

I have two great friends and I love them,
But sometimes even with them, I feel lonely,
They share their problems with me, whether it be relationship drama or family drama,
But unfortunately the same can’t be said for me,

Our lives are worlds apart, while she worries gets mad at her boyfriend for not answering her call,
I wonder if I’ll lose the house I grew up in,
I have dealt with fake people my entire life,
People who, if you placed two plates in front of, along with a hungry child,
Would eat one plate and save the other for later, rather than to give it to the hungry child
The worst part of it, they were family, people I thought I could trust
Greed truly destroys those you hold dearest.
Hey y'all, I was feeling a bit emotional tonight and one of my therapies is to write. Go easy on me and thank you for making this a space where everyone is free to lay themselves bare without being judged. <3.

I would also really appreciate if you could check out my novel; Clare, saviour of Draigaria on
Sabene Dec 2020
I'm less upset about the fact that you lied to me,
And more upset about the fact that you wasted my time,
My time,
The most expensive thing I own,
You're a smart thief,
Taking the thing I value the most,
The thing I have the least of,

What did you think it would work on me,
Me whose been lied to and cheated so many times that I can tell a lie from a truth in an instant,
The only thing that hurts is that I didn't find out sooner,

And when I called you out on it,
You tried to lie again,
What good was it?
Didn't you know we were done for,

You don't think I found out what you wanted after that first lie,
The lie that ended it all,
The lie that showed just how rotten your soul was,

The lie that made me end it all,
That's right,
I ended it,
Not you,
Because what is gold compared to street trash,
No wonder why no one wanted to talk to you,

Now I wonder was your illness also a lie,
A deceit,
A way to trick someone,

To hell with you,
Let me leave with this,
I am a Phoenix,
I am reborn from my own ashes,
That is the power I hold,
To give the gift of life at will,
To heal,
To become a flame so powerful that it has the power to heal but also the power to destroy,
That is what I am,

The time spent with you was a mistake,
And one I have dearly learnt from
Hey y'all. How are ya?
Sabene Nov 2020
It seemed as if the wind was more exasperated as usual,
its coldness brushed
against her skin.
The leaves were completely
in sync with wind,
angry as ever.
The sun it seemed had
and people on the streets
craved the warmth of the inside,
as they tried to hide in their heavy coats and jackets
but she took a heavy breath and stepped out.
Everything around her seemed to have meaning
and Everything around her was joyous,
she didn't care about the wind.
Her hand tightened around the
coffee cup
that was completely empty and she walked on...
Sabene Jun 2020
How strange is it, that in a world where people are repelled by the very essence of a storm,
I feel welcomed by lightning,
Why is it that my eleven year old classmates screamed at the sound of lightning?
Fear lingered in each scream of theirs yet my heart felt warm, welcomed.

It was as if I was the leader and the storm my armada,
It besieges me with its roaring and I summon to its call,
Two days ago, it did the same and while my neighbors children ran inside,
I walked outside to hear the lightning thrash, its rumble, a sweet melody to my soul.

I sometimes feel as if I have power inside me, a power that I cannot harvest.
I feel it singing to my heart in the saddest of times, repairing the cracks and edges,
And in the most joyous of occasions, bringing a joy that though great does not last for eternity
It seems to me that that power has a mind of its own and it knows when and where to appear but
That when the storm calls to it, it submissively appears.

It never answers to the sound or smell of rain, it always answers to the lightning,
It doesn’t answer to the bluest of sky but rather the ashiest-grayest sky.
It makes me wonder, if the power is fire, not human fire, but rather fire of the soul
And to the storm, I shall wait for your next call.
Sabene Nov 2020
I don't want your money,
I don't want you to open your wallet to buy me roses or to buy me dinner,
I want the most expensive thing you have,
I want your time,
I want you to pick up the phone when I call you,
It was never money for me,
Remember when we were two broke 12 year olds with absolutely no money,
I wanna go back to that,
I wanna see that smile on your face,
That passion in your eyes,
I don't want you to slave your life away,
I want you to enjoy it with me,

I wanna dance with you,
I wanna sing with you,
I wanna be those two drunk 20 year olds dancing on the club floor,
Without a care in the world,

