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Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Your great
to ember evanescent
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Beautiful and precise
Creative And smart
Lovable and loved
Liked by all
My Bestest Hello Poetry®  *Friend
Ember you are truley amazing
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Ember is kind
Ember is smart
Ember is loving
Ember Is  art

She is E.E.
And she forever  is my *friend
Second thing that does go out to Ember Evanescent
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Sadly the world is changing
Sadly we all are
Happily Ember and me
are changing together I write
Poems for her she writes poems
for me back this friendship is
so are
Meanwhile we're changing
at the same speed

We are still us
To ember evanescent and to all the followers who have a best friend and are changing in the same ways
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
of all that's left
maybe distress
maybe hardships
but oviously
it's all that's left
all that's left is
known to me
and known
as the key
to my heart
just from the
start I was learning
the art but now I am
farther than ever and now
remembered in
the caves of all that's left
All that's left is a love Poem with small emotion and
kindness and heart
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Hey boys if your out there mesage me imma single pringle lookin to mingle.  

Message me if have interest
Bboboyboys imma holler

Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
I'm so hot i'll blow your mind
your so good you'll try to blow my mind
I'm so great i'll blow your heart
your so loving you'll try to blow my mind
I'm so Different and cool i'll blow your mind
your so trying you'll try to blow my mind
I'm such a confusing,distracting girl i'll blow your mind
your so talented but you still haven't blown my mind
your so desperate your done trying to blow my mind
i'm so in love with you your with me and your minds blown
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
Both of them together is perfect
both of them is amazing
both of them is a secret
both of them are with each other
both of them love each other
both of them have gone through
bad and good times but they have forever
seen that they're mean't to be
both of them together is like a moonlight kiss
both of them are stuck to each other
both of them are in love
both of them will never leave each other
both of them together is just the begging
they go farther then usual
both of them are secretly hiding from
the best of life
both of them will let there love expand
both of them are never leaving each other
both of them are in love and connected
in a special and adoring way
to the people who look at this and my two other poems "HE" & "SHE" This is the third sequence to those two poems
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Boys they're everywhere
Boys some are good
Boys some are bad
Boys sometimes they break hearts
But boys can also heal one....
True helpful advice
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
I was made by you
created by you
born from you
loved by you
now I'm with you
been with you
stuck to you
just like glue
made by you
kissed by you
always with you
Poem made by:Tiffany Gold
I thought of this as an amazing Love type poem please comment and like
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
The change in me is terrible
This change doesn't help it makes
things way worse.Change is in all.
Change can hurt us all.But change is
also okay too.Change is what happens
but change can do things we wish to
take back most people say change is
good some say change is bad but really
no one pays attention to what change actually is.
The reason why the change in me is terrible is
because well my change is all in love and friendship
but for real the change in me is hurting me this change
will last forever but soon I will know what that change actually is.
Soon but not
the next poem of this one in the three poem sequence is "I finally know"
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
The friends I love,
the guys I want,
the people who I like
and want to be mine
please come back to me,
I think about you in my mind in my dreams in every living moment.
Please come back to me....
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
If you like creativity you'll like me
my creativity is a cup of tea
if you like creativity you a designer
if you like creativity your a creator
if you like creativity your a person who
would wish they created me
if your a creator you'd love to join me
if creativity is your ability than your full
of creativity and would just love me and my
personal creativity so please be creative with me
Hi FYI this Poem involves the word creativity  8  times
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015

You are darkest beauty
Hunted by this frenzy
These aging, wizened eyes
Track you through the night
Prey for the predator

As for the creature feasts on the most unknown meal of all not the dark but thy light

Draining the sweet innocence
Hungry for the souls taste
But you stay just of reach
The closer to thy light
It burns at this darkness

The light shines with no effect upon thy dark but the dark shines no mercy but glory and hatred the dark predator gives to thy light

This creature feels only rage
Consumed at he can not have
Fury at what he can never be
For he never knew the angel
Of the darkest beauty in hiding

Thy angel of light bares to thy soul of thy darkest part of the creature of the dark exposes its true beauty and shines light on its pure light and the demon of darkness demolishes thy lights soul and the light shall stay nonimmortal while the dark overules the light and captures both sides dark and thy light both parish in a eruption of flames and disappear in a thin of smoke and never return to thy land of good and evil.

