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MisfitOfSociety Apr 2019
All I manage to catch are glimpses. Peepholes through time and space.
Small ravels of memories I had before this time, before this space. I try to catch them, but they’re always out of grasp.
Like the light that filters through the rustling leaves of the tree. Appearing and disappearing without a moments notice.

I go towards these memories, hoping to achieve them, but I’m always pulled back down to the memories I possess now, that stretch over the ones before, and I forget. I forget who I am, and I remember who I am not.
violetstarlights Apr 2019
South America:
It's not cold down there, only
a little chile
i cackle at this like a witch i tell you
Amanda Apr 2019
I want to get home so that I can sleep for 17 hours with my mouth hung open so wide you’d mistake it for a black vortex where planes and people and boats and Ameillia Earharts go mysteriously missing and it petrifies the **** out of you that these things exist on this planet if you think about it for too long your eyes beady and blending into the dark of your bedroom or I want to jump out of my window and die or run up and down the four flights of stairs in my ****** apartment complex until I feel the muscles and tendons and ****** pink strings in the meat of my thick thighs burn and come to life and the fat rupture and break apart beneath my skin, or maybe I can just run a regular marathon but that’s so ******* boring that I would rather gouge out hollows between my ribs with a spoon because why the **** would I want to run in a straight line, I want to run up and down and zig and zag and left and right and upside-down and on my head and with my legs ******* behind my back and at the speed of light like the energy-never-dies organism that I am, all that I am really comprised of, the bare bones of what this body is broken down into in actuality, except I swear to ******* God I better die one day
Clay Face Apr 2019
Within this constriction
We define perfection

Perfection is subjection
Subjective is perfection

Dangerous is the definition
Disheartening is the caused segregation

Segregation then leads to dehumanization
Dehumanization brings a solution

A final solution

All from the definition
Of perfection
Of attraction

How beauty is the chaperon
For destruction

Is a cyclic maceration
Of the human condition

How repugnant and inane

Future and past is inundated by a dismal shroud

To be perfect is to accept those who possess your idea of imperfection

Stay open minded, avoid apathy, seek the uncomfortable

Let’s break the cycle
Isabella Mar 2019
Butterfly Kisses oh butterfly kisses
My face is covered
by these magical kisses
One by one
my face Covered by
These gentle creatures
My face slowly turns Bright red
Like a rose
making more Butterflies
Come up and  fly
To **** the Juices out of my eyes
My heavy breathing is not enough to stop these small creatures
Not even screaming or waving my fingers
I lay down in desperation and i close my eyes
It's too late to stop
all of these colorful flies
Butterfly Kisses oh butterfly kisses….
alice Mar 2019
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Elaine Everdeen Mar 2019
i loved you
and i wish i still did
yet i still do
and always will
love you
Try playing with verb tenses it gets weird but beautiful
Amanda Kay Burke Mar 2019
I am stuck in a place somewhere between
Long long ago and so long
The question I can't seem to answer
Should I hold on or just move on?
I dunno. It just don't flow. Oh no. I feel so.. low.
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