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Gala Jun 2018
You found me,
You saved me,

damaged beyond compare

the one that just stared

when I was sacarred

You loved me,
until I was no longer scared.
Sophie Jun 2018
Have you ever loved someone that didn't love you back?
Have you ever loved someone who loved you when it was just both of you?
Have you ever loved someone that didn't know you existed?
Have you ever loved someone that hated you?
Have you ever loved someone that loved someone else?
Have you ever loved someone that thought you loved someone else?
Have you loved someone that was far away?
Have you ever loved someone that has past away?
Have you ever loved someone that you are not suppose to love?
I see we have all loved that way and that way and that and that....
I see we are all caught in some kind of web.
Anika Nelson Jun 2018
How is it that some people are able to get over someone whom they “loved” in a matter of days?

It took me weeks,
And a whole new coat of skin,
Just to have a day where his name didn’t cross my mind.

I continue to wait,
To remember,
To change the could haves,
The would haves,
And the should haves.
All for a different ending.

I wish you could take me back to the first day.
And a bus.

Magic was made in the most unusual place, yet it transformed me into someone I wish I could be again.

When I told you I loved you,
I wasn’t lying.

My tongue will only speak those words truthfully to you.
My lips, forever yours.

Until my new coat of skin.
Random *** poem about my depressing heart break ✌
forestfaith Jun 2018
I might not know much.
But i know just this much about racism.
That it hurts.
that it scars and tears wounds apart.
that it kills and murders.
steals and slanders.
breaks and ruins.

Different people.
Different beds that they sleep on, is this how it is?
That some feel cold in a thick winter jacket.
That some feel starved even when they have enough.
putting labels on beautiful jars.
filled with the most beautiful of hearts and dreams untold.
words that burn.
burning them like paper.
are you one of no heart?
or perhaps a heart that simply has no sense of love.
that simply doesn't understand.
you say "its just a joke"
but it still burns them up with fire and smoke.
how those flowers die slowly i might know.
but i would need your help so that you don't have to know.
so that, you could put them back together and make them whole...
so urm I was scrolling through solli raphael's website and one thing really stood out to me. "The future needs YOU and ME to create EQUALITY across all levels of HUMANITY" ~ Solli and that we all could do something about the problems around us no matter the age. And I feel that we all could do a part in this!
Gala Jun 2018
Lazy sundowns
as we stare at that old white ceiling.

Fingers intertwined,
thinking about the "ifs" of our future.

It was peaceful there,
in our private place.

Oh what a contrast
to the real world.
miki Jun 2018
(we were) fire and ice.
polar opposites.
fire melts ice.
but does ice freeze fire?
Elinor Jun 2018
I will force every ounce of my energy
into changing my heavy lump of skin and bone
into a flickering shadow,
warmed by the sun's affectionate kiss,
for then I can follow every step you take on this
messy journey
so that you are never alone.
you will never be alone
roxanne Jun 2018
A man born without wings into the ashes of a forest
dead leaves and a valley of butterflies
Bleached to be ethicless
effortless as it is
To go without pursuit of question

A mind of matter
Wherein death lies one doesn't know
You're feeling all these expectancies
all these dependencies
Energy of yours, unhinged

The screens written
with the bastardisation of simple truths
Rhythmic as a creature
as spoken wavelength navigating
A wondering memory standing in front of the collectives

Transcendence above the impermanence
A palace on the grounds among us, but separated
dangerous minds of a phenomenon, in sequencing
Unceasing in divinity and untempered
by the indignation of his companions

Free to be, among the meadows of ourselves.
A tribute to X. My prince, a brother, a spirit gone to the wind but never departed from the atmosphere he breathed for us.
Tara Jun 2018
All puzzles you have need to be solved
Some pieces will never be found
My mind is a puzzle
Each night it falls apart
Sometimes I don’t put it back together
The pieces collect cobwebs
I’m broken but I don’t want to be fixed
One day I’ll open up the Skeltons
I’ll spend hours trying to be “together”
My 1,000 pieces
Always missing more each time
I’m scared the day I’ll loose all my pieces
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