Remember our first fight,
We yelled at each other,
But then we were quiet,
One sentence that's all we could get out before we shunned ourselves,
Because that fight wasn't worth seeing the pain in the others eyes,

So when I say come home,
Don't tell me your earning money for us,
Come home means come home,
Sit down,
Watch a movie with me,
And between the two of us share a nice bottle of wine
Hey y'all. Hope you enjoyed this.
Sabene May 2020
“Perfect pose, perfect hair,
O how my aunty sings, “A young lady should be disciplined”
My mother adds in, “It’ll be easier to get you married, if you listen to your dear Aunty”
I had to be perfect and I was,

I was like a doll and my mother and aunty played house with me
They picked my clothes, my hair and if I was ever to be questioned at dinner, they would answer for me.
I didn’t mind it not at all, I thought this was how every little girl lived
As a child, the adults answered for her, and as an adult, her husband answered for her.
It was all swell, me being my obedient self, unhappy as I was”

Then one day, tired of being a doll,
I jumped from the window,
Where friends old and new waited for me,
I played till the sun went down and when I returned home,
I was met with disappointed faces.

The next morning, my mother sent me packing to the palace, irritated with my shenanigans
I was scared at first but now I realize I came home to freedom,
I imagine the face of my mother, if she saw me now,
Instead of tea cups and dresses,
She would see that I would be with armor and sword
I'm currently writing a story, this poem belongs to one of the characters. I thought I should share it here.
Sabene Apr 2020
A child sits outside a hospital room,
All she can hear is absolute silence
And the world has gone absolutely cold and distance,
Death looming nearby and if you listen close enough you can hear its eerie call,
Its joy in knowing that one day it will claim you
And the satisfaction in the fact that it will have caused so much pain and heartache before your time,
Through a lover, through a father and through all those you love.

For some death will be a release, freedom at last, they will go willingly
And for others it will be a fight against death’s carte blanche.

For the living, some will cry on the bosoms of their mothers like the child who sits waiting for a mother
That will never return and for some it will be the joy of knowing that an enemy has died or that they can
Cash in now, the heartlessness in not caring that someone is mourning the soul of the dead.

What a strange world we live in, where people are happy knowing a life has ended, where people only
care about money. Is this the world we truly want? A life where we only care for money, is this what the
People are. I shall wonder till the end of time and a message for death, even in your clutches shall my
Heart sing and shall the fire in my soul decimate through every single pain you caused eternally.
I wanted to share something that reflected the medium of Death and how cruel people can be. I wanted to show just how much we take things for granted and how all of a sudden the rug is ripped from under our feet.
Sabene Apr 2020
How strange is it, that in a world where people are repelled by the very essence of a storm,
I feel welcomed by lightning,
Why is it that my eleven year old classmates screamed at the sound of lightning?
Fear lingered in each scream of theirs yet my heart felt warm, welcomed.

It was as if I was the leader and the storm my armada,
It besieges me with its roaring and I summon to its call,
Two days ago, it did the same and while my neighbors children ran inside,
I walked outside to hear the lightning thrash, its rumble, a sweet melody to my soul.

I sometimes feel as if I have power inside me, a power that I cannot harvest.
I feel it singing to my heart in the saddest of times, repairing the cracks and edges,
And in the most joyous of occasions, bringing a joy that though great does not last for eternity
It seems to me that that power has a mind of its own and it knows when and where to appear but
That when the storm calls to it, it submissively appears.

It never answers to the sound or smell of rain, it always answers to the lightning,
It doesn’t answer to the bluest of sky but rather the ashiest-grayest sky.
It makes me wonder, if the power is fire, not human fire, but rather fire of the soul
And to the storm, I shall wait for your next call.
I debated between two titles for this poem, different to represent how our character is different to the average child and call of the storm to represent basically what the poem is about. I eventually chose different and would like people to know that its okay to be different and that we should embrace our individuality and that of others. I reposted this with its other name
Sabene May 2020
I am 104 kg and 6ft,
I constantly hear “You should lose some weight”
What do you think I am trying to do, I stopped eating processed foods, went on walks and was happy my weight stabilized,
then you had to run your ******* mouth

