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Gemma Davies Sep 2018
It's fun to play inside the house,
Puzzles, building blocks and more.
But playing outside is the best,
So just open up the door!

Get some mud on your trousers,
Some grass stains on your shirt.
Play around in the rain or sun,
Don't be scared of all the dirt.

Stomp around in giant puddles,
Whether it's December or July.
The best classroom has no walls,
And is roofed only by the sky.
My poem was lovingly made into a 'Me to You Bear' video:
Aquila Sep 2018
You stress me out,
you wear me out,
but I will stay up talking to you anyways.
and when I wake up in the morning,
you are the reason that I am
Me to myself. I stress myself out sometimes but I love myself anyway. I love her, too.
Gods1son Sep 2018
You must go to school
If I don't,
does it make me a fool
If I do,
does it make me a knowledge pool
I think school is like a tool
It's a waste if not put to use.
What's the point if we don't apply the knowledge from school
nish Sep 2018
isn’t it truly amazing
this universe
in which we co-exist
has evolved
through dinosaurs
evolution and wars
heartbreak and turmoil
happiness and moments of peace  
every single event
extravagant or minute
each occurrence played a part
to mould this space we live in
so many contributions
in the form of attributions
all the tongues created
words spoken, thoughts shared
stories passed down through generations
buildings assembled, torn down
life and death
diseases and cures
chaos and equilibrium
a perpetuous cycle playing out
continuously on loop
all of it comes together
to form this mess of an education system
that’s makes me want to **** myself.
honestly it’s 3am and I’m up studying for an exam a month away that’s supposed to decide my whole future and the career paths I can take. suffering doesn’t even begin to cut it, there’s such a huge sense of foreboding and so many children commit suicide over stress or fear of disappointment. I know there are loads of issues worldwide and I probably could’ve written a better poem about it. But here I am addressing the education system and how whack it is. Goodnight. Hope you enjoyed.
pri Sep 2018
today i am hopeful.
this, this is our story.
today, the sun is bright and the rays,
they whisper to me.

whispers of you are mine,
whispers of hope,
of the fact that these years could be more,
more than school.

the moon tells me, there will be memories,
those ones i only dreamed of having,
the ones i never thought i’d have with you,
but always knew.

i always knew about us.
i knew from the days you mentioned loving my creations,
the days you said there was a girl,
and i was so disappointed.

when did you know?
was it today, or yesterday,
when you told me you had hope?
for something -i’m not sure.

and darling,
feel free to call me that.
or sweetheart.
or whatever else.

this, us, i know something will happen.
something wonderful.
and now, the things i can’t write about,
i imagine.
SoSo Aug 2018
When is it enough?
How far will it take me?
Will it continue to get me through high school
While my sister is recovering in the hospital while pills are still scattered on the counter?
Will it be by my side as a lay in bed, taking another hit, staring blankly at my ceiling, trying to forget.
Can it get me through college while my dad loses his legs?
Can it show me the way, when debt collectors are calling me by name?
When is it time for me to falter, when is it time for me to fall over?
Rylie Lucas Aug 2018
"Get to work"
"Focus for your future"
"Nothing gets done if you don't start"
"Get yourself in line"
These phrases are what we all hear
Hear inside of torment
torment that might show us what we should know
Know only what the government wants us to
To learn is to become
Become who you're meant to be
"Be who you are," they say
Say to make us believe
Believing is key, you see
See what you can do
Do what others say you can't
Prove them wrong so they will see
See what you can be
Be someone you like
Be someone you can trust
Be someone who makes the world better
Be yourself.
Is this inspirational? I hope it is...
alex Aug 2018
I fell in love in love with a person i known all my life,
and a person i met at the beginning of the school year,
i told to one i've known forever i loved him when i had a panic attack,
and i just started dating the one i just met,
the person i've known is in PPH a suicide hospital,
the other is on the way to his class in Wabash,
the person in PPH is there because of me i think because i told him,
  the other is waiting to get on the bus to sit with me on the way home,
the person gone, has a girlfriend and he said"if things don't work out than i'm asking you out because i love you"
and i told him that i had a boyfriend yesterday,
Now, he has 100 new scars and i think its my fault,
i didn't want to be sad watching him and his girl,
At my table being happy while i was sad,
i love two people one here, one gone
but i still love them both
but i love the one whose gone more......
Eyithen Sep 2018
Girls like her peak in High School
Always thin
Good at everything
Great at sports
Lots of friends

Girls like me?
A wallflower
I'm not alone
I have sort-of-friends
I'm a shadow in the back of the class
Always silent
Mid-season I'm failing
Getting grades up just enough
for the final report card to say I'm "smart"
Fool the colleges i do
Silently being the only one who doesn't understand
But the class is moving on without you
Crying because I'm "not good enough"
Below/Average at sports
Never good enough for the team
Stuck on the sidelines
Always watching
My life is a TV program
I laugh and watch
But never feeling a part of it
I'm just a spectator

Girls like her peak in college too
Even more beautiful then before
A boyfriend to match
And a petite body that looks great in everything
Flying through college
Instagram model

Girls like me?
Flunked my first year
Home i go
More clueless than ever
"I changed my major" i tell them
I put on the act
"I know what I'm doing"
It's all a lie
A mask I wear
Falling apart inside
Feeling despair
The tears come easy
They come fast
How long will this misery last?
Comparing, Comparing
It's a bigger high school now
Except no one gives a **** this time round
I did this to myself
Want to fix it
Is it too much to ask for a win?
Medication helps the focus
I am making a plan

I'm learning
I'm finding myself
It's okay to take my time
It's okay if I'm a little slow
So why do i feel like I'm just fooling myself?
Everyone has a different path
I haven't given up
I haven't stopped moving
So why i am walking the treadmill?
Moving but still in the exact same spot?

I'm jealous of girls like her
They got it all
Wish things were different
Wish i was given their hand
Cause fate has delt me a rough one

She gets the grassy meadow
I get the stormy mountain
She gets prince charming
I'm still waiting
She uses her wit to defeat the witch
I escape and run through books and other things that distract

What is wrong with me?
Why can't i be good at things?
Why is this so hard?
I wish things came easy.

We were friends
Me and her
And i hate the green monster
that leaves me with this jealous anger

Stay away
Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat
All they do is cause me harm
All the doubts and pain creeps back
I keep reopening the wound.
Those negative thoughts i though were gone?
Well they are buried in the back of my mind ready to resurface.

This is just the beginning of my story
I know this
I am destined for greater things
I know this
I will make it
I know this
I will graduate
I know this

Yet, Girls like her
Leave me with lies that echo...
I have been struggling with school. I want to do well yet i self-sabotage. I am getting better. I have a plan and i am going to succeed and fight through college, yet i see pictures of a friend from high school and that is all it takes till i start to spiral into this black hole of doubt and fear.
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