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Àŧùl Jul 2016
The one who knows all definitions,
Is the one Webster who wove it all,
But the Webster spun it so wicked.

Knew the Webster about negatives,
Allowed them to seep everywhere,
Provided not a one stop solution.

That is why people die of bullets,
They perish of many grievances,
Unable to bear the load they are.

No matter which the district,
Whatever may be the town,
Whichever be the parish.

Disciples and toppers,
Students and scholars,
They all come to perish.
My HP Poem #1094
©Atul Kaushal
Pavel Popov Jun 2016
this is not a free country
pick a place on the globe
they force the laws upon us
US - free people of the world

i am not free to do as i wish
says the man i have never seen
my freedom to act, my free will
taken away by the sinful machine

i should be able to say and do things my way
as long as none else's freedom is taken away!
in a world full of art, love, hope and God
will not be any jails or psychiatric wards

look, the elctions are staged such a cheap act
who cares who gets picked? same outcome, facts
keep paying taxes guess what the money is for
there are more wars going on than ever before

they show you suffering show you pain
through your eyes right into your brain
some are addicted to the "news" from the box
it contaminates your mind, worse than drugs
people don't watch it, what's there to see?
just violence and *** on TV

they create a show out of sinful things
rappers now days call themselves kings
how dare you say that how dare you think?
your throne is a myth get off of it quick
think about chess you have to protect your King
you're playing for the system? not gonna win!
God reigns over All, his rule is supreme
i check! my pawn turns into a Queen
gray rain May 2016
In a white room
thirty people
empty and plain
yet full and lively
everyone different
everyone same
stuck in a system
for hours every day
preparing for a future
that may not exist
existence destroyed
by being uncreative

in a white room
thirty people
just numbers
in a system
different numbers
but no name
gray rain May 2016
by a system.
Drawn in
to become a victim.
by the mind,
can't tap into the other side;
when hypnotised.
gray rain May 2016
I can't do anything during the day
it's impossible to take my mind away
all my focus is on thinking of answers
but a lack of focus of what to me matters
until the 30 minute period where I sit at the back of class
and answer the questions I ask
myself. And write how I feel
and life feels real
and not like I'm programmed
to this system I'm put through
I can break free
it's just when you're in it
it's hard to break through
SassyJ May 2016
Helicopter in the air
Searching for those on the run
Holding the greenness of shattered glass
A tight embrace of the natural beauty

A rock tied to mine locks
Padlocked as I creep the stairway of life
Evolution of flames and fallacies
A sly that promises no tears

Compelled to paste the puzzle together
A locomotion of pieces to a system
Never to be afraid of who we are
United uniqueness to be the ones of a kind

Are we the loyal dogs who bark by the rivers?
Waiting for the tides to wash us away
Singing as the sun reflects beautiful ways
The tales of a long ago uncovers my soul
Eloi May 2016
The empathy of a teacher who hears that a girl they belittled  has commuted suicide.
The sadness of a parent who will always wonder why.
The grief of her friends, they'll always pretend that she never seemed sad in the end.
I think we should all take a break, take a moment to state that suicide is not alright.
We live In a world where our minds are swirled with poisionus lies.
The ******* irony of if.
To be told to live your life a certain way, will only betray you.
Now politicians wearing suitable-ties discuss the times that schools should be open, that hours should be longer, so more children will suffer.
See, our system is ******, we have people in charge of us that couldn't give a **** if we are happy or sad.
They just want more money to add, to their pockets. The *******.
So, it goes on. And don't you forget that girls last song.
That she didn't want to live on, that she'd rather be gone, than stay in a world where her heroes were dead and her enemies were in power.
When I was in school, there was a girl in my year who committed suicide. And for weeks before her English teacher had been putting her down, she was also being bullied, and failing her exams.
She had her whole life ahead of her, but all she could see was what was infront of her. She couldn't see past school and the world system.
I know that there are many more people out there who feel like she did, and I wish there was something that I could do about it.
K R W Apr 2016
Just give me a few days and you'll be out of my system again

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