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Madeon Aug 2017
It may take only a few seconds
to hurt someone that you love
but it may take a lot of years
to heal this pain.
Justin Tolentino Aug 2017
You're just to good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank god I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
I can't take my eyes off of you

Pardon the way that I stare
There's no one else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just to good to be true
I can't take my eyes off of you

And I need you baby,
If it's quite alright, oh pretty baby
To warm the lonely nights, I love you baby
Trust in me when I say okay

And oh pretty baby
Don't let me down I pray
Oh pretty baby
Now that I found you stay
And let me love you
Baby let me love you oh baby

(My Verse)
Your, feet must be tired you've been joggin through my mind
You're like a star, that has fallen from the sky
You're Wonderwoman, but who has lost her powers
Man I'm workin at the sushi shop I get off in an hour so
If you don't mind, would you come & pick me up?
Give me lovin' & a hug 'cause I've been strugglin' and stuff
There's no other like you so I know that I'm lucky to find
A girl so fine and kind & so explosive hot like dynamite
We can wine & dine and do it again a couple of times
I thank god, everyday, girl you bring my life to life
Twenty years old, but with you a kiddish fool
Living in the windy city I never took you for a fool
Girl you're a blessing I guess you work miracles
The most beautiful girl I know, appointed by guinness rule
Beauty like yours, is just an urban myth
Usually a cool dude but with you im a nervous kid
You're dressed to **** so your clothes are murderous
We connected faster than my internet service did

I've loved this song since I was a little kid and the verse was just something I came up with in high school about this girl I had a crush on. I changed the Melting *** line to the sushi shop line since that's where I work at now ahaha. It's not that good bc I wrote it forever ago but I sang it at karaoke the other day and went through a nostalgia trip. I would have a friend beatbox for me at a pretty steady tempo and perform this at open mic events in highschool, if someone can supply me with a beat so I can do this on video it'd be greatly appreciated
Amanda Shelton Jul 2017
You watched me grow,
my colors shined like diamonds,
but you forgot about me.

You forgot how fragile I can be,
now I have fallen at your feet,
yet you can’t see me.

My tides break, My shores quake,
and my coral fray
washing away with the waves.

Climate change can be a serious thing,
it’s up to you how it changes.

You think you’re so small?
You think you don’t cause change?
Oh how ignorant you are,
you are too blind to see,
you even effect me.

Just because you can’t see something
doesn’t change if that something is real.
Just because you can’t feel something
doesn’t make it less physical.

You think you are insignificant?
Then look closer at your life,
for even now you’re affecting
your surroundings just by being here.

Is that not the point to living;
to experience and grow with
those experiences?

Well I am serious
we need to make a change.

Our Earth needs us to wake up,
and take notice of what we need to do
to help her to keep growing
and stop life from dying.

We need to make the change
before the climate makes it for us.  

**© 2017 Amanda D Shelton
In order to
make it so
First be able
to see it.

I shall win
I will it
I will win
it shall be.

There are times in your life when you see things clearly. When you can make anything happen. It is a function of survival...stress, thought. At that moment when it all comes together in your mind. There is a second moment when the consequences of your actions to another become known to you. The choice is yours alone.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2017
i swallow your words
like* stones;
*in the hope that they will ground me.
Megan H Jul 2017
I like to give people things
I'll buy them food
Or their movie ticket
Or I'll give them a ride somewhere
Free of charge.
I like to give people things
Because I know how the world is
How it takes too much

It took my father
It took my sanity
It took my patience
It took my hope
But it has not taken away my will
I always have a choice

I choose to give.
And I will give until I have nothing left
Because then,
At least it will be my choice.
And I will know that
The world cannot take away
Something I no longer have.
Give a little everyday, and the world might just end up being a happy place.
Elissa Deauvall Jun 2017
Happy smiles
Busy souls
Hundreds of lifestyles
Achieving goals

Taking time
To readjust
Writing rhymes
Of love and lust

Holding each other
Kisses that never miss a beat
Our hearts always flutter
The taste of you, so sweet

Dancing around the living room
Together, we will bloom
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