Collaboration by Chris Smith the dark poet
And Tiffany Gold
To chris our collaboration
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
MThis is the month
Momma sets up the christmas tree
Daddy helps string the lights
Brother puts the ornaments on the bright tree
I sip my sweet tea
Sister And I set up the miniture christmas village
The christmas tree and village are created
Warm coco and candy canes await
Across the street the another New York Family
Is setting up their own tree
Back at the gold's
Coco is slurped And candy
Chewn but really all the presents
Under the tree soon to be seen have a happy
Place to be til christmas
*then to come will be a special New Years and it's Eve
Comments and likes plus reposts are for sur welcome This was made when I was thinking of December
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
some people think I'm dying I don't know why makes me cry sometimes I stay up late just trying to figure out what hello poetry think of me I don't even think of I don't even think that I know what to say I'm typing words thinking didn't people want me gone what's going on I have no clue I'm just trying to talking about what people are thinking and not think about the fact that people think I just think I'm sorry should be back people think I am just waiting for something good to happen and then I'll just wait for fun bye I'm waiting for fun and waiting for deathgoodbye Obama wants freedom and my favorite thing about the world is the freedom and that's why I think death is the best thing for me goodbye try to stop me you may succeed save my life
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Me and ember
Are together
We are the
Best of friends
She and me
And the world we see
We sre alll
Me and ember with
Not a single
And if there
Was it wouldnt
Matter cuz
We together won't hurt a soul.
Then again we best friends
And neither will it burn a hole
cuz. We are full
Me a double e. Are
Totally happy
For me to and double e to enjoy
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
Reach down deep within yourself and find the good instead of the misery'
Random inspration
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
The ghosts that follow me aren't happy they're sad And depressed discouraged from right to left they don't care what your gonna say they couldn't care less the demons in all of us are working in our eyes making sparks fly And making the earth wither And die but these ghosts shall never cry cause according too me they only ever sleep in a pool of hatred And devourment but not only are they ghosts they're spirits that **** us all And will let us crash,fall And burn in a demension of another kind.
Please comment or like or both
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
He was loved by all
By me by brother
By sister by mother
By lover by daddy
But now he's gone.
I miss him it was
Sudden he died at
Just after 1 it was my
Birthday november 22
after the birthday party
Ended I found out the news
My papa was gone
I broke down in tears
Went to bed came out the
Next morning afraid scared
And hopeless but soon I will
Be back to normal but forever
I will know him as a
*good man
Good man goes to my sadly passed away grandfather
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
He is kind
He is nice
He is perfect
He is a poet
He speaks poetry
He uses words wisely
He compliments
He is terrific
He is 1 of a kind
He is wonderful for me
He is like me
He is creative
He is adoring
He is mine
This Poem goes to Nicholas a man I like
this is a poem for girls to who have a lucky man
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
He doesn't talk to me even though he's my friend he may not like talking with me I don't know the true answer I doubt he ever willI secretly am falling hard or him and he doesn't know and if he did he probably wouldn't even care about me.
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
Im now starting to open up and be honest if you have any unanswered questions just feel free to ask!
Have a question ask it!
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
I don't forget
                             I don't forge
                               I don't forg
                                 I don't for
                                    I don't fo
                                       I don't f
                                         I don't
                                            I don
                                              I do.....
When we want to forget and leave bad moments behind we hide ourselves away from the world and people everything is different when we forget to be forgotten
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
When people compliment me.
           I dont know what to say because people are almost always way to kind to me!

     I want to thank yo all for being an amazing help to all of me

     *making me smile

making me happy

thank you for being there for me

i appreciate you all
Thank you for always being there for me i love you all!!!!
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
After death and life I finally know
I now know and now understand
How have I changed my personality
My age my looks my additude
My feelings that's all changed
There's the death of him
life of a new world child
Then there is also me
People have asked me so what
Do you want to be when your older.
I answer with I don't know or I'm
not so sure exactly but I finally know
I want to be me I want to be what my
own personal heart
Second poem of change
Likes,comments,And reposts are wecome
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
It's joy and happiness, depression and no patience.
Love and cheaters...
   It all happens,
people change, some don't
some survive
Some die....
    If life was as easy as we thought it would be nothing would be good...
Nothing would be fair
It would end in chaos
End in tragedy
The human race would parish so hopefully it remains under control
But either way inside our souls we have a raging chaotic fire and we always will have a flame always burning and unable to be ridden of....
Soul flames are living within us
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
I know I like you
Is this what you like
I know i'm with you
Is what you like
I know we're together
Is this what you like
Do you like me
If so we're complete
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
I have not
Been online for such a while...
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
This is war
This is life
This is a ******* to the sky
A knife to a warriors heart
A million ways to die
A million ways to part
Justice has found us
justice is controlling us
Justice miniture poem
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Hi busi chatting. Y mini chat with me advertisments going nuts lool I'm getting annoyed {<×_×>}