What is it about you?
Why can't you mind your own business?
Why is it that you find it okay to imply to my mother that my dressing is inappropriate, just because I wasn't wearing a duppatta

You judge my clothes,
Are you bothered by the fact that I rock both traditional and western clothes?
Are you afraid of the bold moves I make?
Are you afraid that your ladies are no longer under your control?
Let me tell you this, I am no man's Sabene, and I will not back down

Sabene is a phoenix,
her wings, you will never cut
You may burn her with your words,
but from those ashes, she shall rise,
Bolder, Braver and Freer than ever.
A big FU to society from my end. These are just some of the snide comments I've heard and today I decided to write everything down and clear my head. I heard a great quote from Reddit today, "They don't deserve to live in your head rent free". I've decided to give society the boot and I hope you will too.
No one deserves to be anything but what they are, don't let anyone change you.

To those of you, wondering, a duppatta is a piece of cloth worn by women around the neck to hide skin around the neck and chest.
Sabene Nov 2020
To the men,
You were taught men don't cry,
You were taught men are brave,
You were made fun of for being scared,
You were made fun of for wearing pink,
You were treated horribly by some women just for your gender,
Yet you move on,
Yet you keep the house moving,
You're the reason why everyone remains fed,
You're the reason why everyone remains warm,
You work from 9 to 5 every day,
You're exhausted when you get home,
Yet you sit down with your children and watch TV,
You sit down and help them with their homework,
You sit and have a cup of tea with your wife where she complains about her day,
You follow the same unhappy mundane routine,
Just so your wife and kids are happy,
Just so your kids have a better future than yours
Hey y'all. For those of you who don't know, today is international men's day. It's time we celebrate the men around us
Sabene Sep 2020
They fall,
I try to scream,
But no sound escapes,
I try to scream again,
No sound again,
But then again,
Those tears are on the inside,
And so are those screams,
Away from the eyes of the world
Sabene Nov 2020
You're a dream,
I can't stop seeing,
The world makes fun of me for it,
But I can't stop falling in love with your blond hair and Hazel eyes,
My Hungarian warrior,
My knight in shining armor,
Only Mine,
Only yours,
Honey I love you
Hey y'all. I just wanna remind you guys that Don't listen to what the world says, love who you love.
Hugs and Kisses,
Sabene Oct 2020
I look out the window,
It’s another sleepless night,
As i look out,
I notice that even at 2 AM,
It is not pitch black,
You can still see the trees,
It makes me wonder whether true blackness is a human concept,
And even at the darkest time,
God shines his light,
He never makes the world truly dark,
God didn’t make the world a sea of darkness,
We, humans, did
Reposting cause I feel this deserves more
Sabene Mar 2022
Life. What is life?
What is life,
when I am constantly running in circles,

What is life
When the meaning of love gets lost?

What is life when you feel like everyone’s telling you what to do,
And You feel powerless,

What is life when you sit in front of a computer,
Typing out your feelings,
Because no one will hear,

But they will suggest,
Not realizing that their suggestions make the eyes heavy,
And the heart heavier,
And the conscience the heaviest
Sabene Jul 2020
15, tall, confident, female,
Those are the words one uses to describe me,
People think they know me when  they don’t,
My English teacher called me confident as a compliment,
But that couldn’t be further from the truth,
I am insecure and those insecurities have gotten the beat of me,
But I don’t let them drag me down,
I walk like I run the place because I know I can and one day I will actually run the place,
You call me a cheerful joyous person,
I’m a depressed person,
I smile because I know it can improve someone’s day,
I smile because I know the struggle and I know just seeing a smile form on someone’s face when you arrive,
Makes you feel loved and worthy,
And I want you to know that you are,
And I tell myself that I am too,
It is known that Man’s enemy is man himself,
But I want you too know that you don’t have to be the enemy,
You can be the support, the friend,
As man’s true friend is himself,
As Albus Dumbeldore said,
The happiest man in earth will look into the mirror and see himself exactly as he is.
Sabene Dec 2020
I faced the world at a young age,
I found those dearest to me to be complete strangers,
Society tried to cut me wings,
And when they grew back,
They burnt them,
And then left me injured alone,
To die,

