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Mysidian Bard Jul 2017
Even the most beautiful flower
must carry the curse to wilt
and even in its dying hour
new life upon it is built.

No longer will it grace our eyes,
but through death it is still giving.
A new purpose is served through it's demise:
the chance to nourish the living.
PS Mar 2017
Listening to smooth jazz
As valentine roses -not mine- wilt.
Haven't done a 10 word poem in a while.
Loveless Feb 2017
Every rose that blooms shall wilt away one day...
Mark Stephens Jan 2017
Flowers and sunshine
You can't touch me
With my bubble of inocences
Running around with best friends
Nothing can turn my world upside down
Can't see the hate in people's heads

Flowers and wind
Ripple through my hair
Feels like I'm flying
This high up not even the birds can touch me
My seemingly lonely pillar of happiness
Can't relize the fake ground miles
With my friends

How can this happen
My life before my eyes
With flowers and streaks in my sight
Deaf of my ears listen and rain clouds in my head
The place of comfort with walls
Now screaming
No emotion for the flower fields

Flowers and lightning
People are ripped from my grasp
Seems like happiness has faded
Never to come back

Flowers and laughter
Coming from her black cruel mouth
Shut down the gates
Don't let anyone get in
Kick others out who say it's a sin

My flower fields are dying
Lack of water and tears
No emotion for the dead flower fields
Lunar Dec 2016
from everything
that wilts
comes forth
a blossom

my hands and my pen
may be getting older
but my words
stay a blooming garden
a poet, is a gardener after all.
K Balachandran Sep 2016
You know how-don't ever tell me you don't
How I love the sun rays play with the cloud
As I curiously look up, I clearly see me falling
Through the swaying foliages of a cloud tree
Frolicking with the philanderer wind tickling her.
Sowing goosebumps you think, as falling raindrops
While she wishes she wouldn't respond to such
                                           frivolous machinations.
Is it love?
She gets no answer.The day marches on
an illusory ground, not worried about  THE END

Falling through the space, I see a sky full of holes.
Absence in presence and presence clouding absence
This, nobody ever takes notice.
                                                    An invisible particle
Of matter yet to be discovered,
I was stardust for a while,
I was falling,
Then I was quantas of energy
Without a given name, that wanted
To be on the move, singing,
While there is still  a song within.
Yes I was falling.
I confess: every night , I was curious about the moon's routine
Even on those nights she kept me waiting in the darkness guessing
"Woman, by spurning my love , you destroy light legitimately  ours".
The love I only kept,  for your silver lashes that pleases me!
I was falling:
On the face
Of the moon
I saw it's

I was falling
All alone,from
Your memory
Like the
                          Of a dead
Every leaf would invariably fall, however green it looks!
Alienpoet Jul 2016
Here's your golden ticket
To life.
Freedom born from soldiers who died
How their wives cried
The consumers power you wield
Revealed in the tear stained eye of workers
who worked to the bone.
As you'll have to...
Your religion built from guilt
The flowers in Babylon wilt
But at least they still grow.
-df Apr 2016
You must let me
I'm the only flower in your
Yet, you pay more attention to the dead
Everyday you'd breathe me in, but now you're
And I've begun to wilt. But it's okay. I'm learning to live without you. For

Ava Bean Mar 2016
I will die if I continue to wait for you to make up your mind.
Sasha Ranganath Aug 2015
And I shiver as I light my cigarette,
The tip turns flaming red.
Taking a breath of death,
My mind is a mess.

There's no one to shake hands with,
No one to share the filth.
I'm a flower that wilts
With no one to notice.

My throat burns,
But it suffocates the hurt.
For what it's worth,
This plight works.

I need to go someplace,
A run-down alley; if safe.
In my home I feel away,
I'm asleep, I want to be awake.

So much interruption,
A lost connection.
Endless noise, I can't function
A frustrated concoction.

The cigarette has burned out,
A bitter taste in my mouth.
This is a silent shout,
My head is distraught.

I hate this place that I live in,
It's so confusing.
I'm breathing, my heart's beating,
But there's simply no meaning.
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