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Aug 2018 · 1.8k
H1938 - 2018
Thomas Davies Aug 2018
Ek skrik die 10de Augustus wakker.
Iets voel verkeerd, so swaar, so leeg.
Met 'n knop in my keel raak my gemoed swakker.
Min het ek geweet, dat treur so swaar kon weeg.

Vaagweg **** ek, "I look to you"
"And when melodies are gone"
"I hear you in a song"

Ouma was ons eie Whitney Houston
Haar sterk gees was ons rots.
Al het ons met tye lekker koppe gebots.
Sy was my vestiging, ons familie se trots.

Mag die rose in Bloemfontein altyd ouma se naam onthou.
Die pragtige rooikop dogtertjie in liefde toegevou.
Ouma se omgee het my soveel keer gered.
Die dankbaarheid gekoester in my mooiste gebed.

Mag die voëltjies altyd bly sing
Terwyl ouma se stories mooi herinneringe bring
Ouma was altyd bereid om te help
Vol genade het ouma, harde harte versmelt

Mag oupa altyd verlief bly
Sodat ons verdwaaldes, ook die regte prentjie kan kry
'n 53 - jaar, onvoorwaarlike liefde verhaal
So opreg, en eerlik, die mooiste mylpaal

Dankie dat ouma my aanvaar het vir wie ek is
Al sit ek heel wat die potte mis
Dankie vir alles wat ek by ouma kon leer
Dankie vir elke drukkie, vergifnis, keer op keer.

Dankie vir elke koppie soet tee
Vir al die miljoene trane wat ouma moes afvee
Dankie dat julle vir my alles kon gee
Dat hulle harte net liefde kon skree

Dankie dat ouma my veilig kon hou
Ons verlang alreeds, en sal verewig onthou.
Ons bly, onvoorwaarlik lief vir jou.

Ek gaan ouma mis, al my liefde, Thomas.
Written by myself and Kayla Hofmeyr
Jun 2016 · 702
Thomas Davies Jun 2016
What has happened?
Tears flowing like a river
Puddling between your boots
Making splashing sounds

What has happened?
Cuts all over
Zigzagging and blood red
With the slicing of the knife

What has happened?
Shouting to be heard
Angry parents dissaproving
Stone hearted and cold

Everything happened!
My lover left me...
I died...
Fighting my battle
Apr 2016 · 12.6k
Vintage exam
Thomas Davies Apr 2016
Clinking of ink bottles
Scratching of quills
Rustling of paper
Pouring out knowledge

Sweating students
Angry teachers
Swatting of fleas
No more patience

Old mad bat suddenly
"Bring me the earmuffs!!"
Laughing, crying, farting

Interupting the quiteness
"Why would you ask that?"
Principal Harpy asks
"Surely it isn't winter"

"Goodness me, have I said that out aloud?"
"I take it back!"
"Kindly continue with your exams"
But no matter, nothing was the same.
Apr 2016 · 810
Thomas Davies Apr 2016
Life throws you around
Like a ragdoll
Spinning you faster
Untill you're dizzy

You're never good enough
Others are better
No matter what they tell you
You will always feel depro

Sometimes suicide
Seems like the only option
Out of this hellhole
With monsters for inhabitants

Cutting, hanging, slicing, groaning
Blood seeping the pain out
'Till you feel nothing

"You are ugly!"
"You are fat!"
"You are worthless!"
Doesn't matter, next time I won't hear it...
Just wanted to write out what most people feel when they are complentating suicide.
Mar 2016 · 744
Thomas Davies Mar 2016
We all feel a bit insecure at times
With society watching our every move
It's up to us to make things better
Oh so difficult to do right

The world always try to knock us down
But don't give up, even if you're down
Just stand up stronger than before
We can show them we're not weak

Society judges us, so we hide
Put our masks on and hide
When all we want is to be free
But people deprive us of the priviledge

We must all stand together
We are as strong united, but we are weak apart
No matter the circumstances
We will rise to victory!
Created by Thomas Davies and Kobus Landsberg. I will not take credit alone ;)
Feb 2016 · 793
Thomas Davies Feb 2016
Only God knows
How much I would thank him
For allowing me such a mysterious soul.
Who would ever have thought
That I would have such a pure, gold hearted amico
Eyes as green as grass
Skin as soft as silk
Just as her name means:
Keeper of the keys
Anyone can speak of their problems
and she will listen and sometimes give advice
Never judge, but always accepts
Take of your mask, for she always will be

Just like her
Her family consist of big hearts and pure souls
Not everyone is perfect, they can't help it
But I would like to think
That her people are...

People of the world, listen to me:
There's not another soul like her
For you should meet her
And then your world will open up
Anyplace she comes
Brightens up like the evening star.

I love you babe
Dec 2015 · 1.6k
Thomas Davies Dec 2015
What does it mean?
Those three little dots...

What does it mean?
Cause i use it always and everywhere...

What does it mean?
It explains so much about me...

What does it mean?