I remember sitting alone in the dead of the night with my burnt wings,
Nothing but ashes surrounding me,
Scar tissue forming,
Blood falling,
Heavy breathing,
So much pain,
It wouldn't stop,
I couldn't breathe,
I couldn't breathe no matter how hard I tried,
I tried to scream for help,
But no sound came,
It felt like I was drowning in my own tears,
Chest rising and falling,
Each breath felt as if it was the last,

But no I couldn't let them win,
Not like this,
They thought I was dead,
I was alive,

I'm pretty sure death was sitting waiting for me to die,
But I was so stubborn,
I chose to stand,
No matter how bad it hurt,
I walked,
A trail of blood formed behind me,

My wings were gone,
But that wasn't going to stop me,
I built my own wings,
Built them out of gold,
So that no one could cut them again,
No one could burn them again,

My dreams are my own,
And I am never going to give up on them,
I look at the trail of blood,
That has long faded,
And it reminds me how strong I am,
And that your dreams are yours to achieve,
Don't believe a word they tell you,
How dare they try to cut your wings,
How dare they let their own get cut,

Let me leave you with this,
Fly darling,
Reach for the highest sky,
And then space,

Your wings are your own,
And if you don't have them,
Build them,
No matter how long it takes
Hey y'all. Hope you enjoy this piece. Follow my insta for more @poetrybysabene
Sabene Nov 2020
My mother's shawl,
She wonders why I steal it sometimes,
I steal it because its smells of her,
Her earthly scent brings warmth to my heart,
It reminds me of her embrace,
My father bought her that shawl,
It reminds me of him,
How he cared for her,
And it reminds me of what love is supposed to be
Sabene Nov 2020
My mother's shawl,
She wonders why I steal it sometimes,
I steal it because its smells of her,
Her earthly scent brings warmth to my heart,
It reminds me of her embrace,
My father bought her that shawl,
It reminds me of him,
How he cared for her,
And it reminds me of what love is supposed to be
Hey y'all. My friend Riya wrote a poem and it inspired me to write this. Follow both of us on Ig:
Sabene Jun 2020
Hey ya'll.. It's been a while. I've been making Tiktoks on a private account but my friend was like you make great videos, share them with the world. So, after 6 months of her saying this, i finally caved in today but I have a lot of nerves and in order to combat those nerves, i wrote this poem for poetry truly heals and combats emotions. P.S. Spread love not hate always.
Sabene Oct 2020
I saw the first tree,
I was in,
Into the woods,
I could hear him,
Coming behind me,
I could hear dad say,
I'm going to catch you,
He caught me that day,
And the next,
And the next,
Until he was not there,
Until he was no more than a memory
Sabene Nov 2020
I've seen so much death in my life,
So much pain,
So much misery,
That it no longer hurts,
When someone dies,
I am not crying but rather I am numb,
It hurts but not as much as before,
Why is that?
Because I've consumed pain so much,
That's its now a part of me,
And it scares people away
Hey y'all. Somebody died in my family so I wrote this poem. Love ya and please feel free to inbox me, if you wanna talk to someone. XOXO Sabene
Sabene Oct 2020
I lay in bed,
Wondering when was the last time I felt joy,
Happiness I could remember,
Happiness can be bought,
Joy can't,
What happens when the pain is all you know,
What happens when you normalize it,
What happens when this is the new normal and joy is nothing but a mere memory?
It's a feeling I know all too well
Reposting cause I felt this deserves more
Sabene Sep 2020
She fell,
Fell from the heavens,
With skin as bright as the moon,
With skin that glowed as bright as the sun,
She was heaven,
And she was hell,
She was kind,
And she was mean,
She was humble,
She was proud,
She was happy,
She was sad,
Who was she but the most beautiful person I had ever seen,
Sabene Dec 2020
I had nothing in life,
Every day was pitch black,
Dad was dead,
We were barely getting by,
The same mundane routine every day,
I'd get off from school,
Only to get beaten by my uncle who for lack of a better word was a drunk,

