My Sweet Sav
Trying to write a poem about you is the most difficult thing in the world.
I could write down every word,
Or every song that comes from the birds,
And still that wouldn’t be enough.
You are everything and more,
You are powerful like the waves crashing on the sea shore.
You’re unlike anybody I’ve ever met,
You’re an old soul with a cigarette.
Always wandering,
I suspect that’s why you keep coming back in your lives, meandering.
Always wandering,
Seeing the same things,
But in each life it’s different because of your new grown wings.
You understand and enjoy these things more,
Because of all the paths that you have wandered through before.
You are daring,
You are a darling.
And even when you’re falling,
Boy you don’t go down without fighting.
You are growing,
And I’m so happy that I get to see you dancing -
My Sweet Sav