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shrumeling Mar 2017
is a funny thing.

It has no boundaries
but we end up putting them there

And sometimes forgiveness
is easier said
than done.

When I look beyond my waist, I see
all the forgiveness
you've given me

The pain you've tolerated
The time you've waited
The space you've instated
reminds me
your forgiveness
knows no end.

I look below my hips and see
all the times
you felt like nobody

I didn't know you then
I didn't know me then,
I only knew the light of the moon
when everyone else
was walking in daylight.

I look to my thighs and see
all the hatred
I came to believe

Not for others, no-
for the words,
the actions,
the things my eyes said
when my mind knew otherwise
and my heart screamed in agony

Sometimes forgiveness
is easier said
than done.
Especially for one
giving so much effort
to forgive themselves
when everyday they see
the person they used to be.
I'm still so sorry
I'd take it back if I could
My promise holds firm
Siren Coast Mar 2017
When everything begins to bottle up
I must bring myself down
I could smooth out the wrinkles
I could mantra things out
But I am my own worst enemy
So I pick, ****, and poke
I especially like to highlight my flaws
During these times
Twisting and contouring my body
Unnatural poses for a natural body
I am so trivial
But I am my own worst enemy
I wonder if you think I'm beautiful
I am vain that way
Aren't we all?
I wonder if you see my flaws
The dents in my skin
I wonder if you cherish them
If you wish for them to be gone
If you wish I was more like her
I want to scream at this woman I have become
But I am my own worst enemy
It would just be so much easier to live
A life full of confidence and crop tops
High waisted shorts with cellulite
An inch of skin hanging over the top
And why not?
My own judgments and insecurities
I want to be your friend
I want you to be happy
When your thighs feel full and swollen
When your face is scattered with imperfections
When your stomach can't **** in anymore
I am still here
I so desperately want to be your friend
But I am my own worst enemy
Thomas Newlove Nov 2016
Burying my head in a book
Has a truly remarkable feeling.
There's a deeply personal ecstasy to it.
Still, it's not quite between your thighs
cypress Nov 2016
crooks of elbows
backs of knees
where the thighs touch
Kerri Oct 2016
The time
I felt
Most like a woman,
I was wearing
A push-up bra
With your head
my thighs...
Angelina Aug 2016
His hands
My thighs
A combination of two worlds intertwined
Abiding by each millisecond to entice

His crystal eyes
My body
Allured, oh the stare that’s daunting

Sitting, untouched
Warm summer breeze
Lips compromised
Bodies emerging

My head
His chest
Speaking the unspeakable
It’s almost surreal to digest

Attached, don't want to let go
Extraordinary illusions undergo
Am mesmerized, am in awe
Oh darling, please carry on
Just a scene in my head...
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
كاس واحد و ألحان عربية
و خصري عم بميل يمين و شمال
و فستاني عم بيِعْلى عن فخذي
و شعري القصير عم بجرّب يطال كتافي
و إيدايي متل الموج بالصيف، بياخدوك و بجيبوك ع رواق
و ما شفتك غير واقف قدّامي
عيونك ضايعين ب خَصري
و بَسمتَك ضايعة بين فخاذي
و ما قدرت ما قرّب رَقْصك
و التَفِّت إيدي حول رَقبتَك
و تْمَلَّك جسمي جسمك
و الموسيقى الشرقية بلَّشِت تختفي
بس أنا خصري بقي يهزّ على خصرك
و فستاني بقي يِعْلَى عن فخاذي و عَلَّق بين فخاذنا
و شعري القصير خبّى وجوهنا
و إيدايي صارو متل العِرْبَيْشِة, لافّين حوالي عكّاز و ما ب فَلْتو

One drink, and oriental beats
And my hips are swaying to the right then to the left
And my dress is uncovering my thighs
And my short hair is trying to touch my shoulders
And my arms are like summer waves - they sway you softly
And all of a sudden I see you standing there
Your eyes lost in my hips
And your smile lost in between my thighs
And I couldn't not take your hand and dance with you
And my arms got locked around your neck
And my body owned your body
And the oriental beat started to degenerate
But my hips kept swaying on your hips
And my dress kept uncovering my thighs, getting stuck in between our thighs
And my short hair hid our faces
And my arms became like an espalier tree - wrapped around a pole and wouldn't let it go

لين اا -
- LynnAA

Pretty girl Jun 2016
I like the feeling of lips on skin
Smeared lipstick
We look silly with my red all over our cheeks
But we don't care about those little things
A big thing is happening
My legs wrapped around your waist
Take off the bra that's lace
Place your hands where you know I like
My eyes roll up into the sky
Lips I bite
Yours and mine
I like the way you roll your hips
And thrusts so good should not exist
hold my hands and whisper things
I've got prints on my thighs
They're a redish white
Don't worry
I like that you hold them tight
We don't need wine to feel this good
I took one look and I was hooked
Eyelashes fluttering
You are sputtering
As you spank me
"God... Yes.."
I mumble into the kiss
One more ****** before you bust
And I go nuts
Racquel Tio Jun 2016
liquids take the shape of their container and I am 70% water,
I can only spread into the fishbowl my mind pours me into,
a free bird cannot exist without being let out of its cage and I was told to do everything except fly,
I am a home without walls and without any structure I begin to measure what is not there,
i measure the diameter of the space in my earlobes,
they speak for me when I am silenced by all that is louder than me,
they try to shout over the voices of teachers and coworkers and parents and all those that have as much faith in me as I do,
they tell the world that I can't fathom a future for myself where I would be valued enough to be expected to look respectable

I used to measure the space between my thighs,
that space spoke louder than I did on a stage,
a stomach growl felt more like an applause to me than what an audience would do after I pretended some words on a raised floor,
it was louder than my mothers voice,
when my thighs didn't touch nobody told me I was too much for them,
it was how the world heard me when the words that I needed to express started drifting away like the inches of flesh,
the inches that had taken my entire youth to collect on my bones and protect my skeleton from the cold

I am the spaces where my body used to be.
I am the negative space in the silhouette of who I once was.
and in losing myself I learned that when your own body feels like a foreign object,
it becomes pretty easy to destroy it.
Liam C Calhoun May 2016
The smoke circled halo,
Bent smiles and summoned demons,
Brimstone come a reverent silent
And obeyed sort of way.

I let my left eye avoid.

I’d let my right dream,
As I munched skewered calf,
Innocent, slaughtered, salivated
And my only excuse – Survival.

Toe-to-toe with
Home-field advantage
I nodded from shadows
To the one who scented venom;

Lace tucked slightly thigh,
She’d wink and hours later,
The demon would meet the Devil
And she’d devour –

All I’d known,
All I’d ever know
And all we’d ever be.
Another life, but for some reason, I remembered that smoke filled room under arrogance tonight; maybe it's my obsession with neon.
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