I remembered screaming,
But he wouldn't stop,
And when I complained to my grandparents siblings,
They laughed it off as it were one big joke,
It was funny to them,
To see an eight year old complain about being abused,

I was ten when I met the worst teacher ever,
She yelled at me for using the wrong pen,
A freakin pen,
It was my first day in that school,
It only got worse from their,
Anything would make this woman mad,
From getting an answer wrong to wearing the wrong ponytail,
Nothing could make her happy,

When I was eleven,
I published my first story online,
Even family laughed at me,
They said no one would like my work,
And when I got a call from a publishing house to publish in their magazine weekly,
They didn't want me to accept it,
Saying that it was a waste of my time,
That I should focus more on school,

I took it,
They thought I was a fool,
But I kept on going,

When I was fifteen,
I wrote my first poem,
And when I said I was going to publish in an anthology,
They called me a liar,
Saying my work could have not been that great,

But what is the point of telling you all this,
The point is,
That people will hurt you at every step of your life,
And then when you're successful,
Open their hands and ask for their share,
People are mean,
People take enjoyment in hurting others,

My wings were bleeding,
They had so many cuts,
And when I tried to fly,
It hurt so much,
And when I rebuilt them,
They tried to cut them again,
But their scissors broke,
Because I built them out of gold
Hey y'all,
How are ya?
This was so painful to write like I legit started crying.
Sabene Sep 2020
Those dreams are strange,
With people I don't know,
With people that are dead,
With scenarios that make no sense,
With vampires,
With magic,
With flying bikes,
Strange these dreams are,
I wonder why
Sabene Jul 2020
I looked out the window,
it was the only thing that could calm me,
well that and Nan's tea,
But nan was dead and so was everything that made me happy,

I stood there, just staring out the 2nd floor bathroom window,
somehow the silence, the streetlight and the potted plants on our neighbors balcony calmed me,
I wasn't having a panic attack,
No it was just my friend anxiety,

Anxiety and I met when I was a mere 10 years old,
I never liked her, no one could,
And she wasn't just my friend but rather everyone's,
She was like one of those toxic people who you could never seem to get rid of,

My thoughts came to a halt when I heard a rooster cluck,
It was an odd hour for a rooster to cluck,
It was 3 am,
But then again who knows maybe I heard something else and mistook it for a cluck,

I could hear my school mates voices in my head, Strange old crazy Sabene, day dreaming are we,
They never said it to my face, they were scared to,
After all I was taller than them by a foot,
But I could feel the judgement in their eyes,

But alas, they would never understand me, I had lost my father,
To them it was so what, there were other girls in my school who had lost their fathers and they were fine,
What they failed to understand was that our situations were different,
Those girls were sheltered from problems, had familial support,

Imagine this waking up one day,
all excited for the school trip,
Only to find your Aunt's husband at the gate,
With a crane,
Threatening to shatter your House's wall,

Life for me was like that,
I was happy, that wasn't acceptable, que exhibit A,
It was like this for years and then I decided you know what,
I won't get attached to anything so the universe can't take anything away from me
Hey y'all. Was in the shower when inspiration struck. Hope y'all enjoy.
Sabene Jan 2021
You say I give you mixed signals,
I push you away,
But you won't leave me alone,
You want me to trust you,
Be with you,
But how do I know your different from the others,
That you won't just walk out,
Piercing my heart into pieces which my bleeding hands will have to pick up,

I love you,
I really do and I want to spend the rear of my life with you,
But darling,
How can I trust you when I don't even trust myself,

It's a scary thought to trust you with the most vulnerable parts of myself only for you to walk out,
See I tried to share myself with others before,
Only to get hurt,
It was like walking on eggshells,
Some walk out,
And I thank them,
For others used my vulnerability against me,

So you see,
I want to trust you,
But this heart doesn't,
This heart that loves you,
Doesn't want to trust you cause it's been broken many times,
And the only thing holding it together is a single drop of glue,
One it fears you will remove,
And then this heart will fall forever upon the endless pits of doom,

You're a great friend,
And I feel comfortable sharing things with you,
But some things I don't want to share,
Not even with myself,

