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Yuki Jun 2019
You are the air
which fills my lungs.
What a pity it is
that I am asthmatic
and find it hard
to let you in.
In an eternal effort
to breathe you whole
I end up searching for you
in every spot of my
tyrant anxiety who
prays for us to be apart.
Wordsmith May 2019
The moon has its ways of inspiring awe,
Taking on different forms, challenging static notions of identity—
And when it chooses to shine bright, it affirms it has never been any less a whole—
I made the toy with imperfections
The broken pieces in my collection

It was whole
And filled with joy
when it was given to me

But so many people wanted it
So many fought for it
Some earned it
Still they crashed it

Maybe because theirs were also broken
Maybe they didn't mean it
Maybe they just didn't know how to treat it

I am aware that there are pieces that do not belong here
I am not proud to say it but I also crashed and and kept pieces of other people's toys
Trying to fix my own
I joined the pieces

Each piece has its story
Stories of different journeys


I've traveled so far with this little gift for you
But how would I know who you were?
Why there isn't a sign on your face saying "soulmate?"
I tried to find you so many times and I had to use my toy as bait
I am sorry for not bringing it in one piece
But hey look around
None of these toys are new
And all this suffering led me to you.
Yes... The Toy is The Heart.
hindrance May 2019
I sat at a wooden desk next to an old lady who also sat at a wooden desk. I picked a dandelion, the biggest one I had ever seen, before coming to listen to the talk in the chapel of the brick built college building. It sat on my desk and splashed its yellow into my eyes and occasionally I’d twirl its stem and get the green sort of smell on my fingers. The old lady had picked a dandelion, the second biggest one I had ever seen, before coming to listen to the talk in the chapel of the brick built college building. It sat on her desk and dripped its yellow into my eyes and occasionally she’d twirl its stem with her fragile old fingers and scratch notes with her other hand. She smiled at me knowingly as we did the same thing in the same place at the same time. Did you know that we’re all the same?
sometimes i forget
lovelywildflower Apr 2019
you love parts of me that have never been loved before and i feel so whole.
Sophie Apr 2019
Some nights
I wish
It was just me, you and the darkness that covers us
Whole but incomplete
Krystle OBrien Apr 2019
Hit not once but twice
Expecting me not to rise
Face bloodied and bruised
Heartbroken and confused
Words of hate won’t suffice

This has taken all my might
All alone in the middle of night
Thoughts of leaving creep
It’s time now to take that leap

Never again will that happen
This is my vessel; I’m the captain
Time has passed, I am no longer mad
I have flourished and refused to be sad

No regrets from the past
Although my choices did not last
I am stronger showing no shame
I pass no judgment nor hold any blame

The damage done was a cracked cheekbone
Still till this day is there and shown
I forgive that crazed juncture
My heart is still whole it didn’t rupture
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