Maybe I'm just
Full of thoughts
I can't fathom into stars...
Nov 2015 · 1.7k
Thomas Davies Nov 2015
Wandering around
Nowhere to go
Nothing to hide

No one wants to help
Think I'm gonna hurt them
But, they are so wrong
Just searching for acceptance

And a place to sleep
A warm place
With a soft, comfy bed
And maybe a pillow or two

No one wants to help
Think I'm gonna hurt them
But, they are so wrong
Just searching for acceptance

And some food to eat
Preferably some home-cooked
But, I quote:
"Beggars can't be choosers"

No one wants to help
Think I'm gonna hurt them
But, they are so wrong
Just searching for acceptance

Maybe a bit of money
No, I'm not gonna buy *****
And no, I don't smoke
Just want to get to a long lost relative


They think I've got some hidden agenda
To **** them daughter
Or suddenly pull out a gun
Maybe run away with stolen goods
I hate to see people that just love to turn the cheek when one or two beggars come and ask them for something. You people who does that, here is a message: just hear them out, it might change his/her life or even yours
Thomas Davies Nov 2015
I'm explaining to the people of the world
What Fate of Ten stands for
And my persistent craving for books
Bur does it look as if they understand?
They don't
And that's the problem
Of the dark world I'm finding myself in
And that's the problem
Of a world full of people that doesn't read
Something I thought would've
When the things named 'e-books' arrived
Because everyone was crazy
That our world turned 'technological advanced'
And everyone turned a blind eye
From the comforts of the past
There was always this people
That said
'Technology will make your life so much better'
But now I've come to believe that
We act as if we're worshiping it
And cherishing the fact that
'Our life's made easier'
But rather
We are blinded
By the
Of the
P.S. I'm not expressing my hate towards technology...I just hate it that so few people read. Don't they understand that books are the best thing that ever happened to us??
Nov 2015 · 897
Thomas Davies Nov 2015
Oh why?
Why do you have to make this life so hard?
Why do you pretend to be someone you're not?
Why are you full of fakeness?

Yes, believe me
I do know what this world are made of
Or better yet, the people
But that doesn't explain why you must keep on faking!

Come on!
Take of your mask,
show your face...
don't be ashamed.

And let emotions flow!
Whether you watch movies, listen to music
Cry when you feel sad,
shout when you feel happy

The people in this world:
...don't care about them...
They don't want our help!
So stuff them! Let them fight them battles!

And your true friends?
Don't let them be on their way
The quote: keep your friends close but your enemies closer
I would say: keep your enemies close but your friends closer...

judgements take place
I don't have no choice
So I have to...hide
Nov 2015 · 453
Thomas Davies Nov 2015
Life's a *****
Then you die
But best to do
Embrace the fact

You there! Yes you,
stand up like a man!
Stop weeping,
it's not helping.

You better go out there
And do what you can
Cause you never know...
You could die tomorrow, even the next minute.

Our time is so short
On this ball of fire
Which they call earth
Which you live on...

They call it "borrowed time"
Which means
You really don't know
If you're gonna live or die another minute.

You know,
it's so sad
To know that each and every one of us
Does indeed have our own time

Maybe time is a *****?
We don't know...
All we do know,
life is F*CKING short!
Nov 2015 · 455
Why am I doing this still?
Thomas Davies Nov 2015
Why do I go to such lengths?
Why do I still try?
Why do I still try to make ends meet?
Why am I helping you?

If this is the thanks I get...
Then I can't do it anymore

I am the only one that helps
Because there is no one else
They are either too selfish
Or they do not want to help
They are busy...
Or they dislike you

But I, of all people
Are the one that helps the most

Because I love you
Because I care about you
Because I am your best friend
A poem for someone that doesn't give me credit...
Jul 2015 · 336
Life sucks sometimes/always
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
I heard somebody say
that everything happens for a reason
and sometimes the reason just is
that you're stupid and make mistakes

But my heart tells me that's not always the case
Some of us do things
Which don't always have a reason
Because we do it simply because it suits us

No sense, this poem, I tell you
But I couldn't think about one that made sense
Stop Laughing!
I'm just another kid who can't even write poems
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
Are we human?
Are we monsters?
Are we living in reality?
This darlings, is called insanity

Society judges us
Label after label
Its the only thing they do
Trust me, they’ve already got a barcode on you

Avoiding my own kind
Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide
Our time is running out
‘cause it’s them drowning us in doubt

But our masks don’t display
All the hurt inside
Yes, we are afraid
What do we leave behind?

Yes, we are human
And we are monsters
This is reality
And there’s no such thing as sanity
TAKE NOTE: This poem was written by me and Kayla Hofmeyr (she is also on Hello Poetry)
Jul 2015 · 391
Just a poem (part 2)
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
I'm explaining to the people of the world
What Fate of Ten stands for
And my persistend craving for books
But does it look as if they understand?
They don't
And that's the problem
Of the dark world I'm finding myself in
And that's the problem
Of a world full of people that doesn't read
Something I thought that would've changed
When the things named 'e-books' arrived
Because everyone was crazy
That our world turned 'technological advanced'
And everyone turned a blind eye
For the comforts of the past
There was always this people that said:
'Technology will make your life so much better'
But now I've come to believe that
We act as if we're worshipping it
And cherishing the fact that
'Our life's made easier'
But rather
We are blinded
By the
Of the
Jul 2015 · 742
Just a poem (part 1)
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
Only once in my life
Can I write such a terrible poem
That doesn't even rhyme
And doesn't make sense at all

But I feel like I have to get this in the open
Before the whole thing crushes me
And start to consume me slowly
One by one

This poem is about the terrible fate of the world
Something you should also know
Is that this one's about technology
Or books - you decide

Just a warning:
This could be confusing
Depends if you hate tech
Or not
Jul 2015 · 557
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
I try to show you
That I care
I try to show you
That I want you
I try to show you
That I love you

But you still don't
My existence
And you still think
That I just want to be your friend
But you are so wrong

What more do you want me to do?
What more can I do?
Please, please tell me...
Jul 2015 · 435
I am who I am
Thomas Davies Jul 2015
I'm not shining away
From the real truth
That stares me right in the face
It is who I was
It is who I am
And it is who I will be
For the rest of my life
I have to face the world
With my deepest secret
That will maybe cause
To laugh in my face
Or accept me as I am
Or maybe reject me
But I can't hold my secret
Back anymore
So my guts will be spilled
And people will
Accept me as I am
Or watch me as I go...

— The End —