It is better to not tell you the way I feel,
For we are better as friends,
Friends are all that we are,
And it is all I say to you everytime you say I give you mixed signals,
Friend you are,
Lover you are not.
Sabene Dec 2020
They assigned us our gender at birth,
As if it were the only thing that mattered,
Those were the first shackles confined to us,
You were three when you heard the words men don't cry,
I was eight when I heard,
You are a girl you can't do that,
On and on they tied more chains to us,
We were bleeding,
Our souls were screaming,
But no words escaped our mouths,

They made fun of us when we were just kids and they were grown adults,
They said were your role models,
Little did they know,
Those same people that they called role models,
They added more shackles,
Shackles that were so heavy for our small bodies,
But we carried them along with every thing else,

Walking home from school,
We heard the Aunties talking behind our backs,
Some said it to our faces,
Lose some weight,
Girls aren't supposed to be tall,
Boys don't sing,
Boys are supposed to be tough,

Boys shouldn't,
Girls shouldn't,
Boys don't,
Girls don't,
That's all we heard,
We wanted to scream,
But we couldn't,

They cut our wings,
And then burnt them right infront if our very eyes,
Tears shed from those eyes,
But we were quiet,

At night when it was silent,
And everyone was asleep,
We couldn't fall asleep,
Those racing thoughts in our head,
The dreams we locked up pounded to get out,
The screams trapped inside if us,
All came at night,
You weeped ever so quietly,
That no one could hear you,
So that to anyone listening it was dead quiet,

Why you ask,
Why were we quiet,
Because they were our elders,
We expected them to guide us,
But they did the opposite,
They tied us,
Beat us,
And when we showed them the blood,
They ignored it,
They blamed us for the blood they caused,
And then they wonder why we end our lives,

Death so silent,
It reminds us of us,
We stayed quiet to keep our elders pleased,
And death so silent to keep us at ease,
But sometimes it will whisper you are free,
Only to find broken shagments of a soul that was once there
Hey y'all. How are ya?
Sabene Sep 2020
Hi y'all. It seems that you all are enjoying my poems. I have an Instagram account @poetrybysabene where I post poems, stories and quotes daily. I'd appreciate a follow.
Sabene Jan 30
Haunted Victorian London Playlist,
It plays on my computer,
And the tears flow themselves,
And they stop themselves
English major missed
My fellow comrades in pain, writing,
My brain is alive in the cold and darkness,
And I for one feel strangely at peace with that comment,
No heart strings, No heart tugs, No blood,
Just Calm
Darkness reminding me of the sixteen-year-old child,
once was, writing in the dark on my parent’s porch, and my mother saying “ oh come inside”,
reminding I of a time where my family was together,
when my brother opened the doors at 3am to let the winds in,
and you heard the doors bashing,
and I now realize that I have this memory,
13-year-old me, 19-year-old brother, 52-year-old mother
Sleeping, Roaring, Typing.
Sabene Sep 2020
What is it about you,
That I can't even resist your charm,
I don't think it's your eyes which are as black as the night sky,
I don't think it's your hair which shines brighter than the golden yellow sun,
Is it because your kind?
Is it because your funny?
I don't know,
Maybe it's all of those things,
I will never know
And you'll never know that I liked you,
Because you don't exist,
The perfect boy doesn't exist
Sabene May 2020
I woke up that day in a good mood.
It was six in the morning.
I ran to the barracks where I trained with the guards, my friends.
Being pure bred warrior was tough work, so the hours went by un-noticed.

Soon the clock struck 8, we all ran towards our various duties in the royal palace.
For me, it was the throne room belonging to a woman, I absolutely hated.
But my duty wasn’t so bad, at least I had a friend with me.
We presented, only to be dismissed,
For today was the reunion and her majesty wanted us to dearly attend.

A knock at my door was all I heard.
When opened, it revealed a flustered best friend, questioning why I wasn’t ready.
My best-friend dressed me in a ball gown despite my protests,
I thought she wanted the best for me.

