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Nelize Dec 2016
she*  lives  in  the  air,  the  foot  and  wheel-­driven  earth
her  beauty  in  the  breath  over  ­seas,  hurricanes,  tornadoes
the  boiling  hearth  in  rocky  mountains
her  mental  toil  all  over  the  earth's  soil­
in  words

she  is  a  writer,  her  soul  goes­  everywhere
where  she  has  written*
her  imagination  travels  with  you  everywhere
once  she  falls  in  love  with  you
you  will  never  die

she  is  a  writer
crickets  and  stars,  beetles  and  sun
her  wor­ds  of  love  have  spun
its  web  around  you
you  will  never  be  free  from  her  presence
­her  words  are  everywhere
this  is  she,  the  ­writer.

dropped  on  trees  of  paper
spilled  in  rivers  of  tears
exhaled  in  a  hungry  yet  appetite-free  breath­
as  her  fingers  bleed  that  heart  felt  emoti­on
on  the  next  note
she'll  be  a  fine  line ­ between  ******  and  memory
a  literal  pint  of  dopamine
she  might  one  day  only  be  a  memory

her  starry  starry  dream  for  ears  out  ther­e -
stepping  foot  marks  on  the  hearts  of  many­  around  the  world -
being  omnipresent  in  literature
to  all  who  need  a  pint  of  literature  do­pamine.

© Nelize 2016
She is everywhere. Where her mind goes, there she is present. She is everywhere in this world where her mind takes her. The inability to escape imminent heart ache in this world drives her imagination to places that heal her heart. An imagination gifted to her by her Creator, to help conquer the pain in this world. That writer is me.
JAC Dec 2016
If a writer falls in love with you
Your pockets will be poor
Should you choose to love too.
If a writer falls in love with you
You'll never get straight answers
To questions that matter.
If a writer falls in love with you
Your tears will be ink
And their ink will be tears,
But you will remember everything.
If a writer falls in love with you
Sometimes you'll hurt
But you'd hurt anyways
Had you loved another.
If you love a writer, it may just be love
(Though that, in itself, entails enough!)
But if a writer falls in love with you
Know you'll live forever
No matter what you do.
Every word we say leaves an imprint on the soul.
The things we say can make a person feel whole.
It can make them despair and make them feel upset.
It can make them feel emotions they haven't felt yet.
Words can make someone fall in love, it can make their heart beat faster.
It can take their breath away, it can cause a disaster.
It can leave you wondering what they meant.
Or maybe leave you happily content.
It can help or hurt someone please be careful what you say.
Check your mind before you speak, check it all the way.
uzzi obinna Dec 2016
Writers are like gods,
While singers are angels;
Writers can be both,
If we fit in both angles;

Writers are creators
And the preservers of history,
Keeping accurate records,
From century to century;

Writers are prophets,
And oracles too,
We speak of the future,
Most of which comes through;

Writers are artists,
We create drawings in words,
And nothing's been more beautiful,
Than our gallery of words;

Writers are warriors
Winning wars with words-
Bullets and machine guns in our letters,
Have ended numerous discords;

Writers can be good lovers,
With strong emotions too,
A heart that is very fragile,
willing to share a love that's true.
I think i am becoming lazy though. Lol
Krysha Dec 2016
I found an empty room in you
Something i never found in everything else
All i got from them is a room
Filled with people pulling each other on the way up

Being there kind of set me free
Like a bird's first time flying
And like a child's first time walking
We all wandered and flew and soared

Did things i never thought I could
Like having the world in my hand
Seeing what my heart contains
And my love in a piece of paper

I'am a scientist, a doctor and a geologist
I'am everything, I could be everything
No one tells me what I should be
I could be a coward and still not be judged

I found the whole world in you
I felt his love in you
And it's kind of everything
Slowly I forgot my way out

It's so calm and serene
away from the chaos
Away from the pollution
away from him

Seeing nothing doesnt mean empty
Im wrong its not empty at all
It was filled with things i could not see
But Im certain it's love

Writing is the best way to cope up with stress or anxiety. Do not let yourself be drowned and get up in that freaking water. Write if you must, write if you can and write if you want to. If no one else appreciates your story share it to do the world instead. You are never alone, always remember
Sajeer Shaikh Dec 2016
I had a wound,
It hurt a lot.
But it gave me,
Each poem I've got.

Then one day,
I taped it up.
My writing, now,
Was not enough.

The wound and I,
Ironically -
Had to work,
In harmony.

I pressed the wound,
For it to bleed.
The words flowed out,
For all to read.
dixie krause Dec 2016
i love you like a painter loves his brushes.
how he’d always be careful with them,
taking his time to make his work perfect.
i love you like a photographer loves his camera.
how he’d always bring it around,
wanting to capture every perfect moment.
i love you like a writer loves his typewriter.
how the heavy push of the keys
are what bring him joy —
for he knew how beautiful the outcome would be.
i love you like i love … you.
how you’re always on my mind,
how you never leave my side,
how you love me too —
almost like love loves itself.
May Asher Dec 2016
This moment is holding me still
in a second too long,
in a memory too deep,
in an ocean too infinite,
in a scar too wide,
a hollow too dark.
On a road where I can only stumble
because my legs
were not meant to walk,
because I have not learned
to give up this guilt
gnawing at my heart,
clawing at my arms
because I'm not sure
of all the things I do,
and all the things
you told me not to do but I still did.
But this is the end
and I let the moment hold me still,
so still that I almost feel
my heartbeat freeze in place,
so still that everyone doubts
if I was ever alive,
so still that earth feels like it moves,
so still that I can almost
Almost hear you screaming.
So still that I can almost
Almost feel your heart against mine.
So still that I can almost pretend that I'm alive.
Sajeer Shaikh Dec 2016
Her body was battered. Any form of liquid within her circulation was stained red. It was pouring out from within her - profusely, incessantly. It overflowed out of wounds and inundated every crevice of her aching body.

She was dying.

The surface of her body was bruised. There were wounds that ran deeper than medicine could fix. Others were in the process of forming. She was weeping with a wail that could be heard loud and clear.

Her children sat watching idly.

One was ignorant, one in denial. One was oblivious. One was vigilant, observing silently.

Her dying body had spectators.

Slowly, parts of her started to lie still while others were in the process of following suit.

The continents came crashing down. The waves inside her wrecked the land she held. The jolts of her body sent earthquakes down the entire room.

Her children were disturbed for a while, but soon, they carried on with their routine. For them - it isn't over till it's over.

So she closed her eyes and let her body die. She gave up. She felt parts of her crash and burn. It was the end. It was time to go.
Colm Dec 2016
Sometimes I seek the solitude of a quiet room, just to hear my mind speak aloud. To question all that I've built in this world, and whether or not I am allowed, to act on it.

Should you ever find me doing this, don't judge me for it, and don't question it.

Because believe me if I knew why my mind requires this. I wouldn't have to close the door, or lock myself externally in.

I guess sometimes what is inside, is not always willing to coincide, with what the heart tries to keep alive. And this is why sometimes I hide.

In order to unlock the locked away inside.
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