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DRXX Feb 2015
God, let me cry
For I am tired of my own smile
And that if cannot be
Please give me strength for sincerity
Mark Lecuona Dec 2014
If every angry idea would remain chained across the void
We would never know the exhausted delivery of its hurt
No matter how we try to soften the people’s confusion
It is the loud echo’s that demand we forget their worth

If every open eye would close while your lips speak the truth
He would never know the despair of soft skin that streaks
Vanquishing words cloud mirrors no longer needed
Because a whisper is a heart beating in the language he seeks

If every walk towards the ocean ended where a boat began
And if every boat sailed until welcoming lands drew it near
Every idea born by honest men who journeyed with their children
Would fill the void and part the clouds covering the reflection we fear
It was never my intention to place you in harms way.
Enlisting your heart to trouble after we kissed on that precious day.
As time elapsed, my heart took a moment to understand.
You were portraying your earnest emotions subtly then crass.

The turmoil you must’ve felt during the time you kept to yourself…
Causing you to experience agonizing despair while delving into mournful swells…
Find it in your heart to forgive these third degree burns.
For it was never my intention to crucify your kind soul.

My love yearns to romanticize unhurriedly,
Seducing passionately while intimately feeding the soul so fluidly.
Is it too much to ask for an amorous exploration?
For what is love without a genuine vibration?

If *** is all you seek,
Be explicitly direct; don’t play games that will cause deceit.
Otherwise, in the end, ambivalent emotions will prevail.
Crafting a false sense of endearment that will soon be too much for you to bear.

I once journeyed to a crucible of love and hate.
Traveling far beyond the unfathomable depths of heartache.
Hopelessly exiled to endure the slowest of brutalizing pains;
A light was discovered, allowing the abhorrence to dissipate.

By: Michael M. De La Fuente
Jewel M C Oct 2014
I hardly remember
a ******* thing
about that day
before gazing into his eyes
once again, for the first time

rushing toward the exit
running from the baggage claim;
it was all a blur,
as walked through those doors
all I remember was the vastness
of the first sight,
stepping into the bright, unfamiliar place
& nothing else, but him

I scanned the crowd
the strange faces waiting
for loved ones
emotion thick enough to touch
in the air,
but just to my right
in the front
with his body pressed up against the metal bar,
I saw him

it was the first time I saw his face
not through a photo or webcam
in a time that was so long it ached
I think I lost my breath
did I leave my things behind when I ran?
I don't remember,
I just ran to him

it was too surreal
I can't remember a moment between
seeing his face, & kissing his lips
nor what kind of kiss it was
or how long it lasted
I just couldn't fathom it
I was really there
it was really him
& it didn't matter where we were
it was all a wonderland
to me, I was holding his hand again
everything was bright & new
it was magic, pure magic
miss pie Oct 2014
surround me so my dear
an arms embrace no fear
drawing with crayons cures everything
I'm not someone to ask for gifts,
or pester for calls or texts.
I'm not someone to ask for more time together,
or request you send me home.

I'm not someone to ask for hugs or kisses,
or ask for flowers and roses.
I'm not someone who would ask you to plan a date,
or request that you call me when I'm sick.

I'm someone who wishes for all these but never asks.
And maybe I'm weird this way...
But I felt, if I had to ask,
sincerity and meaning would be lost anyways.
Dear God Oct 2014
Maybe I found a cure for the happiness
Then: let's start from some love,
Add wholesome masochism,
A few memories
And finally a lot of sincerity.
Daniel Mashburn Sep 2014
No more life.
No serenity.
No more peace of mind.

Nothing to stop this argument or put things back in line.

I've been dreaming under forgotten stars and I've heard it all before.

Only lies.
No sincerity.
And old forgotten friends.

Lifeless life I've left for dead.

All means to my end.

Burning fire set me free. I'm burning bridges once again.
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