O how naïve, I was.
I am currently writing a novel, would appreciate if you checked it out on wattpad; Clare, Saviour of Draigaria. This belongs  to one of the main characters. I though I'd share.
Sabene Aug 2020
I remember lying in bed,
Thoughts rushing through my head,
Increasing my anxiety,
I couldn't sleep,
Every night I woke up at 3am,
And couldn't go back to sleep,
I remember going to my mom's bed,
I layed there next to her,
But she woke up and asked what was wrong,
I said nothing and went back to my room,
Then it happened again the next night,
And this time she asked, "Anxiety?",
I responded, "Yes"
And she lay there with me the whole night talking to me,
So thank you mom,
For always being there
Hey y'all. It's been a while, been really busy with online school. I was laying in bed when I remembered this night from the summer. Follow my Instagram @poetrybysabene
Sabene Jul 2020
Poor Kitty, Poor Kitty,
What will she say,
I ended up in the hands of monsters who used me to their selfish gain,

I wondered what I did wrong,
I wonder what people will say about this,
Of course they can’t use the same excuses that are used to dismiss cases of innocent humans,
I’m a cat,
I can’t be dressed inappropriately,

I wonder why did they hurt me,
I wonder why they hurt the boy who tried to save me,
I wonder why my fellow cat was stepped on,
Or why my fellow cat was set on fire,

But alas I can not know,
I can not ask,
Why you ask,
Because I’m a cat and I can’t talk,
I’m voiceless,

It’s so easy to take advantage of the voiceless,
And I’m not the only animal suffering,
While you read this,
Hundreds have suffered and died,
And hundreds will continue to,

So please sign the petitions and please bring justice to me and my fellow animals,
So that no creature is set on fire, stepped on or taken advantage of again,
So no cruel experiments are done,
My poor elephant sister who the humans so cruelly fed dynamite to,
She died a slow and painful death and so did I.
Hey y’all. I recently came across a story of a 2 month old kitten being r***d by a group of 15 year old boys. Not only did they take advantage of the kitten but also took advantage of the seven year old boy who reported what happened. I’m am absolutely mortified that this is happening and it deeply pains me to know that we live in such a monsterous world where even kittens are not safe. More videos have gone viral of people stepping on kittens and suffocating them as well as lighting them of fire. I am horrified and scared for my cat and her babies. Please help by signing petitions and sharing.
Sabene May 2020
You requested to follow me,
You were in your forties,
I was fifteen,
I ask you why you requested to follow me,

You say we can be friends,
I say shame on you,
You say you don't have friends?
I ask you to stop, your behavior is inappropriate,

I am sure I am not the first girl you have done this to,
and I know that I will not be the last,
but Let me tell you this,
I am not like those girls,

I am not one of those innocent and bubbly girls,
you can not groom me and when you try,I call you out on it,
You say you respect me,
then you try it again,

You say everyone is a stranger until they talk,
you and others complain what's wrong with our society,
well let me tell you,
You are what is wrong with the society,

And sadly, our justice system has failed us,
Creeps like you, wander free,
Ready for your next victim
Hey Y'all,
I am 15 and was approached by this guy in his forties, I tore into  him but I still couldn't sleep. The encounter looming on my mind so I decided to write a poem to try to get my mind clear. Thank you so much for making this a place where I feel comfortable sharing such experiences. I don't know what to call this poem so please feel free to share ideas. P.S. I live in a third world country where men in their 60's marry 16 years olds' The girls are usually forced into the marriage and while forced marriage is illegal. A 60 year old getting married to a 16 year old is not. The age for marriage is 16 but in most cases girls are married off at 12 unless you are a person in the upper or upper middle class.
Sabene Nov 2022
It’s been more than a fortnight since I picked up my pen,
A tear on my face,
A drop of ink in my pen,
The line I wish I wasn’t me,
Reviving the poet inside,

A betrayal committed,
Not to a lover,
Not to a father,
But to a mother,
For the sake of a lover,

A picture taken,
A laughed shared,
A life lived,
Eyes glowed,
Smiles appeared,

That night for my lover,
But this night I stand in the realm of my guilt,
I do not regret the crime that was not a crime,
But the heart wrench of the lady whose ***** I once wept on,
I was not myself that night,

I was Flora,
And He was my Das,
And we stood undressed for love,
But was it love,
Or was it foolish,

