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Mary Allard Oct 2018
Tell me, gracious
of what do you know
the girl who i was
long long ago
whose long, brown hair
danced to and fro
in weather when birds wouldn't sing

Have you heard of her
kind green eyes
an innocent heart
incapable of lies
how everyday she tries and tries
to play with those kids in the street

Did they tell you
how i used to play
before some creepy man
took my innocence away
before i cried on the floor
and prayed and prayed
that someone would come and save me

Do you recall
before i couldn't eat
before one, small apple
was a "special treat"
as the doctor told me to take a seat
and asked when my starving would end

Remember before
my heart was broken
by senior boys
with lovely words spoken
and crushed into pieces
they kept as a token
of how i was defeated

But that girl has not grown
as i have now
cannot say confidently
that she earned her crown
although all the suffering
did wear her down
i built myself back up
Saint Audrey Aug 2018
A single word, all that comes to mind
For thought, or setting things aside

All the glowing neon signs
And everything that I try so desperately to convey
I just can't find the right words

It's got to have rain
No doubt
And light as well, so long as it's gray
Or neon red, with hues of blue
As long as its night
Or something tangible in white
Something representing past days

Ages ago, but familiar feeling as well
Ages, only years maybe
As long as its different

Some otherwise abandoned alleyway
Shipping bay turned rave
Abandoned shopping malls
Frozen over lakes

Minimalist design
Clean, and insulated against

The heart of the woodlands
Something like a cabin where
The lines between the outside and
Not are too disjointed to
Make a distinction

Maybe half the magic comes from
The inability to capture outside of
The occasional photograph that strikes
up some match
A spark or something
I don't know for sure
But if I capture it maybe
I don't have to feel it any more
I'm not sure if I'd be any
Or just worse off.
Brianna Aug 2017
Softly or not at all- you said-
But I don't know how to be soft.
Àŧùl Oct 2016
Standing In The Abaft In Front Of The Commodore's Cabin,
I Look Back Towards The Towed Wooden Raft Floating,
And I Am Smiling To Myself After Remembering,
How The Angel Was found, Liberated & Lost.
Yes, Sadly, She Went Away, Never To Return,
Probably Her World Was Way Too Cherishable,
And Comparing To Her World I Was So Perishable,
Now I Have Learnt That Angels Are So Very Unnatural.
A spin-off of the immemorable Angel saga.

Angel Remembered part 1/7.

HP Poem #1189
©Atul Kaushal
Carolyne McNabb Sep 2016
Love me like only you can.
Your love is a taste I crave.
Kisses melting softly on my tongue,
while I melt softly in your arms.
Sleeping softly in your warmth and calm
until morning light comes.
In the sun's fresh rays spread upon our bed,
we'll love again like no one can,
my dearest and most beloved friend,
slipping softly into infinity.
S O P H I E Jul 2016
He thought she would stay
but she was smoke
dancing from his cigarette
entangling herself in his lungs
he could not hold her
she left swiftly and softly
flitting away through his exhale
MsAmendable Apr 2016
Die with me.
Shed your tears on mine,
Seek comfort in my darkness, fine
Let me take you
Make you and shape you, never wake you
Come lie with me
In my bed of hands to lift you to starry Skies
Please, realize that my eyes
Are for you, and you are mine
My self, my divine
Dry your tears on me, you see?
You'll be my life and I'll be your home,
Come die with me..
Please, don't let me go alone
Joyce Feb 2016
Do you even know I exist.
In dark shimmering night.
Are you able to resist.
Words of love and happiness.
Feeling amazingly intensively.
Your mind in curiosity.
Wants to know more
of how it could be.
Biting your lip softly.
Caressing your soul gently.
What I really want you to see.
Is the beauty inside of you.
A sparkle through marbles.
Let it shine through eternity.
Just some thoughts
of a girl you don't really see.
Only words you read
in her poetry.
Joyce Jan 2016
So lightly.
Feels softly.
My pillow
so delicately.
Our conversation
goes deeply.
Your honesty
sounds like
a symphony.
I like you naked
Touching skin
feels intensely
Julia DeFoor Oct 2015
The soft yellow light that barely pierces our blinds from the street lamp below.

My senses heighten with each passing second.

I begin to hear the rhythm of your breath. The pound of your heart. The softness of you pulling me closer, even in slumber.

My imagination takes hold.

You are a song.

You are a song without lyrics.
For the most beautiful of symphonies have no words.
You, my love, are a symphony.
Majors and minors.

Your breath on my shoulder; the melody.
Your heart's rhythm against my breast; the bass.
Your sleepsweet mumbling; the harmony.

Your hand upon my hip.
Our legs intertwined.
We move closer and closer as your song plays on.

I can feel the love on your skin.
Sinking into me.
Traveling deep in my veins.
Filling my breast.
Warming my ribs.

My sweet symphony.
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