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Rama Krsna Dec 2021
moments we shared
like the pair of white-winged doves
that soar above,
suddenly disappear
into the grey sky with a flutter,
without even a goodbye.

of the glistening autumnal moon
of the less traveled winter path
of the long and unbroken intimacy
are all there is now.
i possess nothing except the past
where you loved me so tenderly

don’t tell me how you will caress her silky hair,
how you will whisper in her ears, of how much you love her.

the truth is always meant to hurt,
as your crystal ball
tells the tale
of how it will all end.

but not tonight,
in my own nocturnal dreams,
i rejoice,
where you embrace me in a body lock,
where my lips
press against yours.

© 2021
MsAmendable Dec 2021
I crave that which I should not consider
It is no measure of my ability ;
Except, perhaps, the fragility of my heart.
On a whim, I could feel that warm embrace
At once so near and yet so far apart
But no! my life's path leads me away from her temptation
I am resolute.
And yet..
My mind often travels to when we met
Two beings aloof and opposed -
Until the damning touch
Of soft velvet
You'd laugh if I told you
Rama Krsna Dec 2021
just once,
give me that starry eyed look,
you gave him.

is that too much to ask?

you’ve got the gaze
which could raze
the pyramids of Giza.

though you hold
your silky hand in mine
and run my pencil thin fingers
down your gartered legs,
your lips and that cartouche
still bear his name.

they only bear his name....

his shadow etched
even deeper
within the impenetrable walls
of your tumultuous heart.

but, that’s aye ok!

not all things in life
are meant to be,
every love
is a product of destiny,
which includes you and me.

© 2021
dedicated to lovers separated by distances and complicated relationships
Joker Nov 2021
Loving you
hasn't been
start noticing
when I finally
stop caring-
like you,
bid farewell.
Can you hear my heart?
Dave Robertson Nov 2021
autumn drinks heavily
slides into winter black
singing old songs in the dark
of loss and lack
and imperfect memory

these months weigh more:
grit under the eyelid
cold **** in the soul weight
that scratches and suffocates

but the coals will glow
and windows steam the same,
inside from time to time
and safe
AE Nov 2021
I am lost on these paper boats
Floating somewhere in an old laugh
We once shared
I am lost in these baskets
Made of woven conversations
And now you, right here in front of me
Are someone new, I've yet to meet
I guess my weakness has gotten the better of me
Wishful thinking had me fooled
Things were as they used to be
But here you are, and here am I
A world of differences between us
Born out of the blue, paving our departure
You toward the forest
And I, towards the sea
Rama Krsna Nov 2021
delicate yellow jasmine
why are those succulent lips sealed?
or is it just that
blossoming flowers seldom speak?

as the shy half moon
steals a glimpse of our union,
your sparkler eyes gloss just a bit

don’t you know that
you and only you
get to rest your head
on my aging shoulders?

as you fly away
to that adopted land,
remember that
i live for now
by dying for you

© 2021
dedicated to all the lovers in our public parks
Rama Krsna Nov 2021
for this trip
you’ve chosen to take
far away from me,
let the world be your oyster.

pick any place to hide
and wipe clean
all of my finger prints.
with it, the hate too
from the pain of knowing
the various ways,
you love me.

when the dust settles,
most trails you’ll take
with or without
that autumnal moon,
will surely bring you back to my heart.
CallMeVenus Nov 2021
My identity is
both water
and oil

                    It does not stick

Sometimes if i pour it in a bottle and shake really well,
for a few moments
I pretend that the SMALLER i get
oli bubbles to be,
the more blended it looks

I shake and I shake
But separation always comes back
Rama Krsna Oct 2021
will some one vaccinate me
from this virus of love?

paris is burning
from all my yearning,
yet, you will be my first desire
and my last regret.

let the flames of Armageddon consume me now,
cuz it beats a leisurely death by a thousand cuts.

this ain’t shopping for candy
or a game of Peter losing Wendy
‘tis as real
as illusions get.

these million shards of glass
from the heart  you dropped
will not be picked up,
no, no, no.... they will not

to lie here,  forever
like a tomb for future lovers to see
below the arches in this soulful park,
where you so casually stopped
locking those delicate hands of yours into mine.

© 2021
the lyrics of Taylor Swift was somewhere in the back of my mind as I was writing this poem
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