Was it my happiness,
Or my mother’s pain,
Was it my laughter,
Or my mother’s tears,
I shall not know,
My heart tears itself apart
Sabene Aug 2020
The world is broken,
The world is a mess,
Because we made it that way
- Sabene Rizvi
Sabene Dec 2020
To my soul mate,
I know times may be tough,
And there comes a time when you are all alone,
Where days go by without a smile,
Where the bottle is all you have to drown your sorrows,
You get up to the sound of an alarm everyday,
Going to a place you don't even like,
A place where you aren't appreciated,
You want to leave,
But you hold it together,
Just a few more months you tell yourself,

At night as you lie awake,
Hearing the clock tick,
You remember me,
You want to tell me things,
Things that you don't even want to tell yourself,
Nightmares that you feel only I can free you from,

But those nightmares aren't what your truly scared of,
Are they?
What you're truly scared of is being loveless in this world,
How your shoulders carry the fear and burden of the seven suns I truly wonder,
Your mom is the only person there,
And your scared to lose her,
Because you feel as if she is the only one that loves you without condition,

It's true though,
This world is cruel and selfish,
People will lie to you,
Make you think they're me,
But they're not,
And when you find out,
Your heart shatters into a million pieces,

But you,
You don't let it end you
You pick up those pieces,
Your hands bleed,
But you fix your heart again,
Like the million times you have before,

Those nightmares often seem to lock you inside a metal box,
That you can't seem to let anyone enter,
And the box becomes smaller and smaller,
Until you are drowning in your own blood,
Those nightmares make you feel like I don't exist,
That God really set you on this path alone,

But that simply isn't true,
I'm here,
And darling,
I can promise you whether I am with you or not,
There will always be someone to fill that spot,
Until I can fill it forever,
And I promise you when I meet you,
Ill replace that glass heart of yours with gold,
So that no one may shatter it ever again
Hello ppl,
I was laying in bed when the sentences maybe I'm not ready to meet them yet and there will always be someone to love you popped up into my head and there are the inspiration behind this post.
Sabene Oct 2020
I look out the car window,
I see the bushes in the middle of the road flying past,
They remind me of how my life is ebbing away,
One day I was five,
And the next I was 15
Sabene Oct 2020
You may think you know what love feels like
but I don't think you do,
Love is when you feel
as if the entire warmth of the universe has suddenly filled your heart,
Love is when you heart
pounds at the very sight of the person you love,
Love is when just the thought of them makes you smile,
Love is when they add to your joy and sit with you in
your sadness,
It isn't about physical intimacy
But rather it's when two people weave together into one,
The other incomplete without their partner,
It's when the two of you together are invincible,
And to my darling,
Wherever you are,
I am patiently waiting for you,
Come when you're ready
Sabene Nov 2020
Sudden dawns and piercing twilights,
I don't recall when I wake and when I go to sleep,
When I rise and when I fall,
Doesn't matter,
Because with you,
It feels as if time has stopped,
In one moment,
We're sitting on the beach looking at the sun rise,
And the next we're lying in the forest,
Gazing at the stars
Hey y'all,
So I wrote this poem from an Instagram prompt. Let me just make it clear there is no lucky guy or girl
Sabene Nov 2022
I relish in my own wickedness,
One may say my wickedness gives my heart more joy than my kindness does,

I love life,
I love people,

But a snap is a snap,
And I can not go back,

Doe eyes replaced with siren eyes,
Child like innocent smiles replaced with villain smiles,

A heart in pain from the world
Gets enveloped into blackness,

Blackness that seems peaceful,
And I say one should enjoy their wickedness as much as their kindness,

For a snap is a snap,
And a yin can not exist without a yang
Sabene Jun 2020
I died the day I met you,
the devil in disguise,
Black hair, brown eyes, mid 40’s,
I did everything I could to make you like me or at least be civil,
You yelled at me when I told you I didn’t know fractions,
You yelled at me when I told you that I didn’t know how to find absolute values,
I was new in this school,
You could’ve been nice,
But no you chose to yell,
I remember crying for six hours when I came home because you were so mean,
I don’t want your apologies now,
I just want to know, why,
Why did you make me your target?
Why did you a woman in her forties think it was okay to bully a ten year old?

— The End —