My identity is homosapian,
evolving from branches
that have arrived at me.
I'm only human, we have our
differences that makes
each one of us individuals.
Where ignorant till we learn what
is before us. But we never look
Don't put the prejudice of your life
on me.
Your upbringing was blind.
don't put your
enmity on me.
Some people never look further,
for fear of what will corrode there
past mistakes. Never evolving only
reading the same line syllables in
wrong verse of what is deceived.
Where only human, homosapian line
of a lineage that took us from
scrapping knuckles
to fire
and now space.
Don't blame me for your ignorance,
look further than your lack of enthusiasm.
Read not only the book of ignorant followers,
We know where the thunder roars,
We know where the lightning strikes.
Never in the same place unless you unlucky as ****.
Evolve don't regress to the ignorance of before,
I want to touch the stars.
Not to be fearful of truth, and what lies beyond
our imagination because that's our calling.
"We were born to touch the stars"