Yezz bye
Followers love all thirtytwo of ya
T-goold is Outt here
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
This is life!
Isn't it Beautiful?
Tell me do you like this life?
Yeah this is life!
Do you hate it?
This is our life!
This life is the same.
Isn't that desperate?
Well sadly this is life.
This is our life!
Well tell me is it?
No this is a lie?
Is it?
Tell me I need to know!
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
Beauty is life
Life is over powerful
Life encourages us
To points we never thought realistic
Short poem
For dead angel Android my followers plus others
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
Lost in a sea of love and hate
Lost in the mid second of hate
Lost in the world i have only ever known
Lost in my untold fate
Im lost in a sea of green and blues, lies and you.
True and fake
You and hate
Love and lies
Your next girlfriend starts making ties
She loves you
You love her
What am i
Im on the sidelines
Even if i worked harder to earn what i deserved
But in the end you decided you had to want and have her...
Im lost your lost losing gone forever
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
Everybody wants love
Love oh love
Everyone needs love
Love oh love
Love these days is so had to get
Love oh love
Love is no farther than a reach away
Love oh love
Love oh love
Love oh love
Love is what people want
Love is what some people
believe they need
but love isn't a need
it's wanted but when you want
you think you need
but love so far has gotten us
no where's but as love grows
stronger and better
well then love will be powerful
but til that day that happens
love for now is a want until
said it's a need just find your
personal love and hold
him/her close for years to come
Love oh love
Love oh love
Love oh yes it sure is*
love was made when i was thinking about what everyone's opinions are
comments and likes are for sure welcomed
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
All from love and distance
I only know your All From Love
Hearts and stars and gold and diamonds
never got me anywhere but today I will share but
only love is in my hair.....
I was bored and feeling creative when I wrote this poem.Please leave comments!THX!
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
Love is a sacrifice decision made by the heart and the heart decides who you fall in love with sacrifices your entire world for love.
No comment
Tiffany Marie Apr 2015
We have always thought of nature as something of wild life,blooming flowers anf sunnny days.But nature is maturing bringing rainy days when we are sad and lightening and thunder when we're mad sunny days when we're happy but nature is maturing in a so different way life us being brought into it familes explore it.Can you explore A maturing nature?
I think my thoughts type them in and press save poem
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Bold me
Italic him
"Hey girl"
"Hi what's up?"
"Can you come over?"The worry was clear in my voice
"Sure is something wrong?"He could feel the concern in her voice
"No just please come."
Ten minutes later he arrived
I raced downstairs to greet him
I swung the door open and there he stood
A Vase of flowers and a box of chocolates
I kissed him gently and then hugged him
He stroked my hair and we went to the
living room to sit."So thanks for the gifts"
"Any time"
"I finally made a nickname for you"
"Oh Really?"
And That Is?"
"Well Mr.Lover oh course"
He kissed me gingerly and there we stayed just like
that for hours kissing and knowing the true meaning of real

                                                       * LOVE
Tiffany Marie Dec 2015
My birthday, was november.
I'm celebrating late

Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
One day I was tired I  went to my bedroom to fall asleep
Minutes later I was asleep seconds later I was peacefully dreaming
I was dreaming of a boy his name was Benni he was handsome,kind,and school popular so was I but he was shy he never talked to any one I thought he was perfect soon later I found out why he was shy
He did something
It wasn't bad it was good but when I stared at him He'd smile at me
I'd smile back nervously when he looked at me he looked at me hungrily like he wanted me I wanted him but his look to me was fierce
I woke Suddenly. He was beside me in my bed his arms wrapped around me holding himself to me tightly not letting me go
I feel his love for me with every time he kissed me
I love him he was honest,cute and funny.
The way he kissed my lips almost made me faint
I love him so much he forever is mine
"Forever"He whispered
"Forever"I whispered
And it was
This is forever a poem I love it was created with love and mean't for love
For every person who has that special boy/girl
Tiffany Marie Nov 2014
This isn't a poem
Do you need advice?
Well ask me anything
I willl find the answer
Thanks byezz now
oh I almost forgot
To get in touch with
me just comment your
Problems or personally
Message me
Advice for free no paying a $ or 5
Get advice from me for absolutly freeeeeeeeee
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
LOL*  hey guys wanna chat at all?
for eveeryone
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Bored still wanting answers for fun things to do......I'M GOING TO BOSTON SOON!!!YAY!I'm staying in Arizona for ONE more week

followers and people tell me fun things to do before i leave to go to boston......
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
I'M IN ARIZONA!!!May not be on everyday sorry!!!
hi may not be here every day love ya followers
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
Still in Arizona i'm staying with a friend and i'm having a blast
can you GUYS FOLLOWERS and others tell me fun summer things to do?
tell me things
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
My poems are all about love and I wanting love
sadly most of them anyway...Am I pathetic?
Love is sometimes what the heart wants
Tiffany Marie Dec 2014
I'm at school I was up till 2:00 in the morning i'm exhausted lol
miss ya followers message me if you wanna....

Love ya followers
Byezz newsflash brought to you
by tiffany gold keep in touch
for some more news flash updates

I love my followers and each day i'm gaining more lol :S
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